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Technical Note

Optimizing the Automated Analysis of Inorganic Gunshot Residue Particles by SEM-EDX: From Synthetic Particle Standards to More Time-Efficient Settings for Daily Casework

Zuzanna Brożek-Mucha
* and
Iga Klag
Institute of Forensic Research, Westerplatte St. 9, 31-033 Krakow, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Quantum Beam Sci. 2024, 8(4), 28;
Submission received: 2 September 2024 / Revised: 22 October 2024 / Accepted: 28 October 2024 / Published: 6 November 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Beam Science: Feature Papers 2024)


Gunshot residues deposited on all surfaces in the nearest vicinity of the shooting incident, when revealed, can contribute to the explanation of various aspects of such an incident for forensic purposes. Examinations of gunshot residue, mainly inorganic particles, at forensic laboratories are expected to be reliable and fast. This primarily depends on the performance of the used scanning electron microscope integrated with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and the automatic program searching for particles of defined characteristics. Among the milestones on the pathway towards quality assurance in examinations of gunshot particles, the invention of the synthetic gunshot residue specimen ought to be named. Such a specimen with particles of known chemical content, size, and location is now used for proficiency testing, which is a condition for a forensic laboratory to obtain accreditation in this subject matter. In this publication, the need for optimization of the procedure for the examination of a synthetic specimen, in alignment with the necessary modifications for real gunshot particles, has been addressed. The presented process of validation resulted in two procedures. The first demonstrates the full capacity of the instrument for detecting all particles present in the synthetic specimen, including the 0.5 micrometer particle at the magnification of 250×. The other procedure is the modification of the first, however aiming at 1-micrometer particles or bigger (at the magnification of 120×) and allowing the necessary backscattered signal threshold changes depending on the actual composition of gunshot residue as well as the abundance of light element debris in the case of real gunshot particles.

1. Introduction

When a handgun or rifle is fired, together with a cloud of propellant combustion gases, microscopic particles of sizes in the range of approximately 0.1 to 50 μm in diameter are released [1]. These gunshot residues (GSRs) are deposited on all surfaces in the nearest vicinity of the shooting incident and provide highly valuable evidence in forensic cases (see e.g., [2,3,4,5]). Among the residue, solid inorganic particles originating from the priming mixture are of the greatest interest because they are stable over time, as well as demonstrating distinctive elemental content and spheroidal morphology related to the extreme dynamics of explosive processes. Based on the empirical knowledge, particles containing lead, antimony, and barium (Pb-Sb-Ba) were firstly recognized as characteristic, when originating from a traditionally primed ammunition [3,6]. Particles consistent with GSR may contain one or two of these elements. When detected in the evidence materials, GSR particles can contribute to the explanation of various aspects of the shooting incident, either supporting or denying the considered version of the incident; however, the most valuable contribution is relating an individual with the crime scene. Therefore, the possibility of detection and identification of GSR at forensic laboratories is expected by the practitioners of the administration of justice to be both reliable and relatively fast.
Scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) is the most specific analytical method for the detection and identification of inorganic component of GSR because of its simultaneous elemental analysis and imaging of the specimen morphology. The process of GSR investigations comprises multiple stages. It embraces sampling, sample preparation, automatic screening for particles by means of SEM-EDX, manual checking, and evaluation for final conclusions for forensic purposes. The robustness and time efficiency of the analytical procedure depends on the performance of the SEM-EDX system in general, and of the subsequent stages of the automated program in particular.
The idea of automating the arduous search for particles came into being more than 30 years ago [7]. Contemporary automated programs locate, analyze, and classify the particles according to the heavy elements present in them. The program itself is complex and as such should fulfil the minimum requirements for GSR screening with SEM-EDX that are listed in standard guides and best practice manuals for the analytical process [8,9,10]. Although these guides are inherently generic, the publication by Ritchie et al. [11] focuses on the practices necessary to validate the performance of an instrument used for GSR examinations in the automatic manner.
Along with the development of the automatic programs, efforts were made to invent a reference sample that is specific to GSR examinations. Initially, 64 circle- and square-shaped golden dots of sizes 2–20 µm printed on silicon wafer were used. Later, a technique of printing circular dots of sizes 1.2, 2.5, and 6.0 µm consisting of lead and antimony compounds on silicon wafer was developed. Finally, a synthetic GSR reference sample with a precise number of Pb-Sb-Ba circular discs present in holes at known locations on a carbon glass surface was successfully invented [12]. It was used for the first time in 2001, and later developed and commercialized as the result of several subsequent EU-funded scientific projects lead by Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) Wiesbaden, Germany [13]. The sample has successfully proven its suitability for the international proficiency test (PT), validation experiments, system maintenance, and monitoring, i.e., tasks related to quality assurance.
Accreditation of a forensic laboratory for GSR examinations according to the ISO 17025 norm [14] would not be possible without a synthetic reference sample meeting the criteria of ISO 5725 [15] for proficiency testing, which is necessary to evaluate the performance of the automated step of GSR analysis by means of SEM-EDX [16].
It is common to have one SEM-EDX system for versatile forensic applications that embrace GSR automated analysis. The system is usually a unique set of SEM and EDX units, which are also used in the process of its validation for inorganic particle detection. Thus, publications dealing with the optimization of working parameters of certain systems for efficient GSR particle detection are valuable and might be inspiring for forensic scientists performing GSR examinations with this technique [16,17,18].
The capability of detection and classification of inorganic GSR of our apparatus was established after its repair, which was required after checking. Synthetic samples of Pb-Sb-Ba particles having a known number, location, and size, and which were used in earlier PT schemes, were utilized for this purpose. However, the parameters optimized for a synthetic sample led to the lengthy analysis of a real GSR sample and collection of excessive amounts of very small GSR particles, as well as light element debris that should be avoided according to the original idea of saving analysis time by means of the automated search for GSR particles. This publication presents the efforts to devise an analysis procedure for real GSR that would be fast and aligned with the synthetic samples, to be able to efficiently perform casework and demonstrate the quality of the measurements to accreditation bodies and other appropriate authorities by achieving satisfactory results, while taking part in a proficiency testing scheme based upon the synthetic specimen.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Synthetic Specimen for GSR Proficiency Test

