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Efficient Production of Platform Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Using Nanocatalysts: A Review

Department of Physical Science and Forensic Sciences, Alabama State University, Montgomery, Al 36104, USA
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 110016, India
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Reactions 2024, 5(4), 842-859;
Submission received: 11 March 2024 / Revised: 25 September 2024 / Accepted: 9 October 2024 / Published: 4 November 2024


This paper discusses significant advancements in using lignocellulosic biomass for the sustainable production of biofuels and chemicals. As fossil-based resources decline and environmental concerns rise, the paper emphasizes the role of integrated biorefineries in producing renewable liquid fuels and high-value chemicals from biomass. It highlights exploring various green pathways for biomass conversion, with a particular focus on nanocatalysis. Due to their large surface area-to-volume ratio, nanocatalysts provide enhanced catalytic activity and efficiency in biomass transformation processes. The review delves into the synthesis of value-added and furfural platform chemicals alongside the hydrogenolysis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) into biofuels like 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) and 2,5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran (DMTHF). The paper ultimately underscores the importance of nanotechnology in achieving high yield and selectivity in the biomass conversion process, positioning it as a promising approach for future sustainable energy and chemical production.

1. Introduction

The ever-increasing global energy demand, population growth, environmental pollution, and industrialization advancement aggravated by the availability of finite fossil resources has dramatically volatilized oil prices. The imbalance has resulted in an energy crisis and unpredictability of fossil-based oil prices, directly affecting the global economy [1]. There are wide ranges of alternative renewable energy sources to mitigate the depletion of fossil resources and overcome environmental pollution [2]. Biomass is the most promising energy resource for producing renewable transportation fuel and industrially valuable intermediate chemicals. It is considered an ideal substitute for fossil resources and, in the meantime, for the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions and particulate matter [3]. An integrated, efficient, and flexible biorefinery approach for converting lignocellulosic biomass is the key to future biomass utilization. The biorefinery approach comprising physical, chemical, and thermo-catalytic processes is an integrated biorefinery concept for valorizing lignocellulosic biomass [4].
Lignocellulosic biomass is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. It is inedible biomass with a great potential to serve for the production of bioenergy [5]. It can be converted to different forms of biofuel and value-added chemicals via various approaches, including hydrolysis, dehydration, deoxygenation, and pyrolysis [6,7,8]. Hydrolysis and dehydration products can be used as a precursor for the production of biofuels and value-added chemicals such as 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, levulinic acid, 2,5-dimethylfuran, 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid, 2,5-diformylfuran and 5-hydroxy-4-keto-2-pentanoic acid [9]. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) is the most promising versatile platform chemical that can be produced from the dehydration of hexoses and lignocellulosic biomass [10].
Conventionally, the transformation of lignocellulosic biomass to valuable products is carried out using mineral acids such as sulfuric and phosphoric acids for the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass [11,12,13,14]. In a chemo-catalytic conversion of lignocellulosic biomass in the presence of homogeneous catalysts, maximum interaction of catalyst and substrate is favored due to a one-phase reaction medium which enhances the efficiency hydrolysis of reaction [15]. However, this method suffers from the decomposition of valuable products, reactor corrosion, and the requirement of post-treatment steps, which incur additional process costs [2,14,16,17]. Therefore, heterogeneous catalysis with solid acidity, larger surface area, and a high activity of catalysts is investigated to be used as an alternative to homogeneous catalysis [18,19].
Heterogeneous catalysis has tremendous advantages, such as easy separation, suitability to function at higher temperatures and pressures, and adjustable surface acidity to improve yield and selectivity. The catalytic activity and effectiveness of heterogeneous catalysts depend on the accessible surface area and improved changes in acidic surface properties [20]. It is known that heterogeneous catalysis reduces the operational temperature of a given reaction to minimize energy consumption, which plays a vital role in the economic feasibility of the process. It improves the yield of desired products, increases selectivity, and enhances the production quality concerning environmental pollution [21]. However, the use of heterogeneous catalysts for lignocellulosic biomass depolymerization is limited due to solid-solid interaction between the catalyst and substrate, which emanates from the insolubility of cellulose in conventional solvents [22,23,24]. Heterogenous catalysts are also challenging to separate, which adds cost to the overall process. Recently, the discovery of ionic liquids for dissolution of lignocellulosic biomass provided suitable reaction media to use heterogeneous catalysts in lignocellulosic biomass utilization [24,25]. This approach provides the opportunity to test various solid catalysts to depolymerize cellulose and dehydrate biomass-derived sugars to value-added chemicals [26,27,28,29]. To overcome some of the shortcomings of heterogenous catalysts, such as limited selectivity, limited activity, and longer reaction time, nanocatalysts have been used as their replacement [30]. Nanocatalysts show high mechanical strength and stability at higher temperatures and solvents, and they are easily recyclable and eco-friendly compared to conventional heterogeneous catalysts [31,32,33,34].
Nanocatalysis refers to the catalytic behavior of nanoparticles, often exhibiting properties that lie between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, providing a larger surface-area-to-volume ratio and improved surface catalytic activity. It attracts much attention due to its possible application for the effective dehydration of sugars derived from cellulose depolymerization to produce furan and furan derivative chemicals [35]. The nanocatalyst’s miniature size boosts the precursor material’s catalytic activity by imparting properties such as high surface area to volume ratio, enhanced acid property, and utmost exposed active sites [36]. It also improves the catalytic flexibility of the nanosized catalysts compared to their bulk counterparts when used either directly as a metal or in the form of supported nanoparticles [37]. Nanosized solid catalysts’ most important catalytic advantage is their ability to form fluid solution characteristics. This property facilitates a mono-dispersed-like reaction environment, improving the accessibility of chemically active functional groups [26].

