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Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Landscape Learning for Global Optimization and Feature Selection

Khalil Abbal
Mohammed El-Amrani
Oussama Aoun
3 and
Youssef Benadada
Smart Systems Laboratory, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat 10100, Morocco
ANISSE Research Team, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat 10100, Morocco
Laboratory of Advanced Research in Industrial and Logistic Engineering, ENSEM, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca 20000, Morocco
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Modelling 2025, 6(1), 9;
Submission received: 7 December 2024 / Revised: 15 January 2025 / Accepted: 17 January 2025 / Published: 20 January 2025


Particle swarm optimization (PSO), an important solving method in the field of swarm intelligence, is recognized as one of the most effective metaheuristics for addressing optimization problems. Many adaptive strategies have been developed to improve the performance of PSO. Despite these advances, a key problem lies in defining the configuration criteria of the adaptive algorithm. This study presents an adaptive variant of PSO that relies on fitness landscape analysis, particularly via ruggedness factor estimation. Our approach involves adaptively updating the cognitive and acceleration factors based on the estimation of the ruggedness factor using a machine learning-based method and a deterministic way. We tested them on global optimization functions and the feature selection problem. The proposed method gives encouraging results, outperforming native PSO in almost all instances and remaining competitive with state-of-the-art methods.

1. Introduction

Optimization is an immensely effective strategy for deriving suitable solutions across a broad spectrum of engineering and planning challenges. Over the past thirty years, numerous metaheuristic algorithms have been innovated by researchers to address intricate optimization problems in diverse domains, encompassing engineering and business. In contrast to conventional gradient-based classical optimization algorithms, which often grapple with non-linear, non-convex, and multi-modal issues, metaheuristics excel in managing these demanding scenarios. Furthermore, these algorithms prove their worth when dealing with computationally intensive methods that yield optimal solutions unfeasible, especially in the era of big data, where challenges involving a high number of decision variables are increasingly common.
Metaheuristics can be broadly categorized into two main types: single-solution approaches and population-based algorithms. Single-solution approaches are dedicated to iteratively modifying and enhancing individual solutions. Examples of this category include traditional local search methods like hill climbing as well as simulated annealing. On the other hand, population-based metaheuristics focus on concurrently maintaining and manipulating a population of potential solutions, enabling them to more effectively explore the solution space. These algorithms can be further classified into evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence approaches [1,2]. Population-based metaheuristics often draw inspiration from natural phenomena. A genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) are among the most used algorithms in the first category, while ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization are typical examples of the second.
In general, research on metaheuristics can be divided into two primary areas: algorithm development and problem analysis.
A closer examination of the existing literature reveals a significant emphasis on swarm intelligence within the domain of algorithmic research. Swarm intelligence algorithms have gained substantial attention over the past decade, resulting in the development of numerous algorithms within this category [3]. Despite the extensive scrutiny of how these algorithms manage exploration and exploitation, there has been a notable absence of efforts to establish a clear connection between algorithm performance and the specific problem characteristics they aim to address. Understanding the elements that pose challenges to these algorithms and integrating this knowledge into their design is pivotal for achieving an improved balance between exploration and exploitation.
Therefore, accurately characterizing a problem becomes of paramount importance for acquiring deeper insights and making well-informed decisions concerning the most suitable algorithms, ultimately leading to enhanced solutions. To tackle this issue, the concept of fitness landscape (FL) analysis proves to be an effective method for evaluating these criteria, as it centers on comprehending algorithm performance and the contributing factors. Numerous metrics have been proposed to gauge FL difficulty, with ruggedness primarily denoting the number and distribution of local optima. In an ideal scenario, FL analysis would enable us to systematically define and select the best algorithm and configuration for each problem instance based on its assessed difficulty. However, it is widely acknowledged that such a task is particularly challenging in numerous optimization problems, including those in the realm of neural network optimization [4,5] and the traveling salesman problem [6]. This is why we advocate adopting an adaptive approach that leverages FL analysis during the optimization process. To our knowledge, no prior advanced work has integrated FL feature information into the design of swarm intelligence algorithms. While similar ideas have been proposed for the case of differential evolution (DE) in [7,8], in this paper, we extend these ideas to a well-established swarm intelligence approach.
In this paper, our focus is on PSO as a representative and well-known swarm intelligence approach. PSO is a bio-inspired metaheuristic based on intelligent collective behavior observed in animals such as birds as well as fish. Originally developed for continuous optimization problems [9], PSO has also been successfully adapted to address combinatorial optimization problems [10]. In this paper, we propose an adaptive PSO based on FL analysis. That is, based on the calculation of the ruggedness factor (an FL factor), we propose an adaptation of PSO parameters using a deterministic approach and a machine learning (ML)-based approach. Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
  • We include FL knowledge in the design of a well-known swarm intelligence algorithm.
  • We examine the method in a well-known benchmark function and the feature selection problem (an ML optimization problem).
  • We adopt a learning mechanism based on ML.
The rest of this paper is outlined as follows: In Section 2, we give a literature review of the topic. Section 3 focuses on detailing the proposed approach. Section 4 and Section 5 discuss the experiments on global optimization and FS, respectively. Finally, we present the conclusion and explore perspectives for future research.

