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A Review of Advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Drive’s Control Techniques

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Johannesburg 2006, South Africa
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 5 November 2024 / Revised: 2 December 2024 / Accepted: 29 December 2024 / Published: 3 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Section Electrical and Electronic Engineering)


In this paper, a review of the advances in brushless synchronous motors is presented because there has been an increasing interest in advanced motor control and to address the weaknesses of conventional motor control. The traditional motor control strategies, for example, proportional plus integral controllers (PIs), are simple and easy to maintain. On the contrary, they require accurate tuning and are affected by motor parameter variations. To address these challenges and many others (power factors, torque ripple, current limit, voltage limit, speed limit), advanced control methods are required to enhance the performance of the motor drive control. The advanced control techniques include model predictive control, slide mode control, reinforcement learning, and fuzzy logic control. This paper provides a comprehensive review of advances in control methods and addresses the challenges and limitations associated with their practical application.

1. Introduction

Electrical vehicle sales have been increasing since 2013, and, in 2023, close to 14 million electric cars were sold. Electric car sales remained strong in the first quarter of 2024, exceeding the first quarter of 2023 by close to 25% [1]. This trend and the need to use environmentally friendly means of transport and renewable energy generation have diverted much effort to the need for robust control methods for brushless synchronous motor drives. This has necessitated the need to look for better designs in motor control for electric vehicles with an undeniable emphasis on cost, efficiency, and safety. Traditionally, electric motors have been used in homes and industrial applications, and, recently, there has been an increased interest in transportation systems. The electrical machines used are induction machines, usually referred to as industrial workhorses, because of their low cost and ease of construction [2]. However, there is one distinct disadvantage: the speed of an induction motor cannot be continuously varied without additional equipment, and the motor’s nature as a dynamic, nonlinear system makes its control considerably more difficult than in direct current (DC) machines [3]. The current challenges of control models for brushless synchronous motor drives are high torque ripple, poor power factor, poor average torque, the heavy weight of the rotor, and cost.
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are the most commonly used motors in the automotive industry, appearing in the Toyota Prius (Toyota, Aichi, Japan), Nissan Leaf (Nissan, Oppama, Japan), Chevrolet Volt (General Motors, Detroit, MI, USA), and other modern-day hybrid and electric vehicles. In comparison to other motors, PMSMs provide superior performance characteristics in terms of power density, speed range, and efficiency. However, at high speeds, a PMSM is subject to field weakening [4], and the cost of permanent magnets is high.
The permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machine is being researched as an alternative to the induction machine drive and PMSM drive [5]. The advantages of SynRM are that it is simple in construction, lightweight, and robust, but it suffers from poor power factors and torque ripples. To utilize the merits of both SynRM and PMSMs to provide better torque characteristics, high efficiency, low cost, good power factor, low torque ripple, and wide speed range, the PMa-SynRM is under study [4,6].
There are many control schemes that have been reported in the literature for torque ripple minimization, fault tolerance, power factor improvement, and efficiency [2,3,4]. The torque ripple minimization method was developed to perform under different open-phase faults in a PM-assisted synchronous reluctance motor [6]. The proposed method was formulated with three steps, including the current harmonic identification, harmonic injection, and phase balancing under faults. The success of any motor drive hinges on the control algorithm, which is critical.
In particular, the control methods for electrical motors are classified as scalar control and vector-based control. The scalar control method includes constant voltage frequency control. This method is simple to implement but depends on motor parameters and requires time for adjustments. The vector consists of field-oriented control and direct torque control. The vector control improves the dynamic behavior of the motor. A considerable amount of research has been carried out regarding induction machines for many applications, including but not limited to renewable energy generation and transportation electrification.
The focus of this review is to continue existing studies on the trends or advances in the control of synchronous brushless motors. However, despite various research on control strategies of electric motors, no review has been conducted on control strategies for permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motors. Table 1 shows a comparison of synchronous brushless motors in terms of cost and key performance parameters [7]. This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 discusses the types of brushless synchronous motor and their control methods. In Section 2, dynamic modeling of the brushless synchronous motor drive is covered. Section 3 highlights the latest advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Control Techniques. Section 4 and Section 5 examine the simulation method and the system’s results using Matlab R2019a(9.6) Simulink. Finally, in Section 6, a summary of this study is given.