Scope of Current Review

In the attempt to utilize lignocellulosic biomass to produce greener biofuel and value-added platform industrial intermediate chemicals, significant achievements and promising results have been made by the scientific community. In this regard, the primary objective is the one-pot conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to 5-hydroxylmethylfurfural and other furan derivative chemicals. The structural complexity and resistance of cellulose in the chemical conversion process pose a significant challenge. However, it is crucial to develop a process technology to utilize cellulose because it is the most significant portion of lignocellulosic biomass and is a valuable input for producing intermediate bio-chemicals such as glucose and 5-HMF. Therefore, this review summarizes the progress made so far in the catalytic conversion of lignocellulosic biomass and intermediates sugars from cellulose to produce 5-HMF and its derivative. 5-HMF can be synthesized from chemicals derived from lignocellulosic biomass such as glucose, fructose, and cellulose using the advancement of nanocatalysis. This review also summarizes the catalytic hydrogenolysis of 5-HMF to biofuel products such as 2,5-dimethyl furan (DMF) and 2,5-dimethyl tetrahydrofuran (DMTHF). Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of the various nanocatalysts used to convert biomass into high-value chemicals.

2. Nanotechnology in Biomass Utilization

Nanotechnology, with a particular focus on engineered materials ranging in size from 1 to 100 nm, is currently at the leading frontier of materials technology and is an evolving field [49]. This emerging field played a significant role in the design and manufacturing of ‘innovative catalytic materials. The idea behind using smart materials as catalysts is that the catalytic performance can be modulated by external stimuli such as their activation and deactivation being controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their activity, selectivity, and performance. The preparation and manufacturing methodology of nanomaterials plays vital role in maintaining the important chemical and physical characteristics of innovative materials [50]. The two essential characteristics of nanomaterials are that they are small and have a high surface-area-to-volume ratio. Nanotechnology has wide area applications such as catalysis, green and sustainable energy development, electronics, fabrication of chemical and biological sensors, drug delivery, and environmental remediation [21,51]. Innovative catalytic materials are classified into two main types: (a) Intelligent catalysts that have self-regenerative functionalities, such as the recent use of La-doped strontium titanate (LST) as an anode in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) applications [52]. The nickel nanocatalysts were separated from the LST perovskite structure, solving the problem of recovery of the catalysts, making the catalytic system more efficient [53].
The future of sustainable energy development depends on lignocellulosic biomass utilization to produce transportation fuel and industrially intermediate platform chemicals. Similarly, the future of nanotechnology looks brighter in the development and manufacturing of nanomaterials based on renewable feedstock materials. Lignocellulosic biomass comprises nanometer-sized constitutive building blocks that provide interesting physical and chemical properties. Therefore, coupling these two new emerging areas of research plays a vital role in the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically viable future energy and platform chemicals production in integrated applications [54].

