
22 January 2025
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Agriculture in 2024

The editorial team at Agriculture extends our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated reviewers whose expertise and commitment have been key to the journal's success in 2024. Last year, Agriculture received 12781 review reports from 5813 reviewers representing 113 countries and regions worldwide.

To recognize the invaluable time, effort, and attention to detail that each reviewer dedicates, Agriculture expresses its sincere gratitude through an annual acknowledgment of reviewers. As a further token of appreciation, all reviewers are eligible for the Outstanding Reviewer Award, which honors their essential role in enhancing the quality of our publications.

We are honored to recognize the reviewers who allowed us to publish their names each year. The names of these reviewers are listed below in alphabetical order by first name:

Aamir Aijaz Syed Hela Chikh Rouhou Oksana Polinkevych
Aarón Barraza Heng Li Olajumoke Oyedeji
Abbas Maleki Hengkai Li  Oldřich Nedvěd
Abbas Rohani Henrique Fonseca Elias De Oliveira Oleg Frumuzachi
Abdallah Elshawadfy Elwakeel Henrique Mulim Oleksandr Vrublevskyi
Abdelaziz Htitiou Heyu Chen Olga Vigiak
Abdellatif Boutagayout Hideaki Takahashi Olha Boiko
Abdellatif Moussaid Himanshu Gupta Oluibukun Gbenga Ajayi
Abdoulaye Deme Hipólito Hernández Hernández Olutosin Ademola Otekunrin
Abdul Gafur Hong He Oluwadara Omotayo
Abdul Jalal Hongbo Zhao Oluwaseun Temitope Faloye
Abdul Waheed Hongfen Zhu Oluwatoyin Dare Kolawole
Abhijeet Anand Hongjian Wu Oner Cetin
Abhilash Singh Hongtao Shi Orlando Cimino
Abhiram Gunaratnam Hongwei Pei Orly Enrique Apolo-Apolo
Abil Dermail Hongyi Bai Osama A. Saeed
Abolfazl Nasseri Hongzhi Wu Osiel Silva Gonçalves
Adam Matkowski Hortencia Gabriela Mena Violante Otilia Cristina Murariu
Adam Pawlewicz Hosam Alden Riyadh Ou Sheng
Adama Ndao Hossein Rahmanian-Koushkaki Ovidiu-Iulian Bunea
Adarsh Sankaran Hossein Rajabnia Pablo Garcia-Chevesich
Adedeji O. Adetunji Hua Li Pabrício Marcos Oliveira Lopes
Adelaide Perdigão Hua Yin Padam Jee Omar
Adele Coppola Huali Xue Padma Nyoman Crisnapati
Adijailton Jose De Souza Huasheng Huang Panagiotis Kalozoumis
Adil Aghzar Hugo M. Lisboa Panagiotis Simitzis
Adil Mihoub Hui Yang Paniti Netinant
Adilet Muhituly Sugirbay Huishi Du Pankaj Kumar
Adilson Pacheco De Souza Huitong Li Paola D'Antonio
Adina-Elena Segneanu Huwei Wen Parameswari Ettiyagounder
Adolfo Andrade-Cetto Ibrahim Abd Al Hadi Saleh Pardeep Kumar
Adolfs Rucins Igor Dudarev Parisa Pakrooh
Adrian Stancu Ihab Hanna Sawalha Pascal L. Ghazalian
Adriana Bruggeman Ilahy Riadh Pasquale Napoletano
Adyatma Irawan Santosa Ilias Makris Patrícia Coelho De Souza Leão
Aelton Biasi Giroldo Ilie Bodale Patrícia Da Silva Malheiros
Aftab Siddique Ilva Trapina Patrícia Ferreira Da Silva
Agathos Filintas Imran Ali Lakhiar Patrick Ole Noack
Agnese Krievina Imran Khan Paul Daly
Agnieszka Gniazdowska-Piekarska Ines Kovačić Paula Gabriela Da Silva Pires
Agnieszka Synowiec Inmaculada Bautista Paula Pérez-Rodríguez
Agnieszka Wojewódzka-Wiewiórska Inna Koblianska Paulo Mazzafera
Agus Nugroho Inthawoot Suppavorasatit Pavan Kumar
Agustami Sitorus Ioan Gheorghe Oroian Pavlo Lykhovyd
Ahmad Khan Ioan Tenu Pedro González-Redondo
Ahmed Gatea Ioana Aurelia Roman Pedro Guirao
Aichen Wang Ioana Ionel Pedro Javier García-Ramírez
Aivars Aboltins Ioana Monica Sur Pedro Luiz Lima Bertarini
Alberto Gonzalez-Sanchez Ioana-Manuela Marcu Pedro Melo Rodrigues
Alberto Sánchez Ioannis Markoulidakis Pedro Nacib Jorge-Neto
Alejandro Casas-Alvarado Ioannis N. Faraslis Pei-Cheng Huang
Alejandro De Jesús Cortés Sánchez Ioannis Roussis Peng Chen
Alejandro Hernández Morales Ioannis Tsirogiannis Peng Gao
Aleksandra Figurek Iosvany López-Sandin Penka Zlateva
Aleksandra Głowacka Ippei Habe Penny Riffkin
Aleksandra Kozminska Irenilza De Alencar Nääs Peter Domonkos
Aleksandra Nikolic Irina Arhipova Peter J: Batt
Aleksandra Stevan Dragin Irina Severin Peter James
Ales Hanc Isaac Yves Lopes Macêdo Peterson Wambugu
Alessandra Querino Da Silva Ismael Cristofer Baierle Petra Pejić
Alessandro Ferrarini Ismail Mansouri Petru Alexandru Vlaicu
Alessandro Suardi István Egerszegi Petru-Marian Carlescu
Alessio Compagnino Iulia Varzaru Phoompong Boonsaen
Alex Vinicio Gavilanes Montoya Iulian Voicea Pichad Khejornsart
Alexander Kocian Ivan Hrabar Pierluigi Rossi
Alexandra Chatzikonstantinou Ivan Laktionov Pietro Minissale
Alexandra Machado Ivan Pejic Pinar Demircioglu
Alexandra Tomaz Ivana Kmetič Ping Li
Alexandre Luiz Amarante Mesquita Ivana Mitrović Ping Yun
Alexandre Maniçoba Da Rosa Ferraz Jardim Ivana Potocnik Ping-Hsiu Huang
Alexey Morgounov Ivana Stanković Pingxi Wang
Ali Darub Kassar Ivette Acuña Piotr Bórawski
Alicia Ayerdi Gotor Ivica Milevski Piotr Borowik
Alin Emanuel Artene Ivo Zdráhal Piotr Cybulski
Alina Badulescu Iza Fernanda Peréz-Ramírez Piotr Golasa
Alina Delia Calin Izzat S. A. Tahir Piotr Herbut
Alison De Oliveira Moraes Jacek Kusznier Piyada Theerakulpisut
Alison Gray Jacek Piotr Twardowski Po-An Chen
Almasdi Syahza Jacek Strojny Podma Pollov Sarmah
Alpana Joshi Jacques Davy Ibaba Porawat Visutsak
Alsu Kuznetsova Jae Hwan Lee Pradeep Kumar Malik
Álvaro López Zaplana Jagbir Rehal Prakash Karmakar
Amabelia Del Pino Jai Rohila Pramod Kumar Sahu
Amalio Santacruz-Varela Jairo José Zocche Pramod Sahoo
Amarender Reddy Jakub Bekier Pramod Sreedharan
Amine Dahane Jakub Kostecki Prasanta K Dash
Amit K. Jaiswal Jalal Hameed Hamza Prashan Madusha Rodrigo
Amit Kumar Shakya Jalil Ghassemi Nejad Prashant Sharma
Amit Sharma Jamel Riahi Pratapsingh Khapte
Amlan Kumar Patra James Magidi Praveen Pandey
Ammar Albalasmeh Jan Barwicki Pravin Mishra
Ana Carolina Amorim Orrico Jan Kucharski Prem B. Bhandari
Ana Coelho Marques Jan Polcyn Prem Rajak
Ana Diéguez Antón Jan Winkler Princy Randhawa
Ana Elisa Rato Jana Lososová Priyank Hanuman Mhatre
Ana Isabel Roca Fernández Janet Jan-Roblero Priyanka Kumari
Ana Ispas Janetta Niemann Puttamadappa Chaluve Gowda
Ana Topalović Janpriy Sharma Pu-Ying Qi
Ana Vulic Jarbas Miguel Da Silva Júnior Qi Fu
Analía Concellón Jaroslaw Uglis Qianfeng Wang
Anand R Jaturong Som-Ard Qiang You Ding
Anastasia Venieraki Javad Rezaei Qiang Zhang
Anastasios Zotos Javier Diaz-Carmona Qibo Tao
Anderson De Moura Zanine Javier Rocher Qifeng Mo
Andra Ramona Porutiu Jaya Bharati Qinglin Li
Andrea Balla Kovács Jayanti Tokas Qingyun Yuan
Andrea Bauerné Gáthy Jayme Barbedo Qiulin Wu
Andrea Brandolini Jean Bettoni Quaid Hussain
Andrea Costantino Jean Catherine Dodson Peterson Rachid Sabbahi
Andrea Feher Jean El Achkar Radhika Kamath
Andrea Maria Patelski Jean-Michel Savoie Radovan S. Petrović
Andrea Peruzzi Jean-Paul David Douzals Radu Ciprian Racovita
Andrea Sciarretta Jeff Hughes Rafael Felippe Ratke
Andreas Romulo Jéfferson De Oliveira Costa Rafael Julio Macedo-Barragán
Andreea D. Ona Jelena Kranjec Orlović Rafael Robina-Ramirez
Andrew D. Cartmill Jelena M. Golijan Pantović Rafał Górski
Andrew Macrae Jelena Muncan Raghavendra Singh
Andrianto Ansari Jelena Tomić Raghvendra Tiwari
Andrii Gorash Jermaine D. Perier Rahul Bhadouria
Andrzej Cezary Zolnowski Jerónimo De Burgos-Jiménez Rajasekhar Nuvvusetty
Andrzej Chmiela Jesús A. Prieto-Amparán Rajeev Kumar
Andrzej Salata Jevrosima Stevanovic Rajeev Padbhushan
Andrzej Wysokinski Jian Liu Rajendra Acharya
Anestis Karkanis Jian Ma Rajendra Machavaram
Anetta Siwik-Ziomek Jian Zhang Rajesh Prakash Guragain
Angappan Suganthi Jiang Chen Rajinder Kumar Dhall
Ángela Casado Garcia Jiang Yu Hang Rajkumar Dhakar
Àngela Dolores Bosch Serra Jiangqi Wen Rajni Sharma
Angélica Bautista‐Cruz Jiangyi Han Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Angelina De Pascale Jianhua Xie Ram Krishna
Angeline Mujeyi Jianjun Jin Ramanuj Kumar
Angelo Leogrande Jianjun Zang Ramesh Chandra Das
Anil Bhujel Jian-Lei Kong Ramesh Namdeo Pudake
Anirban Bhar Jianli Song Ran Meng
Anirudha Chattopadhyay Jianqiang Lu Ranga Rao Ambati
Anita Boros Jianzhao Qi Rania Aydi-Ben-Abdallah
Anita Silvana Ilak Peršurić Jianzhong Lu Ranko Gantner
Anjani Devi Chintagunta Jiaogen Zhou Ranko S. Romanić
Anna Antonella Spina Jiaqiang Zheng Rasmieh Hamid
Anna Carbone Jiayi Wang Rasool Asghari-Zakaria
Anna Grazia Mignani Jicheng Li Rathinapriya Periyasamy
Anna Jurga Jie Li Ratna Kumar Pasala
Anna Lisek Jie Liu Ravikumar Pandi Veerappan
Anna Mikulec Jiefei Mao Ravinder Kumar
Anna Nowak Jifu Li Ravipat Lapcharoensuk
Annalaura Brai Jignesh H. Kamdar Ravish Choudhary
