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Powders, Volume 3, Issue 3 (September 2024) – 7 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): The bulk behaviour of cohesive powders is profoundly influenced by their material properties and particle size. During storage and transport in the powder processing industry, powders undergo deformation and stress, making the measurement of powder yield and flow properties crucial. In this study, part of a European collaborative project, shear experiments were performed using Schulze rings and Anton Paar Powder Cell (APCC) devices. The goals were to assess reproducibility between devices, relate bulk behaviour to particle properties, and examine the effect of temperature on powder flow. The findings offer valuable insights into cohesion, friction, and flow properties, with significant industrial implications for silo design and simulation. View this paper
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22 pages, 7318 KiB  
Multidimensional Characterization and Separation of Ultrafine Particles: Insights and Advances by Means of Froth Flotation
by Johanna Sygusch and Martin Rudolph
Powders 2024, 3(3), 460-481; - 15 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1234
Particle systems and their efficient and precise separation are becoming increasingly complex. Therefore, instead of focusing on a single separation feature, a multidimensional approach is needed where more than one particle property is considered. This, however, requires the precise characterization of the particle [...] Read more.
Particle systems and their efficient and precise separation are becoming increasingly complex. Therefore, instead of focusing on a single separation feature, a multidimensional approach is needed where more than one particle property is considered. This, however, requires the precise characterization of the particle system, which is especially challenging for fine particles with sizes below 10 µm. This paper discusses the benefits and limitations of different characterization techniques, including optical contour analysis, inverse gas chromatography, flow cytometry, and SEM-based image analysis. The separation of ultrafine particles was investigated for a binary system using froth flotation, where a novel developed flotation apparatus is used. A special focus was placed on the multidimensional evaluation of the separation according to the particle properties of size, shape, and wettability, which was addressed via multivariate Tromp and entropy functions. The results emphasize the intricacy of the flotation process and the complex interaction of the individual particle properties and process parameters. The investigations contribute to the understanding of the characterization of particulate properties as well as the separation behavior of ultrafine particles via froth flotation, especially in the case of a multidimensional approach. Full article
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23 pages, 25213 KiB  
Evaluating Flow Characteristics of Ground and Cut Biomass for Industrial Applications
by Birce Dikici, Hussein Awad Kurdi Saad and Bo Zhao
Powders 2024, 3(3), 437-459; - 11 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1058
In recent years, biomass utilization has significantly increased, presenting challenges in its incorporation into various systems. Effective handling requires reliable data on biomass flow properties for designing warehouses and processing equipment. This study investigates the physical properties of ground barley grains, ground oak [...] Read more.
In recent years, biomass utilization has significantly increased, presenting challenges in its incorporation into various systems. Effective handling requires reliable data on biomass flow properties for designing warehouses and processing equipment. This study investigates the physical properties of ground barley grains, ground oak leaves, ground straw, and cut jute. Barley grains, oak leaves, and straw bales were milled, and jute was cut into 2–3 mm lengths and oven-dried. Particle size distribution, bulk density, Hausner ratio, Carr’s index, moisture content, static angle of repose, and flowability tests and SEM analysis were conducted. The study found that ground barley, having the smallest particle size and highest bulk density, showed superior flow properties due to its rounded particles and clusters, as reflected by a low Hausner ratio. In contrast, jute fibers had a low bulk density and poor flowability, while ground straw exhibited hindered flow due to its larger, more irregular particles. Additionally, the biomass sliding behavior varied with particle size and surface irregularities, with ground barley adhering well to plywood and ground oak leaves adhering well to aluminum. These findings underscore the pivotal roles of particle shape and interparticle forces in determining the biomass flow properties, pointing towards a future where precise environmental control and advanced analytical methods drive innovations in biomass utilization. Full article
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21 pages, 2539 KiB  
New Die-Compaction Equations for Powders as a Result of Known Equations Correction—Part 3: Modernization of Plasticity Equations for a Porous Body
by Anatolii V. Laptiev
Powders 2024, 3(3), 416-436; - 26 Aug 2024
Viewed by 583
Equations of plasticity of a porous body proposed by different authors and obtained under the condition that the yield surface of a porous body has the shape of an ellipsoid of revolution are considered in this paper. Such equations have two independent parameters [...] Read more.
