Transition Edge Sensors: Physics and Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Superconductivity
2.1. Phenomenology
2.2. Brief Introduction to BCS Theory
2.3. Engineering Artificial Superconductors by Proximity Effect
- The thickness of the superconductor thin film () is lower than its superconducting coherence length (typical distance between the two paired electrons [10]): ;
- The thickness of the normal metal layer () is smaller than its coherence length: ;
- The thickness of the bilayer () is less than its effective coherence length () (with being the effective bilayer superconducting energy gap).
2.4. Thermal Properties
Andreev Mirrors
3. Physics of Transition Edge Sensors
- in case is a constant
- with with the obvious meaning of the symbols.In particular, an instantaneous deposit of energy results in an instantaneous increase in temperature by with an exponential decay with time constant .
3.1. Negative Electro-Thermal Feedback
3.2. Bolometric Operation
3.3. Calorimetric Operation
- 1.
- For slow-varying signals ( ) and in a strong electro-thermal feedback () the responsivity of the detector only depends on the bias voltage
- 2.
- The current response of the system to an instantaneous delta-like deposit of energy can be calculated through the 1-pole transfer function as
3.4. Inductive Bias
3.5. TES Examples
3.6. SQUID Amplification
3.6.1. DC-SQUID
3.6.2. SQUID Array Amplifiers
3.7. Multiplexing
- 1.
- Bandwidth limitation is essential in order to prevent any degradation of the signal due to either out-of-band detector noise aliasing into the signal band or appearing as excess cross-talk.
- 2.
- Encoding or Modulation is the step whereby the signals from different pixels are encoded by multiplying them by orthonormal functions.
- 3.
- Summation of the encoded signals into one time-ordered data stream.
- 4.
- Decoding or De-modulation is achieved through knowing the encoding function and applying a decoding algorithm.
3.7.1. Time Division Multiplexing
3.7.2. Frequency Division Multiplexing
3.7.3. Code Division Multiplexing
CDM with Flux Summation
CDM with Current Steering
3.7.4. Microwave Multiplexing (μ-MUX)
3.7.5. Comparison
3.8. Noise Sources
3.8.1. Thermodynamic Fluctuation Noise
3.8.2. Johnson Noise
3.8.3. Readout Noise
3.8.4. Photon Noise
3.8.5. Excess Noise
- Flux Flow Noise is due to trapped magnetic field lines that create a vortex in the superconductor. A vortex is free to move on the surface of the superconductor and while doing so, it generates a voltage drop. The noise term arising from flux flow can be written as where is the magnetic flux quantum, I is the current flowing through the TES and ; the latter represents the voltage above which the noise saturates (), whereas the former is only a coefficient with units of Ohms.
- Internal Thermal Fluctuation Noise arises from the finite thermal conductance in the TES film. Different segments of the film may exhibit a different temperature simply because of geometrical and physical properties of the TES and the point where the TES is struck. These thermal fluctuations can lead to an extra noise component. Accounting for internal thermal fluctuations, noise allows one to scale the simple one-conductance approximation of a TES to a more realistic description of the detector.
3.8.6. Noise Comparison Between Different Multiplexing Schemes
- Time Division Multiplexing: In TDM, the encoding occurs through a modulation of the signal with a boxcar that represents the switching between different TES channels. Each pixel is read out for a ‘time-frame’ which has a rate of , where N is the multiplexing factor and is the time span for which the multiplexer dwells on one pixel [38].The noise components with a frequency above the Nyquist frequency associated with the frame rate is embedded in the signal. Any noise above the boxcar Nyquist frequency is aliased and averages out . The NEP of the SQUID is thus increased by a factor N and therefore the gain of the SQUID needs to be tuned to be N times larger than that of a non-multiplexed SQUID in order to retain the same SNR [38].
- Frequency Division Multiplexing: In an FDM scheme, two phenomena can occur: (i) noise sources can modulate the amplitude of the carrier tones and (ii) noise leakage in the band of the carrier tones. Category (i) includes photon noise and thermal fluctuation noise. These sources are accounted in an analogous fashion to a single TES biased in DC. Category (ii) includes Johnson noises and readout noises. The current signal that these sources contributes must be multiplied by a factor as shown by Dobbs et al. [81] in order to take into account the AC bias of the TES. Similarly, the responsivity of the detector also includes a factor (Equation (31)) which leaves the NEP unchanged. Furthermore, Lueker et al. [82] found that the effects of NETF on Johnson noise sources when the TES is DC biased (Equations (41) and (42)) also apply when the TES AC was biased (besides from the aforementioned factor).
