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Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power, Volume 7, Issue 1 (March 2022) – 11 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): This paper presents an overview on worst-case design scenarios for which low-speed axial fans may exhibit an increased risk of blade resonance due to profile vortex shedding. To set up a design example, a representative blade profile is investigated in twofold approaches of blade mechanics and aerodynamics. For these purposes, the frequency of the first bending mode of the blade profile is expressed. Furthermore, an iterative blade design method is developed for checking the risky scenarios for which spanwise and spatially coherent shed vortices may occur. Coupling these two approaches, cases for vortex-induced blade resonance are set up. Opposing this basis, design guidelines are elaborated upon for avoiding such resonance and for moderating the annoyance due to the vortex shedding noise. View this paper
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13 pages, 2693 KiB  
The Profile Loss of Additive Manufactured Blades for Organic Rankine Cycle Turbines
by Leander Hake, Felix Reinker, Robert Wagner, Stefan aus der Wiesche and Markus Schatz
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 11; - 21 Mar 2022
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3149
Results from an experimental profile loss study are presented of an additive manufactured linear turbine cascade placed in the test section of a closed-loop organic vapor wind tunnel. This test facility at Muenster University of Applied Sciences allows the investigation of high subsonic [...] Read more.
Results from an experimental profile loss study are presented of an additive manufactured linear turbine cascade placed in the test section of a closed-loop organic vapor wind tunnel. This test facility at Muenster University of Applied Sciences allows the investigation of high subsonic and transonic organic vapor flows under ORC turbine flow conditions at elevated pressure and temperature levels. An airfoil from the open literature was chosen for the cascade, and the organic vapor was Novec 649TM. Pitot probes measured the flow field upstream and downstream of the cascade. The inflow turbulence level was 0.5%. The roughness parameters of the metal-printed blades were determined, and the first set of flow measurements was performed. Then, the blade surfaces were further finished, and the impact of roughness on profile losses was assessed in the second flow measurement set. Although the Reynolds number level was relatively high, further surface treatment reduces the profile loss noticeably in organic vapor flows through the printed cascade. Full article
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15 pages, 5092 KiB  
Stall Margin Improvement in an Axial Compressor by Continuous and Pulsed Tip Injection
by Joseph Moubogha Moubogha, Gabriel Margalida, Pierric Joseph, Olivier Roussette and Antoine Dazin
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 10; - 16 Mar 2022
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3972
Stall and surge are strong limitations in the operating range of compressors and thus one of the major limits of jet engine performance. A promising way to push the stability limit of compression machines is to inject a small amount of flow at [...] Read more.
Stall and surge are strong limitations in the operating range of compressors and thus one of the major limits of jet engine performance. A promising way to push the stability limit of compression machines is to inject a small amount of flow at the blade tip to alter the physical mechanism responsible for stall onset. This study focuses on the experimental performance of such a system. To do so, an axial compressor test bench was equipped with 40 actuators connected to an auxiliary pressurised air supply system. They were able to generate high-speed jet blowing just at the tip of the rotor blades. The opening of each actuator was controlled by an electromagnetic valve. This allowed generating continuous or pulsed jets with frequencies up to 500 Hz at different duty cycles. The performance of the control system was investigated for various control strategies, where the injected flow rate, the injection angle, the number of injectors, the jet frequency and the duty cycle were systematically varied. This paper is concluded by a study of the energy balance of the system for various configurations. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this constitutes a rarely seen analysis in the literature. Full article
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12 pages, 3323 KiB  
Experimental Validation of an Analytical Condensation Model for Application in Steam Turbine Design
by Florian Felix Lapp, Sebastian Schuster, Simon Hecker and Dieter Brillert
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 9; - 3 Mar 2022
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3070
This paper presents experimental data on shear-stress-driven liquid water films on a horizontal plate formed by the condensation of superheated steam. The experimental results were obtained in the Experimental Multi-phase Measurement Application (EMMA) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The liquid film thickness was [...] Read more.