Antonella Chiariotti Jin Gao Raymundo Cordero
Antonio Dattola Jin He Razvan-Mihail Radu-Rusu
Antônio Gustavo De Luna Souto Jindarat Ekprasert Rebeca Monroy-Torres
Antonio Ruiz-Gonzalez Jing Li Reggie Surya
Antonio Salluzzo Jingdong Li Renata Tobiasz-Salach
Antony Mutua Mutua Nzioka Jingle Jiang Renato Herrig Furlanetto
Anup Krishna Prasad Jin-Hee Lim Renato Racelis Maaliw Iii
Anupam Das Jinhui Wang Renhong Wu
Anurag Sunpapao Jinling Zhao Renjie Dong
Anusorn Cherdthong Jinlong Lin Renu Pandey
Appunu Chinnaswamy Jinsong Liang Resham B Thapa
Araceli Peña Jinyang Li Reza Arablouei
Aranganoor Kannan Thiruvenkadan Jinyou Qiao Reza Moghaddasi
Arkadiusz Rubiec Jinzhu Lu Reza Shah-Hosseini
Armand Wowo Koné Jirakom Sirisrisakulchai Ricard Boqué
Armando Jesus Cetina Quiñones Joanna Kocięcka Ricardo Gil-Ortiz
Arminda Carvalho Joanna Olbryś Ricardo Pereira-Pinto
Arnold Mashingaidze Joanna Wojtacka Ricardo Rodrigues Magalhães
Arnoldo Wong Villarreal João Everthon Da Silva Ribeiro Ricardo Shigueru Okumura
Arthur Bernardes Cecilio Filho João Simões Ricardo Silva De Sousa
Arthur Melani Job Teixeira De Oliveira Riccardo Moretti
Arun Pandian J Joginder Singh Duhan Ritesh Kumar
Arup Kumar Mukherjee Johannes Fahrentrapp Roaf Ahmad Parray
Asaad Al-Hilphy John Carragher Robert Kalbarczyk
Asad Rokhzadi John Cleary Roberta Palmieri
Asdrubal Aguilera-Méndez John Ochanda Ogola Roberto A. Braga
Ashfaq Ahmad Shah John Sedbrook Roberto Eugenio Vogler
Ashutosh Pandey Johnson O. Esua Roberto Romaniello
Ashvinkumar Katral Joice Tom Job Roberto Steri
Asya Georgieva Stoyanova-Doycheva Jolanta Gawałek Rodrigo A. Contreras
Atanas Atanasov Jolita Klementaviciute Rodrigo Nogueira De Sousa
Atefeh Sabouri Jonar Ingan Yago Rodrigo Nogueira Martins
Athanasios Sfetsos Jonathan Espindola Rodrigo Vasconcelos
Athina G. Ntzimani Jonathan Marcelo Suazo-Hernández Román González-Escobedo
Atsushi Okazawa Jong-Geun Kim Ronald Ernesto Ontiveros-Capurata
Attila Nagy Jordana Marques Kneipp Ronan Adler Tavella
Audberto Reyes-Rosas Jorge Flores Rongbiao Xiang
Audrius Kačergius Jorge I. Moriconi Ronghui Wen
Auges Gatabazi Jorge Leonardo Olave Rosalba Troncoso-Rojas
Aurel Burciu José Agustín Tapia Hernández Roshan Prabhakar
Aureliano C. Malheiro José Antonio C. Santos Rosilda Mara Mussury
Aurelio Scavo Jose Antonio Corronca Roslyn Noar
Aurup Ratan Dhar José Barbosa Filho Rossi Indiarto
Avinash Chandra Pandey Jose Carlos Meireles Metrôlho Rossitza Dimitrova
Avinash Mishra José Carlos Sorgato Rotimi-Williams Bello
Axay Bhuker José Felipe Orzuna-Orzuna Roxana Elena Călugăr
Ayoub El Idrissi José Francisco Díaz-Nájera Roxana Nicoleta Rațu
Ayoyinka Olufunke Olojede Jose Iannacone Rubi E. Sanchez-Casanova
Azad Sabow José Jailson Lima Bezerra Rudiati Evi Masithoh
Azime Özkan Karabacak Jose Jaime Arana Coronado Rudo Ngara
Baba-Moussa Lamine José Lavres Rugang Yu
Balaji Dhandapani José Luis Villalpando-Aguilar Rui Wang
Balaji Etikala José Luiz Rodrigues Torres Rui Yang
Balasankar Athinarayanan Jose Magno Queiroz Luz Ruifang Zhai
Bambang Sugiharto José Manuel Villalobos Rui-Feng Wang
Bamisope Steve Bamisile Jose Martins Ruirui Zhang
Baohua Feng José Morais Pereira Filho Ruslan Kalendar
Baoming Ge Jose Navarro Pedreño Ruying Wang
Baoyou Liu José Ramiro González Montaña Ryan Samuel
Bappa Das José Rato Nunes S. Ezil Vendan
Barbara Futa Joseph Ifeolu Orisaleye S. M. Sohel Mahmud
Barbara Symanowicz Joshua Chukwuma Onwe Saad Bin Javed
Barbara Wróbel József Zsembeli Saba Aslani
Bartholomew Saanu Adeleke Ju Seok Nam Sabtharishi Subramanian
Bartosz Ciupek Juan Camacho Chab Saeed Dadashi
Basheera M. Mahmmod Juan Cruz Colazo Saeed Nosratabadi
Beata Kowalska Juan Felipe Espinosa-Cristia Saeed Sharafi
Beatrice Dingha Juan Luis Valenzuela Saeid Hazrati
Behbood Issa-Zadeh Juan Manuel Vargas-Canales Saeideh Samani
Behrouz Tajdar-Oranj Juan Miguel Martín Said Moukrim
Beibei Xu Juan Pablo Damián Said Salim Al-Ismaily
Belal Khaldi Juan Pablo Vásconez Sajid Khan
Belal Obeidat Juana Reche Salwa Bouadila
Belay Tafa Oba Judit Beke Lisanyi Samantha Jiménez Oyola
Bernhard Tischbein Julian Andres Castillo Vargas Samer Mudalal
Bhupendra Koul Julián Bartual Sami El Khatib
Biao Zhang Julio Cesar De Oliveira Samineni Peddakrishna
Bibin Chidambaranathan Julius Pyton Sserumaga Samira El Otmani
Bijayalaxmi Mohanty Jun Furuya Samuel Gustavo Huaman Bustamante
Bikram Pratim Bhuyan Jun Wang Sandeep Panchal
Bin Han Jun Zhang Sang Yong Nam
Bin Tang Junli Li  Sa-Nguansak Thanapornpoonpong
Bing Han Junming Hou Sanja Fabek Uher
Bing He Jutamat Klinsoda Sanja Jelić Milković
Bing Zeng Kai Jiang Santanu Malakar
Bingbo Cui Kai Jin Santiago Tosetti
Bingxin Yan Kaibing Zhou Santosh Kumar Singh
Binhui Liu Kaihua Wei Saowaluk Rungchang
Biplob Kumar Saha Kaijian Xu Saravanan Ramiah Shanmugam
Bireswar Dutta Kailei Tang Sarita Leonel
Birol Akbaş Kaiyang Zhong Sartajvir Singh
Biswajit Pramanick Kaiying Chen Sarun Duangsuwan
Bo He Kamal Rsetam Sascha Rohn
Bo Hou Kamil Szymczak Sassi Mohamed
Bo Sun Kamila Mazur Satish Kumar Sain
Bojan Đerčan Kamlesh Verma Satish Kumar Yadav
Bojan Jocković Kamran Rahnama Sayed Alim Samim
Borbala Biró Kankan Zhao Sayed Mohammad Mohsin
Bossima Ivan Koura Karina Lezama Sean Bellairs
Botir Khaitov Karolina Furtak Sebastian Gomez Talquenca
Bouayad Noureddin Karthick Kanagarathinam  Sebastián Salazar Sandoval
Bowen Lu Karthikeyan Venkatachalam Sebastian Terence
Bozidar Benko Karun Kaniyamattam Segun Oladele
Brahim Benzougagh Kaspars Kampuss Selvakumar Raman
Brahim Farou Katarzyna Gościnna Serafin Lopez-Cuervo Medina
Branimir Kalaš Katarzyna Pentoś Sergejs Kodors
Branko Brkljač Katarzyna Sułkowska-Ziaja Sergey A. Stankevich
Branko Kordic Katarzyna Wiatrowska Sergio Da Silva
Brenda Anabel Lopez Ruiz Kateryna Petrushka Sergio Roberto
Brian E. Skahill Kavi Kishor Polavarapu B Sergio Soto Simental
Brigitta Tóth Kavita Khatri Sergio Vélez
Brijesh Patel Kazeem Dauda Adeyemi Sergiy Lavrenko
Brijesh Yadav Kazumori Mise Serhii Lehenchuk
Bruna Carbas Keerthi Mc Setyawan Purnomo Sakti
Cai-Lin Wang Keitaro Fukushima Seul Ki Lee
Cailong Xu Keivan Kabir Seung Youn Lee
Caiyan Yang Keiven Mark Bigtasin Ampode Seyed Hassan Miraei Ashtiani
Camelia Gavrilescu Kerstin Panten Seyed Mehdi Nassiri
Camilo López-Cristoffanini Kesavan Thangaraj Seyed Morteza - Marandi
Cao Yifei Keshav Lall Maharjan Shah Faisal
Carles Solé-Torres Kęstutis Venslauskas Shamsollah Ayoubi
Carlo Boselli Kgabo Martha Pofu Shanwen Zhang
Carlos A. Alberto Ligarda-Samanez Khaleel Jawasreh Shan-Yu Wang
Carlos A. Olvera-Olvera Khalid Haddi Sharareh Harirchi
Carlos Eduardo Alves Oliveira Khalil Abid Sharmistha Barthakur
Carlos Eduardo Orrego Alzate Khwanchai Duangsathaporn Shashi Mesapam
Carlos Sampaio Kimberly Suazo Ponce Sheng Ying
Carlos Silva Kiran Sood Shengqiang Wang
Carmen De-Pablos-Heredero Kocić Korana Shengyiing Yang
Celeste C. Ibarra-Herrera Komil Dullievich Astanakulov Shenying Wang
Celia Chavez-Mendoza Konstantinos Demestichas Shibani Mohapatra
Ceres Duarte Guedes Cabral De Almeida Krešimir Grgić Shireesh Srivastava
Cesar Augusto Ruiz Agudelo Kristina Laužikė Shiva Najafi Kakavand
Cesar De Oliveira Ferreira Silva Krithika Latha Bhaskaran Shivendra Kumar
Cesar Flores Krzysztof Stankiewicz Shohei Hayashi
Cesar Meza-Herrera Kun Li Shree Prasad Vista
Chaitanya Madhaw Pareek Kunlapat Thongkaew Shu Wang
Chalong Wachirapakorn Kunlun Li Shubo Wang
Chanate Malumpong Kyire Chaa Kwabena Samuel Shuen-Ei Chen
Chang Shu Lalit Kandpal Shujuan Yi
Changbo Zhang Lalit Mohan Kandpal Shun Zhang
Changling Wang Larissa F. Rodrigues Moreira Shuo Zhang
Changsu Xu László Baranyai Shwet Kamal
Chantal Fernandes László Orlóci Shweta Meshram
Chao Chen Laszlo Radocz Sicong Gao
Chao Gao Laura Likov Signe Marie Jensen
Chao Shen Laura Meno Fariñas Silas Wintuma Avicor
Chao Yu Laxman Singh Rajput Silvia Maribel Contreras-Ramos
Chao Zhang Laxmikant Jathar Silviu Dan Mandru
Chao-Hui Feng Lei Jin Sima Panahirad
Charles Karavina Leilane Rocha Barros Dourado Simerjeet Kaur
Charles Nathan Hancock Lei-Ming Yuan Simon Alina
Chenggong Liu Leonardo Pinto De Magalhães Simona Ioana Vicas
Chenghuan Wang Leonidas Sotirios Kyrgiakos Simone Pietro Garofalo
Chengwu Zou Leszek Majchrzak Sina Siavash Moghaddam
Cheng-You Cao Leszek Sieczko Sinian Char
Chet Ram Leticia Xochitl López Martínez Sinisa Polovina
Chiara Piccini Li Guo Siva Kumar Malka
Chien Nguyen Li Liu Siva Ramasamy
Chinenyenwa Fortune Chukwuneme Liang Huang Sivasamy Sethupathy
Chotika Yokthongwattana Liang Yuan Sławomir Bajkowski