3. Lignocellulosic Biomass Depolymerization

Technologically viable and economically feasible conversion of lignocellulosic biomass depends on how efficient and effectively utilized the lignocellulosic portion of the biomass [55]. The emphasis on the utilization of lignocellulosic biomass is mainly because it is the most significant portion of the biomass and an essential feedstock for the production of intermediate products [56]. Cellulose is a homogeneous polymer made up of glucose monomers [16]. Lignocellulosic biomass is highly resistant to chemical conversion processes due to an extensive hydrogen bonding network in cellulose strands, which prevents the substrate from dissolving in most common solvents. In addition, the β-1, four glycosidic bonds that hold the glucose monomers, are solid and create a hindrance to the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass [57]. Therefore, depolymerization of the cellulose is required to make the tightly packed cellulose structure more vulnerable to acid penetration and subsequently allow its hydrolysis into reducing sugars. Another challenge is posed by intermolecular Hydrogen bonding (H-bonding), which reacts with most organic solvents, affecting its miscibility in an aqueous medium. Therefore, heterogeneous and nanocatalysts are better catalysts for depolymerization and hydrolysis reactions. More recently, the use of ionic liquid to dissolve cellulose is paving a promising direction toward overcoming the insolubility of lignocellulosic biomass in general [58]. A wide range of catalysts can be used to cleave the glycosidic bond of cellulose to release glucose monomer once the dissolution of cellulose is possible [59].
The glucose monomer released from the hydrolysis of cellulose can easily be converted to other valuable platform chemicals. It can serve for the production of bio-based high-value-added chemicals and biofuel (ethanol), 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and levulinic acid [60]. However, in most cases, if the substrate used is lignocellulosic biomass instead of model cellulose, it should undergo pretreatment steps to fractionate its components (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin). The production of transportation fuel, along with other value-added industrial platform chemicals through an integrated biorefinery approach, demands the utilization of selective pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for optimum utilization of the resource [22].
After the pretreatment steps, the recovered lignocellulosic portion can be dissolved with ionic liquid, specifically imidazolium-based ionic liquid, up to 25 percent by weight. The dissolution of cellulose in ionic liquid provided an ideal hydrolysis environment for testing various catalysts to break glycosidic bonds, and it is a critical step in fuel production [61]. Various catalysts, ranging from homogeneous to heterogonous, are considered for the depolymerization of cellulose. However, due to the improved catalytic properties and multifunctionality of nanosized particles, there has been a recent surge in the chemo-catalytic conversion of cellulose to glucose and 5-HMF. Researchers are currently making significant strides in nanocatalysis for biomass utilization, aiming to enhance the ease of separation, recyclability, and overall activity of the process. Exciting advancements are on the horizon in this field [35]. This review paper delves into the current advancements within the scientific community in leveraging nanocatalysis to enhance the utilization of lignocellulosic-based materials for the production of biofuels and essential industrial chemicals.
The effective depolymerization of cellulose to glucose monomer and the selection of suitable catalysts and reaction media is crucial in avoiding the formation of humin. Humin is an insoluble organic, brown-colored solid product formed due to the polymerization of intermediate oligomers and the decomposition of formed products [62]. Reducing the formation of humin is a significant processing challenge that diminishes the yield and selectivity of valuable products. At higher temperatures, products such as glucose, 5-HMF, and levulinic acid decompose into humin [21,63]. In addition, the selection of solvents also affects the formation of humin. For instance, water use at elevated temperatures is enhanced, while some organic solvents such as DMSO and DMKE inhibit its formation [14].
Various catalysts are used for the hydrolysis of cellulose, ranging from homogeneous to heterogeneous, such as sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, zeolites, and metal chlorides such as chromium and copper chlorides [64]. Using homogeneous catalysts such as mineral acids and metal chlorides suffers from significant problems such as separation difficulty and recyclability [65]. Similarly, conventional bulk heterogeneous catalysis is limited in effectiveness due to mass and heat transfer limitations, longer reaction time, deactivation of catalysts, and human formation. Nanocatalysis with improved surface area, high surface acidity, porous nanostructures (high surface area), catalytic activity, and selectivity is the future perspective for efficient biomass transformation to value-added chemicals and bioenergy [35]. The theme of using nanocatalysis for lignocellulosic biomass transformation focuses on achieving high selectivity, maximum possible activity, good recyclability, and optimized energy utilization. These can be achieved via synthesis of controlled size, shape, spatial distribution, surface composition and electronic structure, thermal and chemical stability of the individual nanoparticle [66]. These attributes help to achieve one-pot conversion of lignocellulosic biomass directly to high-value-added chemicals. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural is such a value-added chemical and industrially important feedstock. It can be used to produce valuable chemicals and biofuel such as dimethylfuran (DMF), levulinic acid, 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid (FDCA), 2,5-diformylfuran (DFF), and dihydroxylmethylfuran [67]. Figure 1 shows the application of 5-HMF for synthesizing various furan derivative chemicals.
The conversion of cellulose to 5-HMF requires three reaction steps: (1) hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose, (2) isomerization of glucose to fructose, and (3) dehydration of fructose to 5-HMF. The cleavage of glycosidic bonds initiates the hydrolysis step to release glucose monomers [23]. In this step, cellulose’s insolubility and high crystallinity pose a tremendous challenge, which has been overcome more recently by using ionic liquids. Ionic liquids (ILs) are now believed to completely dissolve cellulose and reduce its crystallinity by breaking the intensive hydrogen bonding network [68]. The use of catalysts in hydrolysis comes into the picture after a complete dissolution and reduction of the crystallinity of cellulose to cleave the glycosidic bonds [11]. The design of a nanocatalyst for the synthesis of 5-HMF directly from cellulose should exhibit multifunctional properties to catalyze all three reactions in one pot. This is mainly due to the various reactions that require different acid natures of the catalyst. Ionic liquids can be used as catalysts as well as solvents successfully and efficiently as they are reusable and have low vapor pressure, making them ecofriendly. This is a massive potential for tuning their properties by using different combinations of anion and cation pairing.

4. Synthesis of 5-HMF over Nanocatalysts

There is a vast interest in synthesis of biofuel and bio-based chemicals from 5-HMF [35]. 5-HMF has two functional groups, aldehyde and hydroxyl, which allow it to undergo various reactions. 5-HMF can be synthesized directly from depolymerizing cellulose or dehydration of hexose sugars such as glucose and fructose. In addition, it can be obtained from oligo- and polysaccharides, including industrial wastes [69]. The current industrial waste and by-product streams, including food industry residues, pulp and paper industry by-products [70,71,72], dairy industry waste [73,74], agricultural industry waste such as cassava [75] as well as other waste materials such as those from hotels and residential areas [76,77], along with used cooking oil, have substantial potential to be effectively repurposed as renewable feedstocks for the generation of biofuels Various catalysts, both homogeneous and heterogeneous, can be used for 5-HMF formation in combination with a wide range of solvents such as water, acetone, ethanol, N-dimethylformamide, N, N-dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, and dimethyl sulphoxide [78]. Catalysts such as mineral acids, metal chlorides, exchange resins, metal oxides, phosphates, hetero-poly acids, and polymeric ionic liquids have been reported so far in the conversion of lignocellulosic based substrates to synthesis 5-HMF [79].
As discussed in the introduction, both homogeneous and heterogonous catalysts are limited in transforming lignocellulosic biomass. Using nanosized materials comes into play in overcoming the challenges associated with conventional catalysis. Nanosized catalysts with improved catalytic activity, high surface area, enhanced surface acidity, and ease of separation improve the yield and selectivity of 5-HMF from lignocellulosic-based feedstock [26]. Bifunctional catalysts [80] featuring metal-containing nanoparticles (NPs) supported by zeolites have attracted considerable attention due to their outstanding performance in a variety of catalytic reactions. These reactions include direct biomass processing using biomass as the substrate, as well as indirect biomass processing using platform chemicals as the substrate. Bifunctional nanocatalysts with Bronsted and Lewis acidic properties have shown promise for facilitating the isomerization and dehydration of glucose into 5-HMF [81].

