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The Effect of Pre-Biopsy Prostate MRI on the Congruency and Upgrading of Gleason Grade Groups Between Prostate Biopsy and Radical Prostatectomy

Peter Stapleton
Thomas Milton
Niranjan Sathianathen
1 and
Michael O’Callaghan
South Australian Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes Collaborative, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
Department of Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
Faculty of Medicine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
Department of Surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, SA 5042, Australia
Faculty of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA 5042, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Current address: Department of Urology, Grampian’s Health, 1 Drummond Street, Ballarat, VIC 3350, Australia.
Soc. Int. Urol. J. 2024, 5(6), 876-884;
Submission received: 8 October 2024 / Revised: 1 December 2024 / Accepted: 3 December 2024 / Published: 17 December 2024


Introduction: Prostate biopsy results form the mainstay of patient care. However, there is often significant discordance between the biopsied histology and the ‘true’ histology shown on a radical prostatectomy (RP). Discordance in pathology can lead to the mismanagement of patients, potentially missing clinically significant cancer and delaying treatment. There have been many advancements to improve the concordance of pathology and more accurately counsel patients; most notably, the induction of pre-biopsy mpMRIs has become a gold standard to aid in triaging and identifying clinically significant cancers, and also to facilitate ‘targeted’ biopsies. Although there have been multiple reviews on MRI-targeted biopsies, upgrading remains an ongoing phenomenon. Aim: To assess the rates of prostate cancer upgrading and the clinical implication of upgrading on NCCN stratification. Methods: We conducted a retrospective audit of 2994 men with non-metastatic prostate cancer diagnosed between 2010 and 2019 who progressed to a radical prostatectomy within 1 year of diagnosis without alternative cancer treatment from the multi-institutional South Australia Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes Collaborative registry. The study compared the histological grading between the biopsies and radical prostatectomies of men with prostate cancer and the varying rates of upgrading and downgrading for patients with and without a pre-biopsy MRI. Data were also obtain on suspected confounding variables; age, PSA, time to RP, T-stage at diagnosis and RP, number of cores, number of positive cores, prostate size, tumour volume and procedure type. The results were assessed through cross tabulation and uni- and multi-variate logistic regression while adjusting for confounders. Results: Upgrading occurred in (926) 30.9% of patients and downgrading in (458) 15.3% of patients. In total, 71% (410/579) of grade group 1 and 24.9% (289/1159) of grade group 2 were upgraded following a radical prostatectomy. By contrast, 33.4% (373/1118) of patients without prebiopsy MRI were upgraded at RP compared to 29.5% (553/1876) of the patients who received a pre-biopsy MRI. When analysed on a uni-variate level, the inclusion of a pre-biopsy MRI demonstrated a statically significant decrease in upgrading of the patient’s pathology and NCCN risk stratification (p = 0.026, OR 0.83, CI 0.71–0.98) (p = 0.049, OR 0.82, CI 0.64–1.01). However, when adjusted for confounders, the use of an MRI did not maintain a statistically significance. Conclusions: When considering the multiple variables associated with tumour upgrading, a pre-biopsy MRI did not show a statistically significant impact. However, upgrading of Gleason Grade Group following a prostatectomy is an ongoing phenomenon which can carry significant treatment implications and should remain a consideration with patients and clinicians when making decisions around treatment pathways. More research is still required to understand and improve biopsy grading to prevent further upgrading from affecting treatment choices.

