1. Introduction
Most frequently, negative associations spring to mind when discussing public sector enterprises in terms of reputation. Given the lengthy history of negative connotations attached to government agencies, such as inefficiency, bureaucracy, incompetence, and rigidity, it is difficult to believe that the public would be interested in enhancing and safeguarding their reputation. A positive reputation is a valuable commodity that no public sector organization can afford to overlook since its grands authority, independence, and access to vital resources. But reputations need to be cultivated, nurtured, and guarded. Consequently, public sector entities in the majority of OECD nations have enhanced their ability to manage their reputation [
1]. Customer satisfaction is mostly determined by the quality of the services provided [
2]. A continuous improvement mindset and an awareness of client perceptions are prerequisites for evaluating service quality through customer satisfaction assessments, emphasizing the significance of this process [
3]. Lastly, the Citizen Service Center (CSC) was established in Greece in 2002, and this public organization seeks to help all Greek residents while cutting down on the bureaucracy of the country’s public administration [
This paper explores the reputation of the Serres CSCs based on the opinion of citizens. Specifically, the views and attitudes of citizens regarding their image of the provision of services by the CSCs of Serres are examined. Specifically, the survey examines the impressions and perceptions of citizens who visited the municipality of Serres’ CSC.
The main research questions are the following:
How well informed are citizens about the services offered by the CSCs?
How satisfied are they with the CSCs of the municipality of Serres regarding the environment, the staff working there, and the service they receive?
What factors, in the opinion of citizens, form a positive or negative reputation regarding the CSCs of Serres?
To what extent do the comments on social media influence the overall image of the CSCs of Serres?
2. Literature Review
Organizational reputation was formerly described as the culmination of the experiences of many stakeholders (such as workers, customers, etc.) who engage with the company. On the other hand, it contends that an organization’s reputation is built on its activities and outcomes. Afterwards, the phrase “reputation” was described as the viewpoints of an organization’s stakeholders, including clients, vendors, staff members, and rival businesses. Subsequently, it was determined that an organization’s reputation is a culmination of the various interpretations and perspectives held by its stakeholders, which they connect to its actions, communication, and results. Reputation improves an organization’s capacity to generate value and enables it to establish strong, enduring connections of trust with stakeholders and consumers. For a long time, statements that portray public organizations in a consistently bad light have been heard. When members of the public engage with services, a reputation is developed through this contact, and as this is the main goal of public sector organizations, these encounters should be positive. One advantage of reputation that drives organizations to use it in the public sector is organizational legitimacy [
5]. Furthermore, reputation can have an impact on the public sector’s organizational legitimacy and broad acceptability, as well as if organizations gain political support and symbolic importance when they persevere and demonstrate resilience. They build strong reputations in their industries, which helps them endure and recover. On the other hand, non-durable services were found to lack important characteristics such as political appeal and a strong reputation [
6]. Thus, an organization’s reputation is characterized as a network of diverse audiences’ views about the organization’s history, capabilities, goals, and mission. A knowledge of the development and maintenance of organizational reputation is essential to comprehending the function of public administration in a democratic society [
7]. These days, every society expects effective administrative frameworks, appropriate development, and implementation procedures for management policies, as well as public accounting expertise about public sector operations.
In Greece, Law No. 3871/2010 is seen as the cornerstone for putting the principles of the New Public Management into practice. Any public organization can do this by setting reasonable goals for public revenues and budgets (the actual objectives being pursued), with a greater focus on the costs of outcomes than inputs [
8]. In conclusion, reputations have direction or valence and can be either positive or negative [
9]. Furthermore, reputation can be defined as “a collective assessment” of an organization’s “attractiveness” in the eyes of a certain group of stakeholders [
10]. A bureaucratic reputation is “a set of symbolic beliefs about the unique or separable capacities, roles, and obligations of organizations, where these beliefs are embedded in audience networks” in the context of public administration [
Since the 1990s, the quality of services has been acknowledged as a crucial factor in assessing the performance of the public sector. First, the term satisfaction in terms of work performance is defined as “a pleasant or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job” [
12]. An additional explanation of pleasure from the perspective of consumption states that “the summary of the psychological state resulting when the emotion surrounding disconfirmed expectations is coupled with the consumer’s prior feelings about the consumption experience” [
13]. Previous studies have showed that there is no significant relationship between the general level of satisfaction with public services and their perceived quality [
14]. Moreover, in a wide range of research, it was observed that there is a connection between satisfaction and trust. Next, a method consisting of three primary pillars—access, responsiveness, and quality—has been developed by the OECD as part of its “Serving Citizens Framework” (2021). The report has shown that there is a connection between the evaluation of quality and access. Regarding responsiveness, the most recent OECD report, for example, shows that declining satisfaction with public service is strongly correlated with low responsiveness (e.g., lengthy waiting times) (OECD) [
15]. In terms of access, the report’s results are less clear-cut given that the majority of OECD nations have succeeded in granting universal access to essential public services [
16]. Thus, the ease of access to citizen service centers is very important, as is the trust, satisfaction, and expertise of the employees.
