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Mining, Volume 2, Issue 1 (March 2022) – 8 articles

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32 pages, 3697 KiB  
Integrated Artificial Neural Network and Discrete Event Simulation Framework for Regional Development of Refractory Gold Systems
by Ryan Wilson, Patrick H. J. Mercier and Alessandro Navarra
Mining 2022, 2(1), 123-154; - 8 Mar 2022
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 4771
Mining trends in the gold sector indicate a growing imbalance in global supply and demand chains, especially in light of accelerated efforts towards industrial electrification and automation. As such, it is important that research and development continue to focus on processing options for [...] Read more.
Mining trends in the gold sector indicate a growing imbalance in global supply and demand chains, especially in light of accelerated efforts towards industrial electrification and automation. As such, it is important that research and development continue to focus on processing options for more complex and refractory ores. Unlike conventional (i.e., free-milling) ore feeds, refractory gold is not amenable to standard cyanidation, and requires additional pretreatment prior to leaching and recovery. With recent technological advancements, such as sensor-based ore sorting, there is opportunity to advance the development of smaller untapped refractory resources with marginal economics, particularly those in proximity to processing infrastructure within major gold districts. However, it will be critical that the necessary tools are developed to capture the potential system-wide effects caused by varied ore feeds and improve related decision-making processes earlier in the value chain. Discrete event simulation (DES) is a powerful computational technique that can be used to monitor the interactions between important processes and parameters in response to random natural variations; the approach is thus suitable for the modelling of complex mining systems that deal with significant geological uncertainty. This work implements an integrated artificial neural network (ANN) and DES framework for the regional coordination of conventional and preconcentrated refractory gold ores to be processed at a centralized plant. Sample calculations are presented that are based on a generated dataset reflective of sediment-hosted refractory gold systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Interdisciplinary Studies for Sustainable Mining)
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20 pages, 5761 KiB  
Cemented Paste Backfill (CPB) Material Properties for Undercut Analysis
by Murray Grabinsky, Mohammadamin Jafari and Andrew Pan
Mining 2022, 2(1), 103-122; - 22 Feb 2022
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 6758
A longstanding mine backfill design challenge is determining the strength required if the (partially) cured backfill is subsequently undercut. Mitchell (1991) called the undercut backfill a sill mat and proposed an analytical solution that is still often used, at least for preliminary design, [...] Read more.
A longstanding mine backfill design challenge is determining the strength required if the (partially) cured backfill is subsequently undercut. Mitchell (1991) called the undercut backfill a sill mat and proposed an analytical solution that is still often used, at least for preliminary design, and has motivated subsequent empirical design methods. However, fully employing the Mitchell sill mat solution requires knowledge of the backfill material’s Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), tangent Young’s modulus (Et), tensile strength (σt), as well as estimates of stope wall closure. Conducting a high-quality UCS test poses challenges but relating the test result to the remaining material parameters is more difficult. Some new material testing data is presented and compared to available published results. Using the parameter mi=UCS/σt the range of available testing data is found to be mi= 3 to 22, however, the most compelling data is obtained when the Mohr’s failure circle in tension is tangential to the corresponding Mohr–Coulomb failure envelope determined from other strength tests. In these cases, the value mi= 4 is found for the materials tested, which is much lower than the value mi= 10 commonly assumed and implies a limiting UCS 60% lower compared to the conventional assumption. It is also found that the relationship between Et and UCS is described by a power function that is close to linear, but the values for the constant and exponent in the power function depend on the material tested. However, for given tailings the power function is found to be independent of void ratio, binder type or concentration, curing time, and water salinity, within the ranges these parameters were investigated. Therefore, when Et is used in the Mitchell sill mat solution it should be correlated with the UCS using the appropriate power function. These correlations are then used with the Mitchell sill mat solution and published measurements of backfill closure strains to estimate the Mitchell solution’s range of applicability based on its underlying assumptions, and a similar analysis is extended to an “empirical design method” motivated by the Mitchell sill mat solution. It is demonstrated that these existing approaches have limited applicability, and more generally a full analysis in support of rational design will require numerical modeling that incorporates the effect of confining stress on the material’s stiffness and mobilized strength. Full article
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17 pages, 4484 KiB  
A High-Fidelity Modelling Method for Mine Haul Truck Dumping Process
by Aaron Young and William Pratt Rogers
Mining 2022, 2(1), 86-102; - 11 Feb 2022
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3868
Dumping is one of the main unit operations of mining. Notwithstanding a long history of using large rear dump trucks in mining, little knowledge exists on the cascading behavior of the run-of-mine material during and after dumping. In order to better investigate this [...] Read more.
