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Assessing Comparative Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Hybrid Rice Varieties Transplanted as Over-Aged Seedlings in the South-Central Coastal Ecosystem of Bangladesh

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali 8602, Bangladesh
Department of Agronomy, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali 8602, Bangladesh
Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Suncheon 57922, Republic of Korea
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
Department of Chemistry, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Submission received: 26 September 2024 / Revised: 25 November 2024 / Accepted: 3 January 2025 / Published: 17 January 2025


The transplanting of over-aged seedlings is an important adaptive strategy for rice cultivation during the monsoon season in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. This study aimed to identify promising hybrid rice varieties that can be transplanted as over-aged seedlings in the south-central tidal coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. Three elite hybrid varieties, namely, AZ7006, Dhani Gold, and INH-16019, along with a popular local cultivar, Moulata (as the control), were used in this field study, and seedlings at two different ages (e.g., 50- and 60-day-old) were transplanted. The results showed that Dhani Gold had the highest grain yield (5.47 t/ha) with the maximum number of tillers (17) and effective tillers (15) per hill for the 50-day-old seedlings as compared with the 60-day-old seedlings. In addition, the hybrid variety INH-16019 also yielded 5.20 t/ha grain with the highest number of spikelets/panicle (191), filled grains/panicle (174), and unfilled grains/panicle (17) for 50-day-old seedlings. However, the local cultivar, Moulata, had the highest plant height (149 cm), required the maximum time for 50% flowering (75 days after transplanting, DAT) and harvesting (104 DAT), and also produced the lowest number of spikelets/panicle (114) and filled grains/panicle (108), leading to the lowest grain yield (3.57 t/ha) considering both ages of the seedlings. Our data further revealed the significant influence of seedling age (50- and 60-day-old seedlings) on the straw yield. Interestingly, this study revealed that the hybrid variety Dhani Gold showed a remarkable decrease in straw yield (by 36%) but obtained the highest (56.3%) harvest index when transplanted as very over-aged (e.g., 60-day-old) seedlings. Moreover, we recorded a higher grain nitrogen content in the hybrid varieties than in the local cultivar, Moulata. Among the hybrids, AZ7006 showed the highest nitrogen content (1.72%), which was statistically similar to INH-16019 (1.67%) and Dhani Gold (1.57%) for 50-day-old seedlings. Importantly, the grain yield of Dhani Gold was 50% higher than Moulata for 50-day-old seedlings, and the benefit–cost ratio of Dhani Gold was also the highest (1.34) for the same seedling age. Hence, the over-aged Dhani Gold hybrid rice seedlings would be a good choice for increasing Aman rice productivity during the monsoon season in the south-central coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh.