Synthetic specimens purchased from Quodata GmbH, Dresden, Germany, in frames of the proficiency test performed in the years 2020 and 2021, were mainly utilized for the purpose of this study and further checks were performed using specimens of the years 2022 and 2023. The PT samples with the assigned, known number of particles with given diameter are specified in Table 1. Along with the test specimens, an on-line tool was made available by Quodata for the evaluation of the obtained data. The PT participants may check up to 100 test results for validation and system maintenance procedures. The program compiles data on the size and position of the detected particles by means of z scores according to the IUPAC and EURACHEM guidelines, and includes calculation of 90% and 50% detection capability in the assessment of the individual laboratory achievements [13,19]. The interpretation of the z score is as follows: z score ≥ −2: satisfactory lab result; −3 ≤ z score ≤ −2: questionable lab result; z score ≤ −3: unsatisfactory lab result.

2.2. Test Specimen Containing Real GSR Particles

The real GSR sample used in this study was one of the three test-stubs of the 2021 Gunshot Residue Proficiency Test FTS-2021-GSR by Forensic Testing Services, Williamstone, MI, USA. The other two specimens were a blank SEM stub and one containing particles other than GSR. With these samples, an external check of our analyses of real GSR particles was achieved.

2.3. Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with X-ray Spectrometry

The SEM-EDX system of various forensic applications that was used in the presented study for GSR examinations was a JSM-6610LV scanning electron microscope, Jeol, Tokyo, Japan with the Everhart–Thornley detector (MP-64090BEIW), a tungsten filament as the electron beam source integrated with an SDD X-Max80 X-ray detector, and INCA Energy software (INCA suit revision 5.04), Oxford Instruments Ltd., High Wycombe, UK. The detector had a SATW (super atmospheric thin window—a polymeric membrane allowing detection of elements of Z > 4) and resolution of 127 eV for MnKα at 10,000 counts per second.
The INCA Feature/GSR, Oxford Instruments Ltd., High Wycombe, UK program was used for the examinations of GSR specimens. The application automatically searches for particles by analyzing rectangular frames, into which the whole area of a stub is divided. The number and size of frames, as well as the calculated minimum particle diameter to be detected, are related to the magnification and scanning resolution chosen. The program requires defining the positions of the stubs and a standard to establish the range of the backscattered electron signal (BSE), e.g., cobalt and rhodium or copper mesh placed on a carbon adhesive tab, and the expected chemical classes of particles. The software screens each frame for bright particles in terms of the predefined backscattered electron signal level, then acquires an X-ray spectrum for each of the candidate particles associated with GSR. In the output, a report consisting of various data, typically the number of particles found in the mapped surface and respective elemental composition, can be produced. The fundamental measurement setting of the automatic search for inorganic particles is presented in Table 2. The analyzed specimens were not carbon-coated.

3. Results and Discussion

The GSR synthetic samples (Table 1) played an important role in re-validation of the SEM-EDX system following its significant repairs. The on-line tool provided by Quodata was applied for the evaluation of the obtained results each time. The provider of the proficiency test asks to use the same conditions for the examination of the synthetic specimen and a real sample, where possible. However, anticipating that the instrument would respond to the synthetic standard differently than to the real residue samples due to the distinctive nature of the engineered test sample, parallel measurements at 250× and 120× were undertaken, followed by the evaluation according to the guide [19]. Finally, the procedure was established, taking into account not only the state of art and science, but also the economic factor for everyday work.

