Unified Classical Thermodynamics: Primacy of Dissymmetry over Free Energy
:1. Introduction: Free Energy vs. Nature’s Dissymmetry
Thomson, the last but not the least of the three great founders [Clausius, Rankine, and Thomson], does not even consecrate a symbol to denote the entropy, but he was the first to clearly define the intrinsic energy of a body, and to him alone are due the ideas and definitions of the available energy and the dissipation of [available] energy.[4]
Massieu [1869] and Gibbs [1873] steered thermodynamics in a radically different direction. Their idea was to find characteristic functions, called thermodynamic potentials, for a system and relate all thermodynamic properties of the system to these functions. Thermodynamic processes between system and surroundings are viewed as consequences of changes in thermodynamic potentials within the system, while in earlier theories the properties of a system were defined by its interaction with the surroundings. Massieu and Gibbs were perhaps the first to consider entropy as a property of the system rather than as energy unavailable for work on the surroundings.[5]
2. Application Statement Combining the First and Second Laws
3. Method of Potentials: Nature’s Dissymmetry
4. Kelvin and the Creation of Energy Physics: Free Energy
… while THOMSON sees JOULE as asserting and supporting a framework of mutual convertibility he still does not himself believe that a satisfactory demonstration of the conversion of heat into work by experiment has been given. Nonetheless, THOMSON now … “considers it certain that the fact has only to be tried to be established experimentally, having been convinced of the mutual convertibility of the agencies by Mr. Joule’s able arguments”. ([2]: pp. 174–200 (1851)) So THOMSON has in effect come to accept JOULE’S conceptual framework before he has been convinced by actual experiments of the validity of the conversion of heat into work. While little of this discussion appears in the Introduction as published in 1851, THOMSON there sums up his position, having rejected heat as having a substantial nature, and holding heat to be instead “a dynamical form of mechanical effect” wherein … “there must be an equivalence between mechanical work and heat, as between cause and effect”.([1]: p. 268)
In an address to the British Association in 1854, Thomson declared that Joule’s discovery of the conversion of heat into work had ‘led to the greatest reform that physical science had experienced since the days of Newton’, the development of energy physics. In his introductory lecture at Glasgow in 1846, Thomson had argued that physics was to be based on the laws of dynamics, physics being the science of force. By 1851 energy had become, in his view, the primary concept on which physics was to be based.[12]
General conclusion 2. Any restoration of mechanical energy, without more than an equivalent of dissipation, is impossible in inanimate material processes, and is probably never effected by means of organized matter, either endowed with vegetable life or subjected to the will of an animated creature.
If someone can be said to have codified the second law, and given it its definitive classical formulation, that someone is Max Planck. His Vorlesungen über Thermodynamik went through eleven successive editions between 1897 and 1966 and represent the authoritative exposition of thermodynamics par excellence for the first half of this century [the 20th century] … Planck puts the second law, the concepts of entropy and irreversibility at the very centre of thermodynamics. For him, the second law says that for all processes taking place in nature the total entropy of all systems involved increases, or, in a limiting case, remains constant … Increase of entropy is therefore a necessary and sufficient criterion for irreversibility. Before Planck’s work there were also alternative views. We have seen that Kelvin attributed irreversibility to processes involving special forms of energy conversion. This view on irreversibility, which focuses on the ‘dissipation’ or ‘degradation’ of energy instead of an increase in entropy was still in use at the beginning of the century…Planck’s work extinguished these views, by pointing out that mixing processes are irreversible even though there is no energy being converted or degraded.([16]: pp. 42–43)
The real meaning of the second law has frequently been looked for in a “dissipation of energy”… [But] there are irreversible processes in which the final and initial states show exactly the same form of energy … They occur only for the reason that they lead to an appreciable increase of the entropy.([17]: pp. 103–104)
5. Heat and Disorganized Energy
…the idea of equivalence of transformations is difficult to grasp and is not even mentioned in most thermodynamics textbooks. However, the equivalence of transformations is, we think, of momentous significance for the second law of thermodynamics, as with the equivalence of work and heat for the first law of thermodynamics ([22]: 4/9) …
- dotted 4-5 and 2′-3 are adiabatic steps, linking isotherm T1 and isotherm T2,
- isotherms 3-4 and 5-7-6 represent heat transmission of Q1 from T1 to T2, noting the assumed availability of a heat reservoir/sink at T0 which is infinitesimally colder than T2,
- adiabatic 6-1′ represents adiabatic cooling over an infinitesimal temperature-difference so that is infinitesimally colder than the temperature of the heat reservoir/sink at T0,
- isotherm represents the extraction of heat from the T0 heat reservoir.