- Code Division Multiplexing: In a CDM scheme, the TESs are all effectively Frequency Domain Multiplexed, therefore the same consideration apply except their outputs are split and sent to the input coils of several SQUIDs with different polarities.
3.9. Cross-Talk
4. Applications in Astronomy and Astrophysics
4.1. X-Ray Astronomy
4.1.2. Athena X-IFU
4.1.3. Lynx X-Ray Observatory
4.2. Infrared Astronomy
4.2.1. Origins Space Telescope
4.3. Millimetre and Sub-Millimetre Astronomy
4.3.1. SCUBA-2
4.3.2. GISMO
4.4. Cosmic Microwave Background
4.4.1. CLOVER
4.4.2. Atacama Cosmology Telescope
4.4.3. ABS
4.4.4. BICEP
4.4.5. CLASS
4.4.6. SPT
4.4.8. QUBIC
4.4.9. AliCPT
4.4.10. Simons Observatory
4.4.11. CMB-S4
4.4.12. EBEX
4.4.13. SPIDER
4.4.14. LSPE
4.4.15. LiteBIRD
5. Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle Physics
5.1. Electron Capture Decay
5.1.1. HOLMES
5.1.2. NuMECS
5.2. Rare and Double- Decays
5.2.1. CUPID
5.2.2. ACCESS Project
5.3. Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering
5.3.1. NUCLEUS
5.3.2. MInER
5.3.3. CRAB
5.3.4. RES-NOVA
5.3.5. Ricochet
5.4. Dark Matter and Axions
5.4.1. CRESST
5.4.2. SuperCDMS
5.4.3. ALPS II
5.4.5. STAX
5.4.6. COSINUS
5.4.7. BabyIAXO
6. Biophysics and Medical Imaging with Transition Edge Sensors
7. TES for Quantum Applications
7.1. Quantum Optics and Quantum Communication
7.2. Quantum Computing
8. TES as Detectors for X-Ray Spectroscopy and Imaging
8.1. X-Ray Spectroscopy at Beam-Line Facilities
8.2. X-Ray Spectroscopy for Exotic Atoms
8.3. Nanoscale X-Ray Tomography of Integrated Circuits
8.4. Nuclear Safety
9. Comparison with Other Superconducting Detectors
9.1. Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors
9.2. Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ABS | Atacama B-mode Search |
ACT | Atacama Cosmology Telescope |
AliCPT | Ali CMB Polarization Telescope |
ALMA | Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array |
ALPS II | Any Light Particle Search II |
ASI | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana |
Athena | Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics |
BBO | Beta Barium Borate |
BCS | Bardeen Cooper Schreifer |
BICEP | Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization |
CCD | Charge Coupled Device |
CDM | Code Division Multiplexing |
CENS | Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering |
CLASS | Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor |
CLSM | Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope |
CMB | Cosmic Microwave Background |
CMB-S4 | Cosmic Microwave Background - Stage 4 |
CMOS | Complimentary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor |
CSS | Coherent State Superposition |
CPW | Coplanar Waveguide |
CRESST | Cryogenic Rare Event Search using Superconducting Thermometers |
CUPID | CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog Converter |
DM | Dark Matter |
EBEX | E and B EXperiment |
EBIT | Electron Beam Ion Trap |
EC | Electron Capture |
ESA | European Space Agency |
FIP | Far-Infrared Polarimeter |
FoV | Field of View |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing |
GISMO | Goddard IRAM Superconducting Millimeter Observer |
HEMT | High Electron Mobility Transistor |
HeRALD | Helium Roton Apparatus for Light Dark matter |
HIXI | High Definition X-ray Imager |
HOM | Hong-Ou-Mandel |
HPGe | High Purity germanium |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IC | Integrated Circuits |
INFN | Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare |
ISTED | Inductive Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor |
JPARC | Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex |
JWST | James Webb Space Telescope |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
LAT | Large Aperture Telescope |
LCLS | Linac Coherent Light Source |
LFT | Low Frequency Telescope |
LiteBIRD | Lite (Light) satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection |
