1. Introduction
Globally, municipal solid waste (MSW) is a significant environmental issue that leads to the pollution of various ecosystems such as soil, freshwater sources, rivers, lakes, and oceans [
1]. MSW, commonly referred to as trash or garbage, comprises everyday discarded items from households, schools, hospitals, and businesses and includes packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries [
2]. Over two billion tons of MSW are produced worldwide annually, contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Currently, 33% of MSW is not handled properly in controlled facilities. Moreover, there are concerns about the reliability of waste management data, with ongoing efforts to enhance data accuracy, which is currently lacking [
Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) involves waste generation, storage, collection, transportation, processing, recycling, and disposal in a suitable landfill [
4]. The rates and composition of solid waste vary between counties due to differences in economic conditions, industrial structure, waste management regulations, and lifestyle. Additionally, the availability and quality of data on solid waste generation and its treatment also vary significantly from country to country. Waste composition is a key factor that influences emissions from solid waste treatment. It is a result of regional and cultural aspects as well as social behavior, and it is strongly influenced by economic factors. Changes in the composition of MSW can influence emissions from landfills, the quality of incineration residues, and other aspects of waste management systems [
5]. Waste compositions and the classifications used to collect data on waste composition in MSW vary widely across different regions and countries [
6]. Access to waste management services is vital for urban sustainability as it affects public health, environmental wellbeing, and overall quality of life [
7]. The availability of waste collection services differs widely within and between regions. In higher-income regions, nearly all municipal solid waste (MSW) is collected, while in lower-income countries, less than 40 percent of MSW is collected [
In Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia, rapid economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization have led to increased waste generation, particularly in major cities like Yangon, Mandalay, and Nay Pyi Taw. However, these developments have brought challenges affecting waste management operations, which were not prepared for such rapid growth. Inadequate and improper waste management practices have led to various issues, such as health problems and environmental pollution [
8]. Improper waste management has resulted in issues such as landfills reaching full capacity due to poorly organized open dumping, contamination of surface and groundwater, windblown plastic litter, and landfill sites becoming sources of emissions and diseases [
The amount of waste generated in Myanmar is difficult to determine due to the lack of regular waste sampling and analysis. On average, each person in Myanmar produces 0.53 kg of waste per day, totaling 28,850 tons of municipal waste per day or 10.5 million tons per year. Waste collection rates are estimated at 53% in Yangon and 84% in Mandalay [
9]. Specific guidelines for municipal solid waste are lacking in Myanmar at any level. Generally, MSW includes waste from daily activities in households, commercial establishments, tourism, and public services within an administrative area, excluding gaseous or liquid waste. Organic waste comprises the largest portion of MSW in Myanmar, followed by plastics. Establishing a treatment mechanism for organic waste is crucial for reducing the amount of waste going to landfill. Paper is also a valuable resource for recovery, and this is well recognized by citizens. More than half of MSW is generated by households, with market waste being the second largest source and a significant contributor of organic waste. Efficient management of household waste is essential for the overall waste management system. The military coup in 2021 hurt environmental governance, affecting waste management practices in urban areas [
10]. Myanmar has poor access to waste management facilities and services, which worsened after the 2021 military coup [
9]. The recent coup negatively impacted waste management in Mandalay City, despite previous progress. Changes in the quantity of waste being generated have occurred, but the full extent is not yet understood. Also, there is a lack of documentation on waste management facilities accessible to city dwellers in Myanmar. This study aims to address this gap and work towards improving waste management in Mandalay.