2. Background and Literature Review

In this section, we provide the necessary background and summarize the literature review. We start by the work presenting the concept of FLA and how to measure it and illustrate how to compute it. Then we focus on PSO by showing the classical variant and presenting the main adaptive PSO approaches and how learning can be integrated into it.

2.1. Fitness Landscape Analysis

The most widely recognized definition of a fitness landscape system was proposed in [11] and is defined as the triple ( X ,   N ,   ϕ ), where X denotes the set of candidate solutions (search space), N presents the neighborhood relation, and ϕ : X R is the fitness function. In the PSO context, the neighborhood is considered the position’s movement.
Building on the above definition, it becomes clear that FL analysis strongly depends on how the neighborhood relation is defined. A problem that is challenging for a randomized hill climbing algorithm may not be as challenging for a genetic algorithm or when using alternative mutation operators. Therefore, while there are several independent measures, such as counting the global optima, it is generally recognized that it is often impossible to fully characterize the landscape using only these individual features [12]. Furthermore, we notice that several of the measurements used also depend on how the neighborhood relationship is defined. For instance, a notable feature of a fitness landscape is the set of local optima associated with a particular problem. Unimodal functions have a single local optimum, which coincides with the global optimum, whereas multimodal functions feature multiple local optima, increasing the challenge of locating the global optimum.
There are specific features for local searches, such as the basin of attractions. This concept, which was formally defined in [13] reflects the set of the search space, given a neighborhood relation, necessary to reach a local optimum. Such measures can also be integrated into the analysis of swarm intelligence, as shown in [14,15].
Other features are specifically designed for evolutionary algorithms, such as scalability. It hypothesizes that a population has the potential to produce offspring (subsequent solutions) that are more appropriate than their parents (previous solutions). Certain other measures rely on samples taken from the search space; Ref. [16] identified FL characteristics and measurements, emphasizing ruggedness. Ruggedness relies on the number and distribution of local optima, reflecting the variation in fitness values across the FL. Various measurements have been proposed for quantifying ruggedness, which is the focus of this paper. Our goal in this paper is to leverage this information to improve the performance of an adaptive parameter control of the algorithms. The work on ruggedness is shown below. For more information about this concept and the current trend of FL analysis, the interested reader is referred to [12,17,18].
The concept of fitness landscape (FL) ruggedness has been explored in the literature from different angles. For example, Ref. [19] identified three key properties to characterize FLs: neutrality, smoothness, and ruggedness. Among these, the rugged landscape is generally considered the most difficult and problematic, attracting particular research attention, although neutral and smooth landscapes have also been studied.
In terms of measurement, the autocorrelation function (ACF) introduced by [20] is among the most commonly used methods to evaluate ruggedness. This technique involves conducting random walks with a defined operator to analyze the landscape’s correlation structure. Specifically, when mutation is used as an operator, random walks are initiated from a randomly selected point, with each step inverting a randomly selected bit in the vector. The resulting ACF can be interpreted as a time series [21]. However, the ACF has been criticized for its limitations in accurately characterizing fitness landscapes, as noted by studies such as [22]. Furthermore, Ref. [23] argued that the importance of autocorrelation is often overestimated in FL studies. Therefore, the ruggedness measure proposed by [19] has become the most common over the last decade. The approach is described in Section 3.1.
It is also worth mentioning that research on ruggedness has mainly focused on continuous optimization problems [24], although it has been extended to combinatorial optimization, and the difference is highlighted in Section 3.1.
By analyzing the literature, it can be concluded that FL has been less explored for swarm intelligence compared to other metaheuristics. Nevertheless, some studies have integrated it into the analysis of PSO, which is the most studied swarm intelligence method from this side. The incorporation of FL analysis into PSO has shown promise, as highlighted in [25]. Below, we outline some key methods in this regard. For example, in [14], a fitness landscape feature was initially proposed for the case of PSO. This feature involves the analysis of clustered local optima and has been adopted later in other works (e.g., [26]). Furthermore, Ref. [16] studied the correlation between three metrics and the performance of PSO in continuous optimization. These metrics include an entropy-based robustness measure (Equation (7)), a dispersion metric used to predict the existence of funnels, and a measure for estimating the fitness gradient. A related study on gradient estimation was presented in [12]. In [25], researchers explored how the characteristics of optimization problems could impact the behavior of swarm-based search algorithms. Particularly, the study investigated the relationships between various FL features and their effects on the behavior of PSO variants. Ref. [27] proposed a correlation metric between fitness value and distance, derived from characterizing the fitness landscape of optimization problems. In [28], machine learning techniques were employed to predict key control parameters based on the characterization of a problem. Ref. [29] presented a methodology for applying fitness landscape analysis (FLA) techniques to the parameter configuration landscape. The study revealed that the characteristics of the PSO parameter configuration landscape show no correlation with those of the target benchmark problems. This motivates the need to have an adaptive mechanism to update PSO parameters. Indeed, this paper aims to leverage this notion to propose an adaptive PSO approach for parameter control. Below, we will explain how PSO works and then focus on the adaptivity issue.