3.1. SEM-EDX System Optimization and Validation Using Synthetic GSR Reference Sample

In the first stage of the re-validation process, using a GSR2020 specimen, multiple parameters of the automatic runs were shifted one at a time and checked, as the program itself subsequently uses many separate classification tests. It has been established that the main operational parameters of SEM-EDX, presented in Table 2, proved to be the optimal ones. Taking into account further parameters, which are specific for INCA Feature/GSR, it was found that the detection of particles improved with increasing the beam current, i.e., a spot size of about 60 out of 100 units (stretching from 1 pA to 1 µA), as well as with increasing the brightness of the BSE signal from 120 to 250 on cobalt (in the arbitrary scale, 0–255). Further improvement was associated with elongation of the second pass within the detection setup from the previous value of 20 µs, to 50 µs, and turning on the advanced option of setting the number of leading edge (LE) and trailing edge (TE) to 40 each.
Classification of the detected particles improved the use of two passes of spectrum collection, i.e., 2 s and 5 s, subsequently. Moreover, changing the process time from the previously used 4, to 3 (out of the possible options of 1–6), improved the efficiency of the collection of the spectrum and also the final result. The throughput checked for the Co standard, as well as for the Cu standard in the same conditions, was in both cases greater for process time 3 than for process time 4. Examples of the results of measurements of specimens GSR2020 and GSR2021 performed with this initial procedure (P1), together with their evaluation with the on-line tool, are shown in Table 3 and Table A1, respectively.
Since the time of analysis of the synthetic specimen at a magnification of 250× was rather lengthy with procedure P1 (it took about 110 min (Table 4)), in the second stage, time optimization of the measurement was continued with the use of the GSR2021 specimen following the thorough checks of the condition of the whole SEM-EDX system by the professional service. In this stage, process time 3 was maintained, as well as the spot size of about 60, to ensure about 80,000 counts for the Cu spectrum were collected for 20 s using a copper mesh on the carbon tab: Cu/C to be 250/10 in the arbitrary scale of 0–255. The beam passes within the spectrum setup were shortened to 1.5 s for each pass. In the detection setup, the time of the first pass was reduced to 4 µs and the number of trailing edge to 20. This measurement procedure was named P2.
Application of procedure P2 allowed us to obtain correct results within a shorter time, i.e., in about 80 min (Table 4). The results obtained independently by two examiners using procedure P2 were evaluated with the on-line tool provided by Quodata. As demonstrated in Table 5, the obtained results were evaluated as satisfactory and the 90% detection capability (the mean value of particle diameter at which the laboratory achieves the probability of detection of 90%) was assigned to particles of diameter equal or smaller than 0.50 µm. In this manner, the method for synthetic test sample analysis was devised, while also proving that the SEM-EDX system is capable of the detection of submicron particles and that the trained personnel can achieve repeatable results (Table 4 and Table 5). The overall relative standard deviation (RSDr) for two examiners was 0.7% and 0.4%, respectively (Table 5). Both values were smaller than that required, i.e., equal to or smaller than 10%, to fulfil the criterion of repeatability of the used procedure, as stated in the guidelines for the single laboratory validation of instrumental and human-based methods in forensic science [19].
In accordance with this document, within-lab reproducibility (RSDRw) was also assessed to be 1.1% for the whole synthetic samples and between 0 and 5.3% for each size class of particles, taking into account measurements performed by different examiners in the period over 10 months, which fulfilled the criterion to be equal to or smaller than 10% (Table 6).
In further steps, the sensitivity (S) of the devised procedure P2 (with the criterion of being equal to or greater than 85%) and its bias (B—with the criterion of being equal to or smaller than 15%) were evaluated for each size class of particles (Table 7 and Table 8) and the overall performance of the procedure (Table 9).
The calculated sensitivity varied from 95% on average for the two smallest classes of particles (Table 8 ) to 100% for the largest particles (Table 7), and the sensitivity of the overall performance was found to be 98% on average (Table 9).
Summarizing the results of the re-validation efforts undertaken after the major repair of the power supply unit and the cooling system in the SEM, we found that the motorized stage retained great precision, which manifested itself with neither spacing nor overlaps of the rectangular fields being subsequently scanned for particles. Therefore, we did not encounter multiple analyses of the same particles, i.e., false positives (FP), and the small numbers of missing particles (false negatives—FN) were rather the results of random error. Thus, the sensitivity and bias of the measurements were influenced only by the few false negatives recorded, which remained within the safe margins of acceptance. Moreover, having obtained synthetic specimens in the following years, i.e., 2022 and 2023, as a result of taking part in the PT schemes, we also used them to check the devised procedure, and the results are shown in Table A2, Appendix A. In this manner, the full capacity of our SEM-EDX-system to detect particles on a synthetic specimen of sizes down to 0.5 µm was proven.