This paper presents experimental data on shear-stress-driven liquid water films on a horizontal plate formed by the condensation of superheated steam. The experimental results were obtained in the Experimental Multi-phase Measurement Application (EMMA) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The liquid film thickness was spatially and temporally investigated with an optical measurement system. Furthermore, the resulting local heat transfer coefficient in the case of film condensation was determined for a variety of steam velocities and temperatures. Subsequently, the presented data are compared to the results of an analytical condensation model for shear-stress-driven liquid films developed by Cess and Koh. Thus, the model is qualitatively validated, with explicable remaining disparities between the model and experiment that are further discussed. The presented results are an important contribution to the contemporary research into steady-state, single-component multiphase flow considering phase-change phenomena including heat transfer. Full article
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15 pages, 4675 KiB  
Reynolds Sensitivity of the Wake Passing Effect on a LPT Cascade Using Spectral/hp Element Methods
by Andrea Cassinelli, Andrés Mateo Gabín, Francesco Montomoli, Paolo Adami, Raul Vázquez Díaz and Spencer J. Sherwin
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 8; - 22 Feb 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3589
Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) methods continue to be the backbone of CFD-based design; however, the recent development of high-order unstructured solvers and meshing algorithms, combined with the lowering cost of HPC infrastructures, has the potential to allow for the introduction of high-fidelity simulations in [...] Read more.
Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) methods continue to be the backbone of CFD-based design; however, the recent development of high-order unstructured solvers and meshing algorithms, combined with the lowering cost of HPC infrastructures, has the potential to allow for the introduction of high-fidelity simulations in the design loop, taking the role of a virtual wind tunnel. Extensive validation and verification is required over a broad design space. This is challenging for a number of reasons, including the range of operating conditions, the complexity of industrial geometries and their relative motion. A representative industrial low pressure turbine (LPT) cascade subject to wake passing interactions is analysed, adopting the incompressible Navier–Stokes solver implemented in the spectral/hp element framework Nektar++. The bar passing effect is modelled by leveraging a spectral-element/Fourier Smoothed Profile Method. The Reynolds sensitivity is analysed, focusing in detail on the dynamics of the separation bubble on the suction surface as well as the mean flow properties, wake profiles and loss estimations. The main findings are compared with experimental data, showing agreement in the prediction of wake traverses and losses across the entire range of flow regimes, the latter within 5% of the experimental measurements. Full article
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16 pages, 5096 KiB  
Aeroelastic Stability of Combined Plunge-Pitch Mode Shapes in a Linear Compressor Cascade
by George Hill, Julian Gambel, Sabine Schneider, Dieter Peitsch and Sina Stapelfeldt
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 7; - 14 Feb 2022
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3545
Modern aeroengine designs strive for peak specific fuel and thermal efficiency. To achieve these goals, engines have more highly loaded compressor stages, thinner aerofoils, and blended titanium integrated disks (blisks) to reduce weight. These configurations promote the occurrence of aeroelastic phenomena such as [...] Read more.
Modern aeroengine designs strive for peak specific fuel and thermal efficiency. To achieve these goals, engines have more highly loaded compressor stages, thinner aerofoils, and blended titanium integrated disks (blisks) to reduce weight. These configurations promote the occurrence of aeroelastic phenomena such as flutter. Two important parameters known to influence flutter stability are the reduced frequency and the ratio of plunge and pitch components in a combined flap mode shape. These are used as design criteria in the engine development process. However, the limit of these criteria is not fully understood. The following research aims to bridge the gap between semi-analytical models and modern compressors by systematically investigating the flutter stability of a linear compressor cascade. This paper introduces the plunge-to-pitch incidence ratio, which is defined as a function of reduced frequency and pitch axis setback for a first flap (1F) mode shape. Using numerical simulations, in addition to experimental validation, aerodynamic damping is computed for many modes to build stability maps. The results confirm the importance of these two parameters in compressor aeroelastic stability as well as demonstrate the significance of the plunge-to-pitch incidence ratio for predicting the flutter limit. Full article
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22 pages, 10353 KiB  
Trapped Acoustic Modes in an Axial Multi-Stage Compressor Leading to Non-Synchronous Blade Vibrations
by Anne-Lise Fiquet, Stéphane Aubert, Nicolas Buffaz, Agathe Vercoutter and Christoph Brandstetter
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 6; - 4 Feb 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3516
Non-synchronous blade vibrations have been observed in an experimental multi-stage high-speed compressor setup at part-speed conditions. A detailed numerical study has been carried out to understand the observed phenomenon by performing unsteady full-annulus Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations of the whole setup using the [...] Read more.