2. Dynamic Modelling Brushless Synchronous Motor Drive

Dynamic modeling is the best approach to studying the behavior of brushless synchronous motors. By using the vector principle, the machine variables from the physical three-phase are transformed into a two-phase system in the stationary reference frame ( α β ) or rotating reference frame (d-q) [5,8]. For a brushless synchronous motor drive, a mathematical transformation is used to solve the complex equation into a new coordinate system known as the d-q frame [9].
The voltage and torque equation in the synchronously rotating reference frame that represents the motor is given by Equations (1)–(5) as reported in [9,10]. The torque equation for the Synchronous Reluctance Motor is shown in Equation (4). It is worth noting that the flux linkage of the SynRM is zero because of the absence of magnets. Equation (5) represents the torque equation for the PMSM and PMa-SynRM.
v d s = R s i d s + d λ q s d t ω e λ q s
v q s = R s i q s + d λ q s d t + ω e λ d s
d ω m d t = 1 J ( T e T L B ω m )
T e = 3 p 2 [ L d L q i d i q ]
T e = 3 p 2 [ λ p m i q + L d L q i d i q ]
where v d s , v q s , id, iq, L d ,   L q , and λ p m represent d-q axis voltage, d-q axis current, d-q axis inductance, and flux due to permanent magnets, respectively. While ω e , ω m , T e ,   p , J ,   a n d   T L denote electrical speed, mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque, number of poles, moment of inertia, and load torque, respectively.

2.1. Field Oriented Control

Field-oriented control (FOC) is the technique of controlling torque and magnetizing fields independently of AC motors, as proposed by K. Hasse and F. Blaschke in 1971 [11,12]. In general, FOC is based on decoupling the stator currents, magnetizing flux, and torque. The Clarke and Park transformation made it possible to control motors using FOC. Thus, the AC motor can be controlled in a similar fashion to a DC motor except for the rotating reference frame. Control systems such as proportional integral and derivative are used with field-oriented control for the control of brushless synchronous motors.
Vector control or FOC requires the use of coordinate transformation; thus, the current due to flux generation and the current due to torque generation are independently controlled. Phase currents are transformed into a synchronous reference frame. The direct axis is aligned with the flux vector and determines the flux magnitude. The Quadrature -axis controls the torque of the motor. Although FOC depends on machine design parameters, it has a low torque ripple when compared to DTC.
Field-oriented control is classified as rotor, flux-oriented, stator flux-oriented, and air gap flux oriented. The application of field-oriented control with modified direct flux control is reported in [13], and sensor-less position estimation strategies have also been discussed. The control improved the measurement sequence and has been demonstrated for both sensor-less and sensor-based control. The traditional FOC method incorporates two PI controllers. The first outer loop PI controller is responsible for controlling the speed of the motor drive. The inner loop control is used to control the d-axis and q-axis currents [14,15]. The block diagram of vector control with PI controllers is shown in Figure 1.