2.2. Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization

The PSO algorithm emerged as a powerful metaheuristic, drawing inspiration from the collective dynamics of flocks of birds and schools of fish. Its inception in the late 1990s has propelled PSO to become widely recognized and esteemed for its adaptability and effectiveness in solving complex optimization problems across various domains. Originally developed for continuous optimization, PSO has been adapted into several binary and discrete variants to address combinatorial optimization problems, such as feature selection. In both cases, the update of the velocity is performed in Equation (1).
v i j ( t + 1 ) = w v i j ( t ) + c 1 r 1 ( p i j ( t ) x i j ( t ) ) + c 2 r 2 . ( p g j ( t ) x i j ( t ) )
In this context, v i j ( t ) and x i j ( t ) represent the j th dimension of velocity and position vectors of the particle i. Similarly, p i j ( t ) denotes the j th dimension of the best-known position previously reached by particle i, while p g j ( t ) corresponds to the j th dimension of the best global position found by all particles in the swarm. The variables r 1 and r 2 are two independent random variables uniformly distributed, while c 1 and c 2 are the acceleration coefficients The parameter w denotes the inertia weight. The factors c 1 and c 2 have crucial tasks in PSO as they enable the management of the exploration–exploitation trade-off. This paper focuses on these factors.
For continuous optimization, the update of the position is performed in Equation (2) [9]:
x i j ( t + 1 ) = x i j ( t ) + v i j ( t + 1 )
In discrete and binary optimization, the update of the position is performed in Equations (3) and (4) [10]:
v i j ( t ) = s i g ( v i j ( t ) ) = 1 1 + e v i j ( t )
x i j ( t + 1 ) = 1 if r a n d i s i g ( v i j ( t + 1 ) ) 0 e l s e
where s i g represents the sigmoid function, which converts continuous values into binary values, and r a n d i is a uniform random variable in the range [0,1].
The inertia weight is updated based on the formula in Equation (5)
w = w max t t max ( w max w min )
t and t max represent, respectively, the current iteration and the total allowed iterations.
In this paper, our focus is on updating c 1 and c 2 parameters using FL analysis, and we will have a look at some ways to define adaptive PSO algorithms based on parameter control. The PSO algorithm parameters, the acceleration factors ( c 1 and c 2 ), and the inertia weight, w, play critical roles in achieving the exploration–exploitation balance, as proposed by [30]. In [31], an adaptive strategy for updating their values is introduced, based on defined states: exploration, exploitation, convergence, and escaping local optima. Also, Ref. [32] proposed an adaptive PSO based on fuzzy systems. In [33], an adaptive control is proposed based on dynamic changes. Moreover, refs. [34,35] uses Bayesian techniques to adjust inertia weight based on particle positions. In [36], the authors presented a PSO variant that integrates multiple adaptive strategies. This approach lies in dividing the whole population into several swarms, a method aimed at efficiently maintaining population diversity. We can conclude that there are several ways to adaptively control PSO parameters. In particular, the approach described in [31] is still widely adopted these days. For example, it is still relevant in recent studies, such as in [37], which adopted the four states to define the proposed contribution.
Different strategies have been proposed to adaptively control the PSO parameters. In this paper, we adopt these four states for parameter control. For this, we use both a deterministic and an ML-based approach. We should note that the inclusion of learning mechanisms shows huge potential for PSO. In the literature, there are several learning tools incorporated into PSO. The most famous is the comprehensive learning PSO [38], which employs a learning strategy that leverages the best historical information from all other particles to update a particle’s velocity. The example-based learning PSO [39] employs a set of multiple global best particles as examples to guide particle position updates. In self-learning PSO [40], each particle has four strategies to handle various strategies within the search space. These strategies work together through an adaptive learning framework designed at the individual level. This approach is similar to the one we are based on, but the key distinction is that in our approach, the state (or strategy) at each iteration is shared by all particles, while here, each particle has a particular strategy.
Table 1 below summarizes key concepts and advancements in fitness landscape analysis (FLA) and adaptive particle swarm optimization (PSO).
In this paper, we leverage the recent advances in ML to select the appropriate state. In fact, as illustrated in [41], ML has great potential for improving metaheuristics. In particular, reinforcement learning is increasingly adopted to improve metaheuristics. It is used in [7], which we mentioned earlier, and which uses FL analysis to improve the evolutionary algorithm DE. However, the main issue with such an approach is the computational cost of it. In fact, adopting an ML method at each iteration is time-consuming. We decide to use here a supervised learning method to estimate the best iteration for every batch of iterations to limit its computational cost.

3. Design of the Proposed Approach

We devote this section to describing our approach. We start by showing the calculation of the ruggedness measure. Then, we illustrate the adaptive PSO mechanism. Then, we present an overview of the proposed framework.