1. Introduction

Gleason grade groups (GGs) are the single most powerful predictor of prostate cancer prognosis and progression and consequently have a significant role in clinical management and decision making [1]. Hence, the correct diagnosis and grading of prostate cancer is crucial for a patient’s prognosis and therapeutic options [2].
To aid in prostate cancer triaging and management, pre-biopsy multiparametric MRIs (mpMRI) were introduced to the Australian Medicare rebate scheme in June 2018, having demonstrated their benefit in identifying potentially clinically significant prostate cancer using the Prostate Imaging and Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) [3]. Following their introduction to prostate cancer management, over 68,000 prostate MRIs were performed between 2019 and 2020 [4]. The added benefit of prostate MRIs and PIRADS scoring was the use of ‘targeted’ biopsies, using cognitive fusion to target PIRADS lesions, with the hope to more accurately diagnose prostate cancer. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that targeted biopsies decreased upgrading compared to systematic biopsies (27% vs. 42%); however, there remains significant heterogeneity and further research is still required to better define the factors influencing upgrading [5].
The management of prostate cancer varies significantly depending on GG and other associated factors. The most common management for GG1 is active surveillance (AS) due to its low risk of metastasis and cancer-related death [6,7]. In comparison, GG is most commonly treated with active intervention such as RP or radiotherapy. However, the diagnosis of prostate cancer and the identification of the correct Gleason GG are reliant on the accuracy of prostate biopsies, either by transrectal or transperineal US-guided techniques. Prostate biopsies only sample a small proportion of the prostate tissue, so there is always a risk of undiagnosed or incorrectly graded prostate cancer, leading to prostate cancer ‘upgrading’ according to the pathology recorded during a radical prostatectomy (RP) [8]. This may lead to significant apprehension for both clinicians and patients when deciding on AS given the potential risk of missed high-grade disease and potential disease progression with delayed intervention [9].
The aims of this study are to (1) evaluate the effect of pre-biopsy MRI on the extent of upgrading of Gleason GGs between biopsy and RP; (2) to determine the effect of upgrading and pre-biopsy MRI on NCCN risk stratification; and (3) to determine what pathological, procedural and patient factors may be contributing to prostate cancer upgrading.

2. Methods

2.1. Cohort Selection

This is a cross-sectional, retrospective cohort study of men diagnosed with prostate cancer who received either a TRUS or TP biopsy and progressed to an RP within 1 year of diagnosis. The South Australian Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcome Collaborative (SA-PCCOC) database was used to find patients who were diagnosed with prostate cancer over a 10-year period between 2010 and 2019. Participants were included if they proceeded to RP within one year of their biopsy. The exclusion criteria were patients with metastatic prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis, those receiving prior androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) or radiotherapy and those diagnosed by transurethral resection of the prostate. (Flow Figure 1).
SA-PCCOC is one of the longest running prospective, multi-institutional clinical cancer registries for prostate cancer, collecting information on clinical factors, treatment interventions and outcomes for men diagnosed with prostate cancer across both the public and private health sectors in South Australia [10]. The registry recruits from all public hospitals and radiotherapy centres as well as from approximately 50% of urologists in private practice, including most high-volume surgeons. Participation rates for men invited are around 90%.

2.2. Outcome Measurement

The primary outcome for this study was pre-biopsy prostate mpMRI’s effect on histological Gleason GG upgrading between biopsy and RP. The Gleason GG at the time of biopsy and at RP were directly compared using cross-tabulation and uni- and multi-variable logistic regression. The Gleason GG was categorised as upgraded, for those who had a higher Gleason GG at RP, downgraded for those who had a lower Gleason GG and congruent if the Gleason GG remained the same. The secondary outcome was to assess the rates of NCCN risk stratification upgrading at RP and identify associated confounders impacting upgrading.

2.3. Covariates

Using the SA-PCCOC database, the following co-variates were collated and analysed, including age, year of diagnosis, year of RP, whether or not they had a pre-biopsy MRI, PSA at biopsy, PSA at RP, biopsy technique (transperineal vs. transrectal), the tumour volume (%), prostate size (cc), T-stage at diagnosis and RP, the number of cores taken, the number of positive cores (%), the Gleason GG at biopsy and the Gleason GG at RP and the number of days between the prostate biopsy and RP (up to 365 days).

2.4. Statistics

Descriptive analyses of participants’ demographics, clinical and treatment characteristics according to grade groups were used to assess their impact and association with Gleason GG upgrading. Cross tabulations were used to compare GGs and NCCN between biopsy and RP and to calculate the proportions of upgrading, congruence and downgrading. Variations in biopsy and RP pathology and NCCN risk stratification were then compared against participants with a pre-biopsy MRI and those without a pre-biopsy MRI.
Pre-biopsy MRI was directly compared with upgrading using both uni- and multi-variable logistic regression. Covariates included in the analysis were, age, days from biopsy to RP, number of cores taken, number of positive cores and tumour volume.
Risk factors associated with upgrading, downgrading and congruence were identified via multi-variable logistic regression, with separate models run for individual grade groups. These models included clinical factors known prior to treatment such as age, pre-treatment PSA, number of biopsy cores, number of positive biopsy cores, year of diagnosis, biopsy technique and number of days between diagnosis and RP. The correlation of each variable to the final outcome was presented as a hazards ratio with a 95% confidence interval and a p-value; statistical significance was set to p < 0.05. The STROBE checklist was followed in the reporting of this observational study. The analysis was performed using RStudio Version 2023.03.1+446.