1. Introduction

As a primary food crop, rice (Oryza sativa L.) is grown in over 100 countries and provides the majority of nutrition for more than half of the global population [1,2]. Asia produces and consumes almost 90% of the world’s rice [3]. Bangladesh is one of the largest producers of rice in the world, and its favorable agro-climatic conditions facilitate year-round rice cultivation [4,5]. Bangladesh is the world’s largest rice consumer, with an annual consumption of 268.5 kg per capita [6]. In the 2022–2023 fiscal year, Bangladesh produced 39.10 million tons (MT) of rice from 11.64 million hectares (Mha) of land in order to feed 172 million people [7]. Nearly one billion additional people globally are predicted to depend on rice as their primary nutritional source in the next 40 years [8]. Thus, the production of rice should be rapidly increased in order to feed the increasing global population (1.08% per year), with decreasing cultivable land being a crucial issue (0.4% per year) [9].
In Bangladesh, rice is grown within diverse ecosystems, including irrigated, rain-fed, and flooding conditions in three growing seasons, namely, Aus, Aman, and Boro. Around 32% of the agricultural land in Bangladesh is coastal and rain-fed, with an average elevation of 3 to 6 m [10]. In these areas, a large number of local rice landraces are being cultivated by farmers for many years, which is considered to be one of the major reasons for the lower productivity of rice in coastal areas. It has been reported that more than one thousand local rice cultivars are cultivated in Bangladesh, and most of them are used to address climatic challenges [11]. Compared to the modern high-yielding rice varieties (HYVs; both inbreeds and hybrids), the yield of local cultivars is much lower [12]. Therefore, improved management practices and the adoption of HYV rice could be effective strategies to increase rice productivity in the coastal regions of Bangladesh. Accordingly, it is essential to figure out the determinants of the cultivation of local rice varieties in order to replace them with high yielding varieties. The age of the seedlings during transplanting is an essential factor to be taken into account in order to achieve a uniform population as well as improved growth and yield of rice [13]. The optimum seedling age for the transplanting of Aman rice depends on the duration of its life cycle. For instance, in Bangladesh, 20–25, 25–30, and 35–40-day-old seedlings are transplanted as short-duration, medium-duration, and long-duration rice varieties, respectively [14]. In addition, old-aged rice seedlings compared with optimum-aged seedlings are referred to as over-aged seedlings, which are typically used for delayed transplantation [15]. However, the transplantation of over-aged seedlings results in poor seedling development and reduced rice yield [16]. In fact, unpredictable rainfall frequently causes delayed transplantation during the Aman season in the rainfed low-lying coastal ecosystems of Bangladesh [17]. Generally, 30–50 cm of standing water remains in the rice field for prolonged periods during the monsoon season in the coastal areas. In fact, the modern rice varieties cannot withstand this standing water due to their shorter height [18]. Farmers in this area generally transplant over-aged seedlings to overcome these unavoidable climatic challenges. Thus, to elevate the overall rice productivity of this region, the introduction of suitable hybrids having higher yield potentials even after delayed transplantation could be an effective strategy for cultivating transplant Aman rice in the monsoon season. Based on the facts discussed above, the present study was designed to identify promising hybrid rice varieties for delayed transplantation suitable for the low-lying south-central tidal coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh, particularly Patuakhali district of Bangladesh.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Plant Materials, Treatments, and Growing Conditions

This experiment was conducted during the Aman season of 2022 at the field laboratory of the Department of Agronomy, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh. It was a two-factor experiment following a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The first factor includes three elite hybrid rice varieties, namely, AZ7006, Dhani Gold, and INH-16019, marketed by Bayer CropScience, Bangladesh Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh, and a popular local rice cultivar, namely, Moulata (as a check variety); and the second factor includes two seedling ages (e.g., 50- and 60-day-old-seedlings). Pre-germinated seeds were shown in the wet seedbed, and proper management practices were followed to develop uniform and healthy seedlings. Next, 50- and 60-day-old seedlings were transplanted as three seedlings per hill with a plant-to-plant and row-to-row distance of 20 and 25 cm, respectively. The area of each plot was 10 m2 (4 m × 2.5 m). Fertilizers, e.g., urea, tripple super phosphate, muriate of potash, gypsum, and zinc sulfate. at 160, 60, 85, 55.5, and 7.5 kg/ha, respectively, were uniformly applied to the plot following the doses recommended by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) [14]. Due to the presence of 25–30 cm of standing water in the experimental plots during field preparation and transplanting, the fertilizers were applied in several installments. At 15 days after transplanting (DAT), the water depth in the field was 5–6 cm, and all the fertilizers except urea were applied. Urea was applied in two installments, i.e., half at 20 DAT and the remaining half at 50 DAT. Intercultural practices, including weeding and pesticide application, were carried out as and when necessary throughout the rice-growing period.