Dumping is one of the main unit operations of mining. Notwithstanding a long history of using large rear dump trucks in mining, little knowledge exists on the cascading behavior of the run-of-mine material during and after dumping. In order to better investigate this behavior, a method for generating high fidelity models (HFMs) of dump profiles was devised and investigated. This method involved using unmanned aerial vehicles with mounted cameras to generate photogrammetric models of dumps. Twenty-eight dump profiles were created from twenty-three drone flights. Their characteristics were presented and summarized. Four types of dump profiles were observed to exist. Factors that influence the determination of these profiles include the location of the truck relative to the dump crest, the movement of the underlying dump material during the dumping process and the differences in the dump profile prior to dumping. The HFMs created in this study could possibly be used for calibrating computer simulations of dumps to better match reality. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Envisioning the Future of Mining)
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21 pages, 20353 KiB  
Evaluation of the Performances of a Monolayer Cover with an Elevated Water Table Used for the Reclamation of the Abandoned Aldermac Mine Site (Québec, Canada)
by Abdelkabir Maqsoud, Mamert Mbonimpa, Mostafa Benzaazoua and Sophie Turcotte
Mining 2022, 2(1), 65-85; - 3 Feb 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2521
Until 2008, the Aldermac mine was considered one of the most problematic abandoned mines sites in Québec due to the high production of acid mine drainage caused by mine tailings spread over a large area. The site was reclaimed between 2008 and 2009 [...] Read more.
Until 2008, the Aldermac mine was considered one of the most problematic abandoned mines sites in Québec due to the high production of acid mine drainage caused by mine tailings spread over a large area. The site was reclaimed between 2008 and 2009 to reduce the ecological footprint and to minimize any further tailings oxidation (production of acid mine drainage). For this purpose, a monolayer cover with an elevated water table was used as an oxygen barrier on the north zone of the site. To assess the performance of the monolayer with an elevated water table cover, a network of observation wells was set up to monitor the water table level and collect groundwater samples for the analysis of physical and chemical parameters. Results of water table level measurements show that the cover successfully maintains the tailings within the water table at all times, thus preventing further tailings oxidation. Hydrogeochemical results, interpreted with principal component analysis, show that the quality of water is improving, thus indicating that reclamation is helping to reduce groundwater contamination at the site. Full article
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13 pages, 5181 KiB  
Thermoporoelastoplastic Wellbore Breakout Modeling by Finite Element Method
by Lijing Zhang, Hua Zhang, Kezhen Hu, Zhuoheng Chen and Shunde Yin
Mining 2022, 2(1), 52-64; - 24 Jan 2022
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2674
Drilling a hole into rock results in stress concentration and redistribution close to the hole. When induced stresses exceed the rock strength, wellbore breakouts will happen. Research on wellbore breakout is the fundamental of wellbore stability. A wellbore breakout is a sequence of [...] Read more.
Drilling a hole into rock results in stress concentration and redistribution close to the hole. When induced stresses exceed the rock strength, wellbore breakouts will happen. Research on wellbore breakout is the fundamental of wellbore stability. A wellbore breakout is a sequence of stress concentrations, rock falling, and stress redistributions, which involve initiation, propagation, and stabilization sequences. Therefore, simulating the process of a breakout is very challenging. Thermoporoelastoplastic models for wellbore breakout analysis are rare due to the high complexity of the problem. In this paper, a fully coupled thermoporoelastoplastic finite element model is built to study the mechanism of wellbore breakouts. The process of wellbore breakouts, the influence of temperature and the comparison between thermoporoelastic and thermoporoelastoplastic models are studied in the paper. For the finite element modeling, the D-P criterion is used to determine whether rock starts to yield or not, and the maximum tensile strain criterion is used to determine whether breakouts have happened. Full article
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20 pages, 7163 KiB  
Integrated Parametric Graph Closure and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Open Pit Mine Scheduling under Uncertainty
by Devendra Joshi, Amol Paithankar, Snehamoy Chatterjee and Sk Md Equeenuddin
Mining 2022, 2(1), 32-51; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 3464
Open pit mine production scheduling is a computationally expensive large-scale mixed-integer linear programming problem. This research develops a computationally efficient algorithm to solve open pit production scheduling problems under uncertain geological parameters. The proposed solution approach for production scheduling is a two-stage process. [...] Read more.