2.2. Direct Torque Control

Direct torque control (DTC) is based on the principle of controlling flux linkages directly as opposed to currents. The voltage vectors are selected in accordance with the difference between flux and torque [16]. The advantages of direct torque control are simplicity in structure, absence of voltage modulation block, and fast response. In addition, the current regulators and speed sensors are not required in DTC, and high dynamic performance can be achieved [12,17]. Despite fast dynamic response and the absence of current regulators, DTC has high torque ripple, flux, and current distortions resulting from stator flux vector sector position change [8]. Figure 2 shows the block diagram representation of classical DTC [17,18].
Another disadvantage is that DTC is affected by the problem of variable switching [10]. However, advanced DTC methods are being researched [19]. The building blocks that make up the DTC technique consist of the torque and flux hysteresis controller, switching table, and motor.
In DTC, the input speed signal or actual speed is compared to the reference speed to generate an error signal [12]. The torque and flux hysteresis controller compares the reference value of torque and flux with the actual value. The output signal from the hysteresis controller is fed to the switching table. The stator flux estimator determines the location of the stator flux [13]. The output signal of the switching table provides a gate pulse signal to the voltage source inverter. In [14], a review of synchronous reluctance motor drives is reported. A comparison of various control methods is highlighted. Elsewhere, the DTC is proposed in [20] for a switched reluctance motor to reduce torque ripple. Although the research reduced torque ripple, the control method lacks flexibility.
Figure 2. Basic direct torque control architecture [17,18,19,21].
Figure 2. Basic direct torque control architecture [17,18,19,21].
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The stator flux and stator flux magnitudes in the α β reference frame are described using Equations (6)–(8) [12,17];
ψ ^ s α = v s α R s . i s α d t
ψ ^ s β = v s β R s . i s β d t
ψ ^ s = ψ ^ 2 s α + ψ ^ 2 s β
Equations (9) and (10) represent the electromagnetic torque and the stator flux position in the stationary reference frame of the brushless synchronous motor [10].
T e = 3 2 P 2 ψ ^ s α . i s β ψ ^ s β . i s α
θ s = t a n 1 ψ ^ s β ψ ^ s α
where ψ ^ s α , ψ ^ s β represents stator flux components in the stationary reference frame, ψ ^ s denotes estimated stator flux magnitude, R s is the stator resistance, and T e is the electromagnetic torque [10].

3. Latest Advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Control Techniques

In the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in advanced motor control for brushless synchronous motors. Meanwhile, traditional motor control strategies, such as PI controllers, are simple and easy to maintain. On the contrary, they require accurate tuning and are affected by motor parameter variations. To address these challenges and many others (power factors, torque ripple, current limit, voltage limit, speed limit), advanced control methods are required to enhance the performance of the motor control. Advanced control methods, according to [12,14,17,22], are those based on improved traditional control, modern control, and artificial intelligence-based control. In [12,17,23,24], advances in control methods classification for both FOC and DTC are shown. The advances in control methods for BSM and the focus of the research are illustrated in Figure 3.

3.1. Model Predictive Control

Model predictive control has also been studied in the literature, and it relies on stator current prediction and estimated error. The principle of MPC involves mathematical prediction to forecast the future states of the controlled system [8]. MPC has many advantages over PI controllers. In machine control for electric vehicles, MPC can handle constraints such as motor torque, current limits, and thermal limits. It is fast, robust, and has minimum processing effort [17,25,26]. Model predictive control has the ability to cater to non-linearities. A deadbeat model predictive direct vector control for simultaneous flux and torque control was proposed in [27,28,29]. Despite the many advantages of deadbeat techniques, they require knowledge of the machine parameters and additional control modules to predict flux and torque accurately [16].
In [17], an MPC based on single-phase disconnection is proposed for fault-tolerant control. Compared to multistep predictive control, a lower switching frequency MPC with the series structure for a PMSM drive is presented in [18]. This method used the sector voltage selection technique to reduce the computational burdens of the control algorithm. Furthermore, in [18,30,31,32,33,34,35], continuous control set model predictive control (CCS-MPC), finite Control Set Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC) and fault-tolerant model predictive control are discussed in detail.
A generalized block diagram of model predictive control is shown in Figure 4. The controller receives information through the reference value block for the system’s entire prediction horizon. The cost function (objective) measures the controller performance quantity to be minimized and issues a penalty between the predicted outputs and reference trajectory. The variable prediction block calculates the predicted value of the controlled variable. The estimation of input data, incomplete data, and uncertain data is carried out by the variable estimation block. The state of the MPC, including estimates and measured values is performed by the measured value block.
Moreover, another model of predictive current control of permanent magnet linear motors for traction application was proposed [36]. A Finite Control set Model predictive current control for higher phase order is analyzed in [37]. A review of model predictive control classification, together with their strength and weaknesses, is reported [23,38,39].

