2.1. Definition of Production Area Databases
Aerial photograph data was used to identify a distribution of potential production fields that might be attracted into production within a 50-km radius of Gretna, Virginia, USA. This database was initially developed for the study by Resop et al. [
10] and later used for the study by Resop et al. [
9] to document the need for central control to optimize hauling productivity. The database identifies 199 SSLs where different quantities of herbaceous feedstock (switchgrass) are stored. It also contains the road travel distance from each SSL to the biorefinery.
The three databases defined for this study were selected to supply plants with nominal annual capacities of 50,000, 100,000, and 150,000 Mg/y. The Gretna database defines SSLs with a total storage of 152,526 Mg (
Figure 1), and this database is used for the nominal 150,000 Mg database, identified as the “150 k database”. A 29.1-km radius was drawn on the map to define 71 SSLs required for the nominal 50,000 Mg database (
Figure 2). This database, identified as the “50 k database”, identifies 49,856 Mg of total stored feedstock. The 40.0-km radius shown in
Figure 3 defines the 133 SSLs selected for the nominal 100,000 Mg database. The total storage for this database, identified as the “100 k database”, is 100,398 Mg. Each database map shows “pie-shaped” subareas assigned to individual load-out operations which operate simultaneously to deliver the feedstock needed for annual operation.
2.2. Definition of Load-Out Operations
For this study, hauling is conducted with a multi-bale handling system identified as the “rack system”. The rack is a 20-bale handling unit originally described by Grisso et al. [
11]. Two racks, one each on two tandem trailers, gives a 40-bale truckload. The logistics plan calls for an empty tandem trailer set to be left at the SSL for loading while a loaded set is towed to the biorefinery, thus uncoupling the loading and hauling operations [
12]. At the biorefinery, the loaded racks are lifted off and replaced with empty racks for return to any SSL where the load-out operation will have the next 40-bale load ready when the truck arrives.
The “ideal” load-out productivity defined for this study is 6 loads per 10 h day for each load-out operation. With uninterrupted operation, it is expected to take 1 h for an experienced operator to load 40 bales into the two racks [
13]. Two pieces of equipment, a telehandler and a bale loader, are used. A bale loader, described by Grisso et al. [
12], is moved into place and locked to the rear trailer. The operator then operates the telehandler to pick up bales individually, and load 10 bales into the bale loader, which pushes these bales into the bottom tier of the rear rack. The operator then moves the bale loader into position to load the front trailer, and proceeds to load 10 bales into the bottom tier of this rack. Then, the operator uses the telehandler to load the 20 bales into the top tier of the two racks, thus completing the full load of 40 bales.
The justification for 6 loads in an ideal 10 h haul day is as follows.
The load-out crew will typically not start loading until the empty trailer set is unhooked, and the loaded trailer set is hauled away. This exchange time is the “load time” in the truck cycle time computation, and it is assigned to be 15 min for each load.
The most impactful issue is the fact that the load-out operator will probably not always call the Feedstock Manager with a timely estimate of when they will have the load ready for pickup. Even if this is performed expeditiously, there is a low probability that the Feedstock Manager can dispatch a truck and have it arrive at the moment the last bale is loaded; there will always be delays.
Most commercial operations use a 70% estimate of ideal productivity as the achieved productivity in a commercial setting. The average achieved productivity used for the simulation performed here is then
Some days during a haul week, the productivity will be greater than 4.2 loads/d and some will be less. Over the 48 weeks of the hauling season, this analysis presumes that the average achieved productivity is 403.2 Mg/week for each week of operation across all load-outs. With 4.2 loads in a 10 h workday, the average “load-out cycle” is 2.38 h/load, as compared to 1 h/load to actually retrieve and load the 40 bales. Actual bale loading is, then, 42% of the workday. For some SSL layouts, time between loads might be used to stage bales so they can be retrieved and loaded faster when the truck arrives.
The time allowed in the simulation for moves between SSLs is 0.5 day for each move. The achieved productivity for a week where a single move occurs is
If two moves are required during a week (unloading of a small SSL is completed during the week and then there is a second move to the next SSL), then the achieved productivity for that week is
The analysis is performed for continuous operation of the load-outs. There are no holidays considered, no allowance for major equipment breakdowns (routine maintenance is already accounted for in the productivity estimate), and no delays due to weather (heavy rain, ice and snow on roads). These events are handled with “contingency days”, as discussed later. The 48-week hauling season for this study presumes that the biorefinery will shut down for maintenance and equipment upgrades for the final 3 weeks of August and will shut down 1 week at Christmas.
2.3. Definition of Load-Out Subareas
One load-out operation is assigned to each of the individual “pie-shaped” subareas shown in
Figure 1,
Figure 2 and
Figure 3. Previous studies of load-out operations have shown that the average achieved load-out productivity, after considering the time to move between SSLs, will average about 60 Mg/d, as compared to the 67.2 Mg/d estimate for “continuous” operations. The following assumptions were used to estimate the number of load-outs required.
Achieved average load-out productivity: 60 Mg/d
Number of weeks for continuous operation: 45 (This gives 3 weeks × 6 d/week = 18 contingency days over a 48-week haul season, or about 0.4 days per week.)
