Small-Scale Fisheries in the Colombian Pacific: Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Fishermen’s Livelihoods
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Semi-Structured Survey
- The sociodemographic profile of the fishermen and their households;
- The characteristics of their fishing activity;
- Information on the main fishing species of commercial interest and used for household food;
- Fishermen’s perception of the effects of climate change.
2.3. Climate Change Vulnerability Model
2.4. Data Analysis
2.5. Vulnerability by Distances from the Coast
- Distance Zone 1 includes fishing sites less than 3 km from the coast and Tumaco Bay; it includes all the fishing spots in the estuaries of the rivers that flow into the coast and the fishing spots in Tumaco Bay
- Distance Zone 2 includes fishing sites between 3 and 5 km from the coast
- Distance Zone 3 includes fishing sites between 5 and 20 km from the coast
- Distance Zone 4 includes fishing sites located more than 20 km from the coast, including all those in the open sea.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Exposure
3.2. Adaptive Capacity
3.3. Sensitivity
3.4. Vulnerability by Distances from the Coast
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sections in the Questionnaire | Summary of Information Obtained |
1. Sociodemographic information | Residence location (urban or rural) Household location (commune) Age Marital status Family composition Education level Income level Length of time living in the region |
2. Characteristics of Fishing Activity | Duration of time working in the fishing activity Details of the fishing boat and gear (materials, propulsion type, capacity) Usage of technology in the fishing activity Time invested in carrying out the fishing activity |
3. Commercially important and food-security-relevant species (marine fish) | Presence of species in the fisherman’s catch Months of the year when the species is caught Fishing gear used to catch the species Depth at which the species is caught Distance from the coast where the species is caught Fishing ground used |
4. Fishermen’s perception of the effects of climate change | Changes in environmental variables (water temperature, tides, currents, rain) Changes in frequency of extreme events (floods, storms, red tides, coastal erosion) Opinion on the causes of climate change Source of information on climate change Opinion on the potential measures for adapting to climate change Opinion on who should be managing climate change |
Biological Category | Species | Depths of Analysis | ||
Common Name | Scientific Name | Acronym | ||
Pelagic | Black skipjack | Euthynnus lineatus | El | 0 m |
Pacific sierra/seerfish | Scomberomorus sierra | Ss | 17 m | |
Whitefin weakfish | Cynoscion albus | Ca | 0 m | |
Pacific thread herring | Opisthonema libertate | Ol | 0 m | |
Pacific anchoveta | Cetengraulis mysticetus | Cm | 0 m | |
Benthopelagic | Spotted rose snapper | Lutjanus guttatus | Lg | 17 m |
Pacific red snapper | Lutjanus peru | Lp | 17 m | |
Flathead grey mullet | Mugil cephalus | Mc | 27 m | |
Demersal | Cachema weakfish | Cynoscion phoxocephalus | Cp | 27 m |
Red sea catfish | Bagre pinnimaculatus | Bp | 17 m | |
Chilhuil sea catfish | Bagre panamensis | Bpa | 54 m | |
Pacific bearded brotula | Brotula clarkae | Bc | 61 m |
Change Detection Classes | Criterion 1 | Criterion 2 | Criterion 3 |
No change | If the fishing site is located in an area where the SDM result is “no change”, the current distribution of the species should be evaluated to find out if it currently has a high or low probability of occurrence | If it has a low probability of occurrence (<50% probability), a value of “0” is assigned. If it has a high probability (>50%), a value of “1” is assigned | If the fishing site or the fishing area falls between two classes, the percentage of area occupied by said class over the area of influence of the fishing bank must be estimated to assign the class that comprises the largest area |
Positive change | The fishing site is completely located within a zone of “positive change”. A value of “1” is assigned | If the fishing site is partially located in a zone of “positive change” and another class, the percentage of area occupied by said class must be estimated to assign the value of “1” with respect to the area of influence of the fishing bank | |
Negative change | The fishing site is located entirely within a zone of “negative change”. A value of 0 is assigned | If the fishing site is partially located in a zone of “each class” and another class, the percentage of area occupied by said class must be estimated to assign the value of “0” with respect to the area of influence of the fishing bank | |
Absence | The fishing site is located entirely within a zone of “absence”. A value of “0” is assigned | ||
None | The fishing site is located outside the change detection raster due to the evaluated depth | In this case, a value of “0” is assigned, because that fishing site does not have that depth. For example, when the fishing site is located near the coast and the evaluation of the species is being performed at a depth of more than 0 m (17 m, 27 m, 54 m, or 61 m) | If the fishing site is located outside the change detection raster, despite the fact that the evaluated depth is 0 m deep, the point must be included in the evaluation, assigning a score of “0” or “1” as appropriate in the evaluation change detection. For example, when the evaluation is performed at 0 m depth and the fishing site is located near the coast |
Classification of Fishing Gear Based on AUNAP (2014) | Criteria for the Evaluation of Sustainability Based on FAO (2002) | ||||||||||||