LSPE | Large-Scale Polarization Explorer |
LSW | Light Shining through a Wall |
LXM | Lynx X-ray Microcalorimeter |
μ-MUX | Microwave Multiplexing |
MBAC | Millimeter Bolometer Array Camera |
MHFT | Medium and High Frequency Telescope |
MINT | Microscope for Integrated circuit NanoTomography |
MISC-T | Mid-Infrared Spectrometer Camera Transit |
MKID | Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector |
NDA | Non-Destructive Assay |
NEP | Noise Equivalent Power |
NETF | Negative electro-thermal Feedback |
NETS | NIST EBIT TES Spectrometer |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NSENSE | Non-destructive Statistical Estimation of Nanoscale Structures and Electronics |
NTD | Neutron Transmutation Doped |
OMT | Ortho-Mode Transducer |
OSS | Origins Survey Spectrometer |
PIXE | Particle-Induced X-ray Emission |
PMT | Photo-multiplier Tube |
POLARBEAR | POLARization of the Background Radiation |
PSD | Power Spectral Density |
PSI | Paul Scherrer Institut |
QKD | Quantum Key Distribution |
QUBIC | Q and U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology |
RIXS | Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering |
SAT | Small Aperture Telescope |
SCUBA-2 | Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 |
SDD | Silicon Drift Detector |
SEM | Scanning Electron Microscope |
SLEDGEHAMMER | Spectrometer to Leverage Extensive Development of Gamma-ray TESs for Huge Arrays using Microwave Multiplexed Enabled Readout |
SNLS | Sinchrotron National Light Source |
SNSPD | Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
SPDT | Single Pole Double Throw |
SOFIA | Spectromenter Optimized for Facility Integrated Applications |
SPICA | Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics |
SPICE | Sub-eV Polar Interactions Cryogenic Experiment |
SPT | South Pole Telescope |
SPTPol | South Pole Telescope Polarimeter |
SQUID | Superconducting QUantum Interference Device |
STEM | Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope |
STFC | (UK) Science and Technology Facilities Council |
STRIP | Survey TeneRIfe Polarimeter |
SWIPE | Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
TES | Transition Edge Sensor |
TOD | Time-Ordered Data |
TOMCAT | Tomographic Circuit Analysis Tool |
WFI | Wide Field Instrument |
WHIM | Warm-Hot Interstellar Medium |
WIMP | Weakly Interacting Massive Particle |
X-IFU | X-ray Integral Field Unit |
XANES | X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure |
XAS | X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy |
XES | X-ray Emission Spectroscopy |
XGS | X-ray Grating Spectrometer |
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TDM | FDM | CDM | -MUX | |
Complexity | ∘ | |||
Cost | ∘ | |||
Aliasing | Yes | No | No | No |
Dead Time | Yes | No | Yes | No |
Noise Level (pA/) | 10 | 10 | 19 | 45 |
MUX factor | <128 | 32 | ∼100 | 2000 |
Fabrication complexity | ∘ | ||
Max. R (X-ray) | ≤5000 | ≤590 | N/A |
Max. R (UVOIR) | ∼200 | 65 | ≤10 |
NEP (typical) (W | |||
Time resolution | ∼1 μs | ∼1 s | ∼1 ps |
μ-MUX available? | Yes | Innate | Yes |
Spectral range | THz/μ-ray | THz/X-ray | infra-red/Vis |
Array size (typical) | 1 k | 20 k | 10 k |
Pixel Yield | 95% | 75–80% | >95% |
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De Lucia, M.; Dal Bo, P.; Di Giorgi, E.; Lari, T.; Puglia, C.; Paolucci, F. Transition Edge Sensors: Physics and Applications. Instruments 2024, 8, 47.
De Lucia M, Dal Bo P, Di Giorgi E, Lari T, Puglia C, Paolucci F. Transition Edge Sensors: Physics and Applications. Instruments. 2024; 8(4):47.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDe Lucia, Mario, Paolo Dal Bo, Eugenia Di Giorgi, Tommaso Lari, Claudio Puglia, and Federico Paolucci. 2024. "Transition Edge Sensors: Physics and Applications" Instruments 8, no. 4: 47.
APA StyleDe Lucia, M., Dal Bo, P., Di Giorgi, E., Lari, T., Puglia, C., & Paolucci, F. (2024). Transition Edge Sensors: Physics and Applications. Instruments, 8(4), 47.