Challenges and Solutions for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Lightweight Blockchains
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Blockchain
2.1. Transactions in a Blockchain
2.2. Consensus Mechanisms for Blockchains
2.2.1. Proof-of-Work
2.2.2. Proof-of-Stake
2.3. Smart Contracts
3. Lightweight Blockchain in VANETs
- Efficient Trust Evaluation: lightweight trust evaluation schemes can reduce the computational overhead of the blockchain by identifying the malicious nodes that generate false data to overburden the target node [28]. By involving only those trusted nodes, the blockchain can be made lighter. However, the mobile nature of the nodes makes it difficult to implement these lightweight trust evaluation schemes.
- Lightweight Consensus Mechanism: a lightweight blockchain can be achieved by simplifying the consensus mechanism, reducing computational costs. PoS, delegated PoS (DPoS), Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG), etc., are some of the lightweight consensus mechanisms. However, the maintenance of network synchronization, and preventing attacks can still be challenging using these lightweight mechanisms.
- Pruning: pruning is the process of deleting data from the blockchain that is no longer required to validate new transactions. This technique can help reduce the size of the blockchain, making it more lightweight. In VANETs, pruning can be used to remove transaction data no longer relevant to the current traffic scenario. However, in VANETs, historical data can be important in predicting patterns and pruning may remove this data that can be important in future.
- Limiting the Number of Nodes: in VANETs, it is possible to include only those nodes (OBUs) within a given geographical area, as there is a greater probability of interaction between them than in another geographical area. This can make the blockchain light. The mobile nature of the traffic makes it difficult to implement this strategy.
- Sharding: sharding involves breaking up the blockchain into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards. This can help reduce the computational requirements for each node and increase the scalability of the blockchain. The dynamic nature of movement and communication constraints makes its implementation difficult.
- State Channels: state channels are off-chain channels between a group of nodes (OBUs), allowing them to conduct many transactions without recording them on the main blockchain, reducing the load and making it lightweight. State channels may not be suitable for communicating emergency transactions.
- Data Compression: compressing the data stored on the blockchain can help reduce the size of the blockchain. This can be achieved using compression algorithms that reduce the data size without affecting its integrity. This technique can be used in conjunction with other methods mentioned above. However, the real-time requirements of VANETs and the limited processing power of the OBUs puts constraints on the data compression techniques.
3.1. Efficient Trust Evaluation
3.2. Lightweight Consensus Mechanisms
3.3. Limiting Geographical Reach
3.4. Pruning
4. Challenges and Solutions
- Scalability: VANETs generate a large volume of data, and a blockchain that cannot handle this data efficiently may result in significant performance issues. As the number of connected vehicles increases, the blockchain’s capacity to process transactions may become slower, impacting the desired transaction throughput. Solutions such as sharding or limiting the geographical area can help distribute the computational load and improve scalability.
- Security: VANETs require secure vehicle communication to prevent cyberattacks and ensure safe driving. The blockchain technology used in VANETs must be secure, tamper-proof, and able to handle malicious attacks such as sybil and double-spending attacks.
- Decentralization: the decentralization of the blockchain is crucial for ensuring that VANETs can operate autonomously without the need for a centralized authority. However, achieving true decentralization requires many nodes, which can be challenging to achieve in VANETs due to the high mobility of the vehicles.
- Interoperability: interoperability enables different vehicles and infrastructures to communicate effectively. The blockchain technology used in VANETs must be interoperable with other communication protocols and technologies.
- Privacy: VANETs generate many data, and ensuring the privacy of this data is crucial for maintaining user trust. The blockchain technology used in VANETs must provide a way to encrypt and anonymize data to ensure privacy and protect user data.
- Energy Efficiency: VANETs are typically powered by energy-limited resources with limited capacity. Future research can focus on developing new energy-efficient blockchain architectures and consensus algorithms to reduce the energy consumption of blockchain-based VANETs.
- Real-time Applications: VANETs are used in many real-time applications such as collision avoidance and traffic management. Future research can focus on developing new lightweight blockchain architectures and consensus algorithms that can provide real-time guarantees for these applications.
- Integration with AI and Machine Learning: VANETs can generate large amounts of data, which can be analyzed using AI and machine learning algorithms to provide insights into traffic patterns and driving behavior. Future research can focus on developing new blockchain-based architectures and consensus algorithms that can support AI and machine learning applications in VANETs. AI applications are already being developed for VANET with blockchains [59] and even using AI to determine which nodes can participate in the consensus method [60].
- Hybrid Consensus Mechanisms: hybrid consensus mechanisms can be used to combine the strengths of different consensus mechanisms and mitigate their weaknesses. A hybrid consensus mechanism can combine the efficiency of a lightweight consensus mechanism such as PoS or DPoS with the security of a more robust consensus mechanism such as PBFT.
- Network Partitioning: network partitioning can be used to improve the scalability of lightweight blockchains for VANETs. By partitioning the network into smaller sub-networks, the overhead of the consensus mechanism can be reduced, and the scalability can be improved. Network partitioning can also increase the robustness of the network by isolating faulty or malicious nodes.
- Size Reduction Techniques: size reduction techniques can be used to reduce the size of the blockchain and the amount of data that needs to be transmitted between nodes. This can be achieved by compressing transaction data or using techniques such as Merkle trees to reduce the size of the blockchain.
- Off-Chain Transactions: off-chain transactions can reduce the computational overhead of the blockchain by processing transactions off-chain and only submitting the outcome to the blockchain. This can be achieved using techniques such as state channels or payment channels.
- Light Client Protocols: light client protocols can be used to reduce the computational and storage requirements of nodes in the network. Using a lightweight protocol, nodes can participate in the network without downloading and storing the entire blockchain.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Discussion of Security with VANET Blockchains | Discussion of Computation Reduction within VANET Blockchains | Discussion of Network Requirement Reduction within VANET Blockchains | Discussion of Storage Requirement Reduction within VANET Blockchains | Discussion of Lightweight Blockchains within VANETs and Their Effects |
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Bowlin, E.; Khan, M.S.; Bajracharya, B.; Appasani, B.; Bizon, N. Challenges and Solutions for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Lightweight Blockchains. Vehicles 2023, 5, 994-1012.
Bowlin E, Khan MS, Bajracharya B, Appasani B, Bizon N. Challenges and Solutions for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Lightweight Blockchains. Vehicles. 2023; 5(3):994-1012.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBowlin, Edgar, Mohammad S. Khan, Biju Bajracharya, Bhargav Appasani, and Nicu Bizon. 2023. "Challenges and Solutions for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Lightweight Blockchains" Vehicles 5, no. 3: 994-1012.
APA StyleBowlin, E., Khan, M. S., Bajracharya, B., Appasani, B., & Bizon, N. (2023). Challenges and Solutions for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Lightweight Blockchains. Vehicles, 5(3), 994-1012.