3.1. Measuring Landscape Ruggedness

To compute ruggedness, the first issue is to generate a sample. The traditional way to perform this task is by experimental design, which is a technique used for guiding the choice of experiments to be performed efficiently. This paper proposes a random sampling mechanism that was introduced in [19] (and applied to the case of PSO in, e.g., [25,42]). A common method for analyzing the landscape’s ruggedness is to introduce a time series of random walks in the search space. In this approach, the time series is expressed as a sequence, S ( ϵ ) = s 1 ,   s 2 ,   s 3 ,   ,   s n , where s i { 1 ,   0 ,   1 } and i 1 ,   ,   n . We define the following encoding function, applied to the time series of a random walk:
Φ ( i , ϵ ) = 1 if y i + 1 y i < ϵ 0 if | y i + 1 y i | ϵ 1 if y i + 1 y i > ϵ
where y denotes the fitness value, and ϵ represents the sensitivity of the information and functions as an accuracy parameter for the symbol sequence.
The approach aims to simplify the analysis of landscape ruggedness by focusing the entropy measure on the set of fitness values associated with three individual vectors in the search space. These fitness values lie on the same path. The local topology of the landscape, whether neutral, smooth, or rugged, is determined by the uniformity of the error margins of the fitness values. A smaller error margin increases the sensitivity to differences in fitness values, making the landscape appear more rugged. Conversely, a larger error margin blurs these differences, making features such as small steps or shallow valleys appear smooth or neutral. In other words, the entropic measure H is defined as follows:
H ( ϵ ) = p q P [ p q ] l o g 6 P [ p q ]
where P [ p q ] is defined as follows:
P [ p q ] = n [ p q ] n
and n [ p q ] denotes the number of sub-blocks p q in the string S ( ϵ ) ( p and q are elements from { 1 , 0 , 1 } as computed in Equation (6)). For more details on the previous parameters, which assess the magnitude of change mentioned above, we refer to [24,43]. In this paper, we focus on the calculation of the robustness parameter as defined in Equation (9).
R = max ϵ H ( ϵ )
R measures the ruggedness of the landscape. More precisely, the higher the value of R, the greater the variety of rugged forms in the promenade, which leads to a more rugged landscape structure. It is worth noting that in our case, a solution corresponds to the position of a particle. In our method, we calculate the difference in cost between the positions found in consecutive iterations. By amalgamating information from all particles and all iterations, we gain insights into the ruggedness of the landscape [25]. Using the computed ruggedness value, we define the state and subsequently update the PSO parameters, drawing inspiration from [31].

3.2. Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Learning Strategy

In this paper, inspired by [31], we design the adaptive PSO strategy. Our contribution to that paper is to incorporate FL information in the update strategy. That is, our approach consists of computing the ruggedness value and then defining the appropriate PSO state with the corresponding parameter update strategy based on the computed value at each batch of iterations. As there is no clear matching between the ruggedness and PSO state, we propose two ways to link them. The first is deterministic, and the second is ML-based. Only the specific fitness landscape technique of ruggedness analysis was applied, as they directly support the study’s goal of adaptive parameter control in PSO. Incorporating all techniques would add unnecessary computational complexity without clear benefits.

3.2.1. Deterministic Approach

In this paper, we propose two approaches for strategy determination: a deterministic method and a machine learning (ML)-based approach. The deterministic method involves subjectively defining the relationship between the two strategies. For instance, a high value of R indicates a rugged landscape that requires further exploration. Conversely, a very low value of R may signify the risk of being trapped in a local optimum, necessitating a jumping-out strategy. For intermediate values, an exploitation or convergence state may be suitable, depending on the specific value. The Algorithm 1 describes the approach in this case.
Algorithm 1 Selecting strategy based on ruggedness calculation.
Require: R—Some value between 0 and 1
Ensure: Select a strategy based on the value of R
if   R > 0.8 then
    Increase c 1 and Decrease c 2 (Exploration State)
    if 0.8 > R > 0.5 then
        Increase c 1 Slightly and Decrease c 2 (Exploitation State)
        if  0.5 > R > 0.2 then
           Increase c 1 Slightly and Increase c 2 Slightly (Convergence State)
           Decrease c 1 and Increase c 2 (Jumping Out State)
        end if
    end if
end if

3.2.2. Machine Learning-Based Approach

The ML-based approach consists of training a supervised ML method to determine the most appropriate strategy. For this, we take a number of functions or data, compute the ruggedness list of (−1, 0 and 1), and test the four aforementioned strategies, selecting the best one and achieving the best value after a batch of iterations (noted d 1 ). For example, suppose we decide to update the strategy every 100 iterations. Then, for training, we will have a list in the form of [0, −1, 1…] (dimension d 1 ) as the feature for the ML model and the id of the strategy (1,…, 4) as the label. By repeating this process on different iterations and data, we can build the training model. Then, for any new case, we compute the values of that list, and the ML model will predict the best strategy. Below, we present both the training and the test algorithm in Algorithms 2 and 3, respectively. The training phase is done once, while the test algorithm needs to be executed for any update of the strategy.
Algorithm 2 Training ML model for strategy determination.
Input: Functions or data
Output: Trained ML model for strategy determination
Step 1: Data acquisition
Acquire functions or data
Step 2: Training phase
Set strategy update frequency to every d 1 iteration
Create a feature vector with ruggedness list values, −1, 0, and 1, (length: d 1 )
Assign a strategy identifier (e.g., exploration, exploitation) with labels 1 to 4.
Build a comprehensive training model through iterations
Algorithm 3 Testing ML-based strategy determination.
Input: Trained ML model, the new case of the strategy to be updated after d 1 iterations
Output: Optimal strategy for the new case
Step 1: Prediction phase
Compute ruggedness list values
Utilize the trained ML model to predict the best strategy
Step 2: Selecting Optimal Strategy
Select the best strategy after d 1 iterations