2.2. Assessment of Growth and Yield Attributes

Five (5) hills from each of the plots were selected randomly to collect data on different growth and yield attributes. Soil–plant analysis development (SPAD; as an indicator of leaf chlorophyll intensity) readings were recorded during the booting stage of rice plants. The SPAD readings were taken as the average value from five flag leaves of each selected hill. Then, the days required for 50% flowering (DAT) were recorded when the blooming of 50% flowers occurred. Importantly, after harvesting, the data on plant height (cm), number of tillers/hill, number of effective tillers/hill, days to harvesting, panicle length (cm), number of spikelets/panicle, number of filled and unfilled grains/panicle, 1000-grain weight (g), grain yield (t/ha), and straw yield (t/ha) were recorded following standard procedure. Harvest indices of all the rice varieties were also measured using the following formula:
Harvest   index   ( % ) = G r a i n   y i e l d B i o l o g i c a l   y i e l d   × 100

2.3. Analysis of the Benefit–Cost Ratio

The total cost of production was calculated for each cultivar, considering all the material, non-material, and overhead costs. The gross income was estimated by accumulating the total price of the grains and straw (for detailed calculation, please see Supplementary Table S1). Finally, the benefit–cost ratio (BCR) for each rice cultivar was calculated using the following formula:
Benefit cost   ratio =   G r o s s   i n c o m e ( T k ) T o t a l   c o s t   o f   p r o d u c t i o n   ( T k )

2.4. Determination of Nitrogen Content in Grains and Shoots

Randomly collected rice shoot and grain samples were sun-dried for two days, then oven-dried at 65 °C for 72 h. Immediately, the samples were ground with an electric grinder, and the percent (%) nitrogen contents were obtained from the grinded samples using an organic element analyzer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, 28199 Bremen, Germany).

2.5. Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation

The collected data were analyzed statistically to identify the potential hybrid variety(ies), and determine the effect of seedling ages on the growth and yield of the assessed rice cultivars. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA; Supplementary Table S2), and the means were compared with Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) post hoc test at 5, 1, and 0.1% levels of significance using the computer-based statistical program JMP 16 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) following the basic principles. Finally, the data were visualized using the computer program SigmaPlot 14 (Systat Software, Inc., Cary, NC, USA).

3. Results

3.1. Effect of Variety and Seedling Ages on the Growth Attributes of Rice

Significant variations in different growth attributes were observed among the cultivars. The plant height was highest (149 cm) in the local cultivar, Moulata, for both 50- and 60-day-old seedlings, while the three hybrid rice varieties (e.g., AZ7006, Dhani Gold, and INH-16019) showed statistically similar plant height (Figure 1A). Dhani Gold had the maximum number of tillers/hill, e.g., 17 and 15, for 50- and 60-day-old seedlings, respectively. Whereas the lowest number of tillers/hill (11) was recorded in AZ7006 for 60-day-old seedlings (Figure 1B). Likewise, the highest number of effective tillers/hill (15) was observed in Dhani Gold for 50-day-old seedlings, and the lowest (9) was found in AZ7006 for 60-day-old seedlings (Figure 1C). While considering the variation among leaf chlorophyll intensity (as SPAD readings), no significant differences were recorded for SPAD values in the case of 50-day-old seedlings among the cultivars. In the case of 60-day-old seedlings, the hybrid variety INH-16019 showed the highest SPAD value (48), whereas AZ7006, Dhani Gold, and Moulata exhibited statistically similar SPAD values (Figure 1D).
Furthermore, in the case of 50-day-old seedlings, Moulata took the maximum time (75 DAT) for 50% flowering. In contrast, all the hybrid varieties took a minimum and statistically similar time for 50% flowering, ranging from 63 to 66 DAT. While, in the case of 60-day-old seedlings, Moulata required 65 DAT for 50% flowering, and 61–63 DAT was sufficient for the hybrid varieties (Figure 1E). Accordingly, Moulata took the highest time for harvesting (104 DAT) in the case of 50-day-old seedlings. In addition, 95–98 DAT was required by the three hybrid varieties for harvesting. Interestingly, in the case of 60-day-old seedlings, 106 DAT was required for harvesting of Moulata, which was statistically similar to the hybrid varieties, where they took 98 to 100 DAT (Figure 1F).