Open pit mine production scheduling is a computationally expensive large-scale mixed-integer linear programming problem. This research develops a computationally efficient algorithm to solve open pit production scheduling problems under uncertain geological parameters. The proposed solution approach for production scheduling is a two-stage process. The stochastic production scheduling problem is iteratively solved in the first stage after relaxing resource constraints using a parametric graph closure algorithm. Finally, the branch-and-cut algorithm is applied to respect the resource constraints, which might be violated during the first stage of the algorithm. Six small-scale production scheduling problems from iron and copper mines were used to validate the proposed stochastic production scheduling model. The results demonstrated that the proposed method could significantly improve the computational time with a reasonable optimality gap (the maximum gap is 4%). In addition, the proposed stochastic method is tested using industrial-scale copper data and compared with its deterministic model. The results show that the net present value for the stochastic model improved by 6% compared to the deterministic model. Full article
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19 pages, 53334 KiB  
Practical Use of Measuring the Deflection of Roof Layers in the Assessment of the Stability of Mining Excavations in the Polish Copper Ore Mine “Polkowice-Sieroszowice”
by Lech Stolecki and Krzysztof Szczerbiński
Mining 2022, 2(1), 13-31; - 21 Dec 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3096
The paper presents the results of long-term continuous measurements of the deflection of the roof layers in the underground copper mine Polkowice-Sieroszowice, Poland belonging to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The measurements were performed with the use of the inclinometric method consisting of continuous [...] Read more.
The paper presents the results of long-term continuous measurements of the deflection of the roof layers in the underground copper mine Polkowice-Sieroszowice, Poland belonging to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The measurements were performed with the use of the inclinometric method consisting of continuous registration of changes in the angle of inclination of the roof strata. The measurements were carried out using an inclinometer sensor fixed to the end of a rockbolt in the roof. Measurements presented in the article were made in various regions of the underground mine. The monitoring covered: The exploitation front, machinery chamber and the region of the experimental longwall mining of copper ore. The obtained results proved the usefulness of the developed method in the process of the evaluation of the stability of mining excavations. The sensors were highly sensitive and performed the measurements in a simple way; highly accurate and reliable results were obtained. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mining Strata Control)
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12 pages, 5418 KiB  
Hybrid Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model for Porphyry Copper Prospecting in Simorgh Area, Eastern Lut Block of Iran
by Vahid Khosravi, Aref Shirazi, Adel Shirazy, Ardeshir Hezarkhani and Amin Beiranvand Pour
Mining 2022, 2(1), 1-12; - 21 Dec 2021
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 4090
The eastern Lut block of Iran has a high potential for porphyry copper mineralization due to the subduction tectonic regime. It is located in an inaccessible region and has harsh arid conditions for traditional mineral exploration campaigns. The objective of this study is [...] Read more.
The eastern Lut block of Iran has a high potential for porphyry copper mineralization due to the subduction tectonic regime. It is located in an inaccessible region and has harsh arid conditions for traditional mineral exploration campaigns. The objective of this study is to use Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data for porphyry copper exploration in Simorgh Area, eastern Lut block of Iran. Hydrothermal alteration zones such as argillic, phyllic and propylitic zones associated with porphyry copper systems in the study were identified using false color composition (FCC), band ratio (BR), principal component analysis (PCA) and minimal noise fraction (MNF). The thematic alteration layers extracted from FCC, BR, PCA and MNF were integrated using hybrid Fuzzy-AHP model to generate a porphyry copper potential map for the study area. Four high potential zones were identified in the central, western, eastern and northeastern of the study area. Fieldwork was used to validate the approach used in this study. This investigation exhibits that the use of hybrid Fuzzy-AHP model for the identification of hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper systems that is typically applicable to ASTER data and can be used for porphyry copper potential mapping in many analogous metallogenic provinces. Full article
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