3.2. Optimization of the Automatic Procedure for Real GSR Samples

Procedure P2, devised for the synthetic specimen GSR2021, was directly applied to examinations of a real GSR sample, which was one of the specimens obtained in the frames of the FTS-2021-GSR testing scheme. As the results obtained in these conditions, i.e., for magnification 250×, were apparently long-lasting and acquired a significant number of “unclassified” particles (mainly light element debris), a measurement at 120× magnification was performed and is presented in Table 10.
The choice of magnification of 120× was made after first taking into account our earlier experiences with real GSR examinations, as it has been found that confirmation of spherical or similar morphology of sub-micron particles, while performing the final check of the obtained results, is rather difficult in both the secondary and backscattered electron imaging mode due to accompanying natural debris such as dust, epidermis, fibers, and, most of all, formless organic matter probably originating from blood, sebum, grease, etc. On the other hand, the minimum requirement of the best practice manuals is to aim at particles 1 µm in diameter or greater [8,9,10]. In our instrument, setting magnification to be 120× results in the minimum size of the particle of 1.04 μm, which is double the distance between the line scans in the SEM-EDX system calculated by the program, taking into account the set image resolution (Table 2).
Thus, measurements of the synthetic specimen GSR2021 were performed using procedure P2, although at magnification of 120×, aiming at particles having a diameter of at least 1 µm (Table A3, Table A4, Table A5 and Table A6) in the course of validating the P2 (120×) procedure. As can be seen in Table A3 and Table A4, nearly all particles in this specimen with an assigned size of 0.75 µm, as well as some of those of 0.50 µm, were detected in these conditions. This can be explained by the fact that small particles, when situated on the track of the scanning electron beam, are detected and so included in the assessment with the on-line Quodata tool. Therefore, the 90% detectability was assigned to mean values of the particle sizes in the range of 0.59–0.80 µm, which is a good result for measurements aiming at particles 1 µm in diameter or larger with the applied SEM-EDX system. Taking into account only particles of sizes equal to or greater than 1 µm, 82 to 87 out of 87 expected particles were detected, i.e., 94–100%.
Procedure P2 (120×) was assessed in the same manner as that with magnification of 250× in accordance with the guidelines [19,20]. The overall relative standard deviation (RSDr) for one examiner was 2.1% (Table A3). Within-lab reproducibility (RSDRw) was found to be 1.7% for all the assessed particles in the synthetic sample and between 2.2 and 3.6% for each size class of particles taking into account measurements performed by different examiners in the period over 10 months, which fulfilled the criterion of being equal to or smaller than 10% (Table A4). The sensitivity of this variant of procedure P2 varied from 96% on average for the two smallest classes of particles, to 97–98% for the two largest classes of particles (Table A5) and the sensitivity of the overall performance was found to be 97% on average (Table A6). As demonstrated in Table A3, Table A4, Table A5 and Table A6, this variant of procedure proved to be fit for the purpose of detection of particles having a diameter of at least 1 µm, which fulfils the minimum requirement for the size of particles, as stated in the good practice manuals [8,9,10]. It is worthwhile underlining that using procedure P2 (120×) shortens the analysis of the whole stub with real GSR by more than 3 times compared to procedure P2 (250×), as can be seen in Table 10.

3.3. Ensuring the Validity of the Results of the Automatic GSR Measurements

As mentioned before, the whole process of GSR investigations is complex and the automatic screening of particles by means of the SEM-EDX method is only one approach. It is followed by inevitable manual checking of the correctness of the assigned chemical classes and, most of all, by conformation of the morphology resulting from melting and fast cooling of inorganic residue. Both the chemical content and morphology comprise the criteria of GSR particle identification. Further, the identification and summarization of the numbers of particles in certain items are performed, which precedes the final conclusions for forensic purposes. The robustness and time efficiency play an important role while providing forensic expertise in shooting cases.
Our SEM-EDX system responds to the synthetic standard differently than to the real residue samples due to their distinctive nature. As shown in Section 3.1, we performed optimization of the system to be fully capable of the detection and classification of all particles present in the engineered specimen. In this case, both the automatic detection and manual confirmation of a circular shape of the smallest particles of 0.5 micrometer were found to be feasible as well as beneficial for checking the instrument’s full capacity after important service actions. However, in the case of real GSR samples, this exact procedure, i.e., P2 (250×), was not only lengthy, it collected excessive amounts of light element debris, and we were also not able to distinguish between spherical or similar shapes from non-spherical shapes in the case of submicron particles. Therefore, the procedure aiming at 1-micrometer GSR particles, i.e., P2 (120×), was chosen for everyday real GSR examinations, knowing that the 90% detectability was assigned to mean values of the particle sizes in the range of 0.59–0.80 µm, as demonstrated in Section 3.2. In Figure 1, the obtained results of the performed validation process are depicted.
With the experience gathered in the span of few years, we observed that the examined real samples occasionally demanded some more decisions about increasing the threshold of the BSE signal to avoid extraordinary collection of light element debris. Moreover, we noticed that the synthetic samples supplied in the following years within the PT schemes may differ from each other in their response to the same electron probe, and so they may differ depending on the measurement conditions applied by the participants. Therefore, small differences and the necessary adjustments of the BSE are allowed and addressed by the PT provider [21].
Summarizing, after completion of the above-described examinations, two variants of the devised procedure are being performed: P2 (250×), to embrace all the particles present in the sample, including 0.50 µm; and P2 (120×), aiming at particles 1 µm in diameter as a reference to the analytical conditions of the real GSR samples. Procedure P2 (250×) of the synthetic specimen analysis is now being used for the system checks after major service activities and after each exchange of the burned-out tungsten filament for the new one. The P2 (120×) procedure was introduced for the examinations of real GSR samples, which are the evidence in forensic cases as well the subject of scientific studies.
These two types of internal checks, using the synthetic specimen and the on-line tool to assess the obtained results, are maintained as proof that our SEM-EDX system was working at its best during the analyses of the evidence materials in shooting cases.
The devised procedure P2 (120×), adopted as a standard operating procedure for our daily casework and scientific studies of real GSR particles, proved to be efficient at satisfactorily passing the external yearly Quodata test based upon the synthetic specimens, similar to the testing scheme provided by Forensic Testing Services based on the real GSR.