5. Synthesis of 2,5-Diformyl Furan

Furan compounds such as furfural and 5-HMF are obtained by the hydrolysis and dehydration of carbohydrates over acidic catalysts at moderate temperature [82].These lignocellulosic-biomass-derived compounds are receiving significant attention in the effort to establish a bio-renewable supply chain for transportation fuels and value-added chemicals [83]. In addition, the utilization of lignocellulosic biomass as a starting substrate for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals has witnessed an emergent requirement for sustainability [84,85]. A critical hindrance in converting biomass into tailor-made fuels is the high oxygen content of sugars. 2,5-dimethylfuran(DMF) is a less functionalized, biomass-derived product directly used as fuel.
DMF is selectively produced by the 5-HMF by removing two oxygen atoms through hydrogenolysis. Removal of oxygen atoms from 5-HMF to produce DMF not only decreases the boiling point to a value suitable for liquid fuels but also decreases the water solubility [86]. Dumesic et al. used CuRu as a nano-catalyst for the hydrogenolysis of 5-HMF to DMF. This research demonstrates a fascinating correlation between higher and lower oxygenates’ boiling points. Synthesis of DMF is also attractive because their energy content (31.5 MJ L−1) is similar to gasoline (35 MJ L−1) and 40% higher than that of ethanol (23 MJ L−1) [75]. Additionally, DMF has a higher boiling point (92–94 °C) and is less volatile than ethanol (78 °C) [87].
The properties of DMF make it a promising alternative liquid biofuel for transportation. T. Raines et al. developed a method using an ionic liquid composed of N, N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), and lithium chloride (LiCl) that can dissolve cellulose without altering its chemical structure. They synthesized DMF in a two-step process. In the first step, they produced 5-HMF from untreated corn stover in a DMA-LiCl solution, and in the second step, they performed hydrogenolysis of 5-HMF in 1-butanol using a carbon-supported Cu-Ru catalyst. Additionally, DMF is used as an internal standard for 1H-NMR quantification, producing a singlet at 2.2 and 5.8 ppm [88,89].
T. Bell and colleagues described Pd/C as effective nanocatalysts for hydrogenating 5-HMF dissolved in ionic liquid (EMIMCI) and acetonitrile to DMF. This process involved 5-methyl furfural, 5-methyl furfuryl alcohol, and 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran as intermediates. Additionally, Rauchfuss and others explored formic acid as a hydrogen source and deoxygenating agent for transforming 5-HMF to DMF using Pd/C as the catalyst [90].
Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) is the most effective way to upgrade biomass fraction into hydrocarbon fuels [91]. In August 2024, a ScienceDirect search revealed a staggering 7393 topics on HDO, pointing to the surging interest in this field. Many refining studies focus on efficiently converting bio-oil phenols into value-added alkanes. Currently, catalytic hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of phenolic compounds in bio-oils follows two main reaction pathways: (1) without hydrogenation-isomerization reactions, leading to the formation of 1,2-dimethoxybenzene through methyl substitution or alkyl transfer reactions from phenol and guaiacol, and (2) the hydrogenation-hydrogenolysis pathway, which involves the hydrogenation of the aromatic ring to produce cyclohexanol and its derivatives, followed by the removal of oxygen to yield cyclohexane. The catalyst used in the HDO reaction of phenolic compounds plays a crucial role and can significantly influence the degradation process of the phenolic compounds [91,92,93].
Research conducted by Sanna et al. [94] demonstrated that oxygenated gasoline additives, alcohols, and diols can be derived from the aqueous fraction of bio-oil through a two-stage continuous hydrogenation process. This aqueous fraction contains various C2 to C6 oxygenated compounds, including aldehydes, ketones, acids, and carbohydrates. As these functionalities are thermally unstable, direct high-temperature hydrogenation of bio-oil is not feasible. The use of a low-temperature hydrogenation (LTH) step with a ruthenium catalyst allows for the conversion of aldehydes, ketones, and sugars to their corresponding alcohols, which are thermally stable. This process minimizes carbon loss to gas and solid phase products without deactivation observed in LTH after 80 h of uninterrupted operation. The main hydrogenation products are ethylene glycol (EG), propylene glycol (PG), and sorbitol [94].
However, acetic acid is not hydrogenated in the LTH step. A subsequent high-temperature hydrogenation (HTH) step is employed to convert sorbitol to diols and monohydric alcohols through hydrogenolysis and secondary hydrogenation reactions, with platinum identified as the suitable catalyst for HTH. Under optimized conditions, up to 45% of the carbon in the water-soluble bio-oil (WSBO) can be successfully converted to gasoline blendstocks and C2 to C6 diols. The product distribution can be controlled by adjusting the pressure and second-stage temperature, with high yields of gasoline blendstocks obtained at low total pressure or high second-stage temperatures. High pressure in the two-stage process minimizes carbon loss to the gas phase [94].
The critical dispute of the HDO processes is to achieve a high degree of oxygen removal with bare minimum hydrogen consumption. For this, appropriate and vigilant design of reactor and catalysts is required. For these, numerous catalytic systems have been reported for HDO with an assortment of advantages and disadvantages where precious noble metal catalysts (e.g., Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, and Ru) have shown remarkable catalytic activities compared to non-precious transition metal catalysts (e.g., Fe, Ni, and Cu). Conversely, transition metals are more beneficial than noble metals and occasionally exhibit comparable HDO efficiency in terms of the overall reaction economy process. One of the foremost hurdles in upgrading biomass-derived chemicals is that these chemicals generally contain various functionalities.
A proper choice of nanoparticle materials usually referred to the ultrafine particles of 1 to 100 nm, which can be selectively converted from 5-HMF to DMF with high yield and selectivity. In nanoparticle catalytic material systems, the absorption of substrate at the metal surface or inside the nano-pores enhances the catalytic activity. The properties of nanoparticle catalysts significantly differ from their bulk analogy due to geometric and electronic effects. The significant advantage of the nanoparticle catalytic systems is the tunable catalytic activity by the varying size and composition of metals. Various monometallic and bimetallic nanoparticles catalyst systems were reported for the selective hydrogenating carbonyl groups like PtCo and PtCo nanoparticles supported in hollow carbon spheres were quite effective for the hydrogenation of 5-HMF at 120 °C to produce 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan as a significant product (70%), which increased (96%) at higher temperature (160 °C) [95,96].
The yield and selectivity of DMF (98%) were improved using Pt3Co2 as a catalyst. Gorte et al., investigated Ni, Cu, and Zn-based nanoparticles catalyst, along with Pt, for the deoxygenation of 5-HMF to DMF [95]. Ebitani et al. reported carbon-supported PdAu as nanocatalysts (PdxAuy/C) for the selective hydrogenation of 5-HMF to DMF [96]. Selective hydrogenation of 5-HMF in the aqueous phase also reported using Pd-Ir/SiO2 as a catalyst [97]. Carbon nanotube-supported metallic (Ni-Fe/CNT) catalyst was investigated for the selective hydrogenolysis and hydrogenation of 5-HMF [97], the behaviors of Fe/CNT and Ni/CNT are shown to be different at individual doping. The Fe/CNT nanocatalysts showed low catalytic hydrogenation at low or high temperatures, which confirmed the poor hydrogenation property of Fe. In the meantime, the Ni/CNT catalyst showed high conversion but deprived selectivity under similar conditions. The combination of Ni/Fe (2.0) atomic ratio notably increased the selectivity of DMF, which could be endorsed to the formation of Ni-Fe alloy nanoparticles that selectively cleaved off the C-O bond. Pd-Zn nanocatalysts were also effective for the hydrodeoxygenation of 5-HMF to DMF at 85% yield at 150 °C [98]. Wang et al. reported 93.4% yield of DMF form 5-HMF with >99% conversion at 130 °C and 0.7 MPa H2 with Ru/Co3O4 as catalyst [99]. Chilukuri et al., reported 100% 5-HMF conversion with 70 mol% of DMF by 2 wt% Ru-NaY used as catalyst [100].