3.3. The Proposed Framework

This part aims to illustrate the general framework of the proposed approach, which is illustrated in Algorithm 4.
Algorithm 4 The general framework of the proposed approach.
Require: Problem instance
Ensure: The best-obtained solution
d 1 Get the value of d 1
d 2 Get the value of d 2
for   k 1 to d 1  do
    Compute the position of all particles and update them using the chosen state and parameters (Section 2.2)
end for
for   i 2 to d 2  do
    Compute the ruggedness factor using the executions from j = 1 to d 1 (Section 3.1)
    Estimate the best PSO strategy and update c 1 and c 2 values as in Algorithm 1 or Algorithm 3
    for  j 1 to d 1  do
        Compute the position of all particles and update them using the chosen state and parameters (Section 2.2)
    end for
end for
Where d 1 is the number of iterations we are computing the ruggedness factor value (as in [24]) to define the appropriate state, and d 2 is the number of state updates. For example, for 1000 iterations, if we compute the ruggedness of each 100 iterations and update the state 9 times, d 1 = 100 and d 2 = 9 . This method is examined for global optimization and FS (Section 4 and Section 5, respectively).

4. Experiments on Global Optimization

Experimental Setup

Concerning PSO parameters, we set the acceleration coefficient values to 0.5 ( c 1 = c 2 = 0.5 ). The population size for the different methods is 50. These values were selected to achieve the exploration–exploitation balance; further details on the impact of these parameters are provided in [44,45]. Iterations were fixed at 1000 and executed 30 times.
To evaluate the searchability of the two proposed algorithms, nine well-known test functions were chosen and compared to six popular PSO algorithms, including the standard PSO algorithm [9], the comprehensive PSO algorithm (CPSO) [38], the heterogeneous comprehensive learning PSO (HCPSO) [46], the self-organizing PSO (SPSO) [47], and the ensemble PSO (EPSO) [48]. Table 2 presents the ten functions. In the GitHub link (accessed on 15 January 2024), we have provided a graphical interface for the comparison of the algorithms to facilitate the replication and the benefit from the experiments.
In Table 3 and Table 4, we show the comparison of the methods. PSO-R-ML refers to the method of estimating ruggedness with ML, while PSO-R-D refers to the method using a deterministic method. The best values are indicated in bold.
In the provided table, we can observe that for the PSO-R-ML optimization approach, both the mean and standard deviation values are extremely small across all functions ( f 1 to f 10 ). This suggests that PSO-R-ML consistently produces solutions with extremely low mean and low variability, indicating a high level of precision and stability in optimizing these functions.
For the PSO-R-D optimization approach, the mean values are also quite low, although not as close to zero as PSO-R-ML. However, the standard deviation values are generally small, indicating relatively low variability in the optimization results. This suggests that PSO-R-D performs well in achieving low mean values and maintaining consistency in optimization outcomes.
In the case of the standard PSO optimization approach, the mean values are higher than both PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D, but still relatively low, indicating effective optimization. The standard deviation values are also small, suggesting that PSO produces consistent results with low variability.
Comparing the provided approaches to other optimization algorithms, such as CPSO, HCPSO, SPSO, and EPSO, reveals varying performance patterns. CPSO and HCPSO perform exceptionally well for certain functions but exhibit a drop in performance for others, particularly when mean values increase substantially. SPSO and EPSO offer a balanced performance with moderately low mean values and consistent standard deviation values across different functions. However, they do not achieve the same level of precision as PSO-R-ML.
Moreover, in order to compare the convergence of the algorithms, we show in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 comparison of the convergence of the different functions.
From the aforementioned figures, we can see that both PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D exhibit superior convergence abilities compared to the native PSO. Notably, PSO-R-ML outperforms in the “Bent Cigar” and “Sphere” functions, while PSO-R-D excels in “Ackley” and “Rastrigin”. Although PSO-R-ML achieves comparable results to PSO-R-D, it converges at a later stage. Additionally, PSO-R-D stands out as the only method achieving a result of 0 for the “Griewank” function. This leads us to the conclusion that the proposed deterministic adaptation based on PSO ruggedness is particularly effective for multimodal functions.
When comparing PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D with other state-of-the-art methods, it is evident that they deliver competitive results and demonstrate superior convergence abilities, especially in the aforementioned functions. However, incorporating machine learning enhances convergence but also results in longer computational times due to the added overhead of training and parameter optimization. This trade-off between improved accuracy and increased execution time will be further explored, as discussed in the computational analysis section of this article.
Furthermore, Table 5 presents a Kruskal–Wallis-based comparison of PSO-R-ML with other PSO variants. The Kruskal–Wallis test, a non-parametric method, was employed to assess whether there are statistically significant differences between PSO-R-ML and other algorithms. A significance level of α = 0.05 was chosen for the analysis. Extremely small p-values were approximated to 0; a p-value of 1 indicated no significant difference. Similar results were observed for PSO-R-D, confirming its consistent performance against other variants. On f 6 , PSO-R-ML demonstrated improvements over other variants, with p-values near 0.02 for CPSO, HCPSO, SPSO, and EPSO. Only f 5 showed no significant differences, suggesting similar performance across methods. The overall statistical results highlight the strong performance of PSO-R-ML. These findings emphasize the robustness and performance of our approach.
As depicted in Table 5, it is evident that PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D consistently demonstrate substantial improvements over the baseline PSO across nearly all functions. This reaffirms our earlier conclusions and underscores the effectiveness and advantages of incorporating FL analysis.
Additionally, comparing the execution times of PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D with the baseline PSO evaluates their computational efficiency. This analysis determines whether the performance gains are achieved without significant increases in computational overhead, ensuring their suitability for time-sensitive scenarios.
Furthermore, Figure 6 shows that the computational efficiency of PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D is evaluated in the following paragraph by evaluating their execution times with the baseline PSO. This analysis ensures that the performance benefits are suitable for time-sensitive scenarios by determining if they are attained without appreciably increasing computational overhead.
PSO-R-ML and PSO-R-D can be recognized as optimal selections for optimization tasks, particularly where enhanced outcomes and manageable computational costs are critical. Their time execution performance indicates that they serve as dependable alternatives to both conventional PSO and more computationally demanding variants.