4. Conclusions

In this publication, the need to re-validate the SEM-EDX system after a repair of the power supply unit and the cooling system was described. In accordance to the quality management system of the laboratory, (i) the need to check and regain the full capacity of the instrument was prioritized, followed by (ii) the task to optimize the procedure of real GSR particle examinations in alignment with the conditions established within the action (i). With the use of synthetic specimens related to proficiency tests, mainly GSR2021, we found that the motorized stage retained great precision, as neither spacing nor overlaps of the rectangular fields being subsequently scanned for particles were encountered, although greater intensity of the incident beam current, similar to the greater brightness of the backscattered electron image, had to be applied. The first adjustments yielded procedure P1, which was further improved so that procedure P2 emerged.
Taking into account our previous experiences with the GSR analysis, mainly regarding the practical possibility of discerning the spherical or similar morphology of particles in real GSR samples limited to at least 1 µm, we undertook parallel measurements of the synthetic samples using procedure P2, at magnifications of both 250×, enabling detection of 0.5 µm, and 120×, to ensure detection of 1 µm particles. The first variant of the procedure is now applicable to measurement of synthetic GSR specimens aiming at the entire population of particles, including the smallest ones, i.e., 0.5 µm, to assess the full capability of the SEM-EDX system after changing the electron beam source and performing other significant maintenance activities. The second variant of the procedure was established for time-efficient detection and identification of real GSR particles. The external checks for both variants of procedure P2 successfully passed the proficiency test based on the engineered specimen as well as real GSR samples.

Author Contributions

Z.B.-M.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Formal analysis, Investigation, Validation, Visualization, Writing—original draft, Writing—review and editing; I.K.: Investigation, Validation, Data curation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available in the current article and in Appendix A.


We express our gratitude to Grzegorz Zadora and Aleksandra Michalska from the Institute of Forensic Research, Krakow, Poland for the inspiration and conceptualization of the study in frames of the quality management, as well as for their ongoing support. We are grateful to Ludwig Niewoehner and Dieter Neimke, BKA, Wiesbaden, Germany for their advice and to Frank Bauer, Oxford Instruments, Wiesbaden, Germany for his generous help in adjusting our SEM-EDX system after major repairs. We also wish to thank to Wiktoria Pęcak and Ewa Stopa from the Institute of Forensic Research, Krakow, Poland for some SEM-EDX data acquisition.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Appendix A includes additional information in Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4, Table A5 and Table A6.
Table A1 contains results of measurement with procedure P2 applied to the GSR2021 sample to be compared with the results for GSR2020 shown in Table 3.
Table A2 illustrates satisfactory results of subsequent PT synthetic samples analyzed using procedure P2 and magnification 250×.
Table A3, Table A4, Table A5 and Table A6 are related to the validation process of procedure P2 performed at magnification 120×, and so aiming at particles having a diameter of 1 µm.
Table A1. Examples of the repeated measurements of synthetic specimen GSR2021 using procedure P1 at magnification 250×.
Table A1. Examples of the repeated measurements of synthetic specimen GSR2021 using procedure P1 at magnification 250×.
Sample Name Number
of Pb-Sb-Ba Particles
Number of Pb-Sb-Ba Particles of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capability
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmDiameterDiameter
1384 1152027252724Mean Value
Mean Value [μm]
GSR2021 IK 230621 1384152027252724≤0.50≤0.50
GSR2021 ZBM 2708211354152026242624≤0.50≤0.50
GSR2021 ZBM 3008211374152027252723≤0.50≤0.50
Mean value:136.67 15.0020.0026.6724.6726.6723.67
Standard deviation:1.53
Relative standard deviation:1.1% 0.0%0.0%2.2%2.3%2.2%2.4%
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing.
Table A2. Examples of results obtained for synthetic specimens GSR2022 and GSR2023 using the procedure P2 at magnification 250× demonstrating the full capacity of the SEM-EDX system.
Table A2. Examples of results obtained for synthetic specimens GSR2022 and GSR2023 using the procedure P2 at magnification 250× demonstrating the full capacity of the SEM-EDX system.
of Detected Particles