Christian Bux Lichao Liu  Sławomir Józef Krzebietke
Christian E. Hernández Mendoza Lijun Yin Sławomir Kalinowski
Christian Hanzen Liling Zhao Sławomir Obidziński
Christina-Ioanna Papadopoulou Lily Xochilt Zelaya-Molina Slobodan Davidović
Christophe Waterlot Linda Farmer Sodeif Azadmard-Damirchi
Christopher L. Atkinson Ling Wang Soibam Khogen Singh
Christopher L. Lant Lingfei Ji Sojung Kim
Christopher Menzel Linna Guo Solmaz Fathololoumi
Christos Eliopoulos Linshu Jiang Sónia Saraiva
Christos Karelakis Lisset Herrera Isidrón Sonja Tančić Živanov
Chung-Huang Yeh Liubov Zelena Soroor Rahmanian
Chung-Liang Chang Liviu Mihai Irimia Soufiane Haddout
Chunhui Ma Lixin Hou Sparsh Sharma
Chunlin Wang Lizhuang Hao  Srdjan Seremesic
Chunlu Qian Long Qian Sreelash Krishnan Kutty
Chunping Xie Long Zhou Sreenath Dixit
Cindy Perkovich Longwei Jiang Stanisław Kalisz
Ciro Galeone Lorena Paola Soto Stanisław Kowalski
Ciro Vasmara Lorenzo D. Granados Rivera Stavros Yannopoulos
Clarisse Mendoza Gonzalvo Lorenzo Gagliardi Stefan Shilev
Claudia Elena Țuclea Lotfi Tlig Stefania Pancini
Claudio Hideo Martins Da Costa Lourenco Paz Steliana Rodino
Claudio Marciano Lu Zheng Steve Pueppke
Clemens Fuchs Lucas Aparecido Manzani Lisboa Steven Alan Cryer
Clesnan Mendes-Rodrigues Lucas Cavalcante Sudarsan Jayasingh
Cleyton Alvarenga Lucas Rodrigues Deliberador Sudarshan Mahala
Clodomiro Alves Junior Lúcia Barão Sudheer Kumar Annepu
Cody M. Allen Lucia Bortolini Sujit Das
Concetta Cardillo Lucia Cintia Colibaba Sukamal Sarkar
Cong Chen Luciano Antonio De Oliveira Suman Karre
Congyan Wang Luciano Martinez Rau Sumit Kumar
Constantin Mihaela Ludmila Zavadilová Sumita Mishra
Cristian Gabriel Alionte Ludwik Wicki Sunita K. Meena
Cristian Silviu Banacu Luis Alberto Olvera-Vargas Suprasanna Penna
Cristo Manuel Yee-Rendon Luis Ángel Angel Barrera-Guzmán Suraj Yadav
Cunchaona Zhao Luis Bernardo López-Sosa Surendiran Balasubramanian
Cunyi Yang Luis Eduardo Akiyoshi Sanches Suzuki Suseelendra Desai
Da Luo Luis G. Sequeda-Castañeda Sushil Sudhakar Changan
Dafeng Hui Luis Guilherme Teixeira Crusiol Susmita Das
Dainius Savickas Luis Noguera-Artiaga Svetlana Milorad Roljevic Nikolic
Dámaris Núñez-Gómez Luis O. Viteri Swapna A. Jaywant
Damiano Puglisi Luis Puente-Diaz Swarnalatha Moparthi
Damyan Kirechev Lujun Yu Sweety Jain
Daniel Badulescu Luz Marina Ruiz Swetabh Patel
Daniel Costa Ramos Ma Wei Syed Md. Minhaz Hossain
Daniel Hinojosa-Nogueira Madhusmita Panigrahy Tácio Mauro De Campos
Daniel Mierlita Madhusudan Kulkarni Tadeusz Moskalik
Daniel Nicodemo Madhwesh N Tajana Čop
Daniel Queirós Da Silva Magdalena Jaciow Takaoki Saneyasu
Daniel Rodriguez Magdalena Jastrzębska Takashi Oguchi
Daniela Avetisyan Magdalena Lemecha Tao Tang
Daniela Da Silva Oliveira Magdalena Piekutowska Tao Wang
Daniela Simina Stefan Maghsoud Besharati Tatiya Trongsatitkul
Daniela Zalazar-García Mahadevamurthy Murali Tayebeh Zeinali
Danielle Elis Garcia Furuya Mahdi Jalali Teerasak Jindabot
Danielo G. Gomes Maheswaran Shanmugam Temitope Oluwaseun Ojo
Danilo Ferreira De Souza Maja Braović Teodor Vintila
Danuta Kurasiak-Popowska Maja Jukić Špika Teodoro Coba De La Peña
Dariusz Kokoszyński Maja Manojlović Teresa D'Amore
Darko Jevremovic Majid Galoie Tereza Hřebeková
Dashuai Wang Małgorzata Holka Tetyana Petrushka
David Hall Małgorzata Wosiek Thais Andrade Germano
David Pereira Jerez Malinee Sriariyanun Thangavelu Muthukumar
David Sewordor Gaikpa Mallesham Bulle Theofanis Kalampokas
Davide Gerna Malmathanraj Ramanathan Theoharis Babanatsas
Davide Neri Manan Shah Thevivanayagam Maharajan
Davut Karayel Mangesh Yuwaraj Dudhe Thomas Anken
Dayong Si Manikandan Gurunathan Thomas Gasperini
De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi Manish Kumar Thomas M Koutsos
Debasis Mitra Mansoore Shamili Thomas Roach
Deborah J. Heuschele Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues Tiago Edu
De-Chih Lee Manuel Chacón-Fuentes Tiago Goulart Petrolli
Dèdéou Tchokponhoué Maorun Fu Tian Zhong
Dedi Ruswandi Marc Regier Tianshu Wang
Deepak Sinwar Marcela Gubišová Tianyu Liu
Deepranjan Sarkar Marcelo Chan Fu Wei Tianyue Xu
Deke Xing Marcelo Francisco Pompelli Tijana Narandžić
Desale Kidane Asmamaw Marcin Roman Kozak Timilehin Oyinloye
Desiree Andersen Marcio Martinello Sanches Ting Liu
Dessislava Ganeva Marcio Poletti Laurini Tiziana Crovella
Dessy Adriani Marco A. Ramírez-Mosqueda Tjard Bergmann
Devendra Singh Marco Antonio López-Carlos Tobias Immanuel Link
Devianti Devianti Marco Aurelio Nuño-Maganda Tomás Ballesteros
Dewanto Harjunowibowo Marco Eigenfeld Tomas Gabriel Bas
Deyong Yang Marco Grossi Tomas Ramon Herrero-Tejedor
Deyvid Novaes Marques Marco Morietti Tomasz Maciag
Diah Ratnadewi Marco Pepe Tomasz Rokicki
Diding Suhandy Marconi Batista Teixeira Tomasz Wojciechowski
Diego A. Martinez Marcos A. E. Chaparro Tomislav Vinković
Diego Portalanza Marcos Busanello Tomyslav Sledevic
Diego Salazar Marcos Edel Martinez-Montero Tong Li
Diego Victor Babos Marcos Jesús Villaseñor-Aguilar Trond Løvdal
Dileep Kumar Marcos Vinícius Da Silva Tsungcheng Tsai 
Dimitra Christos Lazaridou Marek Angowski Tu Shuqin
Dimitrios Baxevanos Marek Gaworski Tualar Simarmata
Dimitrios Kateris Marek Wesolowski Tumpa Rani Sarker
Dimitrios Loukatos Marek Wróbel Uchendu Eugene Chigbu
Dimitrios Natos Marek Zieliński Ueric José Borges De Souza
Dimitris M. Papadimitriou Maria Anu Vensuslaus Ujjwal Layek
Dimosthenis Kizis Maria Betânia Galvão Santos Freire Ulrich Schmutz
Dingde Xu Maria De Lourdes Ramirez Ahuja Umar Daraz
Diogo Paes Da Costa María Del Carmen Vargas-García Umut Uzar
Diosey Ramon Lugo-Morin Maria Denisse Montoya Flores Uroš Glavinić
Diptarka Dasgupta Maria Dzikuć Vahid Mohammadi
Djanaguiraman Maduraimuthu María Esther Ortega-Cerrilla Valentin Nicolae Vladut
Dody Dwi Handoko Maria Evangelina Carezzano Valentina Becciolini
Domagoj Zimmer María Fernanda Quintero-Soto Valerio Di Stefano
Domenico Morrone Maria Ferreira Valerio Mazzoni
Dominik Stursa Maria Isabella Sifola Valter Harry Bumbieris Junior
Dominika Guzek Maria Lucrecia Ramos Valya Vassileva
Donatas Sneideris Maria Roulia Van Quy Khuc
Donatella Porrini Maria Tanase Vanessa Areco
Donatella Privitera Maria Velez Vanja Vuksanovic
Donato Loddo Maria Wanic Vasantha-Srinivasan Prabhakaran
Dong Sub Kim Maria Zuba-Ciszewska Vasil Georgiev
Dong-Xing Guan Maria-Floriana Popescu Vassiliki Kontogianni
Dorijan Radočaj Marian Gilewski Vassilis Athanasiadis
Dorota Temple Marian J. Giertych Veerasamy Sejian
Dragana Novaković Marian Lopatka Vera M. Popovic
Drăghici Reta Mariana Erasmus Vesna Krnjaja
Dritan Topi Mariana Stanišić Vicente Bayarri
Duc Tran Marianna Makádi Vicente Eliezer Vega-Murillo
Dulce Flores-Rentería Marietta Kiss Victor Aguilar-Hernández
Dumitru Tucu Marija Koprivica Victor Alfonso Rodriguez
Dunja Demirović Bajrami Marija Spoljarevic Victor Kavvadias
Dunja Srpak Marija Viljevac Vuletić Víctor L. Barradas
Dušan Arsić Marijenka Tabaković Vignesh Muthusamy
Dušica Jovičić Marina Vranić Vijay Sharma
Dzintra Atstāja Mario Franic Vikash Chandra Roy
Ebrahim Souri Laki Mario Lira Junior Vikram Ramesh
Ebrahim Taghinezhad Mario Monteiro Rolim Viktor V. Brygadyrenko
Edgar Vladimir Gutiérrez-Castorena Mario Porcel Vimala S. K. Bharathi
Edgard Gonzales Mario Riolo Vinícius Dos Santos
Edina Molnár Mario Sraka Violeta Oro
Eduardo Alberto López-Maldonado Marius Constantin Vira Hovorukha
Eduardo José Azevedo Corrêa Mariusz Kulik Virginia Pinillos Villatoro
Eduardo Pradi Vendruscolo Mariusz Maciejczak Virginie Boy
Edwin Martin Pino-Vargas Mark Weaver Viroon Kamchoom
Eeswaran Rasu Marko Milan Kostić Visha Kumari Venugopalan
Efrain Simá Moo Marko Petković Vishal Manjunatha
Efstathia Lazaridi Marko Spasić Vitalija Simonaitytė
Egle Jotautiene Markus Otto Köhli Vithu Prabha
Ehsan Bari Marta Leite Vjekoslav Tadić
El Hajji Mohamed Marta Liszka-Skoczylas Vladimir Dodevski
Elena Moltchanova Martin Cerny Volker Beckmann
Elena Sergeevna Kolomeeva Martín Mata-Rosas Vukašin Rončević
Elias Pipinis Martin Raspor Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shurigin
Elio Romano Martina Kadoić Balaško Wacław Jarecki
Eliza Căuia Marvin T. Valentin Walid Zorrig
Elizabeth Lam Maryam Mahmoudzadeh Walter Murillo Arango
Elmira Saljnikov Masoume Amirkhani Walter Quadros Ribeiro Junior
Elnaz Amirahmadi Massimo Brambilla Watcharapong Mitsuwan
Eloy Conde Barajas Massimo Fagnano Wayan Wangiyana
Eloy Navarro-León Masud Hassan Wei Hu
Elsa Helena Manjarres Hernández Matheus Severo De Souza Kulmann Wei Liang