Previous studies showed differences in waste generation rates and composition across different locations and periods. They also emphasized that optimizing the spatial distribution of management facilities and vehicle routing could make waste management and urban environments more efficient. For example, Ngo Thi Lan Phuong et al. (2021) assessed household solid waste generation and physical composition in Hanoi City, Vietnam, reporting an average of 0.63 kg of waste generated per person per day, with the largest proportion being food and garden waste at 78.9%, followed by plastic and paper [
11]. In a study in the cities of Jakarta and Tangerang, Indonesia, 0.5 kg/person/day of waste generation was reported, with 61–62% being organic waste, followed by plastic and multi-layered materials [
12]. Additionally, a study in Kozhikode City, India, stated that the solid waste management sector was the most impacted among the six identified sectors, highlighting the need for strengthening infrastructure for solid waste management in urban areas [
13]. Swadhin Das et al. (2024) assessed waste management facilities in Khulna City, Bangladesh, and found that optimization of travel routes and fuel costs could be achieved using GIS network analysis [
14]. The present study aims to reflect the current waste generation status in Mandalay City and assess the waste management facilities for potential optimization.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Waste Generation Assessment
The numbers of family members in the sampled households ranged from 2 to 35, with an average of 6 members per household. The household with 35 members represented a small-scale family business. The heads of the households typically held lower to middle-class occupations, such as workers or staff members. This might have impacted the waste generation and composition data in the study, as there was limited representation from higher-income households.
The average per capita waste generation in both urban and rural areas was 0.84 kg/person/day, ranging from 0.05 kg/person/day to 2.87 kg/person/day. However, there was a significant difference between the average per capita generation in urban and rural areas, with 0.91 kg/person/day in urban areas and 0.37 kg/person/day in rural areas. Differences in waste disposal behavior between urban and rural areas of Myanmar could be attributable to several factors. In rural areas, people primarily rely on locally produced materials, which means that the waste they generate consists mainly of materials they do not know how to use. Therefore, they tend to recycle materials like paper and metal and compost organic waste. Moreover, the limited availability of waste collection services in rural areas compared with urban ones may also contribute to the difference in waste management practices. On the other hand, since waste is collected at a designated time in urban areas, people there may not pay much attention to alternative methods of waste disposal. In contrast, those in rural areas must consider ways to reduce certain types of waste that can be repurposed, such as composting and recycling. Therefore, urban dwellers may not be as mindful of their waste disposal habits as their rural counterparts.
Based on the average per capita waste generation, the total waste generated from households per day in Mandalay City is 939.622 tons per day, assuming a population of 1,118,598 people, according to the national census data of 2014 [
15]. However, this population is estimated to be increasing every year. The population of Mandalay is projected to be 1,563,021 people in 2024 [
18]. Therefore, the current average generation of waste from households in Mandalay is estimated to be around 1,312.937 tons per day. However, it is important to note that the estimation mentioned earlier only pertains to households in Mandalay and does not include waste generated by other sectors such as commerce and tourism. About 75% of the total waste generated in Mandalay comes from households, so the estimation mentioned earlier accounts for only that portion. To obtain the value of the total waste generation in Mandalay, we need to add 25% of the estimated amount from households.
Table 3 represents the average physical composition of waste obtained from the sampling. Organic waste constitutes the highest proportion, accounting for over 82% of the total waste generated. Food waste dominated the organic waste category, followed by garden waste and wood. Plastic waste comes in second, making up more than 10%. Paper and cardboard represent the third-highest portion, with 3.2%. Glass, metal, leather, and fabric each make up less than 1%, with 0.9%, 0.4%, and 0.8%, respectively. The last category, “others”, accounts for less than 2% of the total waste, with 1.6%. There are differences in waste composition between rural and urban areas. Only the organic waste percentage is higher in urban areas (82.7%) than in rural areas (71.8%), while other types of waste, including plastic, paper and cardboard, leather and fabric, and other waste, are found in higher proportions in rural areas than in urban areas. Metal waste was found to contribute the same percentage of composition in both urban and rural areas, at 0.4%. In rural areas, people have enough space to create compost using organic waste, which includes kitchen waste as well as manure from cattle. Even if they have a small space, they usually reserve an area to make compost from organic waste. They use this compost as natural fertilizer in their farms. However, people in urban areas have limited space and no processes to utilize organic waste. This could be one of the reasons why the amount of organic waste differs between rural and urban areas. Regarding plastic waste, people in rural areas tend to use it only once and then dispose of it, while people in urban areas often reuse it. This is because people in rural areas traditionally used biodegradable materials such as leaves for packaging purposes and disposed of them only after using them for a long time. They did not pay attention to the nature of the materials they used. Paper and cardboard have been used for recycling purposes in both urban and rural areas for a long time. In Myanmar, cardboard was not commonly used in the past but its use has rapidly expanded in recent years. While people in urban areas tend to reuse cardboard for various purposes, those in rural areas often dispose of it, resulting in more waste. The reselling of metal for recycling is almost equal in both urban and rural areas. Leather, such as that in shoes and slippers, is rarely reused and is often discarded in rural areas due to a lack of access to recycling facilities. However, there are more opportunities for reuse and recycling in urban areas. Regarding fabric waste, such as old clothes, the amount of waste generated is not significantly different between the areas. In the case of rubber, the same discussion applies as for leather. Recently, there has been an increase in the use of electronic materials, because electricity services have expanded to rural areas. However, the use of low-quality and low-cost materials often results in more waste. This trend is also seen in other products and may contribute to higher waste production in rural areas compared with urban areas.
