“No One Is Safe”: Agricultural Burnings, Wildfires and Risk Perception in Two Agropastoral Communities in the Puna of Cusco, Peru
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.1.1. Livestock Activity and Social Changes in the Puna
1.1.2. Uses of Fire in Agricultural Activities
1.1.3. Wildfires in Peru
1.1.4. Wildfire Risk Perception
1.2. Conceptual Framework
2. Research Methods
2.1. Research Methods
2.1.1. Selection of Area and Cases
2.1.2. Development of Ethnographic Work
2.1.3. Fire Use and Fire Risk Perception Questionnaire (CUFPER)
2.2. Study Cases
2.2.1. The Peasant Community of Apachaco
“Others had larger plots, while some of us had none; there was inequality. Therefore, as approved in the meeting, we divided the land into parcels. I had nothing […]. So, we had to borrow to farm, paying a small rent. […] Only a minority had land, and it produced good potatoes. That’s why it was decided to parcel the land for equality”. (M.C.C.—female, 49 years old, member of the Apachaco Communal Board).
2.2.2. The Peasant Community of Vilcabamba
3. Results
3.1. Uses of Fire in the Wet and Dry Puna
3.2. The Use of Fire in the Agricultural Cycle
3.2.1. Purposes
3.2.2. Locations for Burning
3.2.3. Timing of Burns
3.3. Relationship Between Changes in Agricultural Activity and the Use of Fire
3.4. Relationship Between the Use of Fire in Agricultural Activities and the Occurrence of Wildfires
3.4.1. Experiences with Wildfires
3.4.2. Causes of Wildfires Associated with Agricultural Activities
“I thought I was free from such things, ‘it won’t burn me’, I said, and it happened to me”. (D.H.V.—male, 64 years old, Chilarana sector, Apachaco Community, Dry Puna).
“We must be well-prepared, […] as you see with this climate change, when we burn our forests, we are contributing to climate change. Also, even when we burn, we do not replace the damaged plants; they re-sprout on their own, but we must be responsible. I also consider future generations, they will pay the consequences. So, that’s what I mean. No one is safe, nor is it the case that they won’t burn, so at any moment, there could be a fire”. (M.D.Q.—male, 54 years old, Challcha sector, Vilcabamba Community, Wet Puna).
“The wildfire occurs because they don’t know how to burn. […], there are people who burn from wherever and it gets out of control”. (S.E.—female, community member of Lucma, Pillaupata sector, Wet Puna).
“Mostly because of the wind, that causes [fires]. […] Sometimes, the wind blows more. There’s a wind we call totoca, in whirlwinds that blow; those are the dangerous ones. It can come any time, starting around 10 in the morning”. (A.C.—male, 56 years old, Chilarana sector, Apachaco Community, Dry Puna).
“My father said that August and September are ‘pregnant’, and that’s why there’s always fire because the wind escapes. [M:] In Quechua, they say ‘Chichu’, just as a woman is pregnant, fire behaves the same way, they say. [D:] That’s why they say it always gives birth or escapes”. (D.H.V.—male, 64 years old; M.C.H.—female, 60 years old, Chilarana sector, Apachaco Community, Dry Puna).
“Now [the wind] is stronger, and with that heat, the fire spreads more. […] When the wind comes, it’s fatal. […] When we burn, the wind always comes from the middle and lifts it up, ‘Fiuu!’ Soqawayra, they say. That evil wind, they say. On the little hills, there are always qariwas, yellow ones, from there it lifts up, they say. ‘There, in that part, there’s qariwa, that’s why it lifted up’. […] [Qariwa is] a little lizard that raises the wind, you see. […] From here, it can go up to the top, it can burn the whole house”. (M.C.H.—female, 60 years old, Chilarana sector, Apachaco Community, Dry Puna).
“[E:] [Wildfires occurs] Because of carelessness, perhaps. [K:] Sometimes people don’t gather the clearings properly. Or they don’t gather them to burn in one place. So, they set fire everywhere. [E:] For example, here in July and August, there’s quite a bit of wind. Here, they say August is the month of wind. And they always tend to go dig their potatoes or plant their potatoes in August, and they set a small fire to cook something. And maybe due to carelessness, they might leave it, the wind blows, and ‘Fua!’ it catches fire. Mostly, here there aren’t many wildfires because, as they say here, there are neighborhood meetings, and municipal staff come to provide training, and this is avoided”. (K.C.—female; E.—male, community members from Pampaconas sector, Vilcabamba Community, Wet Puna).
3.5. Perception of Wildfire Risk
3.5.1. Probability
3.5.2. Severity
3.5.3. Perception of Changes in Wildfire Occurrence
“In every community, it always happens, but why is that? I wonder. But sometimes also, no. They also say it’s because of a good year. How does it escape? It always happens, we are not safe here”. (D.H.V.—male, 64 years old, Chilarana sector, Apachaco Community, dry Puna).
“There were always wildfires. They were stronger, bigger. One day, two days they lasted. Now, almost not, people no longer burn as much, before it was more. [And why do you think the wildfires were stronger before?] Before there were no plots, it was the whole community, so now each one has their little plot, we no longer have to extinguish a lot”. (T.C.—male, 60 years old, Apachaco sector, Apachaco Community, dry Puna).
“[H:] It is decreasing. People are reflecting on all this a little more, the fines. Now there are fines, sanctions. I think there’s even a prison sentence, with all this, people are reflecting more. Before, the fire would run, in the valley they would light it, even if unintentionally, but now no longer”. (J.—female, H.—male, Pampaconas sector, Vilcabamba Community, wet Puna).
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Community | Apachaco | Vilcabamba |
Interviews | 22 | 13 |
Sex | F (5)–M (17) | F (6)–M (7) |
Age range | 28–73 | 32–70 |
Average age | 56.8 | 49.4 |
CUFPER | 84 | 88 |
Sex | F (55%)–M (45%) | F (45%)–M (55%) |
Age range | 23–75 | 22–78 |
Average age | 47.6 | 47.8 |
Distribution per sector | Chiralana (30%), Machu Puente (21%), Machaccoyo (18%), Pucará (15%), Apachaco (13%), Pisccatuyo (2%) | Vilcabamba (27%), Pampaconas (15%), Salinas (11%), Minasmayo (8%), Collpa (8%), Atoqsaico (7%), Vista Alegre (7%), Valle Chancavine (6%), Valle Concevidayoc (5%), Challcha (5%), Coylluychu (2%) |
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Share and Cite
Taboada-Hermoza, R.; Martínez, A.G. “No One Is Safe”: Agricultural Burnings, Wildfires and Risk Perception in Two Agropastoral Communities in the Puna of Cusco, Peru. Fire 2025, 8, 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire8020060
Taboada-Hermoza R, Martínez AG. “No One Is Safe”: Agricultural Burnings, Wildfires and Risk Perception in Two Agropastoral Communities in the Puna of Cusco, Peru. Fire. 2025; 8(2):60. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire8020060
Chicago/Turabian StyleTaboada-Hermoza, Rossi, and Alejandra G. Martínez. 2025. "“No One Is Safe”: Agricultural Burnings, Wildfires and Risk Perception in Two Agropastoral Communities in the Puna of Cusco, Peru" Fire 8, no. 2: 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire8020060
APA StyleTaboada-Hermoza, R., & Martínez, A. G. (2025). “No One Is Safe”: Agricultural Burnings, Wildfires and Risk Perception in Two Agropastoral Communities in the Puna of Cusco, Peru. Fire, 8(2), 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire8020060