6. Synthesis of 5-Ethoxymethylfurfural

Biomass sets itself apart from other renewable energy sources as it can be directly converted into liquid fuels known as “biofuels” which can aid in fulfilling transportation fuel demands. Ethanol and biodiesel, the two primary biofuels currently in use, are considered the first generation of biofuel technology.
The synthesis of liquid fuel and fuel additives from readily available biomass sources has garnered significant attention in recent years. Among the proposed bio-fuels, 5-Ethoxymethylfurfural (5-EMF) stands out as a highly desirable alternative to gasoline due to its superior stability, environmental friendliness, and high energy density. Importantly, 5-EMF can be directly produced from bio-based materials through etherification reactions in ethanol, using synthetic methods and various biomass or bio-derived substrates, including 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-5-HMF), fructose, glucose, and raw biomass [101].
It is advantageous to establish methods for the efficient production of 5-EMF using cost-effective and sustainable biomass sources via uncomplicated reaction approaches. Nevertheless, the specific catalysts, reaction environments, and research goals for synthesizing 5-EMF from diverse biomass feedstocks have demonstrated variability across various research studies [101,102,103].
5-EMF is one of the other attractive biofuels synthesized by the biomass fraction. EMF can be directly synthesized from carbohydrate or etherification of 5-HMF or chloromethyl furfural in an acidic medium. EMF has attractive fuel properties (8.7 kWh/L) like gasoline (8.8 kWh/L) and diesel (9.7 kWh/L) and higher than ethanol (6.1 kWh/L). Therefore, the comparative energy density of EMF makes it an attractive biofuels additive. Guney et al. synthesized EMF directly from fructose using ionic liquids and ethanol as solvents [104]. Mascal et al. investigated two pot synthesis of EMF from cellulose. In the first step, they synthesize 5-(chloromethyl) furfural (CMF) by five wt% of lithium chloride solution in concentrated hydrochloric acid and microcrystalline cellulose and CMF extracted by organic phase. In the second step, CMF was converted into EMF in nearly quantitative yield by stirring it in ethanolic solution at room temperature. Due to its higher energy density (8.7 kWh/L) and boiling point (235 °C), it has been tested in blends with the diesel fuel by Avantium Technologies, a spin-off of Royal Dutch shell and positive results were reported, with the engine being able to run smoothly for several hours [104]. The different ways to create EMF from biomass sugars include reactions involving ethanol, such as hydrolysis, dehydration, and esterification. EMF can also be hydrogenated over metal catalysts to produce 5-(hydroxyethyl) furfural alcohol, has better miscibility in diesel, and has a similar energy density and combustion ability to ethanol [105]. Tsapatsis et al. reported one-pot synthesis EMF from glucose in ethanol using Amberlyst-131 and Zeolite Sn-beta as catalysts [105].
The production of 5-EMF from glucose in ethanol takes place in a single reactor at 90 °C. This process involves the conversion of glucose to fructose using zeolite Sn-Beta, a Lewis acid catalyst. Subsequently, fructose is transformed into 5-HMF and then etherified to 5-EMF using Amberlyst 131, a Brønsted acid catalyst. The overall 5-EMF yield achieved was 31% [106].
In a recent study, researchers developed a method for the catalytic direct conversion of carbohydrates into 5-EMF using acid-base bifunctional hybrid nanospheres as heterogeneous catalysts. They were able to achieve a high 5-EMF yield of 76.6% from fructose through a sequential dehydration-etherification reaction using different concentrations of the catalyst, prepared from the self-assembly of phosphotungstic acid (HPA) with lysine, arginine, or histidine in EtOH/DMSO at 120 °C for 15 h. While glucose could not be efficiently converted into EMF, the researchers obtained ethyl glucopyranoside in good yields (up to 42.6%) from the reaction of glucose with ethanol [107].

7. Synthesis of Long-Chain Hydrocarbon