The generation of waste and its composition can vary significantly based on both spatial and temporal factors. This study was conducted during the dry season (winter) in Myanmar, which may have influenced both the quantity and composition of the waste produced. The study area experiences three distinct seasons: summer, winter, and the rainy season. However, it is primarily a dry region that receives less rainfall than the northern and southern parts of the country, making it largely comparable to the dry season throughout the year. To obtain more reliable insights into waste generation in this area, it is advisable to conduct further seasonal and spatial sampling and analysis in the future.
3.1.1. Comparison with Previous Studies in Mandalay
In Myanmar, there are very limited academic resources available that include waste generation data for Mandalay City. Waste management has been a mechanism conducted by responsible municipalities for a long time, but there are only a few references that can be used to compare waste generation conditions over time. The earliest waste generation data available for Mandalay are from 2012, while for those for Yangon date to 1993. Therefore, this discussion focuses on waste generation and composition from 2012 onwards. Some of the available data are based on per capita waste generation, while others are based on the total waste generated. It is important to note that some studies were conducted at the disposal site, while others were conducted at the primary source (home). The data collected at the disposal site were calculated based on the disposal amount and population data and may be directly connected to the collection efficiency of the municipal services. According to MCDC, the collection efficiency in Mandalay is more than 80%, while other forms of disposal such as discharge into the drains and open dumping are still prevalent [
16]. It is also important to consider the extraction of recyclable materials at all stages of waste management before reaching the disposal site.
Figure 2 shows the per capita waste generation in Mandalay over the years [
19]. Among the studies conducted, some analyzed the waste collected from households, while others focused on waste collected from collection trucks at the final disposal site. The present study also aims to provide data to improve formal recycling channels for household waste in Mandalay. The lowest amount was recorded in 2012, with 0.35 kg/person/day, and it has since increased every year. The data for 2015, 2016, and 2017 are not conclusive, but they suggest that the per capita waste generation rate was more than 0.6 kg/person/day. The highest amount was recorded in 2020, which may be due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Two main factors might explain the significant increase in per capita waste generation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first of these shares similarities with trends observed in other regions around the world. Due to lockdown measures, the reliance on packaging materials in daily life increased significantly. In Mandalay, for instance, many people turned to food delivery and other services, which led to an unusual rise in consumption and, consequently, an increase in waste. The second reason appears to be more localized. In Mandalay, recycling depends largely on the informal sector, where waste scavengers collect recyclable materials from discarded waste. Some scavengers purchase recyclables directly from homes, while others collect them from dustbins, dumping areas, when waste is loaded onto trucks, at transfer stations, and even at landfill sites. This informal system helps reduce the amount of waste entering landfills. However, during the pandemic, health concerns limited these scavenging efforts, disrupting this collection channel. As a result, the amount of waste entering landfill sites probably increased during that time. The data referenced here from 2020 were collected at the dump site, indicating the impact of this disruption on waste management. This study found that the per capita waste generation rate (0.84 kg/person/day) was lower than that recorded in 2020 but higher than other studies. It is worth noting that there was a significant political change in Mandalay in February 2021 (a military coup), which may have impacted the city’s waste management system and the results of this study. This study aims to reflect on the current conditions of waste management in Mandalay.