Equations of plasticity of a porous body proposed by different authors and obtained under the condition that the yield surface of a porous body has the shape of an ellipsoid of revolution are considered in this paper. Such equations have two independent parameters which are the functions of relative density. Various theoretical dependences of these parameters on the relative density and, as a result, various equations for describing the die-compaction of powders are presented. It is shown that the correction of two density-dependent parameters, taking into account the initial density, makes it possible to significantly increase the accuracy of approximation of experimental data on the powder compaction process (PCP) of various powders. Among the considered “continuum” equations of powder die-compaction, the PCP to a density of 0.95 is the most accurately described by the equation in which the corrected Skorokhod’s theoretical density functions are used and which contains one constant as a result. Another equation which contains four constants allows one to accurately (R2 > 0.9990–0.9999) describe the PCP to a density of >0.95. This equation is obtained by replacing one of two independent parameters in the traditional continuum equation with the lateral pressure coefficient followed by substituting, instead of those parameters, their dependencies on the density in the form of power function. The adequacy of the PCP description by this equation was verified by approximating experimental data on the die-compaction of iron powders to a relative density greater than 0.95, as well as highly plastic powders with a final density of ~1.0. Full article
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24 pages, 5058 KiB  
Fractionation of Aerosols by Particle Size and Material Composition Using a Classifying Aerodynamic Lens
by Matthias Masuhr and Frank Einar Kruis
Powders 2024, 3(3), 392-415; - 22 Jul 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 833
The fractionation of airborne particles based on multiple characteristics is becoming increasingly significant in various industrial and research sectors, including mining and recycling. Recent developments aim to characterize and fractionate particles based on multiple properties simultaneously. This study investigates the fractionation of a [...] Read more.
The fractionation of airborne particles based on multiple characteristics is becoming increasingly significant in various industrial and research sectors, including mining and recycling. Recent developments aim to characterize and fractionate particles based on multiple properties simultaneously. This study investigates the fractionation of a technical aerosol composed of a mixture of micron-sized copper and silicon particles by size and material composition using a classifying aerodynamic lens (CAL) setup. Particle size distribution and material composition are analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) for samples collected from the feed stream (upstream of CAL) and product stream (downstream of CAL) at varying operational pressures. The experimental findings generally agree with the predictions of an analytical fractionation model but also point to the importance of particle shape as a third fractionation property. Moreover, the results suggest that material-based fractionation is efficient at low operational pressures, even when the aerodynamic properties of the particle species are similar. This finding could have significant implications for industries where precise particle fractionation is crucial. Full article
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25 pages, 51903 KiB  
Discrete Element Method Simulation of Particulate Material Fracture Behavior on a Stretchable Single Filter Fiber with Additional Gas Flow
by Ermek Asylbekov, Lukas Poggemann, Achim Dittler and Hermann Nirschl
Powders 2024, 3(3), 367-391; - 3 Jul 2024
Viewed by 1053
This study presents a comprehensive discrete element method (DEM) simulation approach for the stretching of a filter fiber with a separated polydisperse particle structure on top. For a realistic interaction between the fiber surface and the particles, the original surface of the polymer [...] Read more.
This study presents a comprehensive discrete element method (DEM) simulation approach for the stretching of a filter fiber with a separated polydisperse particle structure on top. For a realistic interaction between the fiber surface and the particles, the original surface of the polymer fiber was projected onto the surface of the fiber cylinder using surface imaging technologies (atomic force microscopy (AFM) and white-light interferometry). In addition, the adhesive forces between particle–fiber and particle–particle contacts were calibrated in the DEM domain using values from self-conducted AFM measurements. Fiber stretching was implemented by the linear motion of small periodic fiber elements. Discretization problems were resolved through studying the stretching of a fiber segment at the size of 8 mm. A critical fiber element length was discovered to be ≈100 μm for minimizing discretization dependencies during the cracking of the particle structure. The number and density of particle–particle contacts within the particle loading on the fiber were obtained at two different elongation rates. Effects such as densification of the particulate structure and increased detachment due to additional air flow were demonstrated. Full article
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29 pages, 22681 KiB  
Application of Multivariate Tromp Functions for Evaluating the Joint Impact of Particle Size, Shape and Wettability on the Separation of Ultrafine Particles via Flotation
by Johanna Sygusch, Thomas Wilhelm, Orkun Furat, Kai Bachmann, Volker Schmidt and Martin Rudolph
Powders 2024, 3(3), 338-366; - 2 Jul 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 801
Froth flotation predominantly separates particles according to their differences in wettability. However, other particle properties such as size, shape or density significantly influence the separation outcome as well. Froth flotation is most efficient for particles within a size range of about 20–200 μm, [...] Read more.