3.2. Effect of Variety and Seedling Ages on the Yield and Yield Contributing Attributes of Rice

We observed variations in several yield and yield-contributing parameters due to varietal differences. The longest panicle length (25.15 cm) was recorded in Moulata, and the shortest (23.7 cm) was observed in hybrid INH-16019. No statistically significant differences were observed among the panicle lengths of different cultivars considering seedling ages. In addition, the indigenous coastal rice cultivar, Moulata, produced the minimum number of spikelets/panicle in the case of both seedling ages, which are 114 and 135 for 50- and 60-day-old seedlings, respectively. The hybrid variety, INH-16019, showed the maximum number of spikelets/panicle (191) for 50-day-old seedlings, which was statistically similar to those of AZ7006 and Dhani Gold (Figure 2A). Considering the number of filled grains/panicle, the hybrid varieties showed statistically similar numbers of filled grains, e.g., 155, 167, and 174 for Dhani Gold, AZ7006, and INH-16019, respectively, when transplanted as 50-day-old seedlings While the local cultivar, Moulata, had the minimum number of filled grains/panicle, e.g., 108 and 130, in the case of 50- and 60-day-old seedlings, respectively (Figure 2B). Interestingly, the highest number of unfilled grains/panicle was recorded in INH-16019 (17), which was followed by Dhani Gold (12), AZ7006 (12), and Moulata (6) for 50-day-old seedlings. In addition, the highest unfilled grains/panicle for 60-day-old seedlings were observed in Dhani Gold (15), followed by AZ7006 (10), INH-16019 (9), and Moulata (5) (Figure 2C). However, no significant differences in 1000-grain weight among the rice cultivars were observed considering the seedling ages. The 1000-grain weight varied from 23 to 26 g among the four tested cultivars. Importantly, the grain yield was highest in Dhani Gold (5.47 t/ha), which was followed by INH-16019 (5.20 t/ha), AZ7007 (4.85 t/ha), and Moulata (3.67 t/ha) in the case of 50-day-old transplanted seedlings. Similarly, the grain yields for 60-day-old transplanted seedlings were 5.07, 4.63, 4.25, and 3.57 t/ha in Dhani Gold, INH-16019, AZ7007, and Moulata, respectively (Figure 2D).
In addition, statistically significant differences were observed in the straw yield among the rice cultivars regarding seedling ages. The highest straw yield was observed in Moulata for both the seedling ages (e.g., 8.37 and 8.0 t/ha for 50- and 60-day-old seedlings, respectively) while AZ7006 showed the lowest straw yield (5.32 t/ha) for 50-day-old seedlings, which was followed by Dhani Gold (6.1 t/ha) and INH-16019 (6.47 t/ha). Interestingly, Dhani Gold produced the remarkably lowest straw yield (3.93 t/ha) while transplanted as 60-day-old seedlings, which was followed by INH-16019 (4.73 t/ha) and AZ7006 (5.20 t/ha) (Figure 2E). Furthermore, the significant influence of seedling ages on harvest index was observed in Dhani Gold. The highest harvest index (56.3%) was obtained in Dhani Gold for 60-day-old seedlings. In addition, Moulata showed the lowest harvest index (30%) in the case of both seedling ages and the other two hybrid varieties, AZ7006 and INH-16019, showed a statistically similar harvest index (Figure 2F).

3.3. Effect of Variety and Seedling Ages on Nitrogen Content in Rice Grains and Shoots

Nitrogen (N) content is directly associated with the protein content in plants. We found a significant variation in % N content in grains among the hybrids and the local cultivar, Moulata (Figure 3A). AZ7006 had the highest N content (1.72%), which was followed by INH-16019 (1.67%) and Dhani Gold (1.57%) for 50-day-old seedlings. In addition, Moulata showed the lowest N content in grains for both seedling ages (1.44 and 1.42%, respectively, for 50- and 60-day-old seedlings). In addition, N content was non-significantly reduced in the grains of 60-day-old seedlings for each of the cultivars. Importantly, we did not observe any significant variations in % N content in shoots among the rice cultivars for both seedling ages (Figure 3B).