Non-synchronous blade vibrations have been observed in an experimental multi-stage high-speed compressor setup at part-speed conditions. A detailed numerical study has been carried out to understand the observed phenomenon by performing unsteady full-annulus Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations of the whole setup using the solver elsA. Several operating conditions have been simulated to observe this kind of phenomena along a speedline of interest. Based on the simulation results, the physical source of the non-synchronous blade vibration is identified: An aerodynamic disturbance appears in a highly loaded downstream rotor and excites a spinning acoustic mode. A “lock-in” phenomenon occurs between the blade boundary layer oscillations and the spinning acoustic mode. The establishment of axially propagating acoustic waves can lead to a complex coupling mechanism and this phenomenon is highly relevant in understanding the multi-physical interactions appearing in modern compressors. It is shown that aerodynamic disturbances occurring downstream can lead to critical excitation of rotor blades in upstream stages due to an axially propagating acoustic wave. The paper includes the analysis of a relevant transient test and a detailed analysis of the numerical results. The study shows the capability and necessity of a full-annulus multistage simulation to understand the phenomenon. Full article
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18 pages, 5051 KiB  
A Low Order Flow Network Model for Double-Wall Effusion Cooling Systems
by Michael van de Noort and Peter Ireland
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 5; - 2 Feb 2022
Cited by 18 | Viewed by 4178
The high pressure turbine nozzle guide vane of a modern aeroengine experiences large heat loads and thus requires both highly effective internal and external cooling. This can be accomplished with double-wall effusion cooling, which combines impingement, pin-fin and effusion cooling. The combination of [...] Read more.
The high pressure turbine nozzle guide vane of a modern aeroengine experiences large heat loads and thus requires both highly effective internal and external cooling. This can be accomplished with double-wall effusion cooling, which combines impingement, pin-fin and effusion cooling. The combination of three cooling mechanisms causes high pressure losses, increasing potential for the migration of coolant towards low pressure regions, subsequently starving effusion holes on the leading edge of coolant supply. This paper presents a low order flow network model to rapidly assess the pressure and mass flow distributions through such cooling schemes for a flexible set of geometric and flow conditions. The model is subsequently validated by a series of experiments with varying mainstream pressure gradients. Results from the model are used to indicate design parameters to reduce the effect of coolant migration, and to minimise the risk of destructive hot gas ingestion. Full article
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2 pages, 225 KiB  
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of IJTPP in 2021
by IJTPP Editorial Office
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 4; - 31 Jan 2022
Viewed by 2238
Rigorous peer-reviews are the basis of high-quality academic publishing [...] Full article
11 pages, 1555 KiB  
Retrofittable Solutions Capability for Gas Turbine Compressors
by Martina Ricci, Stefano Gino Mosele, Marcello Benvenuto, Pio Astrua, Roberto Pacciani and Michele Marconcini
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 3; - 11 Jan 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4149
The increasing introduction of renewable energy capacity has changed the perspective on the operation of conventional power plants, introducing the necessity of reaching extreme off-design conditions. There is a strong interest in the development and optimization of technologies that can be retrofitted to [...] Read more.