The government should ensure that an adequate number of citizen service centers are available in the districts for the convenience of the citizens [
17]. In conclusion, information quality, system quality, institution service quality, trust, usability, and citizen (user) satisfaction are key dimensions to assess the service quality of CSCs [
18]. The legal system and organizational structure of public firms differ from those of the private sector, and there is a notable objective variance in the management approaches used. These factors set public sector corporate governance apart from private sector corporate governance. Last, the public sector’s corporate governance was introduced and further debated during the start of the 1990s to address issues, primarily the possible lack of accountability [
3. Research Methodology
The survey was conducted in the municipality of Serres, which is a municipality of the Regional Unit of Serres of the Region of Central Macedonia. The municipality of Serres is divided into 6 municipal units, which are Serres, Mitrousi, Lefkonas, Scutari, Ano Vrontou, and Orini, covering a total area of 600.479 square kilometers. For the purpose of this study, a structured questionnaire was developed and distributed based on an extensive literature review. The questionnaire consisted of 5 parts and contained 31 closed-ended questions, and responses were based on dichotomous, multiple choice, single choice, and five-point Likert scales. Data were collected from 16 December 2023 to 10 January 2024, resulting in a final sample of 129 responses. The survey sample includes a wide range of participants who visited the Citizen Service Center in the municipality of Serres including both genders and reflecting a wide range of age groups, educational levels, and employment statuses.
4. Results
The sample consists of 129 citizens who visited the municipality of Serres’ CSC (Citizen Service Center). The specific demographic data are presented in the following
Table 1.
The reliability and internal consistency of the questionnaire as a whole, as well as of each individual question, were verified using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Four grouping variables were created because of the reliability analysis, which was carried out using the statistical program Jasp:
Satisfaction from the environment;
Satisfaction with the service;
Satisfaction with the staff;
Reputational factors.
The individual questions’ Cronbach’s alpha ratings ranged from 0.797 to 0.890. The following
Table 2 lists the factors for every built variable.
The first question of the questionnaire concerned the citizens’ knowledge of the services provided by the CSC. Participants were asked to indicate their degree of knowledge of the services provided on a scale from 1 to 5 (with 1 = not at all, 2 = a little, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = very good). From the frequency
Table 3 below, it appears that 42.6% are moderately aware of the provided services, 24.8% are well aware, 19.3% are slightly aware, 10% are very well aware, while only 3.1% are not at all aware of the services provided by the CSC.
The second question of the questionnaire concerned the public’s visitation to the CSC of Serres. The participants were invited to state how many times they visited the CSC of Serres on a scale that had the following options: 1 = not at all, 2 = 1–3 times, 3 = 4–6 times, 4 = 7–9 times, 5 = more than 10 times. Based on the following answers, we found that 62% visited the CSC of Serres 1–3 times, 21.7% did not visit it at all, 10.8% visited it 4–6 times, 3.1% 7–9 times, while only 2.3% visited the CSC more than 10 times (
Table 4).
The last question of this section concerned whether citizens believe that negative comments on social media about a service offered by the CSCS of Serres negatively affect their overall image. As we can see in the
Table 5 below, 55.8% believe that indeed the negative comments on social media negatively affect the image of the CSC, while 24.8% disagree and believe that their image is not affected. Finally, 19.3% cannot express an opinion.
From the
Table 6, it can be observed that the survey recorded moderate satisfaction from all factors. Given the five-point Likert scale on which the participants responded, the mean of all satisfaction factors is close to 3.5, except for environmental satisfaction (3.1). Regarding the overall level of personal satisfaction, it is sufficiently high (M = 3.44, Std = 0.8). Then, less satisfaction is observed for the service (Mean = 3.4, Std = 0.7). The variable “Satisfaction with the environment” obtained the lowest satisfaction. It has both the lowest mean (M = 3.1) and low standard deviation (Std = 0.7).
Based on these results (
Table 7), the following can be concluded:
Men have the greatest satisfaction with the environment, the service, and also with the staff in relation to all parameters, apart from the satisfaction with the service in relation to the full staffing of employees (Mfemale = 3.130, Mmale = 3.118).
Regarding the 15–25 age group, they are most satisfied with the cleanliness of the space (M = 3.583), while they are less satisfied with the attractive facilities (M = 2.583).
Those who are over 61 have the greatest satisfaction with the ease of access (M = 3.900), while they are less satisfied with the waiting time and the full staffing of employees (M = 3.000).
Τhose with a master’s degree are more satisfied with the validity of the information (M = 3.833), while they are less satisfied with the attractive facilities (M = 2.905).
Τhose with a university degree are more satisfied with the ease of access (M = 3.553), while they are less satisfied with the attractive facilities (M = 2.447).