3.4. Effect of Variety and Seedling Ages on the Benefit–Cost Ratio

The highest benefit–cost ratio (BCR) was recorded in Dhani Gold (1.34), which was followed by INH-16019 (1.29) and AZ7006 (1.19) for 50-day-old seedlings (Table 1) while the BCR was reduced noticeably in all the hybrid varieties for 60-day-old seedlings. The highest BCR for 60-day-old seedlings was also recorded in Dhani Gold (1.21), which was followed by INH-16019 (1.12) and AZ7006 (1.05). Importantly, Moulata had almost similar but the lowest BCR in the case of both the seedling ages (e.g., 1.08 and 1.05, respectively, at 50- and 60-day-old seedlings; Table 1), thus reflecting its less economic competitiveness as compared to the hybrid varieties (e.g., Dhani Gold and INH-16019).

4. Discussion

The agricultural land around the world is decreasing at an alarming rate while the global population is increasing. In Bangladesh, due to the ever-increasing population, the horizontal expansion of rice fields cannot keep pace with the increasing population. Thus, increasing yield within the limited resources is the only way to feed the additional population. Proper land utilization and the introduction of modern rice varieties, including hybrids with appropriate management practices, could be effective measures for increasing rice yield. Therefore, this experiment was designed to find promising hybrid rice varieties for the rainfed tidal coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. Our study revealed no significant influence of seedling ages (50- and 60-day-old seedlings) on most of the observed growth and yield-contributing parameters like plant height, number of tillers/hill, SPAD values, panicle length, number of spikelets/panicle, number of filled and unfilled grains/panicle, and grain yield for each of the hybrid and the local rice cultivars. Islam et al. [19] reported no significant influence of seedling ages on plant height, number of tillers/hill, effective tillers/hill, panicle length, number of grains, and unfilled grains/panicle. However, distinct variations in several growth, yield, and yield-contributing parameters were observed due to varietal differences. The local cultivar, Moulata, had the highest plant height, whereas the three hybrid varieties were distinctly shorter in height. Sarkar et al. [20] reported about the variations in plant height due to varietal differences. Though we did not observe any significant variations in plant height for different seedling ages (e.g., 50- and 60-day-old seedlings), the findings from Azad et al. [21] and Wang et al. [22] suggest that younger seedlings (e.g., 15-day-old seedlings) result in higher plant height than gradually older seedlings. In fact, transplanting older seedlings damages the root systems, which directly hampers seedling establishment and tiller formation [23]. Interestingly, in this study, none of the cultivars, including the hybrids and the local cultivar, showed significant variations in the number of tillers and effective tillers/hill for the two over-aged seedling ages (e.g., 50- and 60-day-old seedlings). Manir et al. [24] in their study observed the highest number of tillers from 15-day-old seedlings as compared with 40-day-old seedlings, indicating that the tiller number decreased with increasing seedling age. In addition, we observed that the local cultivar, Moulata, required maximum number of days for 50% flowering and harvesting and all the cultivars required additional time for flowering and maturity with the increase in seedling age. These results indicate that younger seedlings promote earlier flowering and maturity than aged seedlings [25]. In addition, we observed no significant differences in panicle length and 1000-grain weight despite the different cultivars and seedling ages. Results also revealed that the number of spikelets, filled grains, and unfilled grains/panicle was highest for INH-16019 in both seedling ages, except the unfilled grains/panicle for 60-day-old seedlings was maximum in Dhani Gold. Grains per panicle is one of the important traits linked to grain yield that depends on the panicle length and arrangement of spikelets on it [26]. Shrestha et al. [27] observed variations in the number of grains/panicle among the cultivars due to varietal differences. Related reports revealed that younger seedlings can produce higher grains and filled grains/panicle compared to older seedlings [24,28,29]. In fact, ‘yield’ is a complex trait, which is the output of several yield components such as number of effective tillers/hill, panicle length, number of spikelets/panicle, number of filled and unfilled grains/panicle, seed weight, etc. In this study, the highest grain yield was observed from Dhani Gold, which was followed by INH-16019, AZ7006, and Moulata for both seedling ages. Though the number of spikelets and filled grain/panicle was maximum in INH-16019, the grain yield was highest in Dhani Gold, having the maximum number of tillers and effective tillers/hill (Figure 2D). Interestingly, all the cultivars in this experiment showed higher grain yield for 50-day-old seedlings, which was statistically similar to the yields of 60-day-old seedlings, clearly indicating that the late transplanting of these rice cultivars by 10 days would not impact the yield output in the tidal coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. Similar results were also reported by Azad et al. [21], Sabil et al. [28], Singh et al. [30], and Virk et al. [31]. However, seedlings of optimum age can produce more effective tillers/hill, longer panicle length, higher 1000-grain weight, maximum number of spikelets, and filled grains/panicle, thus resulting in higher grain yield [13,25,32]. In addition, in our study the straw yield was higher in Moulata than the three hybrids (Figure 2E). In fact, the shorter plant height, short lifespan, and higher grain yield of the hybrid varieties (presumably due to their high dry matter partitioning abilities towards grain rather than the shoot) could be the main reasons for lower straw yield than the local cultivar Moulata. Chowhan et al. [33] also reported variations in straw yield among the varieties due to the presence of varietal differences. However, the straw yield was significantly decreased in Dhani Gold and INH-16019 for 60-day-old seedlings as compared to the 50-day-old seedlings. Similar findings were also reported by Azad et al. [21] and Sabil et al. [28], where the dry matter accumulation significantly decreased with increasing seedling age. Further, the harvest index of Dhani Gold was greatly influenced by seedling age. Interestingly, Dhani Gold showed the highest harvest index for 60-day-old seedlings, whereas the other cultivars showed no variations in harvest index with different seedling ages. This result supports the findings of Azad et al. [21], who reported statistically similar harvest indices for both 45- and 60-day-old seedlings. However, it is worth noting that the hybrid variety ‘Dhani Gold’ in our study showed 50% and 42% higher yields than the local cultivar, Moulata, for 50- and 60-day-old seedlings, respectively. Likewise, the highest BCR was also recorded in the Dhani Gold for both seedling ages. Therefore, overall results suggest that the late transplanting of the Dhani Gold hybrid (as an over-aged seedling) could be a suitable variety selection option for increasing the Aman rice production during monsoon in the low-lying coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh.