Figure 3 presents the results of various studies conducted on the physical composition of waste in Mandalay [
21]. The waste composition differs in each study, and there is a noticeable difference even in studies conducted in the same year (2017 A, B1, and B2). The organic waste fraction (82.3%) revealed in the present study is significantly higher than in other studies. The results of this study may have been influenced by sampling effects and seasonal variations. Approximately 86% of the total samples were collected from urban areas, where households generate a significantly higher proportion of organic waste, averaging 82.7% of the total waste composition; in comparison, rural areas averaged 71.8%. Since the overall results were calculated based on the average of all samples, the higher proportion of organic waste from urban households could have skewed the overall findings. If most of the samples had been taken from rural areas, the percentage of organic waste might have ranged from 70% to 75%, potentially aligning more closely with previous studies. Another factor that could have impacted the results is the economic status of the sampled households. The sampling was conducted randomly and did not incorporate stratification based on economic conditions. Most of the households included in the present study could be characterized as middle-class according to Myanmar’s standards, owning their land and homes rather than residing in rental apartments. This demographic tends to produce both food waste and garden waste, which contributes to the high levels of organic waste in the overall waste stream. The prevalence of food and garden waste is likely to be evident in the detailed statistics presented in
Appendix A. Additionally, the timing of the sampling may have affected the results. The data were collected during the New Year period in Myanmar, a time when many people host small gatherings and parties, which can lead to increased organic waste generation from households. The plastic waste fraction showed no significant difference or increasing trend. Paper and cardboard were present in the lowest fraction compared with the other studies, except for the study in 2012. Glass, leather, fabric, and metal fractions all comprised less than 1% in each category, and they were found to be less prevalent than in most previous studies. Lastly, the category “other waste” included a much lower fraction than in other studies.
3.1.2. Comparison with the National Level and Other Cities in Myanmar
Figure 4 explores the waste generation rates in various cities and at the national level in Myanmar, including the current study focusing on Mandalay [
22]. The average waste generation rate per capita in Myanmar is 0.37 kg/person/day. Waste generation rates in cities range from 0.52 to 1.27 kg/person/day, with Mandalay having a higher rate compared with most cities, except for Muse, which lies on the border with China. Mandalay’s rate is even higher than that of Yangon, the country’s economic capital. The waste generation rates in rural areas, urban areas, towns, and cities are 0.22, 0.73, 0.6, and 0.81 kg/person/day, respectively. It is important to note that over 70% of Myanmar’s population resides in rural and urban combined areas. Therefore, the waste generation rates of 0.37 kg/person/day in rural areas and 0.91 kg/person/day in urban areas in this study are still higher than the national average rate.
Using the available references,
Table 4 presents the composition of waste at the national level and in some major cities in Myanmar, including comparison with the results of this study in Mandalay City [
22]. Organic waste represents the largest proportion, followed by plastic waste, paper/cardboard, glass, metal, and other waste types, except in the case of Dawei, where paper and cardboard waste outweighs plastic. The organic waste content varied from over 45 percent to 80 percent across the different locations, with the present study in Mandalay showing the highest percentage. The high organic waste content in Mandalay may be attributed to the dry climate and deciduous nature of the trees, leading to a greater generation of leaves and bio-waste. As mentioned in the cost and revenue section, street cleaning is an essential task for the municipality, particularly the removal of leaves and twigs falling from trees as well as household waste. The proportions of other waste types are consistent across the cities and are generally lower. Notably, glass and metal account for less than 1% of the waste composition and are even lower than those in Yangon. This may reflect Mandalay’s informal recycling practices and the benefits of the informal sector for utilizing recyclables, such as the production of recycled metal by melting mixed metals.
3.2. Allocation and Access to Waste Management Facilities
Figure 5 shows the spatial distributions (point locations and route lines) of waste management facilities including dustbins, transfer stations (TS), cars, tricycles, and landfill sites (LF) in all townships within the study area: Amarapura (Amara), Pyigyidagun (Pyigyi), Chanmyatharzi (ChanZi), Maharaungmye (Mahar), Chanayetharzan (ChanZan), and Aungmyetharzan (AungZan). The details of the facilities are provided in
Table 5.