Fishing Gear | Effects of Fishing Gear on Habitats | Selectivity of the Fishing Gear in Size of the Species | Selectivity of the Fishing Gear in the Type of Species to Be Captured | Bycatch Level | Susceptibility of Fishing Gear Abandoned at Sea | Final Score | |||||||
International General Classification | Associated Fishing Gear 3 | Survey Responses «Local Name» | Impact | Score | Impact | Score | Impact | Score | Impact | Score | Impact | Score | |
Purse seine nets | Purse seine net Beach seine Seine net without purse | «Ruche 1» «Red de barco» «Red de cerco» | Medium | 2 | Low | 1 | Medium | 2 | Medium | 2 | Low | 3 | 10 |
Dragnet fishing nets | Cast net | «Malla» «Atarraya» «Boliche de mano» | Medium | 2 | Low | 1 | Low | 1 | Medium | 2 | Low | 3 | 9 |
Trawling gear | Trawl net Boat dredges | «Riflillo 2» «Changa 2» «Chinchorro» | Alto | 1 | Low | 1 | Low | 1 | Alto | 1 | Low | 3 | 7 |
Gillnets or mesh nets | Trammel (gill net) Electronic trammel Monofilament/multifilament mesh | «Trasmallo» «Red de Enmalle» «Zangarreo o Calambuqueo» | Low | 3 | Medium | 2 | Low | 1 | Medium | 2 | Alto | 1 | 9 |
Fishing traps | Traps | No registration in the survey | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
No Classification | Dynamite | «Dinamita» | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Hooks and lines | Fixed or anchored handline or troll | «Línea de Mano» «Correteo, Trolling, Curricán» «Línea de mano fija o anclada» «Palangre/Nylono Anzuelos» | Low | 3 | Low | 1 | Low | 1 | Medium | 2 | Medium | 2 | 9 |
Drifting longline or bottom-set longline | «Calandro» «Espinel de fondo Palangre/Espinel de fondo» | Low | 3 | Medium | 2 | Medium | 2 | Medium | 2 | Low | 3 | 12 | |
Longline or shallow longline | «Boyao» «Palangre o Espinel somero» | Low | 3 | Medium | 2 | Medium | 2 | Medium | 2 | Low | 3 | 12 |
Diversity of fishing gear (total number of different types of fishing gear used by the fishermen) | If the fishermen use only one (1) type of fishing gear, assign a score of “0” | If the fishermen use two (2) or three (3) types of fishing gear, assign a score of “0.5” | If the fishermen use four (4) or more types of fishing gear, assign a score of “1” |
Sustainability of the fishing gear (assessed according to the total number of fishing gear types that are considered as sustainable) | If the amount of sustainable fishing gear is greater than the less sustainable fishing gear, a score of 1 is assigned in the sensitivity component for the sustainability of fishing gear | If the number of less sustainable fishing gear is greater than the number of fishing gear considered sustainable, we proceeded to assign the score as follows: | “0.5” if the fisher uses at least one (1) sustainable fishing gear |
“1” if among the fishing gear used, there are two (2) or more classified as sustainable | |||
“0” if the fisherman does not have any fishing gear considered sustainable |
Assigned Score | Boat Materials | Technological Aids Used for Fishing | Access and Use of Information on Weather Conditions |
0 | Wood only | Does not use any help | Does not access or use information on weather conditions for fishing activity |
0.5 | Combination of wood and fiberglass | Use some combination of compass and/or radio | Access information on weather conditions through newspapers, television, and/or radio |
1 | Combination of iron and fiberglass | Use some combination of GPS, web browser, sonar, compass, and/or radio | Access information on weather conditions through the port authority, weather stations, cell phone, and/or internet |
Fiberglass only |
Sum of the Horsepower of the Engines | Assigned Score |
No engines | 0 |
Up to 15 HP | 0.2 |
Up to 50 HP | 0.3 |
Up to 75 HP | 0.5 |
Up to 90 HP | 0.7 |
Up to 120 HP | 0.9 |
121 HP or more | 1 |
Vulnerability Analysis | Monthly Income from Fishing Activity | ||
Categories | Categories | ||
% Fishing household with the Colombian legal monthly minimum wage (2020) | % Fishing household with income above the Colombian legal monthly minimum * wage (2020) | % Fishing household with income below the Colombian legal monthly minimum * wage (2020) | |
Very high | 41.82% | 14.54% | 43.64% |
High | 36.84% | 18.42% | 44.74% |
Medium | 20% | 16.67% | 63.33% |
Low | 22.22% | 5.56% | 72.22% |
Very low | --- | ---- | 100% |
Variable | PC1 | PC2 | |
Adaptive Capacity | Use of technologies for fishing | 0.616 | |
Total engine capacity of the boats (sum of total HP of the engines) | 0.447 | ||
Access to meteorological conditions for fishing | 0.338 | ||
Construction materials of the boat | 0.159 | ||
Sensitivity | Total amount of fishing gear | 0.013 | |
Sustainability of fishing gear | −0.660 | ||
Monthly incomes from fishing | −0.556 |
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Share and Cite
Selvaraj, J.J.; Rosero-Henao, L.V.; Cifuentes-Ossa, M.A. Small-Scale Fisheries in the Colombian Pacific: Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Fishermen’s Livelihoods. Fishes 2023, 8, 453.
Selvaraj JJ, Rosero-Henao LV, Cifuentes-Ossa MA. Small-Scale Fisheries in the Colombian Pacific: Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Fishermen’s Livelihoods. Fishes. 2023; 8(9):453.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSelvaraj, John Josephraj, Leidy Viviana Rosero-Henao, and Maria Alejandra Cifuentes-Ossa. 2023. "Small-Scale Fisheries in the Colombian Pacific: Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Fishermen’s Livelihoods" Fishes 8, no. 9: 453.
APA StyleSelvaraj, J. J., Rosero-Henao, L. V., & Cifuentes-Ossa, M. A. (2023). Small-Scale Fisheries in the Colombian Pacific: Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Fishermen’s Livelihoods. Fishes, 8(9), 453.