Froth flotation predominantly separates particles according to their differences in wettability. However, other particle properties such as size, shape or density significantly influence the separation outcome as well. Froth flotation is most efficient for particles within a size range of about 20–200 μm, but challenges arise for very fine or coarse particles that are accompanied by low recoveries and poor selectivity. While the impact of particle size on the separation behavior in flotation is well known by now, the effect of particle shape is less studied and varies based on the investigated zone (suspension or froth) and separation apparatus used. Beyond these complexities, many particle properties are correlated, making it challenging to analyze the isolated impact of individual properties on the separation behavior. Therefore, a multidimensional perspective on the separation process, considering multiple particle properties, enhances the understanding of their collective influence. In this paper, the two-dimensional case is studied; i.e., a parametric modeling approach is applied to determine bivariate Tromp functions from scanning electron microscopy-based image data of the feed and the separated fractions. With these functions it is possible to characterize the separation behavior of particle systems. Using a model system of ultrafine (<10 μm) particles, consisting of either glass spheres or glass fragments with different wettability states as the floatable fraction and magnetite as the non-floatable fraction, allows for the investigation of the influence of descriptor vectors consisting of size, shape and wettability, on the separation. In this way, the present paper contributes to a better understanding of the complex interplay between certain descriptor vectors for the case of ultrafine particles. Furthermore, it demonstrates the benefits of using multivariate Tromp functions for evaluating separation processes and points out the limitations of SEM-based image measurements by means of mineral liberation analysis (MLA) for the studied particle size fraction. Full article
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14 pages, 3513 KiB  
Effect of Microscopic Properties on Flow Behavior of Industrial Cohesive Powder
by Maheandar Manokaran, Martin Morgeneyer and Dominik Weis
Powders 2024, 3(3), 324-337; - 25 Jun 2024
Viewed by 1744
The characteristics of powders on a bulk scale are heavily influenced by both the material properties and the size of their primary particles. Throughout the stages of storage and transportation in the powder processing industry, various forms of deformation and stress, such as [...] Read more.
The characteristics of powders on a bulk scale are heavily influenced by both the material properties and the size of their primary particles. Throughout the stages of storage and transportation in the powder processing industry, various forms of deformation and stress, such as pressure and shear, impact these materials. Recognizing the point at which a powder undergoes yielding becomes particularly significant in numerous applications. There are also times when the level of stress needed to maintain it must be understood. The measurement of powder yield and flow properties remains a challenge and is addressed in this study. As part of the European collaborative project, a number of shear experiments were performed using two shearing devices: the Schulze ring shearing device and the Anton Paar Powder Cell (APCC). These experiments have three purposes: (i) test reproducibility/consistency between two shear devices and test protocols; (ii) relate bulk behavior to microscopic particle properties, focusing on bulk density and thus the effect of cohesion between particles; and (iii) investigate the influence of the temperature of heated powders on the powder’s flow properties, which is important for industrial reactors. Interestingly, for samples with small particle sizes, bulk cohesion increases slightly, but bulk friction increases significantly because of particle interaction effects. The experimental data not only provide useful insight into the role of microscopically attractive van der Waals gravitational and/or compressive forces on the macroscopic flow behavior of bulk powders but also have industrial relevance. We also provide robust data of cohesive and attritional fine powder for silo design used for calibration and validation of silos, models, and computer simulations. Full article
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