Augmented Reality in the Classroom—Mentor Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use
:1. Introduction
- RQ1: What attitudes do teachers have towards the use of AR in the classroom?
- RQ2: How common is the use of AR technologies in the classroom?
- RQ3: How do teacher characteristics affect the use of AR in the classroom?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study
2.2. Participants
2.3. Questionnaire
Professional Competencies | |||
General teacher self-efficacy slightly adapted from Schmitz and Schwarzer [53] | 10 items | Item example: “I have the confidence to get the students excited about new projects.” | α = 0.74 |
Motivation for participation in further education Rzejak et al. [48] | |||
Subscale “social interaction” | 4 items | Item example: “I generally take part in further education because I want to exchange ideas with colleagues.” | α = 0.88 |
Subscale “adjustment to external expectations” | 4 items | Item example: “I generally take part in further education because I am obliged to do so.” | α = 0.57 |
Subscale “development orientation” | 4 items | Item example: “I generally take part in further education because I want to be up-to-date.” | α = 0.67 |
Self-regulated learning slightly adapted from Chrobak [54] | 10 items | Item example: “I can define suitable learning steps for myself.” | α = 0.78 |
Readiness for innovation adapted from Quellenberg [49] | 7 items | Item example: “I am committed to real innovation and development.” | α = 0.76 |
Teachers’ professional competencies related to digital media and AR | |||
Digital literacy Zahn et al. [55] | 6 items | Item example: “I have adequate resources to use digital media in my work.” | α = 0.81 |
Perceived usefulness of digital media Zahn et al. [55] | 4 items | Item example: “Digital media are helpful for my work.” | α = 0.88 |
Teacher attitude towards AR Tiede et al. [52] | 21 items | Item example: “They are motivating for the students.” | α = 0.91 |
Technology acceptance towards AR: Subscale “behavioral intention” adapted from Tiede et al. [52] and Ibili et al. [46] | 2 single items | “I plan to use AR apps in class in the future.” “I intend to use AR apps in class in the future.” | |
Item from a self-assessment scale on the use of AR in the classroom adapted from Holzapfel et al. [50] | 1 single item | “I would like to learn how to create learning environments using AR.” |
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Use of AR in the Classroom (RQ1)
3.2. Frequency of AR Use in the Classroom (RQ2)
3.3. The Relationship Between Teacher Characteristics and the Use of AR in the Classroom (RQ3)
4. Discussion
4.1. Limitations
4.2. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Min | Max | Mean | SD | |
Teacher attitude towards AR | 1.90 | 4.81 | 3.43 | 0.56 |
Item “I plan to use AR apps in class in the future.” | 1.00 | 5.00 | 3.43 | 1.03 |
Item “I intend to use AR apps in class in the future.” | 1.00 | 5.00 | 3.24 | 1.10 |
Item “I would like to learn how to create learning environments using AR.” | 1.00 | 5.00 | 4.07 | 1.91 |
Male | Female | Test Statistic | Significance |
Heard or read about AR | |||
41 out of 59 (69.49%) | 53 out of 98 (54.08%) | X2 = 3.64 df = 1 | p = 0.056 |
Interest in learning to create a learning environment using AR | |||
M = 3.85 SD = 1.11 N = 41 | M = 4.23 SD = 0.91 N = 53 | t = 1.79 df = 92 | p = 0.077 d = 0.37 |
Professional Competency | Attitude Towards AR | N | r | p |
Motivation for participation in further education: Development orientation | “I would like to learn how to create learning environments using AR” | 93 | 0.21 | 0.043 |
Self-regulated learning | Teacher attitude towards AR | 95 | 0.23 | 0.027 |
Heard or Read About AR | Not Heard or Read About AR | Test Statistic | Significance |
Digital literacy | |||
M = 4.09 SD = 0.64 N = 93 | M = 3.72 SD = 0.64 N = 62 | t = 3.56 df = 153 | p < 0.001 d = 0.58 |
Perceived usefulness of digital media | |||
M = 4.08 SD = 0.77 N = 93 | M = 3.72 SD = 0.86 N = 62 | t = 2.70 df = 153 | p = 0.008 d = 0.44 |
Professional Competency Related to Digital Media | Use of and Attitude Towards AR | N | r | p |
Digital literacy | Frequency of use of AR in the classroom | 93 | 0.24 | 0.021 |
Teacher attitude towards AR | 93 | 0.20 | 0.053 | |
Behavioural intention: “I plan to use AR apps in class in the future.” | 93 | 0.33 | 0.001 | |
Behavioural intention: “I intend to use AR apps in class in the future.” | 93 | 0.22 | 0.034 | |
Perceived usefulness of digital media | Frequency of use of AR for teaching | 93 | 0.28 | 0.007 |
Teacher attitude towards AR | 93 | 0.25 | 0.016 | |
Behavioural intention: “I plan to use AR apps in class in the future.” | 93 | 0.38 | <0.001 | |
Behavioural intention: “I intend to use AR apps in class in the future.” | 93 | 0.35 | <0.001 | |
“I would like to learn how to create learning environments using AR.” | 93 | 0.21 | 0.047 |
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Wyss, C.; Bäuerlein, K. Augmented Reality in the Classroom—Mentor Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use. Virtual Worlds 2024, 3, 572-585.
Wyss C, Bäuerlein K. Augmented Reality in the Classroom—Mentor Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use. Virtual Worlds. 2024; 3(4):572-585.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWyss, Corinne, and Kerstin Bäuerlein. 2024. "Augmented Reality in the Classroom—Mentor Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use" Virtual Worlds 3, no. 4: 572-585.
APA StyleWyss, C., & Bäuerlein, K. (2024). Augmented Reality in the Classroom—Mentor Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use. Virtual Worlds, 3(4), 572-585.