Number of Particles Pb-Sb-Ba of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capabilityz Score 2
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmMean Value
Mean Value (μm)
ENFSI GSR PT-B-08-041514 1262425262723
GSR2022 1484262425262720≤0.50≤0.500.56
1534 1242725282623
GSR2023 14842426232824230.54≤0.500.40
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing. 2 z score ≥ −2: satisfactory lab result; −3 ≤ z score ≤ −2: questionable lab result; z score ≤ −3: unsatisfactory lab result.
Table A3. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 at magnification 120× (brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by one examiner.
Table A3. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 at magnification 120× (brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by one examiner.
of Assessed Particles
Number of Particles Pb-Sb-Ba of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capability
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmMean Value
Mean Value (μm)
ENFSI GSR PT- C-11-10874 115 220 227 225 22724
GSR 2021 ZBM 1210218341419262426120.60≤0.50
GSR 2021 ZBM 1310218241419252426140.59≤0.50
GSR 2021 ZBM 141021a834141926242640.65≤0.50
GSR 2021 ZBM 141021b8341419262426100.610.51
GSR 2021 ZBM 2112218741520272525100.690.52
GSR 2021 ZBM 0302228441520262326120.800.55
Mean value:83.67 14.3319.3326.0024.00
Standard deviation:1.75 0.520.520.630.63
Relative standard deviation:2.1% 3.6%2.7%2.4%2.6%
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing. 2 Particles of diameters in the range 1.00–2.00 μm to be assessed according to the applied magnification 120×.
Table A4. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 at magnification 120× (brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by different examiners in the period October 2021–August 2022.
Table A4. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 at magnification 120× (brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by different examiners in the period October 2021–August 2022.
of Assessed Particles
Number of Particles Pb-Sb-Ba of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capability
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmMean Value
Mean Value (μm)
ENFSI GSR PT-C-11-10874 115 220 227 225 22724
12 October 2021 8341419262426120.60≤0.50
13 October 2021 8241419252426140.59≤0.50
14 October 2021a834141926242640.65≤0.50
14 October 2021b8341419262426100.610.51
21 December 2021 8741520272525100.690.52
3 February 20228441520262326120.800.55
23 March 2022844151926242560.710.55
18 May 2022 8441419272425130.68≤0.50
30 May 2022844152026232770.68≤0.50
13 June 2022854152026242570.730.55
22 August 2022 8241420262227100.610.58
23 August 2022a844152025242670.630.63
23 August 2022b8641520262526170.61≤0.50
Mean value:83.92 14.5419.5426.0023.85
Standard deviation:1.44 0.520.520.580.80
Relative standard deviation:1.7% 3.6%2.7%2.2%3.4%
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing. 2 Particles of diameters in the range 1.00–2.00 μm to be assessed according to the applied magnification 120×.
Table A5. The performance of procedure P2 (120×) among groups of particles (here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias).
Table A5. The performance of procedure P2 (120×) among groups of particles (here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias).
Measurement Date2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm
FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)
12 October 202111493−711995−512696−412496−4
13 October 202111493−711995−522593−712496−4
14 October 2021a11493−711995−512696−412496−4
14 October 2021b11493−711995−512696−412496−4
21 December 20210151000020100002710000251000
3 February 20220151000020100012696−422392−8
23 March 2022015100011995−512696−412496−4
18 May 202211493−711995−5027100012496−4
30 May 20220151000020100012696−422392−8
13 June 20220151000020100012696−412496−4
22 August 202211493−7020100012696−432292−8
23 August 2022a0151000020100022593−712496−4
23 August 2022b0151000020100012696−40251000
Mean value: 96.8−3.2 97.7−2.3 96.2−3.8 95.7−4.3
Standard deviation: 3.63.6 2.62.6 2.02.0 2.62.6
Table A6. Overall performance of procedure P2; magnification 120× (here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias).
Table A6. Overall performance of procedure P2; magnification 120× (here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias).
Measurement DateTotal Number
of Particles
FNTPS (%)B (%)
12 October 20218348395−5
13 October 20218258294−6
14 October 2021a8348395−5
14 October 2021b8348395−5
21 December 2021870871000
3 February 20228438497−3
23 March 20228438497−3
18 May 20228438497−3
30 May 20228438497−3
13 June 20228528598−2
22 August 20228258294−6
23 August 2022a8438497−3
23 August 2022b8618699−1
Mean value:96.5−3.5
Standard deviation:1.91.9


