4 December 2024
European Burn Journal Accepted into PMC and PubMed

We are pleased to announce that European Burn Journal (EBJ, ISSN: 2673-1991) was selected for coverage by PMC and PubMed in November 2024. We want to extend our sincerest gratitude to all of the authors, reviewers, and editors who have contributed to this journal and helped us to accomplish this achievement.

European Burn Journal is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original papers covering all areas of burn care and burn prevention. The journal aims to provide the latest information on advances in burn prevention, research, education, and the delivery of acute care to all members of the burn care team. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles that present the latest information on surgical procedures, acute care, reconstruction, burn prevention, research and education. Other topics of interest include physical therapy/occupational therapy, nursing, nutrition, philosophical and ethical issues, and new digital and technological developments.

To make the most of this opportunity, we would like to invite you to submit your research to the journal. We welcome you to consider European Burn Journal as a platform for publishing your work. If you have a paper concerning any topic within the journal’s scope, please submit it via the journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ebj.

EBJ Editorial Office

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