3.2. Sliding Mode Control

Sliding mode control (SMC) is a nonlinear control technique that uses a sliding surface to control the behavior of a system derived from variable structure control [12,17]. The principle of operation is based on defining the sliding surface representing system behavior, forcing system dynamics to slide along a surface in the state space, and applying switching functions in different control modes [21]. According to the literature, the advantages of SMC are robustness and fast response [12,23,40]. However, high-frequency oscillation and design complexity are some of the challenges that can affect the control [22]. A lot of research work has been reported in the literature on sliding mode control.
In [17], SMC was studied to improve the performance in a steady state while making torque and flux robust against machine parameters. The authors in [41] aim to solve the problem of torque tracking and chattering phenomenon with an improved torque sharing function control (TSF) using sliding mode control (SMC). In [42], a second-order sliding mode control for PMSM drive with output tracking error dynamic in direct and Quadrature frames is designed. Another higher-order SMC based on optimal twisting sliding mode is discussed in [43] for a PMSM drive. Another sliding mode vector control for an axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicles was proposed in [44]. In order to address the challenges of efficiency and uncertainty, a novel sliding mode control was reported in [45]. The collaborative optimization control strategy increased the efficiency range of electric vehicles and improved the driving range. Moreover, the authors in [46] and ref. [47] proposed a robust sliding mode control for PMSM using the reaching law to reduce the problem of chattering. Figure 5 shows the schematic block of sliding mode control. The sliding mode observer estimates the position and rotor speed of the BSM based on the voltage and current values along the alpha-beta reference frame. Different types of switching functions, such as the sigmoid, saturation, and hyperbolic functions, are used as they have a bearing on the performance of the brushless synchronous motor drive.
Furthermore, a nonlinear speed control method based on a new reaching law is proposed in [48]. The results reported show that the control algorithm, compared with traditional reaching law, has a fast transient response and good disturbance rejection ability.

3.3. Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning control is based on artificial intelligence, in which a computer agent learns decision-making by interacting with the environment and receiving rewards or penalties based on its actions [49]. Reinforcement learning is known for handling multiple inputs and outputs of information. Despite the many advantages of reinforcement learning, it suffers from computational burden and requires time and data to train the controller. The block diagram of reinforcement learning is shown in Figure 6. The agent is the decision-making body that interacts with the environment according to the input and output signals to provide the required action. The environment is the external system that responds to a state and rewards a system. The reward offers system feedback, and it measures the success of the control output signal. The signal or control quantities that are sent by the agent to the environment represent the action. The learning algorithm performs the function of updating parameters in sympathy with the reward. The policy function is to guide the behavior of the agent by means of mapping states to actions [15]. In [31], the authors compared reinforcement learning and PID controllers. In order to enhance the performance of the controller, the optimization training process is performed offline [32].
The authors of [49] provided a comparison of various reinforcement learning algorithms for PMSM. Although the method showed a slight reduction in speed ripple, it depends on random seeds; thus, speed ripple was not eliminated completely. Another challenge of controller design is losses that result from modeling inaccuracies and zero-voltage vectors, and to define the resulting average switching frequency [50,51], a deep Q–Q-learning agent was proposed to solve this problem. In order to improve the dynamic response and efficiency, reinforcement learning based on a delay deterministic gradient algorithm is proposed in [52,53,54,55].
Additionally, an example of a novel deep reinforcement learning active disturbance rejection control method was presented in [56]. Thus, the control algorithm operates in flux, weakening the control region and enabling smaller overshoot, improved efficiency, and fast speed response. Another deep reinforcement learning for motor controller design was implemented in Python [57]. Although the controller displayed good dynamic characteristics, it has a drawback in terms of precision. Moreover, another reinforcement learning of field-oriented control was reported in [58,59]. Furthermore, the authors in [60] proposed reinforcement learning for PMSM based on optimal speed tracking. Besides achieving asymptotic speed tracking and reducing the model order in the outer controller design, the design relied on partial data for the speed regulator. One of the significant goals of reinforcement learning control is to allow for independence and adaptation to various environments [61]. The work in [62] presented an online reinforcement learning drive control with no expert or model knowledge