Using these rules, the estimated number of subareas required for the 50 k database is 3 and the estimated number for the 100 k database is 6.
The estimated number of load-outs required for the 150,000 database is
An interesting question is now posed: do we design the logistics system for 9 load-outs or 10 load-outs? (Obviously, there can only be an integer number.) Suppose the achieved average productivity over 48 weeks (including contingency days) is 58 Mg/week, and we consider the total feedstock actually stored in the 199 SSLs (Gretna database). This computation says that 9.13 load-outs are required, and the decision is made to design for 9 load-outs.
2.5. Procedure for Scheduling Movement between SSLs for each Load-Out Operation
Key constraint: no move between SSLs occurs until all full loads stored at a given SSL are shipped. Explanation of the load-out scheduling for the individual load-out operations is best performed with an example. This example uses SSLs 86, 60, and 56 from the load-out 2 schedule (shown in bold,
Table 1) and begins with operations in week 7. At the beginning of this week, the load-out operation has completed the load-out of SSL 82 at the end on week 6 and has just moved to SSL 86. The operation loads out 369.6 Mg in week 7 because a move occurs during this week. The total stored in SSL 86 is 536.3 Mg, thus the operation loads out 166.7 Mg in week 8 to complete the load-out of SSL 86.
At SSL 60, the load-out operation loads out
to complete week 8 operations. It then loads out 403.2 Mg in week 9. (The amount loaded is 403.2, not 369.6, because the full week is available—no move occurs.) The amount stored in SSL 60 is 737.5, thus, the amount shipped from this SSL in week 10 is
The operation then moves to SSL 56 where 811.5 Mg is stored. The amount shipped from SSL 56 to complete week 10 is
The amount shipped in week 11 is 403.2 Mg. The amount shipped in week 12 is
The calculations proceed in this manner until all 22 SSLs in the load-out 2 schedule are shipped.
2.7. Service Truck Scheduling
The load-out plan calls for a service truck to visit each active SSL load-out operation once each workday. The truck supplies fuel and routine maintenance needs, and the service technician provides assistance to the load-out worker, if needed. For this study, the service truck travel each day is calculated by summing the distance traveled when the service truck visits all load-outs in numerical order, for example, load-out 1, load-out 2, and load-out 3 for the 50 k database. In a mature industry, the route will be optimized, and the order the SSLs are visited will be chosen to minimize the total service truck travel each day.
To simplify the analysis, the service truck route for each week is defined for the SSLs being loaded out on Monday of that week. The travel on Monday is then multiplied by six to get the total travel estimate for a 6-d week. An example of service truck travel (km) is given below for week 7. Loadout 1 is loading out SSL 70, load-out 2 is loading out SSL 86, and load-out 3 is loading out SSL 49. The truck leaves from the biorefinery, visits all three load-outs, and returns to the biorefinery at the end of the day.
Total travel for week 7 is then 6 × 158.4 = 950.4 km. If the average speed on rural roads is 70 km/h, the travel time is about 2.3 h/d, and if the technician spends a maximum of one hour at each of the three SSLs, the total time required is 5.3 h/d, or about half of the 10 h workday.
For the 100 k database, the six SSLs being loaded out on week 7 are 46, 171, 81, 183, 48, and 118, and the total travel is 384.1 km/d, or 2305 km/wk. Travel time is about 5.5 h/d, and, if the time at each SSL averages 1 h/d, then the total time required is 11.5 h/d. One service truck cannot complete the service in a 10 h workday and two service trucks will not be fully utilized. For this study, one service truck is specified, which means that each SSL being loaded out will average 45 min of service time, not 1 h.
For the 150 k database, the nine SSLs being loaded out on week 7 are 39, 165, 94, 197, 65, 64, 133, 15, and 110, and the total travel is 602 km/d, or 3612 km/wk. Travel time is about 8.6 h/d, and, if the time at each SSL averages 1 h/d, then the total time required is 17.6 h/d. Two service trucks operating 10 h/d can complete the required service, thus two are specified for this study.
2.8. Equipment Hauler Scheduling
An equipment hauler is dispatched from the biorefinery, travels to the SSL where load-out has been completed, moves the equipment to the next SSL in the load-out sequence, and then returns to the biorefinery. For example, the load-out sequence for load-out 1 in the 50 k database is SSLs 99, 68, 69, …, and 32 (
Table 1). The equipment hauler hauls the equipment to SSL 99 to begin the haul season, and then returns to the biorefinery. When unloading of SSL 99 is complete, it travels to SSL 99, moves the equipment to SSL 68, and returns to the biorefinery. When SSL 68 unloading is complete, it travels to SSL 68 and moves the equipment to SSL 69 and returns to the biorefinery. This scheduling is complete until all moves are completed for the 48-week season. At the end of the haul season the equipment hauler travels to SSL 32 and hauls the equipment back to the biorefinery.
Total equipment hauler travel for the haul season is calculated by summing the total for all load-outs. This procedure is expected to give an upper bound for equipment hauler travel. Total hauls for load-out 1 (50 k database), including the initial and final hauls, is 20, and the totals for load-outs 2 and 3 are 23 and 31, respectively. If each haul takes 1 day, then the total use of the equipment hauler is 74 days, or about 26% of a 288-day haul season.