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On a Preloaded Compliance System of Fractional Order: Numerical Integration

STAR-UBB Institute, Babes-Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Fractal Fract. 2025, 9(2), 84;
Submission received: 4 December 2024 / Revised: 7 January 2025 / Accepted: 21 January 2025 / Published: 26 January 2025


In this paper, the use of a class of fractional-order dynamical systems with discontinuous right-hand side defined with Caputo’s derivative is considered. The existence of the solutions is analyzed. For this purpose, differential inclusions theory is used to transform, via the Filippov regularization, the discontinuous right-hand side into a set-valued function. Next, via Cellina’s Theorem, the obtained set-valued differential inclusion of fractional order can be restarted as a single-valued continuous differential equation of fractional order, to which the existing numerical schemes for fractional differential equations can be applied. In this way, the delicate problem of integrating discontinuous problems of fractional order, as well as integer order, is solved by transforming the discontinuous problem into a continuous one. Also, it is noted that even the numerical methods for fractional-order differential equations can be applied abruptly to the discontinuous problem, without considering the underlying discontinuity, so the results could be incorrect. The technical example of a single-degree-of-freedom preloaded compliance system of fractional order is presented.

1. Introduction

Generally, integer-order (IO) systems with a discontinuous right-hand side are mostly ideal due to the presence of switch-type functions like sgn or Heaviside H. Discontinuity can generally be found in two-dimensional mechanical systems: oscillating systems combined with dry and viscous damping; systems with dry friction; systems with stick and slip modes, forced vibrations, brake processes with locking phases, control synthesis for uncertain systems, and elastoplasticity; and in control theory, game theory, optimization, calculus of variations, physiological, biological systems, electrical (chaotic) circuits, complex networks, power electronics, etc. (see [1], the workshop on the “Nonlinear Dynamics of Mechanical Systems”, an attempt to give a standard textbook devoted to nonlinear dynamical systems with discontinuities).
It is important to note that there are two main strategies to approach numerically discontinuous systems of IO: the first one is to ignore the discontinuities (“time stepping” methods) and to rely on a local error estimator such that the error remains acceptably small; the other strategy is to determine a scalar event function defining the discontinuity. In this way, the intersection point serves as the new starting point for continuing the numerical solution (“event-driven” methods).
To integrate discontinuous Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) of IO, there are dedicated numerical methods (see [1,2]). However, it is important to note that numerical methods for discontinuous systems could be either inaccurate or even inefficient in the region of the discontinuity. Also, the error analysis often fails if there is not sufficient local smoothness.
On the other hand, in recent years, FO dynamical systems have received increasing attention due to their broad range of applications, such as real-life applications, [3], viscoelastic materials [4], control engineering [5], fractional electrical circuits [6], chaotic FO dynamical systems [7,8], and Lyapunov exponents of FO systems [9]. Fractional differential equations are presented in [10], while for a review of definitions of fractional derivatives, see [11].
FO models can describe complex physics problems more clearly and concisely compared with their IO variant.
Therefore, considering the FO variants of discontinuous is a subject of interest. Most known examples of discontinuous systems are defined as IO. In this paper, we consider their FO variants, a fact that could represent a novel approach. For this purpose, by using the differential inclusions theory, the problem modeling the underlying discontinuous problem is transformed into a continuous one.
The manuscript is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the class of switch dynamical systems of IO. Section 3 deals with a class of discontinuous dynamical systems of FO, discusses notions and results on differential inclusions used to transform a discontinuous problem into a continuous one and considers the preloaded compliance system of FO. Special attention is paid to the correctness of the numerical integration of underlying IVP. This paper ends with the Conclusion Section.

