Socioeconomic Attributes in the Topology of the Intercity Road Network in Greece
:1. Introduction
2. Methodological Framework
2.1. Graph Modeling
2.2. Network Analysis
2.3. Empirical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Network Measures
3.2. Pattern Recognition
3.3. Empirical Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Measure | Description | Math Formula |
Graph | A pair set G(V,E) of nodes (V) and edges (E), where n is the number of nodes and m the number of links. | G(V,E) |
Graph density (ρ) | The share of graph connections (m) to the possible connections; expressing the chance of meeting an edge between two randomly chosen network nodes. | |
Network diameter (dG) | The longest shortest path p(i,j) that can be found in a network. | |
Node degree (k) | The number of connections that a given node i has. | |
Node strength or weighted degree (s) | The total weight (wij) volume of node i; δij is the Kronecker’s delta function for the detection of a network edge (eij). | |
Closeness centrality (CC) | An accessibility metric, measuring the average network distance d(i,j) from node i. | |
Betweenness centrality (CB) | The share of shortest-paths σ(i) crossing node i, measuring the node’s importance in terms of intermediacy. | |
Local clustering coefficient (C) | The share of mutual connections E(i) of node i with its neighbors; ki(ki − 1) is the number of triplets configured by this node. When computed over all network nodes defines the global clustering coefficient. | |
Modularity (Q) | An objective function measuring a network’s divisibility; gi is the community of node i, [Aij − Pij] is the difference between actual and expected links for a pair of nodes i,j, and δ(gi,gj) is the Kronecker’s delta function for the detection of group membership (gi = gj). | |
The average of the network path-lengths d[p(i,j)], expressing the network’s impedance to communication. |
Symbol | Description |
Road Network Topology Variables | |
N1 | The number of nodes of each GRN’s regional (*) sub-network. |
N2 | The number of edges of each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N3 | The average degree of each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N4 | The average distance-weighted degree (spatial strength) of each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N5 | The value of network diameter for each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N6 | The score of graph density for each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N7 | The score of modularity for each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N8 | The connected components of each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N9 | The value of average clustering coefficient for each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
N10 | The value of average path length for each GRN’s regional sub-network. |
Transport Infrastructure Variables | |
I1 | The total length of the GRN is included in each region. |
I2 | The GRN’s network density by region. It is defined as the total length of the road network included in each region to its surface area. |
I3 | The regional area of the GRN (in m2). |
I4 | The number of GRN’s ports per region. |
I5 | The number of GRN’s ports per region. |
Socioeconomic Variables | |
S1 | The population of the region (2021 census). |
S2 | The level of urbanization per region, defined by population share of its capital city. |
S3 | Indirect population potential; a regional indicator measuring the volume of economic activities to which a region i has access. It is defined by the sums of ratios between destinations’ populations Pj divided by squared distances dij2 (). |
S4 | Direct population potential; a regional indicator measuring the volume of economic activities developed within a region. It is defined proportionally to the region’s population Pi and inversely to the squared diameter of the region’s area di (). |
S5 | The regional gross domestic product, expressed by the regional share to the country’s GDP. |