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Figure 1. Summary of the performance of the automatic program using the devised procedure P2 in both 250× (brown) and 120× (green) in comparison to the synthetic reference specimen ENFSI GSR PT C-11-10 (blue).
Figure 1. Summary of the performance of the automatic program using the devised procedure P2 in both 250× (brown) and 120× (green) in comparison to the synthetic reference specimen ENFSI GSR PT C-11-10 (blue).
Qubs 08 00028 g001
Table 1. Synthetic samples with the assigned, known number of particles with given diameters analyzed in the laboratory in the years 2021–2023.
Table 1. Synthetic samples with the assigned, known number of particles with given diameters analyzed in the laboratory in the years 2021–2023.
Sample NameNumber of Pb-Sb-Ba Particles
All Assessed12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μm
GSR PT-B-08-02
1534 1242725282623
GSR PT-C-11-10
1384 1152027252724
GSR PT-B-08-04
1514 1262425262723
GSR PT-C-09-01
1534 1242725282623
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing.
Table 2. Fundamental analytical parameters of the automatic search for GSR by means of SEM-EDX system combined with the INCA Feature/GSR, Oxford Instruments Ltd program.
Table 2. Fundamental analytical parameters of the automatic search for GSR by means of SEM-EDX system combined with the INCA Feature/GSR, Oxford Instruments Ltd program.
Accelerating voltage20 kV
Working distance10 mm
High vacuum0.1 mPa
Image resolution2048 × 1536 pixels
minimum size of the particle
area of the scanned frame
ignore feature smaller than 1 pixel (ecd—equivalent circle diameter)
0.50 μm
0.197 mm2
0.28 μm ecd
1.04 μm
0.889 mm2
0.59 μm ecd
Table 3. Examples of the repeated measurements of synthetic specimen GSR2020 using procedure P1.
Table 3. Examples of the repeated measurements of synthetic specimen GSR2020 using procedure P1.
Sample Name Number
of Pb-Sb-Ba Particles
Number of Pb-Sb-Ba Particles of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capability
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmDiameterDiameter
ENFSI GSR PT-B-08-021534 1242725282623Mean Value
Mean Value [μm]
GSR2020 ZBM 30042114642327242725200.54≤0.50
GSR2020 ZBM 08062114442327222825190.60≤0.50
GSR2020 ZBM 09062114842327242826200.51≤0.50
Mean value:146.00 23.0027.0023.3327.6725.3319.67
Standard deviation:2.00
Relative standard deviation:1.4% 0.0%0.0%5.0%2.0%2.3%3.0%
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing.
Table 4. Results of repeated measurements of synthetic specimen GSR2021 using procedures P1 and P2 at magnification 250×.
Table 4. Results of repeated measurements of synthetic specimen GSR2021 using procedures P1 and P2 at magnification 250×.
Feature Det.Spectrum SetupDetection SetupNumber of Particles
(Detected Automatically)
Time of Analysis
Spot SizeBSEPasses [s]Process
LE, TEPb-Sb-BaPb-BaSb-PbSb-Ba Sum[min]
P1GSR2021 IK 150621a60Co: 2502, 535, 5040, 40151 151110.6
GSR2021 IK 150621b602502, 535, 5040, 401511 152109.4
GSR2021 ZBM 170621a602502, 535, 5040, 40150 150112.5
GSR2021 ZBM 170621b602502, 535, 5040, 40150 150112.9
GSR2021 ZBM 180621 602502, 535, 5040, 40151 151113.4
GSR2021 IK 230621a602502, 535, 5040, 40151 1 152111.8
GSR2021 IK 230621b602502, 535, 5040, 401511 152112.8
GSR2021 ZBM 300821622502, 535, 5040, 40152 152114.7
P2GSR 2021 IK 11102158Cu: 2501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20147 1 14882.7
GSR 2021 IK 121021a582501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20149 1 14984.8
GSR 2021 IK 121021b612501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20148 14885.8
GSR 2021 ZBM 181021a602501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20150 15081.7
GSR 2021 ZBM 181021b602501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20150 15083.7
GSR 2021 ZBM 181021c602501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20149 14982.6
The additional letters (a, b, c) marked in the tables denote the subsequent repetitions of the performed measurements done on the same day and by the some operator. The below tables are as same.
Table 5. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 (magnification 250×; brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by two examiners.
Table 5. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 (magnification 250×; brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by two examiners.
of Detected Particles
Number of Particles Pb-Sb-Ba of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capability
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmMean Value
Mean Value (μm)
1384 1152027252724
GSR 2021 IK 1110211334151926252622≤0.50≤0.50
GSR 2021 IK 121021a1354151927252722≤0.50≤0.50
GSR 2021 IK 121021b1344151927252622≤0.50≤0.50
Mean value:134.00 15.0019.0026.6725.0026.3322.00
Standard deviation:1.00
Relative standard deviation:0.7% 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%2.2%0.0%
GSR 2021 ZBM 181021a1364152027252623≤0.50≤0.50
GSR 2021 ZBM 181021b1364152027252623≤0.50≤0.50
GSR 2021 ZBM 181021c1354152027252622≤0.50≤0.50
Mean value:135.67 15.0020.0027.0025.0026.0022.67
Standard deviation:0.58
Relative standard deviation:0.4% 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%2.6%
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing.
Table 6. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 (magnification 250×; brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by different examiners in the period of October 2021–August 2022.
Table 6. Measurements of the GSR2021 specimen using procedure P2 (magnification 250×; brightness and contrast setup for BSE signal using a Cu-mesh at a carbon substrate: C/Cu = 10/250 in an arbitrary scale 0–255) performed by different examiners in the period of October 2021–August 2022.
Measurement DateNumber
of Detected Particles