2. Switch Dynamical Systems of IO

The class of systems analyzed in this paper, with a discontinuous right-hand side (Piece-Wise Continuous (PWC), see Definition 1), usually called “switch” or “relay systems”, are modeled by the following discontinuous with respect to the state variable, autonomous Initial Value Problem (IVP):
x ˙ = f ( x ) : = g ( x ) + A s ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I = [ 0 , T ] ,
where g : R n R n is a nonlinear Lipschitz continuous function and s : R n R n is a piecewise function with piecewise constant components s i : R R , usually sgn or Heaviside H ( x ) = ( 1 + sgn ( x ) ) / 2 . T R , T > 0 , and the real matrix A R n × n is supposed to have at least one nonzero element.
The considered system, briefly described below, which comes from real applications and is called a preloaded compliance system with a single degree of freedom [1], is modeled by the following IVP:
m y ¨ + c y ˙ + h ( y ) = P cos ω t , y ( 0 ) = y 0 , y ˙ ( 0 ) = y 1 ,
where m is the mass of the system, k is the stiffness and c is the viscous damping coefficient (see Figure 1a). The restoring force that has discontinuity at y = 0 , where its value is 2 k y 0 , the segment of the values at the discontinuity point, [ k y 0 , k y 0 ] (presented in [12]), will be rigorously studied in Section 3. The system is excited by the periodic external force P cos ω t . The preloaded force k y 0 is defined by the function (Figure 1b)
h ( y ) = k ( y + y 0 ) , y 0 k ( y y 0 ) , y 0
which outlines the switch character of the system.
With the change in the variables x = y / y 0 and τ = ω n t , after some notations and substitutions (see the details in [12]), the dimensionless form of the system (2) becomes
x ¨ + 2 γ x ˙ + h ( x ) = P cos ν τ ,
where h ( x ) , after the mentioned substitutions, has the following form:
h ( x ) = x + 1 , y 0 , x 1 , y 0 ,
which can be written as h ( x ) = x + sgn ( x ) .
Finally, the standard form of the preloaded compliance system (3) becomes
x ˙ 1 = x 2 , x ˙ 2 = 2 γ x 1 x 1 sgn ( x 1 ) + P cos ( x 3 ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 . x ˙ 3 = ν .
As can be seen, the system is in the form of the general switch system (1) with
A = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 , g ( x ) = x 2 2 γ x 1 + P cos ( x 3 ) ν , s ( x ) = sgn ( x 1 ) sgn ( x 2 ) sgn ( x 3 ) .
The dynamics of the system are presented in [1] and are not considered here.
A few other switch dynamical systems are presented in Table 1. Note that the presence of the term x 1 sgn ( x 1 ) in the function g of the variant of the Shimizu–Morioka system [13] (see Table 1) does not affect the continuity of g.
Due to the broad range of applications of fractional calculus in real-life applications and in diverse and widespread fields of engineering and science [16], considering the fractional approaches of some systems like switch systems represents an open research direction.

3. Switch Dynamical Systems of FO

Considering the FO counterpart of the PWC systems, the counterpart of the autonomous systems modeled by the IVP (1) is as follows:
D * q x = f ( x ) : = g ( x ) + A ( x ) s ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I = [ 0 , T ] ,
where g and A are described in Section 2 and the Caputo derivative is considered, as in usual examples, with a lower limit t = 0 as follows:
D * q x ( t ) = 1 Γ ( n q ) 0 t ( t τ ) n q 1 x ( n ) τ d τ
where for x : [ 0 , T ] R , q ( m 1 , m ) , m Z + is a smooth enough function, and x ( n ) is the classical derivative of the integer order n. Even more restrictive compared to other fractional-order derivatives, Caputo’s derivative with a lower limit of 0 has the great advantage of using the initial conditions, like for IO systems, making it fully justified in practical examples.
One of the main restrictions on the numerical implementation of fractional derivatives is the memory-dependent characteristic, i.e., every state variable depends on all previously calculated values. Due to this effect, integration is time-consuming. On the other hand, the variation in real systems where the instantaneous change rate depends on the past state can be better described by the memory effect. In this context, with its entire (full) memory effect, Caputo’s derivative describes better the real dynamics of an FO system but to the detriment of the integration time (see e.g., [17]. Compared with Caputo’s derivative, the Gründwald–Letnikov derivative, which is the basic extension of the derivative in fractional calculus [18], follows the short memory principle, and its numerical implementation offers a relatively short time integration in numerical problems.
In this paper, the Adams–Bashforth–Moulton (ABM) method is used [19].
As observed in the previous sections, discontinuous ODEs and FDEs might not have classical solutions. Therefore, even though the dedicated numerical methods used to solve ODEs, as well as FDEs, can be used directly to integrate such problems, the numerical results can be wrong, as stated by the following example:
Consider the IVP
D * q x = f ( x ) : = 2 3 sgn ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 .
For t [ 0 , ) , there are no solutions in the classical sense that start from x 0 . If x 0 = 0 , the right-hand side of the equation D * q ( 0 ) = 0 is different from the right-hand side 2 sgn ( 0 ) = 2 . In the case of x 0 > 0 , there is the solution x ( t ) = x 0 t q / Γ ( 1 + q ) , defined only on the interval [ 0 , T ) , T = ( Γ ( 1 + q ) x 0 ) 1 / q . This solution cannot be extended over a larger interval [ 0 , T ) . If x 0 < 0 , there is the solution x ( t ) = x 0 + 5 t q / Γ ( 1 + q ) , defined only on [ 0 , T ) , with T = ( Γ ( 1 + q ) x 0 / 5 ) 1 / q . Both these solutions tend toward the line x = 0 , but they cannot extend along this line x = 0 , whose equation, x ( t ) = 0 , does not verify the equation (in Figure 2a, the cases q = 0.8 with x 0 = ± 1 are presented). Note that by using a numerical method to solve this FDE, it is possible to obtain some numerical solutions even for t > T , T , but they could be incorrect since we cannot verify the equation for t [ 0 , ) . This aspect will be analyzed below. Therefore, a special approach for solutions to FDEs is required.