Elzbieta Bielecka Matt Davison Wei Liu
Elżbieta Wójcik-Gront Matthias Koesling Wei Su
Elzibieta Rolka Mattia Begovoeva Weipeng Zhang
Eman Daraghmi Mattia Iotti Weixiang Yao
Emilio Chiodo Maulin Joshi Weizu Wang
Emmanouil Kalaitzakis Maura Téllez-Téllez Welligton Conceição Da Silva
Emmanuel De Jesús Ramírez-Rivera Maurizio Cutini Wenbin Tian
En Lu Maurizio Mulas Wenfu Wu
Ena Cegledi Mayuri Sharma Wenliang Wei
Enayat Rahmatnejad Mbulisi Sibanda Wenlong Yang
Enrico Paris Md. Abedur Rahman Wenxin Liu
Enrique Rico-García Md. Abu Ayub Siddique Weronika Antoł
Eren Özden Md. Abu Saleh Weronika Barbara Żukowska
Erick Cesar López-Vidaña Md. Arif Sakil Wesclen Vilar Nogueira
Erika Ortega Md. Billal Hossain Wijitha Senadeera
Ernoiz Antriyandarti Md. Farhad Hasan Williamson Gustave
Errol Duncan Cason Md. Hossain Wilver Auccahuasi
Esaú Bojórquez-Velázquez Md. Jahirul Islam Wojciech Rzeźnik
Ester Trigueros Andrés Md. Kamrul Hasan Won Kyong Cho
Estevão Freire Md. Mashiur Rahman Wricha Tyagi
Eutiquio Gallego Vázquez Md. Mazharul Islam Xavier Flotats
Evandro De Castro Melo Md. Shafiqul Islam Xiangchen Meng
Evangelia Karasmanaki Md. Shahinoor Islam Xiangdong Ni
Everton Geraldo De Morais Md. Shamsuzzoha Xiangpeng Fan
Evgenia Anastasiou Md. Tahjib-Ul-Arif Xiangyang Shu
Ewa Chomać-Pierzecka Meenakshi Agarwal Xianjiang Li
Ewa Furmanczyk Mehmet Gültas Xianping Guan
Fabio Maggio Mehmet Zahit Yeken Xiaobo Sun
Fábio Rafael Echer Melissa Vogt Xiaofan Na
Fabio Silva Meng Zhang Xiao-Fei Li
Fabricio Braga Soares De Carvalho Mengmeng Hu Xiaojun Gao
Faical Brini Meriem Zamouche Xiaolin Wang
Fajun Chen Michael B. Farrar Xiaolong Huan
Fanglei Zhong Michail Tsangas Xiaopeng Bai
Farhad Mirzaei Michał Stępień Xiaoping Xin
Farid Moradinezhad Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco Xiaoyan Kang
Farid Shekari Michele Penza Xijian Fan
Farmon Mamatov Michelle Miller Xin Yang
Farouq Heidar Barido Michelle Yoo Xinchen Gu
Fasih Ullah Haider Miguel A. Repullo Ruibérriz De Torres Xing Liu
Fatemeh Rahimi-Ajdadi Miguel Afonso Sellitto Xing Xu
Fatjon Cela Miguel Angel Segura-Castruita Xingli Qin
Faujiah Nurhasanah Ritonga Miguel Julio Machado Guimarães Xingxu Zhang
Fawad Ali Miguel-Ángel García-Madurga Xinjian Xu
Fei Dai Miguel-Ángel Muñoz-García Xinlin Zhao
Fei Liu Mihaela Kavran Xinxin Feng
Feipeng Ren Mihai Gabriel Matache Xinyue Gu
Feizollah Shahbazi Mihail Alexandru Gras Xiukang Wang
Felix Onyije Mike B. Mostovski Xiuying Liang
Feng Ye Milena M. Ramírez-Rodrigues Xiuzhang Li
Ferdinando Baldacchino Miles Grafton Xizhong Shen
Ferenc Pajor Milka Kiboi Xuan Guo
Ferenc Szodrai Miloš Avramov Xuefeng Song
Fernando Aragon-Rodriguez Milos Davidovic Xuehong Wu
Fernando França Da Cunha Min-Cheng Tu Xuezhen Wang
Fernando Mata Mine Ozcelik Yafei Wang
Fernando Nobre Cunha Ming Guo Yajun Yu
Fernando Pérez-Rodríguez Minglu Tian Yan Cheng
Filipe Pereira Mingsheng Li Yanbo Wang
Filippos Bantis Mingxing Cheng Yang Li
Flávio Roberto Mello Garcia Mingxiong Ou Yang Liu
Florea Andrei-Mirel Mingzhuo Guo Yang Wang
Florentina Cristina Merciu Min-Jee Kim Yangjie Shi
Florin Daniel Lipsa Minju Kim Yang-Jun Deng
Florin Nenciu Minodora Manu Yanlei Xu
Foyez Ahmed Prodhan Mir Muhammad Nizamani Yari Vecchio
Francesco Marinello Mira Elena Ionica Yaseen Al-Mulla
Francesco Morgan Bono Mira Pucarević Yaseen Khan
Francesco Toscano Mircea Viorel Drăgoi Yaseen T. Mustafa
Francis Drummond Mirela Tomaš-Simin Yasser Nehela
Francisco Antonio Valverde Mirjam Vujadinovic Mandic Yassine Bouslihim
Francisco Bautista Mirjana Cvetković Yasushi Uematsu
Francisco Cuevas De La Rosa Mirjana Ljubojević Yasuyuki Ishii
Francisco José Castillo-Díaz Miroslav Bukan Yavar Vafaee
François Touchaleaume Miroslav Šlosár Yawen Lin
Frank Guzman Miroslava Cano-Lara Ye Tian
Fuhong Miao Miroslava Rakocevic Yeison Alberto Garcés-Gómez
Fupeng Song Miroslaw Tyrka Yen-Cheng Chen
Gabriel Maltais-Landry Mitra Serajazari Yerkanat Kanafin
Gabriel Sperandio Milan Moammar Dayoub Yesi Desmiaty
Gabriel Tirtawijaya Mochammad Fahlevi Yevhen Ihnatiev
Gabriela Maria Cornescu Mohamad Awad Ygor Jessé Ramos
Gabriele Sara Mohamad Padri Yi Yang
Gaëtan Guignard Mohamed Abdelhamid Dawoud Yiannis G. Zevgolis
Gaetano Guida Mohamed Ait-El-Mokhtar Yi-Hiseng Samuel Wu
Gagana Kumar Mahapatro Mohamed Ali Benabderrahim Yi-Hsien Lin
Gajendra Singh Mohamed El Baghdadi Yingnan Niu
Gajendra Singh Mohamed Farag Ali Taha Yiwei Zhou
Ganesh Chandrakant Nikalje Mohamed Ferioun Yixiang Sun
Gang Wang Mohamed M. M. Najim Yiyi Sulaeman
Gary Clark Mohamed Ouessar Yi-Yin Do
Gederts Ievinsh Mohammad Ghorbani Yong Guan
Geena Prasad Mohammad Mohsenzadeh Yong Hao
Geetika Sirhindi Mohammad Reza Naghavi Yongjian Wang
Genhua Niu Mohammad Sadat-Hosseini Yongjun Shu
Gennadii Golub Mohammad Saidur Rhaman Yoshika Sekine
Georg Rill Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Younes Noutfia
George K. Rogers Mohammadian Mehdi Younes Rezaee Danesh
George Newcombe Mohammed Ben Ali Youssef Es-Saady
George P. Laliotis Mohammod Ali Yu Chen
George Ungureanu Mohan Lal Yu Gao
Georgios Anastasios Kountios Mohan Singh Thakur Yu Huang
Geraldo Andrade Carvalho Mohanraj Thangamuthu Yu Wang
Gerardo Mendez-Zamora Mohd Adil Yuan Xu
Ghada Sahbeni Mohd Faheem Khan Yuanhong Li
Ghulam Raza Sargani Mohsen Maghrebi Yuanyuan Gao
Gianni Betti Monika Jaroszuk-Sierocińska Yuanyuan Liu
Gilbert Koskey Moritz Von Cossel Yuchao Zhao
Gilles Notton Mostafa Shooshtari Yu-Chun Hsu
Gina-Cecilia Pistol Mouad Chentouf Yufan Fu
Gintarė Vaznonienė Mourad Ouhammou Yugang He
Giovana Espindola Mrstar Ji Yulong Zheng
Giovanni Gadaleta Muhammad Arshadul Hoque Yunhui Xie
Giovanni Lacolla Muhammad Fasih Khalid Yunkui Li
Giovanni Mian Muhammad Fuad Anshori Yu-Pei Chen
Glayciane Costa Gois Muhammad Imran Yupin Phasuk
Glen Rains Muhammad Junaid Rao Yuri Jorge Peña-Ramirez
Gniewko Niedbała Muhammad Muhammad Munsif Yurii Syromiatnykov
Gonzalo Almendros Martín Muhammad Usman Yuriy Danko
Gonzalo Diaz-Meneses Muhammad Waseem Yury Tatiana Granja-Salcedo
Goran P. Jaćimović Muhammad Zeeshan Yusriadi Yusriadi
Goran V. Kiš Muhammet Fatih Aslan Yuvaraj Muthuraman
Goran Volf Murat Demiral Yuzhu Liu
Gouranga G. Das Murilo Mesquita Baesso Zagipa Sapakhova
Graciela M. L. Ruiz-Aguilar Mustapha El Alaoui Zakaria El Gataa
Greg Holt Myongkyoon Yang Żaneta Staszak
Griet An Erica Cuyckens Nabaz Khwarahm Zdzisław Kaliniewicz
Grzegorz Oleniacz Nabaz R. Khwarahm Željka Klir Šalavardić
Grzegorz Przekota Nabin Bhusal Željko Barač
Grzegorz Zurek Nadiia Matvieieva Željko S. Dželetović
Guangfei Xu Nagaraj Naik Zeljko Vrcan
Guangming Wang Najla Mezghani Zeyu Zhang
Guanxi Yan Najmeh Sahebzadeh Zhan Jiang Han
Guanya Ji Najul Laskar Zhansheng Li
Guilherme Souza Prado Namita Das Saha Zhao Shuhong
Guillaume Debaene Narayanan Kannan Zhao Xueguan
Guillermo Alfonso Woolrich-Piña Narit Thaochan Zhaowen Mo
Guillermo Raúl Pratta Nasser Abu Zeid Zhaoyu Zhai
Gumercindo Loriano Franco Natalia Miler Zhe Du
Guohui Li Nataliia Tkachuk Zhe Qu
Guojie Xie Nataša Dj Ljubičić Zheguang Lin
Guoqiang Zhang Nattapol Aunsri Zhen Gao
Guoqing Li Navdeep Singh Zhen Xu
Guo-Qing Zhang Nebojša M. Nedić Zhengfa Chen
Guowei Dai Neela Gayathri Ganesan Zhenlu Zhang
Guoxin Ma Neelamadhab Padhy Zhewu Chen
Hadi Pirasteh-Anosheh Neelamanie Yapa Zhi Wang
Haïfa Benmoussa Neeti Sanan-Mishra Zhichong Wang
Haijun Liu Neftalí Ochoa-Alejo Zhihong Yu
Hailin Zhang Neil Mclaughlin Zhi-Hua Geng
Haiqing Tian Nemanja Miletić Zhijun Zhen
Hajeewaka Mendis Nenad Marđetko Zhipan Wang
Hamidreza Balouchi Nenad Savo Delić Zhiwei Chen
Hamza Bouras Ngadisih Ngadisih Zhixiong Lu
Hamzeh Izadi Nicola Di Fidio Zhiyong Zhang
Han Chongyang Nicoleta Valentina Florea Zhiyuan Zhu
Han Fu Nigel G. Halford Zhizhong Zhang
Hanane Boutaj Nigel K. Downes Zhonglin Lin
Hanjie Dou Nikiforos Samarinas Zhongqi Cheng
Hanlie Smuts Nikola Milentijević Zhongrui Zhu
Hanqi Yang Nikola Milicevic Zhouzhou Zheng
Hans Jørgen Lyngs Jørgensen Nikolaos Tsakiridis Zhulin Chen
Han-Shen Chen Nikolay Kiktev Zhuonan Wang
Han-Tsung Wang Nilsa Duarte Da Silva Lima Žiga Laznik
Hao Zhou Nina Szczepanik-Scislo Ziyi Li
Haoming Chen Niraj Prakash Joshi Zofia Koloszko-Chomentowska
Haoteng Zhao Nitesh Gupta Zoltan Korka
Hari Singh Nitin Goyal Zoran Dinić
Hariom Kumar Sharma Nitin Kumar Zorana Katanic
Harry D. Kambezidis Noemí Ortiz Liébana Zsuzsanna Bacsi
Harshit Kumar Noroska G. S. Mogollón Zulma Nancy Gil
Hatem Shabana Ntambo Mbuya Zuoli Fu
He Xun Oana Mihaela Stoleriu Zuoxi Zhao
Héctor Gómez Gómez Octavian G. Duliu Zuqing Hu
Héctor Mora-Montes Ofelia Andrea Valdés-Rodríguez

