Real and Virtual Lecture Rooms: Validation of a Virtual Reality System for the Perceptual Assessment of Room Acoustical Quality
:1. Introduction
1.1. State of the Art: VR Systems
1.2. Aim of the Paper
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. VR System
2.1.1. VAE Reproduction System
2.1.2. VVE Reproduction System
2.1.3. Software Framework for the Overall AV Playback
2.2. Intra-Lab Validation
Measurement Procedure
2.3. Inter-Lab Validation Against a Real Lecture Room
2.3.1. Case Study
2.3.2. Objective Acoustical Evaluation
2.3.3. Subjective Audiovisual Evaluation
3. Results
3.1. Intra-Lab Validation
3.2. Inter-Lab Validation Against a Real Lecture Room
3.2.1. Objective Acoustical Evaluation
3.2.2. Subjective Audiovisual Evaluation
4. Discussion and Conclusions
4.1. Intra-Lab Validation
4.2. Inter-Lab Validation
4.2.1. Objective Acoustical Evaluation
4.2.2. Subjective Audiovisual Evaluation
4.3. Limitations and Future Perspectives
4.4. Final Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
3D | Three dimensional |
3OA | Third-order ambisonics |
5OA | Fifth-order ambisonics |
AllRAD | All-Round Ambisonic Decoding |
ASL | Audio Space Lab |
AV | Audiovisual |
BRIR | Binaural room impulse response |
C50, C80 | Clarity |
CAVE | Cave Automatic Virtual Environment |
CTC | Cross-talk cancellation |
DAW | Digital audio workstation |
DBAP | Distance-based amplitude panning |
DRR | Direct-to-reverberant ratio |
EDT | Early decay time |
HA | Hearing aid |
HATS | Head and Torso Simulator |
HI | Hearing impaired |
HOA | High-order ambisonics |
HRTF | Head-related transfer function |
HVAC | Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
IACC | Interaural cross-correlation |
IIR | Infinite impulse response |
ILD | Interaural level difference |
IPQ | Igroup Presence Questionnaire |
ITD | Interaural time difference |
JND | Just-noticeable difference |
MDAP | Multiple-direction amplitude panning |
NH | Normal hearing |
NSP | Nearest-speaker panning |
OSC | Open Sound Control |
RIR | Room impulse response |
RSS | Real sound source |
SD | Standard deviation |
SMA | Spherical microphone array |
SLM | Sound level meter |
SRT | Speech reception threshold |
STI | Speech Transmission Index |
STIPA | Speech Transmission Index for Public Addresses |
T60, T30, T20 | Reverberation time |
VAE | Virtual acoustic environment |
VBAP | Vector base amplitude panning |
VE | Virtual environment |
VSS | Virtual sound source |
VVE | Virtual visual environment |
VR | Virtual reality |
WFS | Wave field synthesis |
WOW | Window on world |
Appendix A
Items | Subscales | English Question | English Anchors | Italian Question | Italian Anchors |
1 | Sense of being there | In the computer generated world I had a sense of “being there” | Not at all—Very much | Nel mondo virtuale, avevo la sensazione di “essere lì”. | Per niente—Moltissimo |
2 | Spatial presence | Somehow I felt that the virtual world surrounded me | Fully disagree—Fully agree | In qualche modo ho avvertito che il mondo virtuale mi circondasse. | Completamente in disaccordo— Completamente d’accordo |
3 | Spatial presence | I felt like I was just perceiving pictures | Fully disagree—Fully agree | Mi sembrava come se stessi solo percependo delle immagini. | Completamente in disaccordo— Completamente d’accordo |
6 | Spatial presence | I felt present in the virtual space. | Fully disagree—Fully agree | Mi sono sentito come se fossi stato realmente presente nell’ambiente virtualizzato. | Completamente in disaccordo— Completamente d’accordo |
7 | Involvement | How aware were you of the real world surrounding while navigating in the virtual world? (i.e. sounds, room temperature, other people, etc.)? | Extremely aware—Moderately aware—Not aware at all | Quanto eri consapevole del mondo reale circostante mentre navigavi nel mondo virtuale? (ad esempio, suoni, temperatura dell’ambiente, altre persone, ecc.)? | Completamente consapevole— Moderatamente consapevole— Completamente inconsapevole |
8 | Involvement | I was not aware of my real environment. | Fully disagree—Fully agree | Non ero consapevole del mio ambiente reale | Completamente in disaccordo— Completamente d’accordo |
9 | Involvement | I still paid attention to the real environment. | Fully disagree—Fully agree | Continuavo ancora a prestare attenzione all’ambiente reale. | Completamente d’accordo— Completamente in disaccordo |
10 | Involvement | I was completely captivated by the virtual world. | Fully disagree—Fully agree | Ero completamente affascinato dal mondo virtuale. | Completamente in disaccordo— Completamente d’accordo |
11 | Experienced Realism | How real did the virtual world seem to you? | Completely real—Not real at all | Quanto reale ti è sembrato il mondo virtuale? | Per niente reale— Moderatamente reale— Completamente reale |
12 | Experienced Realism | How much did your experience in the VE seem consistent with your real world experience? | Not consistent—Moderately consistent—Very consistent | In che misura la tua esperienza nell’ambiente virtuale sembrava coerente con la tua esperienza del mondo reale? | Non coerente— Moderatamente coerente— Molto coerente |
13 | Experienced Realism | How real did the virtual auditory-visual world seem to you? | About as real as an imagined world—Indistinguishable from the real world | Quanto reale ti è sembrato il mondo virtuale audiovisivo? | All’incirca reale quanto un mondo immaginato—Indistinguibile dal mondo reale |
13a* | Experienced Acoustical Realism | How real did the virtual acoustical world seem to you? | About as real as an imagined world—Indistinguishable from the real world | Quanto reale ti è sembrato il mondo virtuale acustico? | All’incirca reale quanto un mondo immaginato—Indistinguibile dal mondo reale |
13b* | Experienced Visual Realism | How real did the virtual visual world seem to you? | About as real as an imagined world—Indistinguishable from the real world | Quanto reale ti è sembrato il mondo virtuale visivo? | All’incirca reale quanto un mondo immaginato—Indistinguibile dal mondo reale |
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Guastamacchia, A.; Rosso, R.G.; Puglisi, G.E.; Riente, F.; Shtrepi, L.; Astolfi, A. Real and Virtual Lecture Rooms: Validation of a Virtual Reality System for the Perceptual Assessment of Room Acoustical Quality. Acoustics 2024, 6, 933-965.
Guastamacchia A, Rosso RG, Puglisi GE, Riente F, Shtrepi L, Astolfi A. Real and Virtual Lecture Rooms: Validation of a Virtual Reality System for the Perceptual Assessment of Room Acoustical Quality. Acoustics. 2024; 6(4):933-965.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuastamacchia, Angela, Riccardo Giovanni Rosso, Giuseppina Emma Puglisi, Fabrizio Riente, Louena Shtrepi, and Arianna Astolfi. 2024. "Real and Virtual Lecture Rooms: Validation of a Virtual Reality System for the Perceptual Assessment of Room Acoustical Quality" Acoustics 6, no. 4: 933-965.
APA StyleGuastamacchia, A., Rosso, R. G., Puglisi, G. E., Riente, F., Shtrepi, L., & Astolfi, A. (2024). Real and Virtual Lecture Rooms: Validation of a Virtual Reality System for the Perceptual Assessment of Room Acoustical Quality. Acoustics, 6(4), 933-965.