3.1. Notions and Utilized Results

Notation 1.
Denote using M the set of discontinuity points of f.
The set M has a zero Lebesgue measure and divides R n to several m > 1 open disjuncts and connected sub-domains D i R n , i = 1 , 2 , . . . , m , R n = i = 1 m D i ¯ on which f is continuous. Thus, discontinuity points belong to the union of the boundaries of D i . In Example (7), M = { 0 } , which determines in R the sub-domains D 1 = ( , 0 ) and M 2 = ( 0 , ) , where f is continuous.
Definition 1.
f : R n R n is called PWC if it is continuous throughout R n M and, at M , has finite (possible different) limits.
Definition 2.
A set-valued function F : R n R n is a function that associates with any element x R n , a subset of R n , F ( x ) (see the sketch in Figure 3).
For more details on set-valued functions, see [20,21,22].
Definition 3.
The graph of a set-valued function F : X Y , where X , Y are non-empty sets, is defined as follows (see Figure 3):
G r a p h ( F ) = { ( x , y ) X × Y | y F ( x ) } .
To overcome the difficulty of finding solutions for PWC systems, IVP problems can be restarted by using the Filippov approach [23], as a set-valued Fractional Differential Inclusion (FDI) of
D * q x ( t ) F ( x ( t ) ) , for a . e . t I ,
where F is a set-valued function.
The existence and uniqueness of solutions of DIs of IO are studied in [20,21], while numerical schemes can be found, e.g., in [24,25,26,27,28].
The set-valued function F can be defined in several ways, the most known being Filippov’s regularization [23]:
F ( x ) = ε > 0 c o n v ( f ( { z R n : z x ε } M ) ) ¯ .
F ( x ) defined by (9) is a convex function, its values representing the convex hull of f, and ε represents the radius of the ball centered in x. At the points x where f is continuous, F ( x ) = f ( x ) , i.e., F ( x ) , consists of a single point { f ( x ) } (see Figure 3), while for x M , F ( x ) is given by (9). It is important to note that for physical meanings, ε should have as many small values as possible (ideally ε 0 , when the solution of the DI tends to the real motion of the underlying physical system modeled by the discontinuous IVP (6)).
The regularization applied to one of the most used functions to define switch systems, sgn, generates the so-called sigmoid function, denoted usually as Sgn (see Figure 4a,b):
Sgn ( x ) = { 1 } , x < 0 , [ 1 , 1 ] , x = 0 , { + 1 } , x > 0 .
Therefore, in the case of example (7), the discontinued problem transforms into the following FDI (Figure 4c,d) for a . e . t I .:
Sgn ( x ) 2 { 5 } , x < 0 , [ 1 , 5 ] , x = 0 , { 1 } , x > 0 .
Now, the problem transforms into the FDI, D * q x [ 1 , 5 ] . When the solutions starting from negative or positive initial conditions reach the axis x = 0 , the derivative D * q x can now take an infinite number of values within the segment of values [ 1 , 5 ] , so that the problem can be solved, even for x 0 = 0 (see [20,21]). For x 0 0 , the problem reads as a continuous problem: D * q x = 2 3 sgn ( x ) = 5 , for x 0 D 1 = ( , 0 ) and D * q x = 2 3 sgn ( x ) = 1 for x 0 D 2 = ( 0 , ) .
Therefore, Filippov regularization opens the door for the possible existence of solutions to discontinuous systems of IO and even of FO.
Definition 4.
The map F is upper-semi-continuous (USC) on R n if for each x R n , the set F ( x ) is a non-empty and closed subset of R n , and for each open set N of R n containing F ( x ) , there is an open neighborhood B of x such that F ( B ) N .
Remark 1.
Filippov’s approach (9) ensures enough regularity so that if f is continuous at x, then a solution to the IVP (8) satisfies the IVP (6) and any classical solution to the IVP (6) is a solution to the IVP (8). On mild assumptions, DIs of IO, obtained with Filippov regularization, admit generalized (Filippov) solutions [23]. As stipulated in [23], it is justified to call a solution for the IVP (6) a solution for the IVP (8). For FDIs, existence results are presented in [29].
Definition 5.
The single-valued function f : R n R n is a selection (approximation) of a set-valued function F, if f ( x ) F ( x ) for every x R n (see, e.g., [20,21]).
Finding numerical solutions for DIs of IO represents a complex task (see e.g., [24,25,26,30]), while numerical solutions for FDIs are, based on our knowledge, an even more challenging and less studied topic. Therefore, proposing continuous approximation via selection theory represents a successful approach.
Theorem 1.
Cellina’s Theorem [20,21]: Let a USC set-valued function F : R n R n with non-empty convex values. Then, for every ε > 0 , there is a local Lipschitz selection f ε : R n R n such that
G r a p h ( f ε ) G r a p h ( F ) + ε B
showing the sphere of radius ε (see the sketch in Figure 5a).
Generally, a set-valued function admits infinitely many selections, a fact that represents a major advantage in approaching discontinuous systems coming from practical problems.
Remark 2
([20,21]). Because of the symmetric interpretation of a set-valued map as a graph, we can say that a set-valued function satisfies a property if and only if its graph satisfies it. For instance, a set-valued function is said to be closed if and only if its graph is closed. For a function f that is locally bounded, its set-valued map obtained with Filippov regularization enjoys the following properties: it is USC and has non-empty closed and convex values (Péano functions ([20], Proposition 1, p. 102, [21], Lemma 3, p. 67), which satisfies the existence result of solutions to DIs. For FDIs, similar results can be found in [29].
The set-valued function defined with Fillipov’s regularization verifies Theorem 1 [31].