21 January 2025
MDPI’s Newly Launched Journals in December 2024

Nine new journals covering multiple subjects launched their inaugural issues in December 2024. We are excited to be able to share with you the newest research rooted in the value of open access.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all of the Editorial Board Members, and each journal will ensure its high-quality output by using excellent editorial and rigorous peer-review processes, to ensure that the articles achieve high impact and visibility.

Please feel free to browse and discover more about the new journals below.

Journal Founding Editor-in-Chief Journal Topics (Selected)

Prof. Dr. Zhaoyang Dong
City University of Hong Kong, China
Editorial | View inaugural issue

energy storage technologies; energy storage system management; energy storage applications; strategies in renewable energy generation grid integration; distributed storage systems; economics and markets for energy storage
View journal scope | Submit an article

Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He
1. London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Royal Institution, UK
2. University of Oxford, UK
Editorial | View inaugural issue
Euclidean geometry; differential geometry; algebraic geometry; complex geometry; discrete geometry; computational geometry; geometric group theory;  convex geometry
View journal scope | Submit an article

Dr. Michel Planat
Université de Franche-Comté, France
Editorial | View inaugural issue
differential topology; algebraic topology; manifold topology; homology theory; low-dimensional topology; fuzzy sets
View journal scope | Submit an article

Prof. Dr. Rashid Al Abri
1. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
2. Oman Medical Association, Oman
Editorial | View inaugural issue
clinical practices as well as research and innovation in medical education, risk management in healthcare, and patient safety
View journal scope | Submit an article

Prof. Dr. Ecevit Bilgili*
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
*Prof. Dr. Ecevit Bilgili passed away before the completion of the inaugural issue. His dedication and vision for JPBI will always be remembered and serve as a guiding inspiration.
Editorial | View inaugural issue
early drug discovery and development; product characterization and pre-clinical testing; drug delivery systems and drug design; active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production
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Dr. Weiyong Liu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Editorial | View inaugural issue
theories, methodologies, technologies, and applications in the fields of laboratory medicine and clinical chemistry
View journal scope | Submit an article

Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar
University of Granada, Spain
Editorial | View inaugural issue
scientometrics; informetrics; bibliometrics; altmetrics; webometrics; research evaluation
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Prof. Dr. Fei Fan
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Editorial | View inaugural issue
regional growth theory and methods; regional system modeling and optimization; regional development policy; regional spatial evolution; environmental policy and instrument choice
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Dr. Kevin Cianfaglione
Université Catholique de Lille, France
Editorial | View inaugural issue
wild species and their habitats; wild environments and biodiversity; natural environment management; wild land preservation
View journal scope | Submit an article

We wish to thank everyone who has supported the development of open access publishing. You are welcome to send an application here, or contact the New Journal Committee ([email protected]) if you would like to create more new journals.

7 January 2025
MDPI INSIGHTS: The CEO's Letter #19 - Reflecting on 2024, Society Journals, OA Germany

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Reflecting on 2024: Celebrating Our Progress and People

As we reflect on the year gone by, I’m proud and thankful for what we’ve accomplished together. This has been a year of growth, learning, and resilience, all of which have shaped MDPI’s journey. I would like to thank each of our employees for their dedication, hard work, and commitment to advancing open access (OA) publishing.

Our growth is evident: from about 5,900 colleagues at the end of 2023 to over 6,650 today, our global MDPI community continues to expand. We expanded our global operations with a new office in Seoul, South Korea, and celebrated a record-breaking year with 60 MDPI journals newly indexed in the Web of Science and 37 MDPI journals accepted into Scopus. As at 30 December, 2024, we publish 457 journals, of which 448 are peer-reviewed and 9 dedicated to academic conference outputs. Of these, 306 are indexed in Scopus, 298 in the Web of Science, and 90 in PubMed.

Looking for a new role in 2025? We have a variety of roles currently open!

Yet, growth never comes without its challenges. This year, we faced setbacks, including the removal of the Journal of Personalized Medicine from the Web of Science due to content relevance concerns. Our editorial and research integrity teams are actively addressing these issues, and we aim to reapply for indexation in December 2026. On another front, the decision by JUFO, The Finnish Publication Forum, to downgrade many MDPI journals presented a challenge. However, we are engaging with the Finnish research community and our editorial boards to provide scientific data supporting a reevaluation of MDPI journals in alignment with Finland’s national open access policies.

These examples remind us that challenges are part of our journey. What defines us is how we respond, by learning, adapting, and improving our practices and operations.

On the partnerships front, we achieved a landmark national open access agreement with over 100 German universities, effective 1 January 2025, bringing our total of Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) partners to over 950. These achievements reflect not just our ambition but also the trust placed in MDPI by our collaborators worldwide.

Amidst growth and change, one constant remains: the people of MDPI. This year, I had the privilege of representing MDPI at important meetings and conferences from Beijing to Krakow, while visiting many of our offices, from Tokyo and Cluj to Manchester and Toronto. The highlight of my year has been meeting and connecting with so many of you.

“MDPI thrives because of community and collaboration”

When asked what makes MDPI a great place to work, my answer is simple: It’s the people. Our authors frequently praise the support and professionalism of our editorial staff. That same care extends inward, reflected in the friendships and collaborations we regularly nurture with our colleagues. MDPI thrives because of the community and collaboration that drives us forward.

As the African proverb states, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I believe MDPI embodies both, being speedy in our daily operations and united in our purpose of promoting open access publishing.

Looking ahead to 2025, let us continue building a culture of care and support for one another, take pride in our work, and strive to improve all that we do. Thank you for making 2024 a special year, and I look forward to what we can achieve together in 2025.

PS: I look forward to sharing more about our people and the achievements of the past year in the 2024 Annual Report.

Impactful Research

685 MDPI Editors Named Highly Cited Researchers in 2024

I’m excited to celebrate the achievements of 685 Editorial Board Members (EBMs) from our journals, representing 39 countries and territories, who have been named Highly Cited Researchers for 2024 by Clarivate. This prestigious recognition highlights their scientific contributions, which transcend academic boundaries to drive progress in global knowledge, sustainability, security, and well-being.

Here, you’ll find the list of MDPI’s EBMs who have been recognized this year.

Clarivate’s annual Highly Cited Researcher™ list identifies the most influential scientists of the past decade – those whose work has made a profound and far-reaching impact across numerous scientific and social science disciplines. To be included on this list is no small feat. These researchers’ impactful papers rank among the top 1% by citations in one or more of the 21 fields analyzed within the “Essential Science Indicators,” positioning them as leaders in their domains.

As Clarivate notes, “Highly Cited Researchers have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research.” In 2024, a total of 6,886 Highly Cited Researcher designations were awarded to 6,636 individuals globally.

I extend my congratulations to all of MDPI’s EBMs who have achieved this milestone. Their dedication and excellence inspire us all and exemplify the high standards we uphold as a publisher. Congratulations to each of them for this incredible accomplishment and for their ongoing contributions to advancing knowledge in their fields.

Inside MDPI

How MDPI / Open Access Supports Societies

MDPI actively supports societies through the launch of new journals, the acquisition of established journals, and the transfer of society journals from other publishers. You can submit your proposal here.

Over the past 13 years, we have collaborated with over 190 learned societies and organizations. These partnerships range from affiliations with one or more of our journals to publishing journals on behalf of our partners.

Learn about how MDPI / Open Access Supports Societies.

In this section I highlight our Societies team, whose responsibilities include establishing new OA journals on behalf of societies and institutions, publishing an existing OA journal with MDPI or transitioning a subscription journal to an OA model, and establishing affiliations between societies and MDPI journals.

If you would like to learn more about these services, please see the Societies website.

The Societies team is led by Dr. Carla Aloè, Head of Societies and Acquisition, and her Deputy Manager, Dr. Clàudia Aunós. MDPI collaborates with a wide range of societies through various partnerships. For a complete list of collaborating societies and society journals, please visit the Societies website.

How long have you been at MDPI, and what was your first role?

I joined MDPI in September 2020 as an Associate Publisher and Scientific Officer, overseeing the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science journals. In July 2022, I took on the oversight of the Society and Acquisition team. 

Do you think that perceptions of Open Access are generally accurate?

Far from it: there are in fact many misconceptions surrounding the way Open Access works and the benefits it has to offer. A common misconception is that OA journals are poor quality, which is entirely untrue. Many of our journals are included in major indexing databases, and all of them are endorsed by prominent associations and committees such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM), and the Open Access Scholarly Publication Association (OASPA). We uphold a rigorous peer-review process, adhere to strict ethical standards, and rely on high-profile editorial boards. 

How long have you been at MDPI, and what was your first role?

I’ve been at MDPI for almost seven years now. I started as an Assistant Editor but was quickly promoted to work with societies.

What is the most common question you get asked about the services that the Societies team provides?

For societies with a standard number of members (less than 500), the most common inquiry is about how much the publishing services we offer cost. One of the great things about our publishing services is that they are free of any burden cost to the society, regardless of the type of non-profit organization.  

For bigger non-profit organizations, it is more about what benefits they can get for their members and ensuring that their journals are in good hands.

Either way, the goal is the same: to listen to the demands of the market, be flexible, and help our partners achieve healthy and positive development of their journals.

Read more:

Coming Together for Science

2024 MDPI Conference Summary

Throughout 2024, the MDPI Conference Team connected with scientific communities by organizing nine in-person events and 26 virtual conferences. In order to support the need for our growing events, we expanded this team to a total of 37 people across all offices, including 18 members in Asia-Pacific and 20 in the EU and North America.

The nine large-scale in-person conferences organized brought together leading minds across diverse disciplines, including our conferences on Viruses, Molecules, Polymers, Materials, Non-Coding RNA, Pharmaceuticals, and Sensors. These events strengthened synergies with the scientific community, actively promoting our journals and the latest research published within their respective fields. These achievements highlight our Conference Team’s dedication to creating meaningful and memorable events in the academic field.

2024 Event Highlights

Viruses 2024, the 5th edition of the conference series, hosted influential keynote speeches from Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Charles M. Rice and ‘Distinguished Senior Virologist’ Prof. Luis Enjuanes. The event attracted 240 attendees from around the globe. With 47 talks and nearly 130 poster presentations, the conference explored the latest developments in viral pathogenesis and immune responses across six engaging sessions.

Molecules 2024, the fourth edition of this conference series, highlighted the impact of emerging drug modalities on drug discovery. The event brought together over 100 attendees from 22 countries and featured more than 80 submissions organized into six sessions. The program included talks by 12 invited speakers from Europe, Asia and the United States. An impressive 97% of attendees rated the conference as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good.’

Polymers 2024, attracted over 300 attendees from 22 countries and featured 259 accepted abstracts. Focusing on green polymer chemistry and the use of bioresources, the conference highlighted advancements in the synthesis of biobased and biodegradable polymers. Engaging lectures by three keynote speakers and 12 invited speakers, coupled with dynamic discussions, led 94% of attendees to rate the conference as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good.’

A high-profile summit in Toronto was organized by the team, which expanded our global reach and showcased our capacity to deliver impactful events in our different offices. Sixteen EiC and seven EBMs joined our event, and with a 100% rate of Excellent/Good, over 90% of them said they are likely to attend our next edition.

The 1st International Conference on AI Sensors & The 10th International Symposium on Sensor Science successfully gathered about 400 participants onsite. Three hundred and fifty-five abstracts were accepted, with 772 authors from 28 countries. Across the four-day program, there were 296 talks delivered and 66 posters displayed.

The 2nd Sustainable Publishing Forum was successfully held in Beijing, China, with around 120 attendees from local publishers, editorial staff from local university presses, librarians, etc. The event is focused on promoting open science, maintaining research integrity and fulfilling social responsibility.

ICM 2024, the 5th International Conference on Materials, brought together scientists, researchers and industry leaders to explore advancements in materials characterization, processing and manufacturing. Topics ranged from nanotechnology and biomaterials to energy materials and AI-driven research. With 62 attendees from 26 different countries, the program featured 34 talks and 18 posters, fostering collaboration and innovation over 2.5 days.