5. Conclusions

The present study demonstrated that none of the rice cultivars (both the hybrids and the local cultivar) showed significant variations in important yield-contributing attributes like the number of tillers, effective tillers/hill, panicle length, and 1000-grain weight for both of the over-aged seedlings (e.g., 50- and 60-day-old seedlings). Importantly, among the three elite hybrid rice varieties, Dhani Gold exhibited better growth and yield performances than the popular local cultivar Moulata. Considering the two over-aged seedling ages, Dhani Gold showed the highest grain yield with a maximum BCR while transplanted as 50-day-old seedlings. The other two hybrids, namely AZ7006 and INH-16019, also showed a higher BCR (1.19 and 1.29, respectively) than the local cultivar, Moulata (1.080), in the case of 50-day-old seedlings. Notably, the hybrid variety Dhani Gold consistently showed the highest BCR in both of the seedling ages. Thus, the hybrid variety Dhani Gold with seedling ages of both 50 and 60 days might be a promising hybrid rice cultivar to be transplanted as over-aged seedlings for increasing the Aman rice production during monsoon in the south-central coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. Further multi-location yield trials with varying categories of land topography (e.g., high, medium, and low) are required to validate the yield performance and economic benefits of the hybrid varieties for the coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1: Cost of production (in Bangladeshi taka); Table S2: ANOVA table for all the growth, and yield attributes.

Author Contributions

G.S.—conceived the idea, supervised the study, reviewed, edited, and finalized the manuscript; M.I.K.: conducted the fieldwork, analyzed the data, drafted manuscript; M.S.A., H.C.D., and S.M.: conducted the fieldwork, performed laboratory analysis, analyzed the data, and drafted the manuscript; U.S.: prepared the original draft, revised, and finalized the manuscript; U.K.S.: reviewed, edited, and finalized the manuscript, M.R.U.: reviewed, edited and finalized the manuscript, M.G.M.: supervised the research work, reviewed, and finalized the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article and Supplementary Materials.