6. Reversible Processes Approaching the Extremes of Thermodynamic Potentials
- A heat reservoir (bath) at temperature ;
- Subsystem(1) initially at , and ;
- Subsystem(2) initially at , and ;
- ; it follows that the total system volume is
7. The Dissymmetry Premise and the Entropy-Centric Framework
7.1. From Locomotion to Transformations, Primacy of Dissymmetry over Free Energy Defines an Entropy-Centric Framework of Thermodynamics
Whenever a new tool emerged within an endeavor, practitioners tended to use it in the context of previous habits and remained blind for a while to its full potential. His [McLuhan’s] example was IBM, which saw its purpose as the manufacture of business machines. It wasn’t until its leaders realized they were in the business of processing information that the enterprise began to take off.[27]
7.2. Gibbs Free Enthalpy; Entropy Growth Potentials
7.3. The Dissymmetry Premise, the Driving Force of the Irreversible World
In his discursive way, Thomson touched on every one of the major problems of thermodynamics. But except for his temperature scale and interpretation of the energy concept, his work is not found in today’s textbook version of thermodynamics. Although he ranks with Clausius and Gibbs among thermodynamicists, his legacy is more limited than theirs. The comparison with Clausius is striking. These two, of about the same age, and both in possession of the Carnot legacy, had the same thermodynamic concerns. Yet it was the Clausius thermodynamic scheme, based on the two concepts of energy and entropy and their laws, that impressed Gibbs … left no doubt about the conceptual foundations of his theories, and gave Gibbs the requisite clues to put together the scheme we see today in thermodynamics texts.([33]: p. 90)
The second fundamental theorem, in the form which I have given to it, asserts that all transformations occurring in nature may take place in a certain direction, which I have assumed as positive, by themselves, that is, without compensation; but that in the opposite, and consequently negative direction, they can only take place in such a manner as to be compensated by simultaneously occurring positive transformations.([23]: p. 364)
- The theory of exergy is Exhibit A of Thomson’s legacy, an awkward mixture of Thomson’s approach and the entropy principle. It is an example of what we refer to as the “energy-centric-based entropy” understanding, an understanding of entropy when we approach the subject without a clear separation of the two DOE questions. Though calculations based on exergy are not wrong, students performing the calculations have been indoctrinated to perceive entropy growth, instead of being the driver for all processes, as only the impediment of mechanical processes.
- The deceptive association of high temperature heat as an “energy driving force” of a Carnot engine is due to the fact that entropy growth potentials, EGPs, in these cases require a heat sink for the disposal of heat released at high temperature; other examples, especially of the pure spontaneity kind, in the paper make it clear that that situation is a manifestation of one kind of entropy growth rather than an intrinsic feature of every EGP; the universal feature of harnessing dissymmetry manifested by entropy growth is heat extraction instead of heat disposal.
- The second law asserts the inexorable growth of total entropy, but the law is an observational statement, which does not directly or automatically assert the outcome of an actionable possibility. It is a new concept, entropic indeterminateness, that will systematically organize the ideas and operational nature of harnessing entropy growth into actionable possibilities (some individual examples of which are given here in Section 5, Section 6 and Section 7).
- The possibilities include that dissymmetry or a tendency towards equilibrium is spontaneous but not inexorable (universal), i.e., an assertion of dissymmetry is not one of unidirectionality (unidirectional means that processes opposite to that of the direction are not possible, while dissymmetry in processes towards equilibrium allows processes moving away from equilibrium only that they must be made to happen interventionistically).
- A related point to Point 3 should be emphasized that far-from-equilibrium is the precondition for extracting free energy. There has been a lot of talk about extracting free energy, including the advocation of acceleration in extracting free energy by techno-optimists. Without safeguarding the Far∙From∙Equilibrium precondition, the accelerating extraction of free energy as advocated by techno-optimists will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
8. Afterword
It is conceivable that animal life might have the attribute of using the heat of surrounding matter, at its natural temperature, as a source of energy for mechanical effect …. The influence of animal or vegetable life on matter is infinitely beyond the range of any scientific enquiry hitherto entered on. Its power of directing the motions of moving particles, in the demonstrated daily miracle of our human free-will, and in the growth of generation after generation of plants from a single seed, are infinitely different from any possible result of the fortuitous concurrence of atoms.
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Conflicts of Interest
List of Symbols
Helmholtz function, U - TS | |
constant pressure specific heat | |
Celsius | |
EGP | entropy growth potential |
disorganized energy | |
ibbs function | |
h | specific enthalpy |
H | enthalpy |
enthalpy of reactant | |
enthalpy of product | |
kelvin | |
kJ | kilo joule |
m | mass |
N | mole number |
organized energy | |
p | pressure |
pressure of the reservoir | |
0 | product at the standard temperature, |
Q | heat exchange |
heat supplied to the Carnot engine | |
heat exchange of an IR event | |
heat exchange of a quasi-static event | |
R | universal gas constant |
R0 | reactant at the standard temperature, |
S | entropy |
entropy at the internal equilibrium of system, where it is maximized | |
specific temperature of certain scale | |
T | absolute temperature |
standard temperature | |
adiabatic flame temperature | |
peak operating temperature | |
temperature of a reservoir from which heat is extracted | |
the arbitrary temperature of a reservoir available for heat extraction | |
temperature of the reservoir which a system interacts with | |
internal energy | |
V | volume |
W | work |
molar Gibbs potential | |
stoichiometric coefficient |
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Wang, L.-S. Unified Classical Thermodynamics: Primacy of Dissymmetry over Free Energy. Thermo 2024, 4, 315-345. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo4030017
Wang L-S. Unified Classical Thermodynamics: Primacy of Dissymmetry over Free Energy. Thermo. 2024; 4(3):315-345. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo4030017
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Lin-Shu. 2024. "Unified Classical Thermodynamics: Primacy of Dissymmetry over Free Energy" Thermo 4, no. 3: 315-345. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo4030017
APA StyleWang, L.-S. (2024). Unified Classical Thermodynamics: Primacy of Dissymmetry over Free Energy. Thermo, 4(3), 315-345. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo4030017