3.4. Fuzzy Logic-Based Control

Fuzzy logic is another type of artificial intelligence control based on human knowledge and experience, as presented in the literature [40]. In [12,63], the building blocks for fuzzy logic are discussed in detail. Figure 7 shows the block diagram of the fuzzy logic controller. Fuzzification is the first stage, and its function is to convert input signals using membership functions. The purpose of the knowledge base stage is to store knowledge of the input–output fuzzy relationships. It also contains the membership function, which defines input variables to the fuzzy rule base. The inference engine stage provides or simulates decisions by performing approximate reasoning. Finally, the defuzzification stage takes the output of the inference engine stage or decision-making stage and transforms fuzzy values into crisp values [64].
Fuzzy logic control has many advantages; developing a fuzzy logic controller is cheaper compared to model-based controllers, and they are more robust than PID controllers because of their capability to cover a wide range of operations. Moreover, fuzzy logic is reliable and efficient and can emulate human deductive thinking. However, despite the many advantages, fuzzy logic control requires lots of data, rules need continuous updates from time to time, and it requires a high level of knowledge and human expertise.
The authors in [65] proposed an adaptive fuzzy logic controller to reduce the feedback voltage ripple. On the other hand, the adaptive fuzzy logic control requires proper tuning because of external disturbances, parametric uncertainties, and complexity [66]. In [67], a comparison of model predictive direct torque control, fuzzy direct torque control, and direct torque control was presented. The results carried out in Matlab R2019a(9.6) demonstrated that the model predictive direct torque control provided a fast transient response and covered the widest distance. Another self-constructing fuzzy logic wavelet neural network was discussed in [68] to achieve robust and optimal control by designing an adaptive back-stepping robust controller.
A higher precision path tracking of permanent magnet synchronous motor using fuzzy logic was proposed in [69]. In [70], the authors presented an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller. The problem of high-frequency chattering was improved by using a sigmoid function. A multiple vector model predictive fuzzy logic control is proposed in [71] to improve steady-state performance and reduce large current ripples and computational burden.

4. Simulation of Brushless Synchronous Motor

The dynamic modeling of the brushless synchronous motor is achieved based on the voltage and torque equations in Section 2 Equations (1)–(5). Figure 8 shows the model of the BSM in the rotor reference used in the modeling results of Section 6. In this paper, the value of id is set to zero (id = 0) [72]. The parameters adopted in the simulation as provided by [72] are as follows: R s = 0.2 ohm, L d = 0.0085 Wb, L q = 0.0085 Wb, P = 4, J = 0.0027 Kgm2, λ p m = 0.175 H ,   ω m = 0 .