We would like to thank Bayer CropScience, Bangladesh, Limited, for providing the hybrid seeds and labor support needed to carry out this study. We would also like to thank the Stress Agronomy Lab and the Central lab of the Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh, for providing support for the laboratory analyses.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Effect of varieties and seedling ages on (A) plant height, (B) number of tillers/hill, (C) number of tillers/hill, (D) SPAD readings, (E) days to 50% flowering, and (F) days to maturity. Values are presented as means ± standard errors. Bars that are connected to different letters have significant differences.
Figure 1. Effect of varieties and seedling ages on (A) plant height, (B) number of tillers/hill, (C) number of tillers/hill, (D) SPAD readings, (E) days to 50% flowering, and (F) days to maturity. Values are presented as means ± standard errors. Bars that are connected to different letters have significant differences.
Crops 05 00004 g001
Figure 2. Effect of varieties and seedling ages on (A) the number of spikelets/panicle, (B) the number of filled grains/panicle, (C) the number of unfilled grains/panicle, (D) grain yield, (E) straw yield, and (F) harvest index. Values are presented as means ± standard errors. Bars that are connected to different letters have significant differences.
Figure 2. Effect of varieties and seedling ages on (A) the number of spikelets/panicle, (B) the number of filled grains/panicle, (C) the number of unfilled grains/panicle, (D) grain yield, (E) straw yield, and (F) harvest index. Values are presented as means ± standard errors. Bars that are connected to different letters have significant differences.
Crops 05 00004 g002
Figure 3. Effect of varieties and seedling ages on (A) % nitrogen content in grains and (B) % nitrogen content in shoots. Values are presented as means ± standard errors. Bars that are connected to different letters have significant differences.
Figure 3. Effect of varieties and seedling ages on (A) % nitrogen content in grains and (B) % nitrogen content in shoots. Values are presented as means ± standard errors. Bars that are connected to different letters have significant differences.
Crops 05 00004 g003
Table 1. Comparative benefit–cost ratio of the three hybrid varieties and local cultivar Moulata.
Table 1. Comparative benefit–cost ratio of the three hybrid varieties and local cultivar Moulata.
VarietyBenefit–Cost Ratio
50-Day-Old Seedlings60-Day-Old Seedlings
Dhani Gold1.341.21
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MDPI and ACS Style

Khalil, M.I.; Ahamed, M.S.; Somaddar, U.; Dey, H.C.; Mamun, S.; Sarker, U.K.; Uddin, M.R.; Mostofa, M.G.; Saha, G. Assessing Comparative Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Hybrid Rice Varieties Transplanted as Over-Aged Seedlings in the South-Central Coastal Ecosystem of Bangladesh. Crops 2025, 5, 4.

AMA Style

Khalil MI, Ahamed MS, Somaddar U, Dey HC, Mamun S, Sarker UK, Uddin MR, Mostofa MG, Saha G. Assessing Comparative Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Hybrid Rice Varieties Transplanted as Over-Aged Seedlings in the South-Central Coastal Ecosystem of Bangladesh. Crops. 2025; 5(1):4.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Khalil, Md. Ibrahim, Md. Subbir Ahamed, Uzzal Somaddar, Hridoy Chandra Dey, Sameera Mamun, Uttam Kumer Sarker, Md. Romij Uddin, Mohammad Golam Mostofa, and Gopal Saha. 2025. "Assessing Comparative Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Hybrid Rice Varieties Transplanted as Over-Aged Seedlings in the South-Central Coastal Ecosystem of Bangladesh" Crops 5, no. 1: 4.

APA Style

Khalil, M. I., Ahamed, M. S., Somaddar, U., Dey, H. C., Mamun, S., Sarker, U. K., Uddin, M. R., Mostofa, M. G., & Saha, G. (2025). Assessing Comparative Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Hybrid Rice Varieties Transplanted as Over-Aged Seedlings in the South-Central Coastal Ecosystem of Bangladesh. Crops, 5(1), 4.

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