5. Experiments on the Feature Selection Problem

5.1. Experimental Setup

Here, we aim to further examine the method for the feature selection (FS) problem. FS is a commonly encountered combinatorial optimization challenge in machine learning, designed to enhance the generalization ability of learning algorithms by eliminating redundant, irrelevant, and noisy features. FS involves 2 n possible combinations, where n represents the number of original features. Therefore, the search space increases exponentially with the number of features, making FS particularly challenging, especially for high-dimensional datasets due to the large search space.
It is crucial to note that the FS optimization problem has been presented in different formulations. Indeed, in many cases, optimization algorithms are required not only for maximizing prediction accuracy (or minimizing the prediction error) but also for reducing the number of selected features [49,50].
The balance between maximizing prediction accuracy and minimizing the number of features can be approached differently. In this paper, as in [51,52], we use an aggregated fitness function, as defined in Equation (10):
F = α F 1 + ( 1 α ) F 2
F 1 represents the error rate, while F 2 denotes the percentage of selected features, as defined in Equation (11):
F 2 = p n
where p represents the number of selected features and n is the total number of features.
The value of α is set to 0.8, which prioritizes the error rate over the number of selected features. This value is in line with literature recommendations, such as [53,54], which suggests adjusting α in the range of 0.7 to 0.9.
In our experiments, we chose support vector machines, a well-known machine learning model, to evaluate the predictive power of the selected features, as it has demonstrated strong performance in the literature. To implement PSO for FS, we updated the “PySwarms” research toolkit and utilized the Scikit-learn package. Additional details are available in the GitHub repository: (accessed on 15 January 2024). The number of iterations was set to 100 to ensure that the proposed method could achieve a satisfactory solution quickly to challenge typical FS methods. In this case, d 1 = 20 and d 2 = 5 .
We evaluated our approach using twelve widely adopted datasets, representing diverse domains and varying features, samples, and classes (including three multi-class problems). Our main interest was the difference in the number of features when tackling the FS problem. Most datasets are available in the UCI ML repository, and Table 6 provides a summary.
We compare our method to the classical PSO-based wrapper approach, as discussed in [52], and to two classical filter FS approaches. Additionally, we evaluate and compare the prediction accuracy, the number of selected parameters, and the CPU time (measured in seconds). The algorithms were run on a system equipped with an Intel i7-9750H processor and 16 GB of memory.

5.2. Comparison of the Results

In this section, we present the fitness function results in Table 7, obtained for each approach: our approach, PSO, χ 2 , MI, CPSO, HCPSO, SPSO, and EPSO. We should note that, regarding the values depicted for the methods χ 2 and MI, we adopted the values from [52].
The next figures (Figure 7 and Figure 8) illustrate the convergence of the algorithms for selected datasets, namely Ionosphere, Sonar, Semeion, and Voice Rehabilitation (LSVT) data.
Additionally, Table 8 presents the prediction accuracy (1 − error rate) along with the corresponding number of selected features (in parentheses) for each of the four FS approaches.
Table 7 and Table 8 demonstrate that our suggested methodology consistently produces better results in the majority of cases, surpassing both the conventional PSO and other methods, including other PSO variants, in around 80% of instances, with just a slight shortfall in the rest of the instances. PSO-R-ML has a slight advantage over PSO-R-D and also surpasses the performances of χ 2 , MI, and other PSO variations, particularly with large datasets, labeled as (i), (j), and (l). Furthermore, as seen in Figure 7 and Figure 8, our methodology has a more rapid convergence rate. Both suggested strategies successfully address the issues presented by large datasets in feature selection. Our PSO adaptation, based on FL analysis, has significant potential and can serve as a catalyst for further study.