3.2. Numerical Integration of FO Switch Systems

Consider the FO counterpart of the IVP (1) defined with Caputo’s derivative:
D * q x = f ε ( x ) : = g ( x ) + A s ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I = [ 0 , T ] .
The steps required to restart the PWC problem into a continuous problem are the following:
(I) Firstly, the set-valued right-hand side, obtained with Filippov’s regularization, is
F ( x ) = g ( x ) + A S ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I = [ 0 , T ] ,
with S ( x ) = [ Sgn ( x 1 ) , Sgn ( x 2 ) , . . . , Sgn ( x n ) ] T being the set-valued sigmoid functions given by (10).
(II) Next, the continuous approximation of the component Sgn ( x ) (Theorem 1) is
S ε ( x ) = [ S ε ( x 1 ) , S ε ( x 2 ) , . . . , S ε ( x n ) ] T ,
where S ε ( x i ) , i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n , are continuous approximations of the set-valued functions Sgn ( x i ) given by, e.g., (15).
(III) The result regarding the continuous approximation of the IVP (12) is
Theorem 2
([31]). The PWC IVP (6) can be restarted as the following continuous IVP of FO
: D * q x = g ( x ) + A ( x ) S ε ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I ,
Theorem 2 represents the main result according to which it is demonstrated how a PWC problem of IO can be transformed into a continuous one of FO. Thus, by applying the algorithm in Figure 6, the discontinuous preloaded compliance system of FO (12) is transformed into a continuous problem of FO (14), which can be studied both analytically and numerically.
The algorithm described above is presented in Figure 6. It is important to note that in the examples, step II can be omitted and the discontinuous function approximated directly (step III).
One of the used approximations S ε of the set-valued functions sgn function, which provides enough flexibility, has the following form:
S ε ( x ) = 2 π arctan x δ ,
where δ is a positive parameter that controls the slope of the approximation in the ε -neighborhood of x = 0 . A cubic polynomial approximation is presented in [32], where a discussion on the δ influence of the approximation can be found. While approximations like (15) are defined on I, in [32], the polynomial approximation is defined only in a chosen local ε -neighborhood around the discontinuity, a fact that confers better properties to the approximated function.
Once the continuity of the underlying problem is ensured by Theorem 2, the obtained IVP can be numerically integrated via some numerical schemes for FDEs, like the ABM method [19] used in this paper.
Reconsider example (7) by using approximation (15). Then, the discontinuous problem is transformed via Theorem 2 into the following continuous IVP of FO:
D * q x = 2 6 π arctan x δ 2 3 S ε ( x ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I ,
with the approximation of the right-hand side presented in Figure 5b. Now, the problem admits numerical solutions for t I , which can be determined with numerical schemes for FDEs. In Figure 2b are the exact solution of the discontinuous FO problem on [ 0 , T ] , T = 0.0505 (black plot), the solution of the approximated problem (16) (blue plot), and the solution of the discontinuous IVP (7) (red plot) obtained with numerical integration for t [ 0 , T * ] , with T * > T , without considering the discontinuity x = 0 . The differences can be seen in Figure 2b.