2.5. Ethics

The SA PCCOC receives ethical approval from the Southern HREC. This ethical approval provides us with permission to distribute de-identified data sets to suitable and reviewed applicants. This study used de-identified data and, therefore, did not need additional ethical approval. Ethical approval code 307.14.

3. Results

3.1. Patient Demographics

The final cohort for the study included 2994 patients; the demographics of the cohort are summarized in Table 1.

3.2. Extent of Upgrading and Downgrading

Overall, the rate of ISUP upgrading in this cohort was 926/2994 (30.9%) with 458/2994 (15.3%) being downgraded and 1610/2994 (53.4%) remaining congruent, as shown in Table 2a. NCCN risk stratification was calculated for all patients with available data (n = 1867). Risk stratification upgrading occurred in 57.3% (1070/1867) of patients, downgrading 6.3% (118/1867) and congruent risk stratification in 36.4% (679/1867).
Biopsy and radical prostateectomy was then stratified against pre-biopsy MRI, Table 3a,b. When stratified for pre-biopsy MRI upgrading occurred in 29.5% (533/1876) compared to 33.4% (373/1118) patients without a pre-biopsy MRI. Similarly, for patients with pre-biopsy MRI the NCCN risk stratification demonstrated lower rates of upgrading compared to no MRI, 62.5% (669/1070) and 67.2% (456/679).

3.3. Variable Analysis

In the univariate analysis, patients who had a pre-biopsy MRI had a reduced rate of ISUP upgrading and NCCN upgrading at the time of RP (p = 0.026, OR = 0.84; CI 0.71–0.98) (p = 0.049, OR 0.82, CI 0.67–1.00). The uni-variable analysis of other confounders for ISUP and NCCN upgrading is summarized in Table 4a,b.
Suspected confounders of ISUP upgrading were then assessed using multi-variate logistic regression and are summarized in Table 5.

4. Discussion

This is one of the largest multi-centred retrospective studies in the literature, demonstrating the significant proportion of prostate biopsies that are upgraded following a radical prostatectomy and the effect of this on NCCN risk stratification. This study demonstrated a rate of ISUP upgrading of 30.9% (1070/2994), a rate of downgrading 15.3% (458/2994) and a rate of congruency of 53.4% (1610/2994). These results are consistent with other studies such as Epstein et al.’s [10] (33% upgraded and 10% downgraded). Moreover, our results were consistent with other Australian papers, such as that by Evans et al. [11] (31.1% upgraded and 14.3% downgraded).
The majority of upgrading occurred in the low-risk and low-grade prostate cancer groups ISUP 1 and 2, at 71% (410/579) and 25% (289/1159), and 94.7% (144/152) were labelled as low risk and 76.9% (480/624) as having a favourable risk. These results are also consistent with other studies reviewing prostate cancer upgrading, noting higher levels of upgrading in lower ISUP groups [12,13,14,15].
Upgrading in ISUP groups and NCCN risk stratification carries significant treatment implications, particularly with higher rates of upgrading in lower ISUP disease groups and the low risk population, leading to substantial anxiety for patients and clinicians regarding misdiagnosis and inappropriate management [16]. This anxiety often leads to a reluctance for active surveillance for low-risk patients due to the anxiety of clinically significant cancer being potentially missed on prostate biopsy [17].
Although pre-biopsy MRI has become a ‘gold standard’ in prostate cancer management and the identification of potentially clinically significant cancer [18,19,20] it did not have a statistically significant effect on the rate of prostate cancer upgrading when viewed in a multi-variable analysis with associated confounders (OR 0.94, CI 0.76–1.17, p = 0.488).
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated reduced upgrading for MRI-targeted biopsies compared to systematic biopsies (27% vs. 42%); however, higher rates of downgrading were noted in the targeted group (19% vs. 11%) and there was a strong heterogeneity between the studies included, citing the need for further research into the factors affecting upgrading [5]. This has sparked further research into other imaging modalities such as PSMA PET/CT and SUV max to aid the more accurate diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer [21].
As a retrospective study based on a prospectively maintained database, there are several limitations to this study, such as a lack of additional confounders such as body mass index and serum testosterone levels which have been shown to increase the risk of low and intermediate prostate cancer upgrading [22,23,24,25]. Moreover, we were unable to adjust for PIRAD scores for the pre-biopsy mpMRIs as these data were not available in the registry. The study was also underpowered as nearly 4500 participants would be required. Additionally, this study could not differentiate between MRI-targeted biopsy and systematic and combination biopsy methods but instead assessed the impact of mpMRI prior to biopsy on the assumption that improved imaging and localisation would result in better targeted biopsies.