The spatial distribution of waste bins in the city suggests that there are not enough bins for city dwellers. Many areas require people to wait and dispose of their waste directly into collection trucks at specific times. This problem is particularly prominent in the Amarapura township, where there are very few facilities for waste collection services. This indicates that rural areas in the township have poorer access to waste management facilities compared with urban areas in Myanmar. Waste collection efficiency in the other five townships is much higher than in Amarapura. Furthermore, the distribution of bins in all townships appears to lack specific criteria or patterns and seems to be based more on administrative convenience rather than service effectiveness.
The paths of tricycles and cars provide valuable insights into the road and land conditions of urban planning. Historically, Mandalay was built around the palace, using a square grid system for settlement (notably seen on the map in the Aungmyetharzan township). As a result, most roads follow the grid lines, with the exception of Amarapura. However, urban expansion was not systematically developed, and roads were often built after the buildings, leading to uneven standards and narrow, difficult-to-navigate roads unsuitable for waste collection trucks. To address this issue, an average of 40 tricycles per township are used for waste collection and transportation to transfer stations. This unconventional approach to waste management is a unique solution to issues caused by improper land management, setting Mandalay apart from other cities.
Concerning landfill sites, there are two sites under consideration. The TaungInnMyaukInn LF is the only one located within the study area, while the Kyarnikan LF is situated in the Patheingyi township. The Kyarnikan LF is significantly larger and has more available space for future waste disposal. Additionally, a majority of the development projects are focused on this area due to the limited capacity and small space available at the TaungInnMayaukInn LF. This underscores a key challenge in waste management, which is the acquisition of suitable land for waste disposal. Since there are limited options for landfill sites, long-distance waste transport is not a feasible solution.
4. Way Forwards for Optimal Waste Management
Ongoing developments in various technologies aim to address the issue of waste management globally. However, some of these solutions, like waste incineration and energy production, are often too costly for many countries to afford, despite being effective in reducing waste. Even in highly efficient processes, there are challenges due to the characteristics of the waste being treated. For instance, the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC), in collaboration with Japan Future Enterprise (JFE) Engineering Corporation, aimed to incinerate 60 tons of waste per day from 200,000 people in Myanmar’s largest city, to produce 700 kW of electricity. However, the process has not been as effective as anticipated due to high moisture content and challenges in waste segregation [
The survey results emphasize that improved handling and management of organic waste can significantly enhance waste management in Mandalay City. To effectively manage organic waste generated by households at both the household and city levels, it is essential to consider not only the management processes but also the technological aspects of reform. In this context, we discuss some affordable and feasible methods for optimizing waste management in Mandalay.
4.1. Introducing Waste Separation at Source
To improve the waste management system, the first step is to separate the types of waste at the source. Currently, there is no waste separation at the source in Mandalay. All waste is collected and disposed of together. While there have been pilot projects to separate waste into different categories, most have failed to expand to a large scale for various reasons, including lack of resident awareness, unclear regulations and guidelines, insufficient collection and treatment facilities, and more. The Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Mandalay City (2017–2030) aims to introduce waste separation at the source, but it may be challenging to implement various categories of separation [
16]. This could be burdensome for both the people and the administrative body in Mandalay. People have significant knowledge gaps, and service providers face facility gaps. Starting with simple categories, such as separating wet waste and dry waste, might be the first step to reducing waste in Mandalay. Beyond residents’ separation efforts, efficient collection and proper treatment by service providers using separate vehicles could help affordably optimize waste management.
4.2. Organic Waste Management
As previously mentioned, organic waste management is a primary concern in Manday. There are several available options for treating organic waste, including windrow composting, in-vessel composting (and bin composting), vermicomposting, anaerobic digestion, slow pyrolysis, black soldier fly processing, and more. However, windrow composting and anaerobic digestion are the most suitable solutions for both residential and commercial waste in Myanmar [
23]. These two options are described below. The key step in implementing these solutions is to ensure high-quality input organic waste with minimal impurities.