3.3. Preloaded Compliance System of FO

Consider now the FO of the system modeling the preloaded compliance system (5). Via Theorem 2, by applying the continuous approximation algorithm (see Figure 6) with h ε approximation presented in Figure 1c), one obtains the single-valued continuous FO system:
D * q x 1 = x 2 , D * q x 2 = 2 γ x 1 x 1 S ε ( x 1 ) + P cos ( x 3 ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 , t I . D * q x 3 = ν .
Despite the fact that the form (17) is defined with three FDEs (see Figure 7a), required to transform the standard form into an autonomous one, the dynamics of the system are graphically described in the plane ( x 1 , x 2 ) (Figure 7b–d).
Remark 3.
Compared with the IO variant of the preloaded compliance system (2), its obtained FO counterpart (17) presents several advantages: (1) The first one is that by applying the proposed algorithm, the obtained problem is a continuous one, thus taking advantage of the existing tools to study continuous systems. (2) The second one is the fact that with this approach, numerical integration is more accessible compared with the IO case, which, as can be seen, e.g., in [1], does not exit a clear unified way to integrate discontinuous systems. Thus, generally, at the discontinuity surface, M , the considered solutions obtained (incorrectly) with some standard methods for continuous systems are just “glued”. The third argument in favor of the proposed algorithm, i.e., to transform the IO problem into a FO one, is the fact that, as mentioned in the previous sections, FO variants generally offer a better characterization of the underlying IO system.
(1) As known now, FO systems (continuous or discrete) cannot have periodic non-constant solutions [33]. Besides the analytical proof in [33], this property can be explained due to the fact that all the past history has to be taken into account (time-memory of FO systems is continuous-time or discrete). Also, any equilibrium of a general FO nonlinear system described by Caputo’s derivative can never be finite-time stable in the sense that the trajectory will never reach the equilibrium in finite time [34].
(2) Numerical schemes for FDEs (and also for DEs),require at least the continuity of the underlying equations [19]. However, the numerical methods can directly (abruptly) be applied to discontinuous problems too, but this method, which is still poorly understood, can lead to questionable results. Therefore, the correct results for the integration of IVP (6) should be obtained, e.g., after the continuous approximation of the underlying problem.
While in the IO variant of the preloaded compliance system (2), there are periodic solutions abruptly changing the stability [12], in (17), this does not happen anymore (see Note 1).
Consider q = 0.95 and δ = 1 e 3 and integrate the system (17). In Figure 7b, an attractive fixed point-like element is presented (see Note 1). For p = 2 , in Figure 7c, a periodic-like trajectory is presented. Even though visually, the orbit looks periodic, it is not (see Note 1). A chaotic trajectory is presented in Figure 7d. The apparent corners, visible in Figure 7b–d, are due to the sgn function. However, due to the continuous approximations, these corners are in fact smooth (see the zoomed-in Figure 7b).