6. Conclusions

This paper discusses the potential of enhancing swarm intelligence by fitness landscape analysis, with a prime focus on particle swarm optimization. We implement two adaptive variants that use a machine learning approach and a variant that relies on simple deterministic mapping from ruggedness values; both are investigated by standard global optimization benchmarks as well as feature selection tasks applied to real datasets.
In this regard, a deeper comparative analysis supports our findings and indicates that the proposed approach statistically outperforms the baseline PSO variants in both global optimization and feature selection settings. In fact, the proposed ML-based approach improved the classification performance while reducing the number of selected features, which is highly desirable when dealing with high-dimensional data. Although the ML-based method increases computational costs compared to classical PSO, both variants remain competitive or more efficient than other advanced PSO approaches, balancing performance gains with practicality.
Potential directions for further work include (i) reducing overhead by lightweight ML models or by reducing the training running cost, (ii) adding other FLA metrics beyond ruggedness, and (iii) running parametric sensitivity analyses (e.g., varying initial conditions, core parameters, and thresholds) to reinforce robustness across various problem types. By incorporating richer, low-cost landscape features and applying them to other real-world optimization tasks, future research can develop even stronger and more flexible swarm-based optimizers.
All source code is publicly available at (accessed on 15 January 2024). Contributions from the community about reproducibility and further improvement of this work are welcomed. Through continued exploration of FLA-informed adaptation, we anticipate more robust swarm intelligence solutions for both standard optimization and critical applications such as feature selection.

Author Contributions

Methodology, M.E.-A.; software, K.A.; validation, Y.B.; formal analysis, O.A.; investigation, K.A.; resources, M.E.-A.; data curation, K.A. and O.A.; writing—original draft, M.E-A.; writing—review and editing, O.A.; supervision, Y.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

All details regarding the data and source code are available at the GitHub link: (accessed on 15 January 2024).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
ACFauto-correction function
CPSOcomprehensive PSO
DEdifferential evolution
EPSOensemble PSO
FLfitness landscape
FLAfitness landscape analysis
FSfeature selection
GAgenetic algorithm
HCPSOheterogeneous comprehensive learning PSO
LSVTLee Silverman Voice Treatment
MImutual information
MLmachine learning
PSOparticle swarm optimization
PSO-R-Dmethod of estimating ruggedness using a deterministic approach
PSO-R-MLmethod of estimating ruggedness with ML
SPSOself-organizing PSO
UCIUniversity of California Irvine
χ 2 the chi-squared test is a statistical method