The second edition of ncRNA 2024 welcomed 104 attendees from 30 countries, 71% of them being women. Two keynote speakers, Prof. Ling-Ling Chen and Prof. Mauro Giacca, shared insights drawn from over 10 years of experience. Prof. Giacca's groundbreaking work promises advances in curative therapies for heart failure, while Prof. Chen’s team continues to lead the development of the ncRNA field. High participant engagement generated valuable topics for future editions, and 96% of attendees rated the conference as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’.

Pharmaceuticals 2024, with its eight sessions, covered the newest technologies and the research areas of medicinal chemistry, natural products, organic synthesis, radiopharmaceuticals, pharmacology, toxicology, and biomolecular and glycosciences, among others. The conference featured three plenary and eight invited speakers, comprising esteemed scholars from eight different countries of Europe, and welcomed 64 participants from 28 different countries. Ninety-one percent of the attendees rated the conference as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’, highlighting the outstanding organzation of the event.

In 2024, we organized 26 virtual events with an average submission number of 158 abstracts per event, and an average registration number of 491 per event. Compared with the last edition, we saw a 42.2% growth of accepted abstract submissions.

The year 2024 marked a change in the strategy of our conference team, prioritizing the improvement of the communication and collaboration within our European and Asia-Pacific teams and creating stronger teamwork to elevate the quality and impact of MDPI events.

Scheduled Events in 2025

Closing Thoughts

Over 100 German Universities Partner with MDPI in New National Agreement  

I am pleased to share some exciting end-of-year news: MDPI has reached a major milestone by signing a publishing agreement with over 100 German universities and research institutions! Negotiated by ZB MED - Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften, the agreement came into effect on 1 January 2025 and will run until the end of 2026.

This new cooperation aims to make scientific Gold Open Access publishing more affordable and less administratively burdensome for researchers in Germany.

Learn more, here.

“Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this agreement a reality.”

Why is this important?

Germany is a global leader in academic research and publishing, ranking fifth in total MDPI publication volume.

This agreement reflects our growing influence and leadership in open access publishing.

Partnering with more than 100 institutions highlights MDPI’s reputation as a trusted publishing partner for the academic community.

As Peter Roth, MDPI Head of Publishing, noted:

“MDPI can look back on over a decade of successful partnerships with German research institutions. This agreement marks another milestone in our collaboration with the German scientific community.” 

Adrian Stefan Zamfir, Institutional Partnership Manager for the DACH region, added:

“We are delighted that this agreement will give even more researchers in Germany access to our tried-and-tested and reliable publication platform” 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this agreement a reality. This milestone reinforces MDPI as a trusted leader in advancing open access and supporting researchers worldwide.

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

7 January 2025
Agriculture Changes Publication Frequency from Monthly to Bimonthly

Starting from Volume 15, Issue 1, the publication frequency of Agriculture (ISSN: 2077-0472) will be changed from monthly to bimonthly. This decision has been made by our Editor-in-Chief and the journal’s Editorial Office. This change aims to provide more frequent and timely access to cutting-edge research and insightful articles within the agricultural field. The publications of our journal will be delivered more frequently to partnering databases and will be easier to explore for the global research community. We look forward to this exciting new phase and appreciate your continued support for our journal.

17 December 2024
Over 100 German Universities Partner with MDPI in New National Agreement

More than 100 German universities and research institutions have entered into a national agreement with MDPI. The publication agreement negotiated by ZB MED comes into effect on 1 January 2025 and is valid until the end of 2026. Joining the consortium is still possible until the beginning of 2025. We are delighted by the high level of interest this agreement has already garnered, reflecting the strong demand for accessible and cost-effective open access publishing solutions among German research institutions.

This new cooperation aims to make scientific gold open access publishing more affordable and less administratively burdensome for researchers in Germany. The agreement includes substantial discounts on article processing charges (APCs) for corresponding authors from participating institutions. It offers flexible payment options, including centralized invoicing or individual payment of fees by researchers or their institutions. Additionally, the agreement features a flat-fee model that enables institutions to precisely plan expenses and optimize their library budgets.

"MDPI can look back on over a decade of successful partnerships with German research institutions," says Peter Roth, MDPI Head of Publishing. "The new agreement marks another milestone in the long-standing co-operation between MDPI and the German scientific community. It emphasizes our commitment to developing up-to-date and inventive solutions for the diverse needs of scientific institutions to promote open research for the benefit of researchers."

Petra Labriga, Head of Strategic License Management at ZB MED, highlighted the agreement's significance: "As one of the world's leading Gold OA publishers, MDPI plays a central role in the German publishing landscape. We are particularly pleased that we were able to achieve considerable potential cost savings for scientific institutions and their authors at a national level through our negotiations."

The partnership reflects a common goal of advancing the idea of open access and supporting researchers in making their scientific excellence internationally visible.

"We would like to thank the ZB MED consortium team for their excellent collaboration," added Adrian Stefan Zamfir, MDPI Institutional Partnership Manager for the DACH region. "We are delighted that this agreement will give even more researchers in Germany access to our tried-and-tested and reliable publication platform."

Franziska Fischer (right), Commercial Director at ZB MED, an Peter Roth (left), Head of Publishing at MDPI, celebrate the signing of the new national open access agreement between MDPI and the ZB MED Consortium.

Peter Roth (center) joined ZB MED's Lea Carolina Schindler, Petra Labriga, Franziska Fischer, and Jonathan Lehmann in Cologne, Germany, on 13 December 2024 to sign the agreement.

More Information

  • Conditions and participation opportunities (German): Link
  • Frequently asked questions (German): Link


About ZB MED

ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences is an infrastructure and research centre for life science information and data. Its aim is to support and strengthen research for people and the environment: from medicine to biodiversity and environmental protection.

The work of ZB MED is orientated towards the strategic guidelines:

  • Research + Networking: We conduct research together with the regionally, nationally, European and globally networked research community.
  • Data science: We enable data analyses and generate new knowledge through research.
  • Access to information: We provide sustainable access to information, literature and data as a central information infrastructure.
  • Open + FAIR: We promote open and reproducible science in line with open science and FAIR principles.
  • Knowledge and skills transfer: We actively impart knowledge, competences and skills.

More information at

About MDPI

Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI is one of the world's leading open access publishers with a current portfolio of more than 440 journals in all scientific disciplines. MDPI‘s goal is to advance open science worldwide through greater transparency, efficiency and collaboration. To date, more than 3.7 million researchers have published their results in MDPI journals. The editorial process is overseen by a large network of dedicated reviewers and editors and supported by more than 6500 MDPI employees. MDPI currently works with over 800 academic institutions and 180 scientific societies worldwide, which benefit from a wide range of MDPI services and products.

17 December 2024
Article Layout and Template Revised for Future Volumes

We are pleased to announce a series of updates to our template, aimed at improving the readability and overall aesthetics of our publications. These changes have been meticulously designed to enhance the user experience and ensure consistency across all our publications. The updated template will be available for download from the Instructions for Authors page.

The following updates will be applied to articles published in the 2025 volumes, starting on 24 December 2024:

  • Main text: The line spacing has been increased to improve the readability of publications;
  • Header and footer: The link to the journal website will be removed, as a hyperlink has been integrated into the journal logo. Additionally, the DOI link will be moved from the left-hand side to the right-hand side, and both the header and footer will be slightly raised to achieve a better balance;
  • Left information bar: The information provided here has been rearranged for better organization; the CC-BY logo will be removed;
  • Font size: The font size used for the abstract, keywords, and first-level headings will be increased.

Furthermore, MDPI journals will continue to use article numbers. This approach enables us to maintain a rapid and efficient production process by being able to define pagination as soon as a paper is accepted.

We hope that the new version of the template will provide users with a better experience and make the process more convenient.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions.

6 December 2024
Agriculture 2024 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award—Open for Applications

Launched in 2024, Agriculture’s Best Ph.D. Thesis Award is annually presented to recognize young scholars who are judged to have completed the most outstanding Ph.D. thesis in the field of agriculture and to encourage them to continue their work and further contribute to their field. Applications for this award are open from December every year to June the next year, and winners are announced in August. 

The prize:

  • Bonus (CHF 800);
  • A certificate;
  • A free voucher for article processing fees (valid for one year). 

Number of winners:

Eligibility and requirements:

  • The candidate must be a Ph.D. student or a recently qualified Ph.D. student who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential;
  • The Ph.D. thesis must be their original work;
  • The Ph.D. thesis must be defended in 2024. 

Required application documents:

  • An executive summary of the Ph.D. thesis in English of around 3000 words;
  • A letter from the Ph.D. supervisor recommending the candidate for consideration for this award;
  • The candidate’s CV, including a list of publications connected with the thesis;
  • An electronic copy of the Ph.D. thesis;
  • A scanned copy of the Ph.D. diploma (or certificate proving that they are studying at a school or research institute as a Ph.D. student going to graduate or participate in graduation thesis defenses).

6 December 2024
MDPI INSIGHTS: The CEO's Letter #18 - MDPI UK, Basel Job Fair, CETEF'24

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

MDPI’s First UK Summit Held in Manchester

On 29 November, we hosted our first annual MDPI UK Summit, bringing together over 30 Chief Editors and Editorial Board Members (EBMs) to discuss MDPI’s mission, achievements, and collaborations in the UK.

Throughout the day we had talks from several members of MDPI, roundtable discussions on the peer-review process and upholding research integrity, and an engaging presentation from the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of MDPI journal Mathematics, Francisco Chiclana, about his involvement with the Research Excellence Framework.

“This was a great first summit for MDPI UK and received excellent feedback”

 In the following I highlight some of the sessions and the discussion topics covered in each session.

Session 1: Opening Speech and Introduction to MDPI

I shared an overview of MDPI’s mission, achievements, and commitment to quality. The Q&A touched on key topics such as perception and reputation management, expanding our arts and humanities portfolio, and funding challenges for open access (OA) in the UK.

A takeaway from this session was that in 2025, we will circulate a mini annual report to all editors, helping them understand MDPI’s mission and achievements beyond the context of their specific journals.

Session 2: MDPI and the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
Prof. Francisco Chiclana (EiC of Mathematics) highlighted MDPI’s role in REF, its purpose, and future directions.

Session 3: Editorial Process, Ethics, and Research Integrity
Dr. Giulia Stefenelli presented on the various editorial roles and responsibilities, quality metrics, and procedures for dealing with misconduct. The Q&A centred on AI in publishing, institutional roles in research integrity, and better data management practices.

Session 4: Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP)
Becky Castellon presented on IOAP benefits, including MDPI’s partnership with JISC, which includes more than 60 UK institutions, and highlighted the advantages of pure OA over transformative agreements.

Session 5: Round Table Discussion
Colleagues from our MDPI Manchester office Jaime Anderson and Dr. Michael O’Sullivan, along with colleagues from our Basel office Damaris Critchlow and Giulia Stefenelli, discussed innovations in peer review, challenges in maintaining scientific integrity, and future solutions.

Session 6: MDPI PR and the Voice of the Customer
I recapped our customer satisfaction drivers, including speed and editorial support. I also spoke about tackling misinformation about OA and MDPI in general, and outlined a way forward for us all to participate in advocating for open science.

This was a great first summit for MDPI UK and received excellent feedback from our EiCs, SEiCs, and EBMs. A BIG thank-you to our Manchester team (pictured below) and everyone else involved in organizing this event. Their hard work and dedication are much appreciated!

Impactful Research

MDPI and UK Publications

The UK is an important market for MDPI, ranking ninth in total submissions to MDPI and eighth in total MDPI publications, with over 72,200 publications to date. As at October 2024, there were more than 3,600 EBMs from the UK, 48% of whom have an H-index above 26. We also have 46 EiCs, and 63 SEiCs in the UK, some of whom joined us in Manchester for the UK Summit.

The UK is a strong advocate of OA publishing, with nearly three quarters of all articles in 2023 published on open access platforms. The country enjoys a large academic market, producing high-quality papers, and is home to some of the world’s top universities. Among MDPI’s 825 IOAP agreements, over 60 of these are in the UK, facilitated through our partnership with JISC.

“The UK is a strong advocate of OA publishing”

 Visit to MDPI’s Manchester Office

Last week, I visited our Manchester office to see the expanding office space, connect with our staff, and present at the MDPI UK Summit held in Manchester.