The increasing introduction of renewable energy capacity has changed the perspective on the operation of conventional power plants, introducing the necessity of reaching extreme off-design conditions. There is a strong interest in the development and optimization of technologies that can be retrofitted to an existing power plant to enhance flexibility as well as increase performance and lower emissions. Under the framework of the European project TURBO-REFLEX, a typical F-class gas turbine compressor designed and manufactured by Ansaldo Energia has been studied. Numerical analyses were performed using the TRAF code, which is a state-of-the-art 3D CFD RANS/URANS flow solver. In order to assess the feasibility of lower minimum environmental load operation, by utilizing a reduction in the compressor outlet mass-flow rate, with a safe stability margin, two different solutions have been analyzed: blow-off extractions and extra-closure of Variable Inlet Guide Vanes. The numerical steady-state results are compared and discussed in relation to an experimental campaign, which was performed by Ansaldo Energia. The purpose is to identify the feasibility of the technologies and implementation opportunity in the existing thermal power plant fleet. Full article
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23 pages, 3084 KiB  
Preliminary Design Guidelines for Considering the Vibration and Noise of Low-Speed Axial Fans Due to Profile Vortex Shedding
by Gábor Daku and János Vad
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 2; - 7 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3841
This paper presents a critical overview on worst-case design scenarios for which low-speed axial flow fans may exhibit an increased risk of blade resonance due to profile vortex shedding. To set up a design example, a circular-arc-cambered plate of 8% relative curvature is [...] Read more.
This paper presents a critical overview on worst-case design scenarios for which low-speed axial flow fans may exhibit an increased risk of blade resonance due to profile vortex shedding. To set up a design example, a circular-arc-cambered plate of 8% relative curvature is investigated in twofold approaches of blade mechanics and aerodynamics. For these purposes, the frequency of the first bending mode of a plate of arbitrary circular camber is expressed by modeling the fan blade as a cantilever beam. Furthermore, an iterative blade design method is developed for checking the risky scenarios for which spanwise and spatially coherent shed vortices, stimulating pronounced vibration and noise, may occur. Coupling these two approaches, cases for vortex-induced blade resonance are set up. Opposing this basis, design guidelines are elaborated upon for avoiding such resonance. Based on the approach presented herein, guidelines are also developed for moderating the annoyance due to the vortex shedding noise. Full article
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24 pages, 10412 KiB  
Design and Parametric Analysis of a Supersonic Turbine for Rotating Detonation Engine Applications
by Noraiz Mushtaq, Gabriele Colella and Paolo Gaetani
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2022, 7(1), 1; - 4 Jan 2022
Cited by 17 | Viewed by 5059
Pressure gain combustion is a promising alternative to conventional gas turbine technologies and within this class the Rotating Detonation Engine has the greatest potential. The Fickett–Jacobs cycle can theoretically increase the efficiency by 15% for medium pressure ratios, but the combustion chamber delivers [...] Read more.
Pressure gain combustion is a promising alternative to conventional gas turbine technologies and within this class the Rotating Detonation Engine has the greatest potential. The Fickett–Jacobs cycle can theoretically increase the efficiency by 15% for medium pressure ratios, but the combustion chamber delivers a strongly non-uniform flow; in these conditions, conventionally designed turbines are inadequate with an efficiency below 30%. In this paper, an original mean-line code was developed to perform an advanced preliminary design of a supersonic turbine; self-starting capability of the supersonic channel has been verified through Kantrowitz and Donaldson theory; the design of the supersonic profile was carried out employing the Method of Characteristics; an accurate evaluation of the aerodynamic losses has been achieved by considering shock waves, profile, and mixing losses. Afterwards, an automated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based optimization process was developed to find the optimal loading condition that minimizes losses while delivering a sufficiently uniform flow at outlet. Finally, a novel parametric analysis was performed considering the effect of inlet angle, Mach number, reaction degree, peripheral velocity, and blade height ratio on the turbine stage performance. This analysis has revealed for the first time, in authors knowledge, that this type of machines can achieve efficiencies over 70%. Full article
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