Synthesis of long-chain hydrocarbon from biomass should be achieved by the C-C coupling via cross-aldol condensation reaction. In general response, aldehyde moiety condensed with the ketonic moiety in a basic or acidic medium. Various biomass-derived chemicals like 5-HMF and furfural can be condensed with acetone in aqueous and organic solvents from C7 to C15. These larger molecules can be converted in long chain hydrocarbon, which is directly used as diesel fuel. For aldol or cross aldol condensation, at least one carbonyl group that has an adjacent α-Hydrogen is converted into carbanion species and attacks another carbonyl group, which may have or may not have an α-hydrogen atom, to form a C-C bond. 5-HMF and furfural both have an aldehydes group but cannot undergo self-condensation because they do not have an α-hydrogen atom. but they can condense with other species, which form carbanion such as acetone, methyl isobutyl ketone, as shown in [84].
Aldol condensation is a well-known technique for increasing the carbon chain. The furan aldehydes (furfural and 5-HMF) derived from the six-sugar and five-sugar units offer pathways for the desired chain extension. Figure 2 summarizes the C-C coupling of these aldehydes with other ketonic units using aldol condensation chemistry, which is an attractive route for synthesizing fuel precursors. Initially, hydroxide-based methods (NaOH and KOH) to promote aldol reactions were well documented in the literature [95]. These methods were promoting carbon chain extensions, but carry out as a result in a non-selective manner [108]. Selectivity of aldol product was controlled by the furfural and acetone ratio for the aldol condensation of equal molar amounts of acetone and furfural formed FAc monomer (C8 unit), while 1 mole of acetone and 2 moleS of furfural produced F2Ac dimer (C13 unit) as shown in scheme 3 Hora et al. mentioned that high selectivity (>90%) of C8-alcohol at a lower temperature (20 °C) [109]. The catalytic efficiencies of titania (MTN) and zirconia (MZrN) nanocatalysts were investigated for the conversion of cellulose to 5-HMF using ian onic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, [EMIM]Cl) system. MZrN exhibited better 5-HMF yield than MTN because of more robust acidic sites [110]. Faba et al. [111] reported mixed-metal oxides (Mg-Zr, Mg-Al, and Ca-Zr) as catalysts for the aldol condensation reaction, the reported reversible consecutive reaction and basis of concentration profile data. They also agreed with scheme 3, at initially acetone reacts with the furfural yielding C8 (FAc) adduct, which further undergoes a subsequent reaction with another molecule of furfural and C13 (F2Ac) product formed. On the basis of catalyst activity, Mg-Zr is the most active catalyst in terms of C13 yield and selectivity [111]. Barrett et al. used MgO-ZrO2 as a catalyst for condensing acetone and furfural and 5 wt% Pd/MgO-ZrO2 for further hydrogenation of aldol adduct to biofuels [112]. The cross-condensed C7-C15 molecules were further hydrogenated to increase their solubility in the aqueous phase and then fed to a dehydration/hydrogenation reaction chamber to produce liquid alkanes [113]. Hydrogenation of aldol adducts in the presence of noble nanocatalysts (Pd/Al2O3, Pd/C, Ru/C, and Pd/Al-MCM-41, were achieved-nonane (C9). N-dodecane (C12) and n-pentadecane (C15) [114]. J.C. Serrano-Ruiz et al. used Zeolite as a catalyst for dehydrating and isomerizing 5-nonanol to diesel fuel [115]. Xing et al. used 5 wt% Ru/C as nanocatalysts to produce liquid alkane from hemicelluloses at 130 °C and 800 psi. They also explored 4 wt% Pt-Al2O3-SiO2 as a catalyst for the hydrodeoxygenation of aldol dimer to synthesize alkane at 260 °C and 900 psi of H2 pressure [116]. There was a synthesized mixture of bi(cyclopentane) and tri(cyclopentane) followed by hydrodeoxygenation over the SiO2-loaded Ni catalyst under solvent-free conditions for the synthesis of high-density jet fuel with 86.6% carbon yield of C10 and C15 oxygenates [117]. It was reported that the hydroxy alkylation-alkylation method with hydrodeoxygenation is a promising route for synthesizing high-quality diesel fuel by using Nafion-212 and 4 wt% Pt/ZrP as catalysts. The synthesis of high-density (0.82 g/mL) jet-fuel cycloalkanes in high yields (~80%) by the condensation of condensation of cyclopentanone and butanal followed by hydrodeoxygenation using MgAl-HT as aldol condensation catalyst and Ni-Pd/SiO2 as hydrodeoxygenation catalyst [118]. Furfural was used as a starting substrate for the condensation with cyclopentanone for the synthesis of biofuels [119]. They reported, the synthesis of biofuels in two steps; in the first step, 0.208 mol of furfural condensed with 0.104 mol cyclopentanone. After that, hydrodeoxygenation with Pd/Hβ catalyst at 280 °C in 8 MPa of H2 pressure.