Throughout the day, I met with various teams to better understand their work and discuss their future development plans in greater depth. Hearing from group leads about the progress we have made and the challenges we face offered many valuable insights. I also had the chance to connect personally with members of the content team. It’s great to see how this young and ambitious team is coming together.

I also took the opportunity to address the entire office about the role of MDPI UK within the wider company. During this session, I answered questions about growth and public relations initiatives. Giulia Stefenelli joined us to address questions about the role of AI in MDPI’s future.

Jaime Anderson (Office Manager) and the Manchester team have done a great job of growing the office since its establishment in 2019. Today, it has around 150 staff members across various departments, including English editing, editorial services, marketing and communications, and IOAP. The team is highly active in local marketing initiatives, such as author training sessions, scholar visits, and conferences.

For more information and updates on our Manchester office, follow MDPI UK on LinkedIn.

Inside MDPI

Basel Job Fair

In November, the HR team from our Basel office connected with over 300 young professionals at the Basel Job Fair 2024. This is my biased opinion, of course, but we had the best branded booth and merchandise, which drew a lot of attention from young talent wanting to learn about current and future job opportunities at MDPI.

Our HR team also helped review CVs on the spot, providing advice on how to improve them and making a positive impression on the future workforce in Basel.

This is a reminder that MDPI is not only focused on supporting young researchers but that we also recruit and develop young talent. We have seen MDPI HR do this really well throughout all of our offices, from Asia Pacific to Europe and North America.

HR plays an important role in our growing company, helping us meet our recruitment targets as well as providing support for local teams, guidance on management and best practices, a safe space for employees, and brand recognition for MDPI, among many other things.

“MDPI is not only focused on supporting young researchers: we also recruit and develop young talent”

This is a quick appreciation post to all HR staff working to support MDPI and our colleagues, cultivating talent and supporting careers at every stage. Thanks HR staff, keep up the great work!

Coming Together for Science

Pharmaceuticals 2024 – Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences Towards a Healthy Life (The 20th Anniversary)

I am pleased to share that the Pharmaceuticals 2024 – Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences Towards a Healthy Life took place from 27 to 29 November 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. It was chaired by Prof. Dr. Amelia Pilar Rauter from the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; Dr. Alfredo Berzal Herranz from Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina López-Neyra (IPBLN) CSIC, Spain; and Prof. Dr. Mary Jane Meegan from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

The conference took place in Casa Convalescència, a part of the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site. The three-day event included three plenary sessions and eight invited speakers, from eight countries, and 29 selected talks. Of the presentations on site, there were 32 posters and 29 oral presentations.

The main goal of the ‘Pharmaceuticals 2024’ international conference was to cover the newest technologies and research areas including medicinal chemistry, natural products, organic synthesis, radiopharmaceuticals, pharmacology, toxicology, and biomolecular and glycosciences, in a meeting that brought together experts to present their latest findings on combatting infection, inflammation, pain, and neurodegeneration, to mention just a few of the topics that were discussed.

“The main goal of ‘Pharmaceuticals 2024’ was to cover the newest technologies and research areas”

20th Anniversary of Pharmaceuticals

The year 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Pharmaceuticals – a journal dedicated to medicinal chemistry and related drug sciences, which is published monthly online by MDPI. To honour this milestone, we are reflecting on our past accomplishments and embarking on an exciting new chapter. This celebration is also one of the reasons why we organized the conference Pharmaceuticals 2024. With an Impact Factor of 4.3 and a CiteScore of 6.1, the journal is covered in Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, Embase, CAPlus/SciFinder, and other databases. Pharmaceuticals has published over 6,000 papers from more than 37,000 authors. More than 10,000 reviewers have reviewed for it at least once.

20th Anniversary of Pharmaceuticals: The Video

This video captures the experiences of the conference chairs, honorary guests and committee members of the conference.


Thank you to our partnering societies

A special thank-you is due to our partnering societies the Spanish Society Of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT) and the Spanish Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology (SEBBM) for their support of the Pharmaceuticals 2024 conference. I am also pleased to report that we presented two awards, sponsored by the journal Pharmaceuticals, including the Best Presentation Award and the Best Oral Presentation Award, recognizing the contributions of our participants.

Closing Thoughts

Presenting at the 4th Central European Technology Forum

I visited Krakow, Poland in November to participate in the 4th Central European Technology Forum (CETEF’24), which took place on 18 and 19 November.

CETEF is an international conference that has been jointly organized since 2014 by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Advanced Technologies (IZTECH) and the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, with the support of the European Parliament and the European Commission, in cooperation with universities, research institutes and the high-tech industry. The 2024 event focused on presentation to advance the European science and technology agenda for 2025–2030.

MDPI participated as a key publishing sponsor. We had an exhibition booth and held two key presentations during the conference. On Monday, I presented MDPI’s vision, purpose, and achievements.

On Tuesday, Dr. Giulia Stefenelli shared how MDPI supports advancements in high technology and energy transition, highlighting our portfolio, services, tools and initiatives for promoting progress and interdisciplinary collaboration.

We received positive feedback from scientists and government representatives in attendance.

A big thank-you goes to our colleagues from the Krakow office for their support in organizing our participation and managing the MDPI booth.

Special thanks are owing to Weronika Gorka-Kumik, Igor Matic, Vincent Di, Agnieszka Rydz, Ksenia Shubenkova, Anna Krakowka and Klaudia Kasprowicz.

Below is a photo with the President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce conference (centre), along with MDPI colleagues Giulia Stefenelli, Weronika Gorka-Kumik, and Igor Matic (left to right).

“This year’s event focused on ideas and proposals to advance the European science and technology agenda for 2025–2030”

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

4 December 2024
685 MDPI Editors Named Highly Cited Researchers in 2024

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the 685 Editorial Board Members of our journals – from 39 different countries and territories – who have been recognized as Highly Cited Researchers for 2024 by Clarivate. This distinction highlights their exceptional scientific achievements and significant contributions, which transcend academic boundaries to advance global knowledge, sustainability, security, and well-being.

Clarivate's annual Highly Cited Researcher™ list identifies the most influential scientists of the past decade, whose work has had a profound and widespread impact across various scientific and social science disciplines. Their impactful papers rank among the top 1% by citations in one or more of the 21 fields analyzed within the "Essential Science Indicators," marking them as leaders in their respective domains.

"Highly Cited Researchers have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research," according to Clarivate. In 2024, a total of 6,886 Highly Cited Researcher designations were awarded to 6,636 individuals.

The following is a list of MDPI's Editorial Board Members named Highly Cited Researchers in 2024. We congratulate them for their achievement and their contributions to advancing knowledge in their respective fields.

Abate, Antonio
Abbate, Antonio
Aguilera, Ruth V.
Ahmed, Warish
Ahn, Myung-Ju
Ambretti, Simone
Anasori, Babak
Andersson, Dan I.
Annabi, Nasim
Antinori, Spinello
Arbabi, Amir
Ariga, Katsuhiko
Astruc, Didier
Bajpai, Vivek K.
Balaj, Leonora
Balsamo, Gianpaolo
Bando, Yoshio
Banks, William A.
Barnes, Peter J.
Barnholtz-Sloan, Jill S.
Barros, Lillian
Bashir, Ali Kashif
Basit, Abdul W.
Bassetti, Matteo
Batley, Jacqueline
Battino, Maurizio
Benediktsson, Jon Atli
Bjarnsholt, Thomas
Blaschke, Thomas
Blay, Jean-Yves
Blumwald, Eduardo
Blunt, John W.
Bonomo, Robert A.
Bourke, Paula
Boyd, Robert W.
Boyer, Cyrille
Bruyere, Olivier
Bu, Wenbo
Bush, Ashley I.
Byrd, John C.
Cabeza, Luisa F.
Cai, Baoping
Cai, Lei
Cai, Xingjuan
Cambria, Erik
Cao, Guozhong
Cao, Xingzhong
Carvalho, Andre F.
Chan, Jasper Fuk-Woo
Chan, Timothy A.
Chao, Dongliang
Chen, Bin
Chen, Bo
Chen, Chaoji
Chen, Fahu
Chen, Hualan
Chen, Jun
Chen, Kunsong
Chen, Lidong
Chen, Lingxin
Chen, Mou
Chen, Peng
Chen, Qianwang
Chen, Shaowei
Chen, Shuai
Chen, Shuangming
Chen, Xiangyu
Chen, Xiao
Chen, Xiaobo
Chen, Xu
Chen, Yimin
Chen, Yulin
Cheng, Gong
Cheng, Huanyu
Cheng, Laifei
Cheng, Qiang
Chiclana, Francisco
Choi, Wonyong
Choi, Young Hae
Chowdhary, Anuradha
Clevers, Hans
Collins, Maurice N.
Cortes, Javier
Cortes, Jorge
Cottin, Vincent
Creutzig, Felix
Crommie, Michael F.
Cuadrado, Antonio
Cui, Yi
Dai, Hongjie
Dai, Shifeng
Daiber, Andreas
Davis, Steven J.
Davis, Thomas P.
Dawson, Ted M.
de Vries, Rory D.
de Vries, Wim
Deng, Xiangzheng
Desneux, Nicolas
Ding, Aijun
Ding, Jianxun
Dokmeci, Mehmet Remzi
Dolgui, Alexandre
Dou, Shi Xue
Dragicevic, Tomislav
Du, Bo
Du, Qian
Du, Yonghua
Duan, Xidong
Dufresne, Alain
Dummer, Reinhard
Ebi, Kristie L.
Edwards, David
Enjuanes, Luis
Fabbro, Doriano
Facchetti, Antonio
Fan, Junliang
Fan, Kelong
Fan, Xiulin
Fang, Chuanglin
Fang, Jingyun
Fang, Yongjin
Fasano, Alessio
Felser, Claudia
Feng, Xuning
Ferdinandy, Péter
Filippi, Massimo
Flavian, Carlos
Fortino, Giancarlo
Fowler, Michael
Franceschi, Claudio
Fu, Gengtao
Fu, Yongshuo
Fujita, Hamido
Gagaoua, Mohammed
Gai, Francesco
Gaisford, Simon
Galano, Annia
Galluzzi, Lorenzo
Galvano, Fabio
Gao, Huijun
Gao, Huile
Gao, Junkuo
Gao, Peng
Garbe, Claus
Garcia, Hermenegildo
Gasbarrini, Antonio
Genevet, Patrice
Geng, Yong
Gerdts, Gunnar
Geschwind, Daniel H.
Ghaffari, Roozbeh
Ghamisi, Pedram
Giampieri, Francesca
Gobbetti, Marco
Godos, Justyna
Gogotsi, Yury
Golding, Nick
Gong, Jinlong
Gong, Peng
Gotor, Cecilia
Govindan, Kannan
Grancini, Giulia
Grant, William B.
Graus, Francesc
Green, Douglas R.
Greenberg, Dan
Grigoriev, Igor
Grosso, Giuseppe
Gu, Zhanjun
Guan, Cao
Gueimonde, Miguel
Gui, Guan
Guo, Hengyu
Guo, Jianping
Guo, Jinghua
Guo, Song
Guo, Zaiping
Gutzmer, Ralf
Győrffy, Balázs
Haase, Dagmar
Hagger, Martin S.
Han, Buxing
Han, Fudong
Han, Heesup
Hanes, Justin
Hao, Junnan
He, Bao-Jie
He, Chi
He, Debiao
He, Hongwen
He, Jiaqing
He, Jr-Hau
He, Ping
He, Xiangming
He, Xijun
He, Zhili
Heinrich, Michael
Heneka, Michael Thomas
Henry, Brandon Michael
Herrera, Francisco
Herrera-Estrella, Luis
Hilal, Nidal
Hong, Danfeng
Hossain, Ekram
Hu, Enyuan
Hu, Jin-Song
Hu, Wenbin
Hu, Xiaosong
Huang, Bo
Huang, Haitao
Huang, Hongwei
Huang, Jianping
Huang, Qing
Huang, Yan
Huang, Yu
Hubacek, Klaus
Hwang, Jinsoo
Italiano, Antoine
Iwata, Hiroji
Izzo, Angelo A.
Jaiswal, Amit K.
Jankovic, Joseph
Jelezko, Fedor
Jeon, Byong-Hun
Ji, Jian
Ji, Xiaobo
Ji, Xiaoyuan
Jiang, Lei