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Figure 1. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Step function and (b) Bent Cigar function.
Figure 1. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Step function and (b) Bent Cigar function.
Modelling 06 00009 g001
Figure 2. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Ellipsoid function and (a) Discus function.
Figure 2. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Ellipsoid function and (a) Discus function.
Modelling 06 00009 g002
Figure 3. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Sphere function and (b) Levy function.
Figure 3. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Sphere function and (b) Levy function.
Modelling 06 00009 g003
Figure 4. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Griewank function and (b) Ackley function.
Figure 4. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Griewank function and (b) Ackley function.
Modelling 06 00009 g004
Figure 5. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Rastrigin function and (b) Schaffer function.
Figure 5. Evaluation of our approach for (a) the Rastrigin function and (b) Schaffer function.
Modelling 06 00009 g005
Figure 6. Execution times across PSO variants.
Figure 6. Execution times across PSO variants.
Modelling 06 00009 g006
Figure 7. Comparison of our approach with the typical PSO-based approach for the Ionosphere and Sonar data.
Figure 7. Comparison of our approach with the typical PSO-based approach for the Ionosphere and Sonar data.
Modelling 06 00009 g007
Figure 8. Comparison of our approach with the typical PSO-based approach for (a) the Semeion and (b) LSVT data.
Figure 8. Comparison of our approach with the typical PSO-based approach for (a) the Semeion and (b) LSVT data.
Modelling 06 00009 g008
Table 1. Summary of the background and literature review.
Table 1. Summary of the background and literature review.
AspectKey InsightsReferences
Fitness Landscape AnalysisDefinition and key components of fitness landscapes.[11,12]
Challenges with ruggedness and multimodality.[16,19]
PSO AdaptivityAdaptive parameter control techniques in PSO.[30,31]
Learning MechanismsIncorporation of ML and reinforcement learning in PSO.[7,38]
Computational challenges of learning-based methods.[7,41]
Table 2. Benchmark functions.
Table 2. Benchmark functions.
f 1 Step Function
f 2 Bent Cigar Function
f 3 Ellipsoid FunctionUnimodal
f 4 Discus Function
f 5 Sphere Function
f 6 Levy Function
f 7 Griewank Function
f 8 Ackley FunctionMultimodal
f 9 Rastrigin Function
f 10 Schaffer N.2 Function
Table 3. Comparison of optimization approaches on functions f 1 to f 10 (mean values).
Table 3. Comparison of optimization approaches on functions f 1 to f 10 (mean values).
f 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f 2 1.23 × 10 141 4.16 × 10 69 8.73 × 10 11 2.83 × 10 54 4.84 × 10 119 3.74 × 10 186 4.32 × 10 293
f 3 3.75 × 10 270 3.41 × 10 117 1.37 × 10 10 0 0 0 0
f 4 6.48 × 10 149 3.43 × 10 103 9.61 × 10 13 4.09 × 10 59 1.81 × 10 122 2.70 × 10 180 7.23 × 10 287
f 5 7.53 × 10 148 6.27 × 10 97 1.37 × 10 10 6.10 × 10 60 1.08 × 10 123 1.37 × 10 181 9.16 × 10 291
f 6 1.49 × 10 32 1.49 × 10 32 3.95 × 10 12 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149
f 7 5.37 × 10 11 0 5.83 × 10 10 0.0664 0.0664 0.0664 0.0664
f 8 4.44 × 10 16 4.45 × 10 16 7.25 × 10 5 3.0265 3.0265 3.0265 3.0265
f 9 0 0 4.62 × 10 11 7.9596 7.9596 7.9596 7.9596
f 10 0 0 7.18 × 10 9 0 0 0 0
Table 4. Comparison of optimization approaches on functions f 1 to f 10 (std dev values).
Table 4. Comparison of optimization approaches on functions f 1 to f 10 (std dev values).
f 1 0000000
f 2 3.21 × 10 137 5.45 × 10 66 5.32 × 10 7 0000
f 3 2.35 × 10 232 1.45 × 10 146 6.32 × 10 9 0000
f 4 4.24 × 10 102 8.38 × 10 67 2.32 × 10 25 8.63 × 10 43 8.63 × 10 63 8.63 × 10 91 8.63 × 10 110
f 5 2.35 × 10 146 2.45 × 10 57 3.54 × 10 9 9.30 × 10 43 5.52 × 10 112 7.68 × 10 126 3.84 × 10 277
f 6 3.46 × 10 37 8.38 × 10 37 2.32 × 10 25 7.49 × 10 17 7.49 × 10 17 7.49 × 10 17 7.49 × 10 17
f 7 2.23 × 10 15 7.32 × 10 16 1.32 × 10 19 0000
f 8 2.23 × 10 15 7.32 × 10 16 7.0 × 10 4 0000
f 9 00 2.127 × 10 13 0000
f 10 00 2.15 × 10 15 0000
Table 5. Kruskal–Wallis comparison of PSO-R-ML and other PSO variants on functions f 1 to f 10 (p-values).
Table 5. Kruskal–Wallis comparison of PSO-R-ML and other PSO variants on functions f 1 to f 10 (p-values).
f 1
f 2
f 3
f 4
f 5 010.170.680.06
f 6 0.740.
f 7 0.010000
f 8
f 9
f 10
Table 6. Benchmark dataset.
Table 6. Benchmark dataset.
Data NameFeaturesSamplesTarget (Classes)
(b)Breast cancer305692
(d)Drive Diagnosis49585111
(e)Lung Cancer56322
(j)Voice Rehabilitation (LSVT)3091262
Table 7. Comparison of the obtained values for the fitness function for each algorithm.
Table 7. Comparison of the obtained values for the fitness function for each algorithm.
Table 8. Comparison of the prediction accuracy and the number of selected features.
Table 8. Comparison of the prediction accuracy and the number of selected features.
(a)0.800(4)0.800 (4)0.970 (4)0.900 (4)0.920 (4)0.446 (4)0.485 (4)0.446 (4)0.485 (4)
(b)0.947 (2)0.919 (5)0.998 (4)0.998 (8)1.000 (8)0.924 (5)0.921 (4)0.944 (4)0.907 (5)
(c)0.982 (6)0.983 (6)0.980 (6)0.906 (8)0.892 (8)0.980 (6)0.974 (6)0.983 (6)0.983 (6)
(d)0.898 (10)0.887 (10)0.304 (13)0.443 (13)0.242 (12)0.582 (13)0.370 (12)0.425 (13)0.858 (10)
(e)1.000 (11)1.000 (11)0.969 (20)0.812 (10)0.812 (8)1.000 (11)0.969 (8)1.000 (11)1.000 (11)
(f)0.957 (15)0.947 (16)0.947 (16)0.788 (10)0.784 (10)0.933 (13)0.913 (13)0.928 (16)0.938 (13)
(g)0.992 (15)0.981 (17)1.000 (17)0.997 (10)0.998 (10)0.983 (10)0.977 (16)0.984 (10)0.983 (10)
(h)0.500 (39)0.500 (43)0.500 (33)0.500 (24)0.500 (30)0.500 (33)0.500 (28)0.500 (36)0.500 (40)
(i)0.981 (104)0.959 (97)0.970 (108)0.714 (89)0.654 (89)0.840 (92)0.863 (81)0.863 (81)0.863 (81)
(j)1.000 (117)0.935 (98)0.669 (71)0.935 (103)0.935 (103)0.669 (71)0.669 (71)0.669 (71)0.669 (71)
(k)0.993 (291)1.000 (311)1.000 (311)0.861 (251)0.866 (252)0.988 (284)0.987 (264)0.987 (264)0.989 (283)
(l)0.986 (3245)0.986 (3255)0.986 (3367)0.861 (2376)0.750 (2386)0.986 (3338)0.986 (3175)0.986 (3322)0.986 (3247)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Abbal, K.; El-Amrani, M.; Aoun, O.; Benadada, Y. Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Landscape Learning for Global Optimization and Feature Selection. Modelling 2025, 6, 9.

AMA Style

Abbal K, El-Amrani M, Aoun O, Benadada Y. Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Landscape Learning for Global Optimization and Feature Selection. Modelling. 2025; 6(1):9.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Abbal, Khalil, Mohammed El-Amrani, Oussama Aoun, and Youssef Benadada. 2025. "Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Landscape Learning for Global Optimization and Feature Selection" Modelling 6, no. 1: 9.

APA Style

Abbal, K., El-Amrani, M., Aoun, O., & Benadada, Y. (2025). Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Landscape Learning for Global Optimization and Feature Selection. Modelling, 6(1), 9.

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