
23 January 2025
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of AppliedChem in 2024

The editorial team at AppliedChem extends our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated reviewers whose expertise and commitment have been key to the journal's success in 2024. Last year, AppliedChem received 176 review reports from 109 reviewers representing 30 countries and regions worldwide.

To recognize the invaluable time, effort, and attention to detail that each reviewer dedicates, AppliedChem expresses its sincere gratitude through an annual acknowledgment of reviewers.

We are honored to recognize the reviewers who allowed us to publish their names each year. The names of these reviewers are listed below in alphabetical order by first name:

Adina Magdalena Musuc Lothar Brecker
Angelos K. Sikalidis Łukasz Szeleszczuk
Catalin Pruncu Marcin Graba
David Aebisher Marina Holyavka
Evangelia Vouvoudi Mariusz Fabijański
Gary W Breton Niranjan Patra
George A. Gamov Osvelia Esmeralda Rodríguez Luis
George Mihai Nitulescu Piotr Antoni Gauden
George Mustoe Rafał Wawrzyniak
Guillermo Díaz-Sainz Rawil Fakhrullin
Ivan Ružiak Rossella Arrigo
Jan Barwicki Roxana Liana Lucaciu (Stan)
João Custódio Rujing Hou
Jorge Luis Costafreda Mustelier Sándor Beszédes
Jose Luis Rivera-Armenta Tomasz Krzysztof Oszako
Kinga Korniejenko William Aperador
Krzysztof Skrzypkowski Zhenye Kang
Lesław Juszczak

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