Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Agriculture reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: agro-environmental modelling; hydrology; spatial analysis; animal production systems; sustainability
Interests: fungal endophytes; biological control; fungal ecology; fungal phylogenetics; natural products; fungal phytopathogens
Interests: horticulture; ornamental plants; biostimulants; growing media; fertilization; sustainable agriculture
Interests: crop production; crop management; crop physiology; agronomy; sustainability
Interests: life cycle assessment; social life cycle assessment (S-LCA); life cycle costing; food-energy-water nexus; food losses and waste
Interests: forest inventory; environmental sampling; agricultural meteorology; agricultural climatology
Interests: agricultural and environmental economics and policy; golf coursed management
Interests: bacterial-plant symbiosis; biofertilizers; genetics; molecular biology; rhizobia; endophytes bacteria
Interests: biofertilizers; plant-microbe interactions; food and nutritional security; agroecosystem management; climate resilient agriculture; resource conservation practices
Interests: phytopathology; fungal diseases; soybean; sunflower; artificial infections; resistant cultivars; tolerance
Interests: best management practices; food-energy-water nexus; water conservation; regenerative agriculture; precision agriculture; smart irrigation; soil health assessment; soil physics; nutrient management; crop physiology; crop model; climate change; agricultural pollution control (N & P); machine learning
2. Law School, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Beijing 100089, China
3. gLAWcal—Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, Hornchurch, Essex, UK
Interests: democratic context of public administration; legal and political foundations; public policy and public administration; human rights and social justice; energy policy and law; oil & gas; environmental policy and law; natural resources; climatelaw and policy; water law; international law; trade regulation and WTO law; intellectual property law and new technologies
Interests: grain nutrition; plant physiology; environmental effects on crops production and quality; fertilizer management and environmental sustainability; irrigation effects on crop production and quality and runoff of nutrients
Interests: genomics; molecular biology; Agriculture; breeding; biochemistry
Interests: contemporary trends in food technology; modern methods of food analysis; organic and functional food
Interests: droughts; extreme weather events; climate change impacts
2. Gender CC-Women for Climate Justice, Anklamerstr. 38, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Interests: philosophy; climate change; climate finance; climate justice; gender and climate; africa; climate impacts on women’s agriculture in the Global South and adaptations; critical analyses of science and technology; military ethics; drone use; moral injury
Interests: plant cultivation; sulphur fertilization; maize; legumes; intercropping; weeds; perrenial energy plants; waste utilization; seeds quality; nutritional value; Miscanthus; Virginia fanpetals; Panicum virgatum; digestate; soybean; common bean
Interests: legumes; bioremediation of soil; biological protection against pests; aphids and their natural enemies; influence of soil factors; fertilization; soil contamination with heavy metals; oil derivatives on soil-plant-phytophagous systems
Interests: traditional farming systems; agroeocology; sustainability; EXTENSION; transfers of technology; Innovation; resilience
Interests: biotic and abiotic stress resistance in crops; nutrient use efficiency; mitigation and adaptation of climate change through sustainable intensification
Interests: carotenoids; polyphenols; vitamins; organic food quality; organic fruits and vegetable cultivation; conventional tillage methods
Interests: agriculture; nutrient cycling; greenhouse gas emissions; nutrient; greenhouse; soil health; gas; compaction; soil carbon
Interests: cover crops; tillage; soil hydraulic properties; soil physical properties; soil thermal properties
Interests: floriculture; in vitro culture; tissue culture; hydroponics; propagation; ornamentals; pot plants; supplemental light; issr-markers; peroxidases; cultivation technics in floriculture
Interests: Irrigation; drainage; hydrology; hydrologic modeling; best management practice; conservation practice; climate change
Interests: plant nutrition; winter wheat; crop quality; soil chemical properties; archaic wheat
Interests: genomics; gene expression; molecular markers; breeding; tissue culture; agroforestry; agronomy; phytohormones; association mapping; genome editing; sustainable land-use; tree/plant physiology; asexual propagation; canopy shade; tree-crop interactions
Interests: plant breeding; Irrigation; fertigation; nutritional value; seed science; yielding
Interests: soil science; soil quality; soil contamination; soil mapping; environment; agronomy