5. Conclusions

This study underlines the high degree of discordant grading between biopsies and RPs, with one in three men’s disease being upgraded at RP within 1 year of their initial prostate biopsy. This histological upgrading has significant implications for decision making on treatment pathways, particularly for active surveillance in low-to-favourable intermediate-risk patients, with 80% of men being upgraded to higher risk stratifications. Despite advancements in biopsy techniques and imaging modalities, prostate cancer upgrading remains an ongoing phenomenon and should be considered by both patients and clinicians when weighing the risks and benefits of treatment pathways.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.O.; methodology, M.O. and P.S.; software, P.S.; validation, P.S., M.O. and N.S.; formal analysis, P.S.; investigation, P.S.; resources, M.O.; data curation, M.O.; writing—original draft preparation, P.S. and T.M.; writing—review and editing, P.S. and N.S. Supervision, M.O. and N.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of SALHN HREC protocol code 307.14 (approved date: 20 March 2020).

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author due to restriction placed to protect the SA-PCOCC patients data.


Scott Walsh, SA-PCCOC Data Manager for data extraction. We gratefully acknowledge all patients and clinicians contributing to the SA-PCCOC registry. The registry is supported by funding from the Movember Foundation, the Hospital Research Foundation, the Flinders Foundation, Mundi Pharma and Genesis Care.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Patient selection.
Figure 1. Patient selection.
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Table 1. Patient demographics.
Table 1. Patient demographics.
Age (mean (SD))64.30 (7.04)
Time biopsy to RP (days) (mean (SD))95.59 (64.32)
PSA (mean (SD))8.71 (12.51)
Number of cores (mean (SD))17.92 (8.47)
Number of positive cores (mean (SD))6.30 (4.03)
Prostate size (mean (SD))43.50 (31.11)
Tumour volume (mean (SD))4.46 (5.94)
TRUS (%)2006 (67.0)
TP (%)988 (33.0)
Biopsy ISUP (%)
1579 (19.3)
21159 (38.7)
3691 (23.1)
4347 (11.6)
5218 (7.3)
1241 (8.0)
21401 (46.8)
3759 (25.4)
4250 (8.4)
5343 (11.5)
MRI1876 (62.7)
No MRI1118 (37.3)
Table 2. (a) ISUP between biopsy and radical prostatectomy. (b) NCCN risk stratification for prostate cancer after biopsy and radical prostatectomy.
Table 2. (a) ISUP between biopsy and radical prostatectomy. (b) NCCN risk stratification for prostate cancer after biopsy and radical prostatectomy.
N = 2994Bx ISUP 1Bx ISUP 2Bx ISUP 3Bx ISUP 4Bx ISUP 5Totals
Rx ISUP 1169 (10.8)61 (3.8)9 (0.6)2 (0.1)0 (0.0)241 (8.1)
Rx ISUP 2363 (23.3)809 (50.3)182 (11.5)37 (2.3)10 (0.6)1401 (46.8)
Rx ISUP 335 (2.2)240 (14.9)350 (21.8)111 (6.9)23 (1.4)756 (25.4)
Rx ISUP 47 (0.4)26 (1.6)74 (4.6)120 (7.5)23 (1.4)250 (8.4)
Rx ISUP 55 (0.3)23 (1.4)76 (4.6)77 (4.7)162 (10.1)343 (11.5)
Upgraded410 (13.7)289 (9.7)150 (5.0)77 (2.6)0 (0.0)926 (30.9)
Downgraded0 (0.0)61 (2.0)191 (6.4)150 (5.0)56 (1.9)458 (15.3)
Congruent169 (5.6)809 (27.0)350 (11.7)120 (4.0)162 (5.4)1610 (53.8)
N = 1867Biopsy NCCN Risk StratificationTotals
LowFavourable IntermediateUnfavourable IntermediateHighVery High
Radical Prostatectomy NCCN risk stratificationLow89000
Favourable Intermediate351357111
Unfavourable Intermediate48149120454