Number of Particles Pb-Sb-Ba of Given Diameters90% Detection Capability50% Detection Capability
12 μm2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μmMean Value
Mean Value (μm)
1384 1152027252724
11 October 20211334151926252622≤0.50≤0.50
12 October 2021a1354151927252722≤0.50≤0.50
12 October 2021b1344151927252622≤0.50≤0.50
18 October 2021a1364152027252623≤0.50≤0.50
18 October 2021b1364152027252623≤0.50≤0.50
18 October 2021c1354152027252622≤0.50≤0.50
21 December 202113141520262424220.59≤0.50
3 February 2022a13241520262523230.59≤0.50
3 February 2022b13441520262524240.59≤0.50
23 March 202213341520272523230.51≤0.50
24 March 2022 1354152027252622≤0.50≤0.50
17 May 2022 1354151927242723≤0.50≤0.50
30 May 2022 1354152027252622≤0.50≤0.50
13 June 2022 1354152027242722≤0.50≤0.50
22 August 20221364152025252724≤0.50≤0.50
23 August 20221364151927252624≤0.50≤0.50
Mean value:134.44 15.0019.6926.6324.8125.6322.69
Standard deviation:1.50 0.000.480.620.401.360.79
Relative standard deviation:1.1% 0.0%2.4%2.3%1.6%5.3%3.5%
1 Only for sample orientation and focusing.
Table 7. The performance of procedure P2 (250×) among groups of particles of sizes 2.00, 1.50, and 1.25 μm. Here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias.
Table 7. The performance of procedure P2 (250×) among groups of particles of sizes 2.00, 1.50, and 1.25 μm. Here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias.
Measurement Date2.00 μm1.50 μm1.25 μm
FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)
11 October 2021015100011995−512696−4
12 October 2021a015100011995−50271000
12 October 2021b015100011995−50271000
18 October 2021a015100002010000271000
18 October 2021b015100002010000271000
18 October 2021c015100002010000271000
21 December 20210151000020100012696−4
3 February 2022a0151000020100012696−4
3 February 2022b0151000020100012696−4
23 March 2022015100002010000271000
24 March 2022015100002010000271000
17 May 2022015100011995−50271000
30 May 2022015100002010000271000
13 June 2022015100002010000271000
22 August 20220151000020100022593−7
23 August 2022015100011995−50271000
Mean value: 100.00.0 98.4−1.6 98.6−1.4
Standard deviation: 0.00.0 2.42.4 2.32.3
Table 8. The performance of procedure P2 (250×) among groups of particles of sizes 1.00, 0.75, and 0.50 μm. Here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias.
Table 8. The performance of procedure P2 (250×) among groups of particles of sizes 1.00, 0.75, and 0.50 μm. Here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias.
Measurement Date1.00 μm0.75 μm0.50 μm
FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)FNTPS (%)B (%)
11 October 2021025100012696−422292−8
12 October 2021a0251000027100022292−8
12 October 2021b025100012696−422292−8
18 October 2021a025100012696−412396−4
18 October 2021b025100012696−412396−4
18 October 2021c025100012696−422292−8
21 December 202112496−432489−1122292−8
3 February 2022a025100042385−1512396−4
3 February 2022b025100032489−110241000
23 March 2022025100042385−1512396−4
24 March 2022025100012696−422292−8
17 May 202212496−4027100012396−4
30 May 2022025100012696−422292−8
13 June 202212496−4027100022292−8
22 August 2022025100002710000241000
23 August 2022025100012696−40241000
Mean value: 99.3−0.8 94.8−5.3 94.8−5.3
Standard deviation: 1.61.6 5.05.0 3.23.2
Table 9. Overall performance of procedure P2; magnification 250× (here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias).
Table 9. Overall performance of procedure P2; magnification 250× (here: FN—false negative, TP—true positive, S—sensitivity, B—bias).
Measurement DateTotal Number
of Particles
FNTPS (%)B (%)
11 October 2021133513396−4
12 October 2021a135313598−2
12 October 2021b134413497−3
18 October 2021a136213699−1
18 October 2021b136213699−1
18 October 2021c135313598−2
21 December 2021131713195−5
3 February 2022a132613296−4
3 February 2022b134413497−3
23 March 2022133513396−4
24 March 2022135313598−2
17 May 2022135313598−2
30 May 2022135313598−2
13 June 2022135313598−2
22 August 2022136213699−1
23 August 2022136213699−1
Mean value:97.6−2.4
Standard deviation:1.31.3
Table 10. Results of the measurements of the real FTS-21-GSR sample performed in conditions established for the synthetic GSR2021 specimen (procedure P2) at magnification 250× and 120×.
Table 10. Results of the measurements of the real FTS-21-GSR sample performed in conditions established for the synthetic GSR2021 specimen (procedure P2) at magnification 250× and 120×.
FTS-2021-GSRFeature DetectionSpectrum SetupDetection SetupNumber of ParticlesAnalysis
Passes [s]Process TimePasses [μs]LE, TE
FTS ZBM 201021 250×2501.5, 1.534, 5040, 205205197891707353548.29347.5
FTS ZBM 221021 120×2501.5, 1.534, 5040, 20240166318552127643.26106.9
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MDPI and ACS Style

Brożek-Mucha, Z.; Klag, I. Optimizing the Automated Analysis of Inorganic Gunshot Residue Particles by SEM-EDX: From Synthetic Particle Standards to More Time-Efficient Settings for Daily Casework. Quantum Beam Sci. 2024, 8, 28.

AMA Style

Brożek-Mucha Z, Klag I. Optimizing the Automated Analysis of Inorganic Gunshot Residue Particles by SEM-EDX: From Synthetic Particle Standards to More Time-Efficient Settings for Daily Casework. Quantum Beam Science. 2024; 8(4):28.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Brożek-Mucha, Zuzanna, and Iga Klag. 2024. "Optimizing the Automated Analysis of Inorganic Gunshot Residue Particles by SEM-EDX: From Synthetic Particle Standards to More Time-Efficient Settings for Daily Casework" Quantum Beam Science 8, no. 4: 28.

APA Style

Brożek-Mucha, Z., & Klag, I. (2024). Optimizing the Automated Analysis of Inorganic Gunshot Residue Particles by SEM-EDX: From Synthetic Particle Standards to More Time-Efficient Settings for Daily Casework. Quantum Beam Science, 8(4), 28.

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