8. Future Direction

Nanocatalysts offer the advantages of both homogeneous and heterogenous catalysts in relation to increased surface area, thermal stability, potential for self-assembly and designing materials with tenable physical and chemical properties suitable for various reaction in the biomass conversion process.
To optimize the activity of nanocatalysts apart from surface modification, combination of different materials such as magnetic, dielectric, metals and semiconducting materials can be assembled into binary nanoparticles superlattice which may result in a large pool of novel nanocatalyst material apt for variety of reactions. Lignocellulosic biomass has potential to replace fossil fuels and chemicals derived from crude oil because of its renewability, and abundant nature. Heterogeneous nature of hemicelluloses poses obstacles in its optimum conversion into value added chemicals and fuel platform chemicals. The reason being that hemicellulose consisting of C5 xylose monomers that are not depolymerized easily by biochemical processes as efficient as C6 glucose monomer containing cellulose are. However, after depolymerization steps, catalytic conversion of cellulose into 5-HMF and hemicellulose into furfural can take place profitably. These platform chemicals (5-HMF and furfural) can be further converted into biofuels such as DMF and DMTHF via catalytic hydrogenation, esterification, oxidation, and amination steps. Lignin provides a rich source of aromatics. The value-added chemicals from lignin can be obtained by depolymerization, fractionation and upgradation. However, degraded products of lignin can be challenging precursors to the production of value-added chemicals.
The heterogeneous nature of biomass, on the one hand, poses challenges in the processing cost, product selectivity, reusability, catalyst recovery, and physio-chemical conditions required for the conversion, yet, on the other hand, provides an opportunity to produce value-added chemicals at a commercial scale. Nanocatalysts suit this function with their versatility, tuneable properties, and high functionality required for complex processes involved in biomass conversion.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. The figure illustrates the various pathways for converting HMF to DMF, a highly promising liquid transport fuel.
Figure 1. The figure illustrates the various pathways for converting HMF to DMF, a highly promising liquid transport fuel.
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Figure 2. The figure illustrates coupling reactions between aldehydes and ketones used to enhance bio-based carbonyl compounds to generate products that can be further converted into jet and diesel fuels or lubricants through subsequent hydrogenation.
Figure 2. The figure illustrates coupling reactions between aldehydes and ketones used to enhance bio-based carbonyl compounds to generate products that can be further converted into jet and diesel fuels or lubricants through subsequent hydrogenation.
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Table 1. Summarizes different types of nanocatalysts used to convert biomass into value-added chemicals.
Table 1. Summarizes different types of nanocatalysts used to convert biomass into value-added chemicals.
LactoseBiomass Material/Starting MaterialProducts of Biomass ConversionReaction ConditionsReferences
Metal Nanocatalysts (MN)
Reduced Ag (rAg) and reduced copper (rCu)5-(HydroxyMethyl) Furfural (5-HMF)2,5-bis(HydroxyMethyl)-Furan (B5-HMF). It’s a precursor toBorate buffer (Boric acid + NaOH solution)[38]
Pt supported on graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets (g-C3N4)FurfuralFurfural alcoholfurfural hydrogenation in water resulted in 99% conversion of furfural to furfuryl alcohol.[39]
PtNi alloy nanoparticles distributed on activated caron supportFurfural (FAL)tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol
99% FAL conversion and 93% THFA yield at 35 °C and under 2 MPa H2 was achieved[40]
Metal Oxide Nanocatalysts (MON)
Single-site Pt/CeO2MethanolHydrogensingle site Pt/CeO2 exhibited efficiency 40 times higher than traditional nanocatalysts, Pt/CeO2 of 2.5 nm and 800 times higher compared to 7.0 nm nanocatalysts.[41]
single atomic catalysts Pt1/Nb2O5-Ov, Pd1/Nb2O5-Ov, and
Au1/Nb2O5-Ov supported on oxygen defective Nb2O5 (Nb2O5-Ov).