4. Discussion and Conclusions

In this paper, the continuous approximation of discontinuous (switch) IVPs of IO is proposed as a novel technique to approach a class of dynamical systems of FO. Using the theory of differential inclusions and Cellina’s Theorem, the discontinuous IVP is restarted as a continuous problem of FO, which can be integrated with some numerical scheme for FDEs. First, it is shown that the Filippov regularization applied to the discontinuous function allows the existence of a sufficiently regular set-valued map, so that the underlying FDI verifies Cellina’s Theorem. As a consequence, the discontinuous problem can be restarted as a continuous one. Also, the problem of using numerical integration, without considering the discontinuity, is treated on a concrete example.
In the case of a practical example, a preloaded compliance system is considered.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in this study are included in the article. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. (a) A model of the preloaded system (3); (b) the characteristic of the restoring force f; (c) a graph of the approximate function h ε .
Figure 1. (a) A model of the preloaded system (3); (b) the characteristic of the restoring force f; (c) a graph of the approximate function h ε .
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Figure 2. (a) Nonclassical solutions of the IVP (7), existing for t < T , T ; (b) a graph of the exact solution of the discontinuous FO problem (7) with x 0 > , on [ 0 , T ] , with T = 0.0505 (black plot), the solution of the approximated problem (16) (blue plot), and the solution of the discontinuous IVP (7) (red plot) obtained with numerical integration for t [ 0 , T * ] , T * > T (without considering the problem of discontinuity).
Figure 2. (a) Nonclassical solutions of the IVP (7), existing for t < T , T ; (b) a graph of the exact solution of the discontinuous FO problem (7) with x 0 > , on [ 0 , T ] , with T = 0.0505 (black plot), the solution of the approximated problem (16) (blue plot), and the solution of the discontinuous IVP (7) (red plot) obtained with numerical integration for t [ 0 , T * ] , T * > T (without considering the problem of discontinuity).
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Figure 3. (a) The graph of a set-valued function F; (b) the values of F ( x ) for different values of x.
Figure 3. (a) The graph of a set-valued function F; (b) the values of F ( x ) for different values of x.
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Figure 4. (a) A graph of the sgn function; (b) a graph of the set-valued function Sgn; (c) a graph of the discontinuous right-hand side of (7); (d) a graph of the set-valued function of (7).
Figure 4. (a) A graph of the sgn function; (b) a graph of the set-valued function Sgn; (c) a graph of the discontinuous right-hand side of (7); (d) a graph of the set-valued function of (7).
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Figure 5. (a) A sketch of a continuous approximation f ε within a ε -neighborhood of the set-valued function F; (b) a graph of the continuous ε -approximation for system (7).
Figure 5. (a) A sketch of a continuous approximation f ε within a ε -neighborhood of the set-valued function F; (b) a graph of the continuous ε -approximation for system (7).
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Figure 6. The algorithm of the continuous approximation of the discontinuous IVP (6).
Figure 6. The algorithm of the continuous approximation of the discontinuous IVP (6).
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Figure 7. (a) The trajectory of the system (17) in space ( x 1 , x 2 , ν ) ; (b) attractive fixed point-like. The zoomed-in detail reveals the influence of the sgn function; (c) periodic-like trajectory; (d) chaotic trajectory.
Figure 7. (a) The trajectory of the system (17) in space ( x 1 , x 2 , ν ) ; (b) attractive fixed point-like. The zoomed-in detail reveals the influence of the sgn function; (c) periodic-like trajectory; (d) chaotic trajectory.
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Table 1. Examples of switch dynamical systems of IO modeled by the IVP (1).
Table 1. Examples of switch dynamical systems of IO modeled by the IVP (1).
SystemEquations g ( x ) A
Steam turbine [14] x ˙ 1 = p ( x 3 x 1 + sgn ( x 2 ) ) , x ˙ 2 = x 1 x 2 , x ˙ 3 = x 2 p x 3 p x 1 x 1 x 2 x 2 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sprott system [15] x ˙ 1 = x 2 , x ˙ 2 = x 3 , x ˙ 3 = x 1 x 2 x 3 + p sgn ( x 3 ) x 2 x 3 x 1 x 2 x 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p
Shimizu–Morioka [13]
x ˙ 1 = x 2 , x ˙ 2 = ( 1 x 1 ) sgn ( x 1 ) p 1 x 2 , x ˙ 3 = x 1 2 p 2 x 3 x 2 x 1 sgn ( x 1 ) p 1 x 2 x 1 2 p 2 x 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
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MDPI and ACS Style

Danca, M.-F. On a Preloaded Compliance System of Fractional Order: Numerical Integration. Fractal Fract. 2025, 9, 84.

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Danca M-F. On a Preloaded Compliance System of Fractional Order: Numerical Integration. Fractal and Fractional. 2025; 9(2):84.

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Danca, Marius-F. 2025. "On a Preloaded Compliance System of Fractional Order: Numerical Integration" Fractal and Fractional 9, no. 2: 84.

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Danca, M.-F. (2025). On a Preloaded Compliance System of Fractional Order: Numerical Integration. Fractal and Fractional, 9(2), 84.

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