S6 | The regional primary sector’s specialization, expressed by the share of the primary sector to the regional GDP. |
S7 | The regional secondary sector’s specialization, expressed by the share of the secondary sector to the regional GDP. |
S8 | The regional tertiary sector’s specialization, expressed by the share of the tertiary sector to the regional GDP. |
S9 | The level of agribusiness investments, expressed by the per capita amount invested in the creation of new agro-industrial enterprises. |
S10 | Regional productivity dynamism; a composite indicator defined by the average of the normalized (i.e., lying in the interval) employment and unemployment rates, change in gross value added (GVA), and per labor GVA in the regional economy. |
S11 | Welfare index; a composite indicator defined by the average of the normalized housing area, bank deposits, energy consumption, and private car ownership in a region. |
S12 | Education level; a composite indicator defined by the sum of population shares per educational level (1–7) in a region. |
Tourism Variables | |
T1 | Tourism Share. The share of tourism to the regional GDP. |
T2 | Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) Coefficient. Expresses the level of saturation of the county in terms of overnight stays per visitor. |
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Metric/Size | Symbol | Unit | Value | ||||
Total Network | Non-Metropolitan (a) | Change (%) | Non-Metropolitan (b) | Change (%) | |||
Nodes | n | # (c) | 4993 | 4548 | −8.91% | 4550 | −8.87% |
Edges | m | # | 6487 | 5528 | −14.78% | 5575 | −14.06% |
Self-connections | # | 0 | 0 | - | 0 | - | |
Isolated nodes | n(k = 0) | # | 0 | 4 | - | 4 | - |
Connected components | α | # | 156 | 164 | 5.13% | 160 | 2.56% |
Max node degree | kmax | # | 8 | 8 | 0.00% | 33 | 312.50% |
Min node degree | kmin | # | 1 | 0 | −100.00% | 0 | −100.00% |
Average node degree (binary) | # | 2.60 | 2.43 | −6.54% | 2.451 | −5.73% | |
Average node degree (weighted) | km | 14.11 | 13.92 | −1.35% | 14.135 | 0.18% | |
Average edge length (weighted) | km | 5.39 | 5.73 | 6.31% | n/a | n/a (d) | |
Total edge length (weighted) | km | 35,860 | 31,708 | −11.58% | n/a | n/a | |
Average path length (binary) | # | 46.75 | 36.59 | −21.73% | 41.638 | −10.93% | |
Average path length weighted | km | 247.52 | 210.05 | −15.14% | n/a | n/a | |
Network diameter (binary) | dbin(G) | # | 144 | 136 | −5.56% | 127 | −11.81% |
Network diameter (weighted) | dw(G) | km | 993 | 782 | −21.25% | n/a | n/a |
Graph density (planar) | ρ1 | net (e) | 0.433 | 0.401 | −7.39% | 0.409 | −5.63% |
Graph density (non-planar) | ρ2 | net | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.00% | 0.001 | 0.00% |
Clustering coefficient | C | net | 0.042 | 0.045 | 7.14% | 0.046 | 9.52% |
Average clustering coefficient | net | 0.114 | 0.069 | −39.47% | 0.071 | −37.72% | |
Modularity | Q | net | 0.946 | 0.965 | 2.01% | 0.962 | 1.69% |
i. Pearson’s Correlation rXY a | |||
Metric | Value | Sig. | |
Pearson’s rho | 0.811 | 0.000 | |
N | 29 | ||
ii. Chi-Square Test of Association b | |||
Metric | Value | df | Asymp. Sig. (2-Sided) |
Pearson chi-square | 33.894 c | 4 | 0.000 |
Likelihood ratio | 41.720 | 4 | 0.000 |
Linear-by-linear association | 12.431 | 1 | 0.000 |
No of valid cases | 29 | ||
iii. Symmetric Measures b,d,e | |||
Metric | Value | Approx. Sig. | |
Nominal by nominal | Phi | 1.081 | 0.000 |
Cramer’s V | 0.764 | 0.000 | |
N of Valid Cases | 29 |
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Tsiotas, D. Socioeconomic Attributes in the Topology of the Intercity Road Network in Greece. Future Transp. 2025, 5, 3.
Tsiotas D. Socioeconomic Attributes in the Topology of the Intercity Road Network in Greece. Future Transportation. 2025; 5(1):3.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsiotas, Dimitrios. 2025. "Socioeconomic Attributes in the Topology of the Intercity Road Network in Greece" Future Transportation 5, no. 1: 3.
APA StyleTsiotas, D. (2025). Socioeconomic Attributes in the Topology of the Intercity Road Network in Greece. Future Transportation, 5(1), 3.