5-HMF5-Methylfurfural (MF)H2 as the reducing agent with MF selectivity of >99% at complete conversion[42]
Co3O4 nanoparticles loaded on N-doped CNatural biomassfurfuryl alcohol98.7% of the conversion and 97.1% of the selectivity at 160 °C for 6 h under 1 bar H2 was achieved[43]
Templated porous TiO2 nanocatalystsD-galactose5-HMF29% 5-HMF yield was obtained in 2 min microwave conversion using DMA as solvent with biomass: catalyst ratio of 2:1 at 140 °C[44]
Templated porous TiO2 nanocatalystsD-mannose5-HMF35% 5-HMF yield was obtained in 2 min microwave conversion using DMA:LiCl solvent with biomass: catalyst ration of 2:1[44]
Templated porous TiO2 nanocatalystsLactose5-HMF45% 5-HMF yield was obtained in 2 min microwave conversion using DMA solvent with biomass: catalyst ration of 2:1 at 140 °C[44]
Functionalized silica nanoparticlesFructose5-HMF87% 5-HMF yield was produced by using Solvent 1-butyl-3-methylimdazolium chloride, biomass: catalysts ration 20:1 at 120 °C in 180 min.[12]
Nanocoated Fe3O4Fructose5-HMF82.3% 5-HMF yield was produced by using Solvent DMSO, biomass: catalysts ration 2:1 at 110 °C in 180 min.[23]
Core-Shell Nanocatalysts
Non-coated and carbon-coated core–shell FeCo@Ni magnetic nanoparticles were used as the heating agent and the catalyst simultaneously5-HMFB5-HMF, DMF2,5-bishydroxymethylfuran (B5-HMF, 5) and 2,5-bishydroxymethyltetrahydrofuran (BHMTHF, 9), which are attractive monomers for the production of polymers. In addition, 5-HMF can be also converted by hydrogenolysis to 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF, 8)[45]
Carbon-based Nanocatalysts (CN)
Activated char-supported Cu-nanocatalysts activated by ZnCl2Rice huskTar Syngas yield under different reforming conditions shows the major components, including H2, CO, CH4 and CO2, of the final product gas from the tar cracking experimentsActivated char-supported copper nanocatalysts impregnated by ZnCl2 and CuCl2; Cu NPs ZnCl2 functions as the activating agent to increase the surface area of the char. Tshe highest tar conversion efficiency of 94.5% was obtained at the reforming temperature of 800 °C[27]
Metallic Ni on carbon matrixRice husksyngas is CO and H2.RHC Ni showed high tar conversion efficiency, increasing from 92.3% to 100%, when the reforming temperature was increased from 500 °C to 900 °C.[46]
Bimetallic PtCo nanoparticles supported on graphene-like nitrogen doped porous carbon (GNPC) nanosheetsFurfuralFurfuryl alcoholPtCo/GNPCH-900 with a size of 1.7 ± 0.3 nm exhibited excellent catalytic performances in the selective hydrogenation of biomass-derived furan-based unsaturated aldehydes to the corresponding unsaturated alcohols at 25 °C, 99% conversion and 99% selectivity in 0.25 h, P(H2) 30 bar.[44]
Zeolite Based Nanocatalysts
NiO impregnated on ZSM-5Palmitic acidEsters, aldehydes, alcohols, hydrocarbons and gases (CO2, CO), produced by deoxygenation (e.g., decarbonylation), hydrogenation and cracking, less, though, through isomerization.ZSM-5-based catalysts with different Al/Si(0.5) ratios and containing NiO NPs (10–20 nm in diameter) tested in hydrodeoxygenation, decarboxylation and hydrocracking of palmitic acid. The relative Ni/Al atom fraction in Ni/ZSM-5 systems influenced their Lewis/Brønsted acidic sites.[47]
Metal-Organic Framework nanocatalysts
M-MOF-74s (M = Co, Ni, Mg, Zn)SugarsMethyl lactate35% of Methyl lactate at 220 °C for 6 h from glucose. Mg-MOF-74 converted Sucrose gave the into methyl lactate (47%) which was higher than either glucose or fructose.[48]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Jain, S.; Kassaye, S. Efficient Production of Platform Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Using Nanocatalysts: A Review. Reactions 2024, 5, 842-859.

AMA Style

Jain S, Kassaye S. Efficient Production of Platform Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Using Nanocatalysts: A Review. Reactions. 2024; 5(4):842-859.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Jain, Sapna, and Samuel Kassaye. 2024. "Efficient Production of Platform Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Using Nanocatalysts: A Review" Reactions 5, no. 4: 842-859.

APA Style

Jain, S., & Kassaye, S. (2024). Efficient Production of Platform Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Using Nanocatalysts: A Review. Reactions, 5(4), 842-859.

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