Windrow Composting: This is a microbiological process by which organic materials are broken down and turned into compost. This process takes place due to microbial activity in the presence of oxygen. Biodegradable waste is stacked into long piles (windrows) where the materials break down. The piles need to be turned to improve airflow and oxygen supply as part of their operational process. The result is fertilizer that can be used to enrich garden soil, which is an important input material in the agricultural sector of Myanmar. The quality of the compost depends on the initial materials and the control measures applied during the process. Its use is determined by the quality of the final product and relevant legislation. This option is more viable from an investment perspective, except for the need for land and labor.
Anaerobic Digestion: This process involves the microbiological decomposition of organic materials to produce fuel gas (biogas) and nutrient-rich digestate. It takes place through microbial activity in airproof digesters under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). Biogas produced in this process is a renewable source of energy. However, compared with windrow composting, this method is more costly and has greater limitations.
4.3. Improvement of Waste Management Facilities
The waste management facilities in the city are not as efficient or adequate as those in many cities in developing countries. The authorities have been trying to address this issue by increasing the budget year by year. However, the assessment of efficiency and proper allocation has been somewhat lacking. It is important not only to increase the number of facilities but also to ensure the proper allocation of those facilities to enhance the effectiveness of the increased investment in the waste management sector. By considering population, socio-economic factors, and other important aspects, assessing the potential for waste management and spatial allocation could improve the efficiency of waste collection and access to waste management services for city residents. This approach could also help address current and future issues related to poor land management in the city’s urban expansion. Furthermore, assessing the current waste transportation sector is crucial for optimizing waste management, as the waste collection and transportation sector accounts for over 70% of the total waste management cost. Currently, waste collection and transportation routes in the city are determined based on staff and authorities’ convenience, without reliable scientific assessment. Undertaking such an assessment would not only benefit cost considerations but also have positive environmental implications.
5. Conclusions
This study examined the quantity of solid waste produced by households, providing insights into the social and economic conditions in both urban and rural areas of Mandalay City. Additionally, it assessed the status of waste management facilities. Mapping the locations of waste management facilities, including collection points and routes, allowed a better understanding of the existing waste management system. It also helped identify areas in need of improvement in terms of waste collection and management. The average per capita generation of waste by residents in urban and rural areas is 0.84 kg/person/day. However, a significant difference was found, with the average in urban areas being 0.91 kg/person/day, and that in rural areas being 0.37 kg/person/day. The amount generated per capita exceeds the rates reported in most previous studies in Mandalay, except for the study conducted in 2020. This result also reaffirms that the waste generation rate in Mandalay remains higher than the national and city-level rates in Myanmar. This finding suggests a need to prioritize maintaining waste collection efficiency in urban areas over rural areas, despite calls to improve waste management in rural areas with limited resources and facilities.
The physical composition of waste from households was predominantly organic waste at 82.3%, followed by plastic waste (10.7%), paper and cardboard (3.2%), glass (0.9%), metal (0.8%), leather and fabric (0.4%), and other waste (1.7%). A significant difference in waste composition between urban and rural areas was observed. Surprisingly, the organic waste fraction was lower in rural areas compared with urban areas, while other types of waste were present in higher proportions in urban areas than in rural areas. The organic waste content exceeded that of previous studies conducted in Mandalay. This could be due to various reasons, such as differences in sampling points (most previous studies were conducted at disposal sites and focused on sampling fractions), the nature of selected sampled households (most households in this survey can be considered middle-class or lower-income households and may not represent high-income households), and the exclusion of waste generated from sources like markets, restaurants, hotels, and other public spaces.
The findings and implications of this study may underscore the need to prioritize enhanced management of organic waste to optimize waste management and reduction in Mandalay. To achieve this, the crucial initial step is waste separation at the source (at least separating wet and dry waste), followed by the establishment of adequate and effective facilities for separate waste collection services. Among the various technologies available in the market, windrow composting and anaerobic digestion are considered the most viable treatment options for organic waste, both in small- and large-scale applications. Proper handling and management of organic waste could alleviate the significant burden on landfill capacity and mitigate associated consequences. Improvements in the waste collection and transportation sector could lead to increased efficiency in the current waste management system. Assessing the allocation of facilities for expansion may provide a solution to enhance the efficiency of waste collection and reduce barriers associated with improper land management.