5. Results and Discussion

The FOC brushless synchronous motor control simulation with PI controllers, modeled using Figure 1, is shown in Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 based on [72]. A speed of 100 rad/s is applied to the motor, and the speed reaches the referenced steady state speed of value of 100 rad/s in 0.053 s. The torque also responds to the speed, as shown in Figure 10. This is a result of motor inertia and transient causing torque ripple in the torque characteristic of the motor. The control (FOC) helps to achieve a constant speed. In addition, the speed and torque characteristics demonstrate that the control methods reduce ripples and provide stable operation for the brushless synchronous motor. Figure 11 shows the direct and quadrature currents results. The id and iq currents are used independently to regulate flux and torque. At the first instance, the current rises to 15 A and settles at 10 A, and, in 2.5 s, the id suddenly drops to negative, indicating a reverse in the motor direction. The step response shows a quick change in motor torque characteristics. The simulation results demonstrate the advantages of brushless synchronous motor control, such as high torque density, smooth torque output, and high efficiency, meeting requirements for high-performance applications (electrical vehicles)
This study demonstrated the advances in control systems that can be implemented either using FOC or DTC. The simulations carried out in [72] and also modeled in Section 4 can be used as the basis for the modeling and design of any control method highlighted in Section 3. Brushless synchronous motors have been considered a viable substitute for induction motors, particularly the PMa-SynRM, because of the utilization of both the permanent magnets and the reluctance torque productions. A comparison of brushless synchronous motors is highlighted in Table 1 for designing a robust control system. The advantages and disadvantages of the FOC and DTC in motor drive applications are reported in [11,17,18,20].
The model-based control can handle constraints such as motor torque, current limits, and thermal limits. MPC is fast, robust, and has minimum processing effort [17,25], although additional controllers are required. In addition to the MPC, another nonlinear control method, slide mode control, is discussed. To solve the problem of chattering in SMC for PMSM drives, a torque-sharing function control was proposed [41]. According to [45,73,74,75], SMC performs better than the traditional PI controllers in terms of transient and dynamic response. In order to improve the dynamic performance of the motor drive by learning optimal control policies, reinforcement learning is reported in [57,58]. The authors in [15] demonstrated the effectiveness of reinforcement learning against PID control. The PID control had some oscillation and a fast response time, while reinforcement learning showed no oscillations and a slow response time.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic control techniques are cheap compared to model-based control and more robust than PID controllers, although they require a lot of computation [64,65,66,67,68]. The research in [16] is confined only to advanced control methods for DTC for induction motors. The researchers in [12] reported for both the DTC and FOC but with a limitation to induction motors. Furthermore, there is a need to buttress the review of the literature with both Matlab R2019a(9.6) Simulink simulation and test bench setup to validate the dynamic behavior and characteristics of various advances in control methods. Considering this, the challenges and shortcomings of the current control methods of high phase order models, which include high torque ripple, poor power factor, poor average torque, weight of rotor, and cost, more research needs to be carried out in the future in the domain of brushless synchronous motor drives, particularly in higher phase orders.

Applications of Various Control Methods

  • PID control
PID control is suitable for electric cars because of minimum overshoot and settling time but lacks robustness in handling system variations and disturbances. PID control has also been found to be applicable in robotics and lifting equipment.
  • MPC
Model predictive control fits well in electrical vehicle applications because of its ability to handle the torque and current constraints in electric vehicles with ease as compared to other control methods.
  • SMC
Sliding mode control offers robust control and can be suitable for electric cars because it can handle non-linearities and system disturbances. SMC can also be applicable in railway traction control by providing precise speed regulation. Apart from the transportation system, SMC can be used in renewable energy in wind turbines to control the output of the wind turbines, although it suffers from design complexity and chattering, which may require optimization.
  • RL
Reinforcement learning is applicable in electric cars because it can handle the complexity of electric cars compared to conventional control techniques. Electrical car driving regime changes and reinforcement learning are able to adapt to these system driving variations. However, the practical application of reinforcement learning in electric cars, ship propulsion, and railway transportation is still limited due to the computational demands and cost of reinforcement learning.
  • FLC
Fuzzy logic control (FCL) is used for speed control of electric cars because it is less expensive than model predictive control. FLC’s ability to handle system complexity and quick decision-making offers the advantage of comfort in electric vehicles or railway transportation systems.

