
22 January 2025
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Cryptography in 2024

The editorial team at Cryptography extends our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated reviewers whose expertise and commitment have been key to the journal's success in 2024. Last year, Cryptography received 312 review reports from 172 reviewers representing 28 countries and regions worldwide.

To recognize the invaluable time, effort, and attention to detail that each reviewer dedicates, Cryptography expresses its sincere gratitude through an annual acknowledgment of reviewers.

We are honored to recognize the reviewers who allowed us to publish their names each year. The names of these reviewers are listed below in alphabetical order by first name:

Adrian Kapczynski Laurent Gantel
Akio Tsuneda Leonie Ruth Simpson
Alin Suciu Liangliang Xiao
Alla Levina Luca Crocetti
Anton Iliev Mahdi Madani
Ashwija Reddy Korenda Malik Imran
Chaoyang Li Marcin Wątorek
Chung-Sheng Li Mariana Durcheva
Costas Chaikalis Marius Iulian Mihailescu
Daniele Rossi Meisam Abdollahi
Da-Zhi Sun Michele Dei
Diana Savin Paolo Maistri
Donghua Jiang Rajan Kadel
Fan-Yuan Guan-Jie Ricardo Villanueva Polanco
Francisco Javier Delgado-Cepeda Ridha Ghayoula
George Teseleanu Robert Botez
Ginno Millán Roberto Vergallo
Giovanni Battista Gaggero Rozhin Yasaei
Guillermo Sosa-Gómez Ruslan Shevchuk
Hima Bindu Sadashiva Reddy Serhii Yevseiev
Imad Saleh Stefano Di Matteo
Iwona Grobelna Vacius Jusas
Jerzy Balicki Veneta Panayotova Aleksieva
Jian Zhou Vincenzo Conti
Jongho Seol Wojciech Zabierowski
Khalid Mahmood Yaser Maddahi
Khizar Hameed Yassine Maleh
Konstantinos Kaltakis Yuri L. Borissov

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