Very high54281160178
Upgraded14448028616001070 (57.3%)
Downgraded0975646118 (6.3%)
Congruent8135120238178679 (36.4%)
Yellow = downgraded, Green = congruent, Red = Upgraded; Rx = Radical prostatectomy; Bx = Biopsy.
Table 3. (a) ISUP upgrading compared to pre-biopsy MRI. (b) NCCN upgrading compared to pre-biopsy MRI.
Table 3. (a) ISUP upgrading compared to pre-biopsy MRI. (b) NCCN upgrading compared to pre-biopsy MRI.
NO373 (33.4%)160 (14.3%)585 (52.3%)1118
YES553 (29.5%)298 (15.9%)1025 (54.6%)1876
Total9264581610N = 2994
NCCN Upgraded StatusNot UpgradedUpgradedTotal
No MRI223 (32.8%)456 (67.2%)679
MRI401 (37.5%)669 (62.5%)1070
Total6241125N = 1749
Not upgraded = congruent or downgraded.
Table 4. (a) Univariate analysis for ISUP upgrading. (b) Univariate analysis for NCCN upgrading.
Table 4. (a) Univariate analysis for ISUP upgrading. (b) Univariate analysis for NCCN upgrading.
Uni-Variate Analysis of ConfoundersOdds Ratio95% CIp-Value
Age at diagnosis0.990.98–1.00.240
Number of days between biopsy and RP1.01.0–1.01<0.001
Number of biopsy cores0.980.97–0.99<0.001
Number of positive cores0.970.95–0.990.003
Uni-Variate Analysis of ConfoundersOdds Ratio95% CIp-Value
Age at diagnosis0.980.96–0.99<0.001
Number of days between biopsy and RP1.01.0–1.01<0.001
Number of biopsy cores0.990.98–0.990.031
Number of positive cores0.970.95–0.990.008
Table 5. (a) Multivariate analysis for ISUP upgrading. (b) Multivariate analysis for NCCN upgrading.
Table 5. (a) Multivariate analysis for ISUP upgrading. (b) Multivariate analysis for NCCN upgrading.
Multi-Variate Analysis of ConfoundersOdds Ratio95% CIp Value
Age at diagnosis1.000.99–1.010.811
Number of days between biopsy and RP1.0041.003–1.006<0.001
Number of biopsy cores0.9860.97–0.990.020
Number of positive cores0.990.98–1.010.532
Multi-Variate Analysis of ConfoundersOdds Ratio95% CIp Value
Age at diagnosis0.980.96–0.990.002
Number of days between biopsy and RP1.0041.003–1.006<0.001
Number of biopsy cores0.9960.99–1.0030.477
Number of positive cores0.9980.99–1.010.904
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MDPI and ACS Style

Stapleton, P.; Milton, T.; Sathianathen, N.; O’Callaghan, M. The Effect of Pre-Biopsy Prostate MRI on the Congruency and Upgrading of Gleason Grade Groups Between Prostate Biopsy and Radical Prostatectomy. Soc. Int. Urol. J. 2024, 5, 876-884.

AMA Style

Stapleton P, Milton T, Sathianathen N, O’Callaghan M. The Effect of Pre-Biopsy Prostate MRI on the Congruency and Upgrading of Gleason Grade Groups Between Prostate Biopsy and Radical Prostatectomy. Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal. 2024; 5(6):876-884.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Stapleton, Peter, Thomas Milton, Niranjan Sathianathen, and Michael O’Callaghan. 2024. "The Effect of Pre-Biopsy Prostate MRI on the Congruency and Upgrading of Gleason Grade Groups Between Prostate Biopsy and Radical Prostatectomy" Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal 5, no. 6: 876-884.

APA Style

Stapleton, P., Milton, T., Sathianathen, N., & O’Callaghan, M. (2024). The Effect of Pre-Biopsy Prostate MRI on the Congruency and Upgrading of Gleason Grade Groups Between Prostate Biopsy and Radical Prostatectomy. Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal, 5(6), 876-884.

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