Jiang, Lianzhou
Jiang, Shibo
Jiang, Yuji
Jiang, Yuyan
Jiang, Zhongyi
Jiao, Licheng
Jin, Hailing
Jin, Yuanxiang
Jin, Zhengyu
Jin, Zhong
Jing, Qingshen
Kalantar-zadeh, Kourosh
Kamal, Mohammad Amjad
Kaneti, Yusuf Valentino
Kang, Xudong
Kang, Zhenhui
Karagiannidis, George K.
Karki, Rajendra
Karniadakis, George Em
Kataoka, Kazunori
Katritch, Vsevolod
Kawi, Sibudjing
Kepp, Oliver
Khademhosseini, Ali
Kiessling, Fabian
Kim, Jong Seung
Kim, Jong-Hoon
Kim, Sung-Bae
Kim, Sunghwan
Kirkwood, John M.
Kivshar, Yuri
Klein, Christian
Klenk, Hans-Peter
Koh, Lenny
Kong, Baohua
Krause, Robert
Kroemer, Guido
Kudo, Masatoshi
Kumar, Anil
Kumar, Prashant
Kumar, Sudhir
Kurths, Juergen
Kurzrock, Razelle
Kyrpides, Nikos C.
La Vecchia, Carlo
Lam, Tommy Tsan-Yuk
Lan, Ke
Lancellotti, Patrizio
Landi, Francesco
Landi, Marco
Lavie, Carl J.
Lee, Chengkuo
Lee, Jin-Wook
Lee, Pooi See
Lehmann, Johannes
Lei, Yaguo
Li, Bing
Li, Chunzhong
Li, Dawei
Li, Dongfang
Li, Dongsheng
Li, Jingchao
Li, Jing-Feng
Li, Jinghong
Li, Linlin
Li, Meng
Li, Neng
Li, Ning
Li, Shutao
Li, Xiang
Li, Xuecao
Li, Yaping
Li, Yat
Li, Yong
Li, Yonghui
Li, Yurui
Liang, Hanfeng
Liang, Shuquan
Lin, Jun
Lin, Yi
Lin, Yuehe
Lippi, Giuseppe
Liu, Chengmei
Liu, Feng
Liu, Hong
Liu, Hongyu
Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack)
Liu, Meilin
Liu, Min
Liu, Shujuan
Liu, Xianhu
Liu, Xiaoping
Liu, Xuejun
Liu, Yu
Loh, Xian Jun
Long, Guankui
Long, Hualou
Long, Ying
Lu, Jianquan
Lu, Junling
Lu, Nanshu
Lu, Shun
Lu, Yingying
Lugato, Emanuele
Lund, Henrik
Luo, Jie
Luo, Jingshan
Luo, Yangchao
Luo, Zisheng
Lutolf, Matthias P.
Lv, Wei
Lyons, Timothy W.
Ma, Chao
Ma, Tianyi
Ma, Yanming
Mahmood, Nasir
Mahmoudi, Morteza
Mandalà, Mario
Mao, Jianfeng
Mao, Like
Martin-Belloso, Olga
Martinez, Luis
Mateos, Maria Victoria
Mathiesen, Brian Vad
Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
McCauley, Darren
Mei, Lin
Melenhorst, Jan Joseph
Melero, Ignacio
Meyerholz, David K.
Miao, Song
Miroshnichenko, Andrey E.
Mittler, Ron
Montagne, Axel
Moreau, Philippe
Mu, Shichun
Muhammad, Khan
Mulligan, Mark J.
Mumtaz, Shahid
Nauen, Ralf
Nemeroff, Charles B.
Niaura, Raymond S.
Nussinov, Ruth
Oganov, Artem R.
Oh, Deog Hwan
O'Reilly, Eileen M.
Ouyang, Minggao
Ozcan, Aydogan
Pacher, Pal
Pan, Anlian
Pan, Anqiang
Pan, Caofeng
Pan, Genxing
Pan, Xiaoqing
Parati, Gianfranco
Peng, Qiang
Peng, Qing
Peng, Shushi
Perlin, David S.
Perlman, Stanley
Petruzzelli, Antonio Messeni
Peyrin-Biroulet, Laurent
Pitt, Bertram
Pöhlmann, Stefan
Polasky, Stephen
Pommier, Yves
Poor, H. Vincent
Portincasa, Piero
Potenza, Marc N.
Prinsep, Michele R.
Pu, Hongbin
Pu, Kanyi
Putnik, Predrag
Qi, Jianping
Qiang, Yujie
Qin, Yuanwei
Qiu, Jieshan
Qu, Xiaogang
Ragauskas, Arthur J.
Ramkissoon, Haywantee
Ran, Jingrun
Rao, Zhonghao
Ren, Jinsong
Rengel, Zed
Rezania, Shahabaldin
Rho, Junsuk
Riahi, Keywan
Ribeiro-Soriano, Domingo
Richardson, Paul G.
Rignot, Eric
Robert, Caroline
Rocca, Maria A.
Rodriguez-Manas, Leocadio
Rojas, Orlando J.
Rojo, Teofilo
Rossolini, Gian Maria
Saad, Walid
Saif, Linda J.
Saliba, Michael
Sander, Chris
Saso, Luciano
Scaldaferri, Franco
Schafer, Alexandra
Schatzberg, Alan F.
Schwab, Matthias
Scolyer, Richard A.
Scorrano, Luca
Scott, Stuart A.
Serruys, Patrick W.
Shao, Minhua
Shao, Shuai
Shao, Zongping
Shen, Guozhen
Shen, Liyin
Shen, Zexiang
Shi, Kai
Shi, Pei-Yong
Shi, Peng
Shi, Yi
Shin, Hyeon Suk
Shin, Su Ryon
Siano, Pierluigi
Simões, Manuel
Simpson, Richard J.
Sing, Swee Leong
Singh, Vijay P.
Skouta, Rachid
Smagghe, Guy

Song, Jibin
Song, Yanlin
Sood, Anil K.
Souto, Eliana B.
Speiser, Daniel E.
Stadler, Marc
Stephanopoulos, Gregory
Sternberg, Cora N.
Stoumpos, Constantinos C.
Su, Chao
Su, Dong
Sun, Cuixia
Sun, Fengchun
Sun, Guangyong
Sun, Jian
Sun, Litao
Sun, Xian
Sun, Zaicheng
Sun, Zhipei
Sureda, Antoni
Svenning, Jens-Christian
Tan, Chaoliang
Tang, Ben Zhong
Tang, Chuan-He
Tang, Chuyang
Tang, Dianping
Tang, Yawen
Tang, Yongbing
Tanzi, Rudolph E.
Tao, Yang
Teichmann, Sarah
Telenti, Amalio
Tian, He
Tian, He
Timsit, Jean-Francois
Tohge, Takayuki
Tran, Lam-Son Phan
Tress, Wolfgang
Trivedi, Pankaj
Tsao, Rong
Tsuda, Kenichi
Tukker, Arnold
Tung, Chen-Ho
van der Werf, Guido
Van Mierlo, Joeri
Vandenbroucke, Roosmarijn E.
Varsani, Arvind
Vatanen, Tommi
Verbeke, Kristin
Verpoorte, Robert
Vieta, Eduard
Vincent, Jean-Louis
Vinu, Ajayan
Vita, Antonio
Wagner, Wolfgang
Walters, William
Wan, Jiafu
Wanek, Wolfgang
Wang, Chunsheng
Wang, Dawei
Wang, Dongdong
Wang, Fang
Wang, Fayuan
Wang, Gongming
Wang, Guoxiu
Wang, Haihui
Wang, Huanting
Wang, John
Wang, Joseph
Wang, Lianzhou
Wang, Lihui
Wang, Qi
Wang, Qingsong
Wang, Rui
Wang, Shaojian
Wang, Sibo
Wang, Tao
Wang, Wenguan
Wang, Yanbo
Wang, Yong
Wang, Yonghong
Wang, Yu
Wang, Zhiyu
Wang, Zhong Lin
Wang, Zhongrui
Wang, Zifa
Wang, Ziyun
Wang, Zuankai
Wedzicha, Jadwiga
Wei, Haotong
Wei, Leyi
Wei, Mingyang
Wei, Zhixiang
Wei, Zhongbao
Weiskirchen, Ralf
Weissleder, Ralph
Wen, Guanghui
Wenwu, Yu
Wesemael, Bas van
Witlox, Frank
Wu, Di
Wu, Haijun
Wu, Hao
Wu, Hao Bin
Wu, Jianzhong
Wu, Lifeng
Wu, Qinglin
Wu, Shuilin
Wu, Tom
Wu, Yongning
Wu, Yongzhen
Wu, Yuping
Wu, Zheng-Guang
Wu, Zhong-Shuai
Xia, Jianguo (Jeff)
Xia, Xinhui
Xia, Xiufang
Xia, Yongyao
Xia, Zhiguo
Xiang, Quanjun
Xin, Sen
Xing, Wei
Xiong, Rui
Xu, Jianping
Xu, Li Da
Xu, Ping
Xu, Wu
Xu, Xiaomin
Xu, Xiaopeng
Xu, Zhenjiang Zech
Yan, Chong
Yan, Jun
Yan, Qingyu
Yang, Chenguang
Yang, Hongshun
Yang, Jianping
Yang, Shihe
Yang, Wei
Yang, Xin-She
Yang, Xinsong
Yang, Yongqing
Yang, Yun-Gui
Yao, Yonggang
Ye, Jun
Yin, Shen
Yin, Shou-Wei
Yin, Yulong
Yin, Zongyou
Yokoya, Naoto
Young, Allan H.
Yu, Bin
Yu, Guihua
Yu, Minghao
Yu, Shu-Hong
Yuan, Qiangqiang
Yuan, Yifei
Yue, Dong
Yue, Wenze
Zeadally, Sherali
Zeng, Xiaoxiong
Zhai, Guangtao
Zhai, Tianyou
Zhang, Anna Jinxia
Zhang, Bin
Zhang, Fang
Zhang, Fucang
Zhang, Fusuo
Zhang, Guangyu
Zhang, Guoqing
Zhang, Hengjie
Zhang, Jian
Zhang, Kai
Zhang, Lefei
Zhang, Liangpei
Zhang, Linqi
Zhang, Qiaobao
Zhang, Shanqing
Zhang, Shaoqing
Zhang, Shujun
Zhang, Tierui
Zhang, Wenjun
Zhang, Xian-Ming
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Xiaoling
Zhang, Yi-Zhou
Zhang, Yong-Wei
Zhang, Yu Shrike
Zhang, Yu-Dong
Zhang, Yue-Jun
Zhang, Yuelin
Zhang, Zhien
Zhao, Biao
Zhao, Guochun
Zhao, Jie
Zhao, Kangning
Zhao, Li-Dong
Zhao, Qing
Zhao, Yi
Zhavoronkov, Alex
Zheng, Hao
Zheng, Weitao
Zheng, Yufeng
Zhong, Cheng
Zhong, Yanfei
Zhou, Di
Zhou, Feng
Zhou, Jizhong
Zhou, Kun
Zhou, Lei
Zhou, Liang
Zhou, Peng
Zhou, Weijia
Zhou, Weiqi
Zhou, Yanhong
Zhou, Yuyu
Zhou, Zhigang
Zhu, Chengzhou
Zhu, Hongwei
Zhu, Junfa
Zhu, Jun-Jie
Zhu, Yongfa
Zhu, Zhe
Zhuang, Xiaodong
Zipfel, Stephan
Zou, Guoqiang
Zou, Ruqiang
Zoulim, Fabien
Zuo, Chao

21 November 2024
Free Media Partnership Between Agriculture and the 13th International Conference of Young Scientists, “Young Scientists for Advance of Agriculture” (AGRISCI2024), 26 November 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania

The members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences’ Young Academy in the field of agricultural and forest sciences are organizing the traditional 13th international conference of young scientists, “Young Scientists for Advance of Agriculture (AGRISCI2024)”. The purpose of this conference is to bring together young scientists working in the disciplines of agronomy, agrobiology and agroecology, horticulture, forestry, veterinary medicine, agricultural engineering, food safety and quality, agrarian economy, and rural sociology. The event aims to promote the collaboration and dissemination of research results.

The conference will occur on 26 November 2024 at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Gedimino Ave. 3, Vilnius).

Young scientists, doctoral students, and researchers are invited to participate. Conference participants can register by filling out the registration form and submitting a one-page (300-word) abstract on the official conference website,

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