The employees in a uniformed organization (police, army, navy, fire brigade, aviation, and coast guard) are more satisfied with the modern equipment, the cleanliness of space, the employee qualification, the employee courtesy, the validity of information, and the employee immediate response (M = 3.400), while they are less satisfied with the attractive facilities and waiting time (M = 2.600).
Τhe pensioners are more satisfied with employee courtesy, the validity of information, and employee immediate response (M = 4.000), while they are less satisfied with the attractive facilities (M = 3.000).
Based on the results (
Table 8), the following can be concluded:
Out of all the factors of forming a positive reputation that are given, the men believe that the main characteristic of the CSC of Serres is the kindness of the staff (M = 3.471) and then the efficiency of the services offered, as well as the quality of the services (M = 3.451), while what they believe is lacking is the lack of bureaucracy (M = 2.922).
Τhe women also believe that what lags behind is the lack of bureaucracy (M = 2.947), while its main characteristic is the effectiveness of the services offered (M = 3.571).
Those who are over 61 believe that the main characteristic is the trained staff (M = 3.800), while what lacks is the service time (M = 3.000).
People from technological institutions believe that the CSC of Serres demonstrates efficiency in the services offered (M = 3.625), while it lags behind in the lack of bureaucracy (M = 2.938).
Civil servants believe that the main factor in building a positive reputation is the efficiency of the services offered (M = 3.759), while what is lacking is the lack of bureaucracy (M = 3.148).
To investigate the relationship between citizens’ satisfaction with staff and courtesy and gender, the x2 independence test was applied after testing the conditions for its application.
The above
Table 9 presents the x
2 test results. For the above test, the following should be determined: H
1 = People’s satisfaction with staff courtesy and gender are not related. The decision criterion is as follows: If
p > a, H1 is acceptable. Through the statistical processing software JASP, it was calculated that the
p-value of the index is equal to 0.134, so it is greater than the significance level (α = 0.05). Therefore, for α = 0.05, we accept that citizens’ satisfaction with staff courtesy and gender are not related.
Throughout the examination of the second research hypothesis, “Is the level of satisfaction with the environment affected by the demographic characteristics of the participants?”, the level of satisfaction with the environment was affected only with respect to the variable “gender” (F = 4.508,
p = 0.036) (
Table 10).
Figure 1, it is shown that men report higher satisfaction with the environment.
5. Discussion
Citizen satisfaction is a critical issue with significant implications for both citizens and organizations. Factors affecting citizen satisfaction were investigated, and the findings clearly demonstrate that the level of satisfaction is significantly influenced by the staff, then by the environment and then by the service. Further analyses of the statistics reveal that the citizens believe that among the factors that shape the reputation of Serres CSC are mainly the effectiveness of the services offered, the quality of the services, the courtesy of the staff, the trained staff, the quick service, and the ease of access, while it is worth noting that a large percentage believe that what lags far behind is the lack of bureaucracy. These results are in line with those of some notable researchers [
21]. However, the Ministry of the Interior and Health of Finland, in accordance with the factor analysis of the quantitative research conducted in 2003 on the reputation of 12 public organizations under its jurisdiction, highlighted five factors that influence the respondent’s perception of the reputation of public services: authority, trust, service, esteem, and efficiency [
22]. Apart from the communication actions of the organization, the reputation is affected by external factors such as the competition, the media, etc., a fact which we also concluded through our research [
23]. In this study, it was confirmed that the factors “gender” and “satisfaction with the environment” have statistical significance. The factors age, work status, and educational level in relation to satisfaction with the environment were found to be statistically insignificant.
6. Conclusions
A positive reputation is a valuable commodity that no public sector organization can afford to overlook since its grands authority, independence, and access to vital resources are all impacted by this. But reputations need to be cultivated, nurtured, and guarded. Consequently, public sector entities in the majority of OECD nations have enhanced their ability to manage their reputation. Customer satisfaction is mostly determined by the quality of the services provided [
2]. This article investigates the importance of the image-reputation of public services as well as the citizens’ satisfaction with the CSC of Serres in combination with which factors shaping reputations citizens believe the CSC has. The most important finding of our research is that citizens are more satisfied with the environment, but it is worth noting that all the satisfaction indicators for the environment, as well as for the service and personnel, are moderate, so there are clearly points of concern and further improvement. Further statistical analysis reveals that citizens believe that among the factors that shape the reputation of CSC Serres are mainly the efficiency of the services offered, the quality of the services, and the ease of access, while it is worth noting that a large percentage believes that what lags behind is the lack of bureaucracy.
Regarding the other parameters that were examined, it was confirmed that the “gender” factor affects satisfaction with the environment. The more obscure an organization’s activity, the more attention must be paid to shaping its image [
24]. The above point of view is of great importance for an organization that provides services, as the absence of visible elements can lead to a stricter evaluation of its remaining elements. Finally, in the case of the CSC of Serres, although the overall satisfaction of the citizens and the characteristics of the cap that are factors in forming a positive reputation are at a moderately satisfactory level, there are clearly points of concern and further improvement.