6. Conclusions

This review has discussed the various control methods for AC motor drives with a bias toward synchronous brushless motor drives. Conventional control techniques were discussed, including PI controllers using FOC and DTC. Conversely, the latest advances in control strategies, including model-based control, sliding mode control, reinforcement learning, and fuzzy logic control for the synchronous brushless drive, were reviewed. The presented results show that advances in control methods demonstrate a marked improvement in steady-state performance, robustness, and dynamic response when compared to conventional control methods. Advances in control strategies will help improve the power factor and average torque, allow full-range torque control and torque ripple minimization, and increase the constant torque–speed range. Apart from solving the above problems, it is prudent to consider tradeoffs in terms of complexity, time, and cost of control technique design and modeling. In view of the investigations presented, an optimized higher phase order (five phase) brushless synchronous motor drive (PMa-SynRM) utilizing advanced control based on Field Oriented Control is suggested.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


PIProportional Integral Control ω m Mechanical Speed
PIDProportional Integral Derivative Control ω e Electrical Speed
BSMBrushless Synchronous Motor p Number of Poles
DCDirect Current T e Electromagnetic Torque
ACAlternating CurrentJMoment of Inertia
PMSMPermanent Magnet Synchronous Motor T L Load Torque
SYRMSynchronous Reluctance MotorFOCField-Oriented Control
PMa-SynRMPermanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance MotorDTCDirect Torque Control
MTPAMaximum Torque per AmpereMPCModel Predictive Control
V d s Direct Axis VoltageCCS-MPCContinuous Control Set Model Predictive Control
V q s Quadrature Axis VoltageFCS-MPCFinite Control Set Model Predictive Control
i d Direct axis currentSMCSliding Mode Control
i q Quadrature axis currentTSFTorque Sharing Function
L d Direct Axis InductancePWMPulse Width Modulation
L q Quadrature Axis InductanceVSIVoltage Source Inverter
λ p m Flux Due To Permanent Magnets R s Stator Resistance
FCLFuzzy Logic ControlRLReinforcement Learning


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Figure 1. Block diagram of FOC [14,15,16].
Figure 1. Block diagram of FOC [14,15,16].
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Figure 3. Synchronous brushless motor control methods classification.
Figure 3. Synchronous brushless motor control methods classification.
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Figure 4. Generalized block diagram of MPC [32].
Figure 4. Generalized block diagram of MPC [32].
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Figure 5. Sliding Mode Observer control of PMSM [48].
Figure 5. Sliding Mode Observer control of PMSM [48].
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Figure 6. General block diagram of reinforcement learning [15].
Figure 6. General block diagram of reinforcement learning [15].
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Figure 7. Fuzzy logic controller block diagram [63].
Figure 7. Fuzzy logic controller block diagram [63].
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Figure 8. Brushless synchronous motor model in the rotor reference frame.
Figure 8. Brushless synchronous motor model in the rotor reference frame.
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Figure 9. Rotor speed response.
Figure 9. Rotor speed response.
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Figure 10. Torque response.
Figure 10. Torque response.
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Figure 11. Direct and quadrature current response.
Figure 11. Direct and quadrature current response.
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Table 1. Comparison of performance parameters and cost for synchronous brushless motors.
Table 1. Comparison of performance parameters and cost for synchronous brushless motors.
Power FactorSlightly
ModerateHigher at MTPA Point
Average TorqueHighHigherHigh
Torque RippleLowerHighSlightly Lower
Peak TorqueHighHighHigher
Weight DensityHigherLightHigh
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mashiri, T.; Muteba, M. A Review of Advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Drive’s Control Techniques. Eng 2025, 6, 8.

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Mashiri T, Muteba M. A Review of Advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Drive’s Control Techniques. Eng. 2025; 6(1):8.

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Mashiri, Tapiwa, and Mbika Muteba. 2025. "A Review of Advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Drive’s Control Techniques" Eng 6, no. 1: 8.

APA Style

Mashiri, T., & Muteba, M. (2025). A Review of Advances in Brushless Synchronous Motor Drive’s Control Techniques. Eng, 6(1), 8.

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