Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Eng reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: industrial design; manufacturing; industry 4.0; additive manufacturing; Injection molding; materials characterization; bim; FEM; algorithms
Interests: electrochemistry; material science; neurochemical sensing; boron doped diamond; biosensing; chemical sensors; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; raman spectroscopy; X-ray photoelectro spectroscopy; microfabrication; corrosion; SOFC; gassensor
Interests: energy systems; thermo-fluid-dynamic model; Internal Combustion Engine; waste heat recovery; thermal management; volumetric pump and expander; renewable energies
Interests: biophysics; Polymer Science; microfluidics; Immunology; pharmaceutical; crystallization
Interests: corrosion; coating; magnesium; electrochemistry; materials science; High Entropy Alloy; water purification
Interests: Carbon Fibers; fiberglass; natural fibers; physical properties of fibers
Interests: polymer; composites; nanotechnology; zinc oxide; silver; gold; antibacterial properties; textiles; fibres; resistive gas sensors; textronics
Interests: bifurcation; Ultrasonics; masonry structures; acoustoelasticity; non-linear elasticity; mechanical characterization of materials; dynamic identification of structures; tensegrity structures
Interests: technology enhanced learning; Instructional Design; mobile learning; STEM education; Communities of Practice; Web 2.0 tools; computing education
Interests: materials science; finite element; experimental analysis; electronic engineering; biomedical engineering; materials engineering; mechanical engineering; manufacturing engineering
Interests: rural geography; natural hazards; spatial planning; GIS (geographic information systems)
Interests: energy efficiency and indoor comfort; building renovation, urban transition and regeneration; climate responsive buildings and outdoor comfort
Interests: neutron scattering; MD simulations; MC simulations; Small angle scattering; dielectric relaxation spectroscopy; differential scanning calorimetry; confined fluids; adsorption
Interests: solid; AMP; structural mechanics; composite structures; smart materials; structures; dynamics and vibrations; bio-signal/mechanics; plates and shells; optimizations; additive manufacturing
Interests: physics; thermodynamics
Interests: adaptive control; robust control; control theory; optimization; UAVs; linear matrix inequalities; fractional-order systems; modeling; identification
Interests: Si Photonics; electro-optical modulators; integrated photonics; slow light Photonic devices; grating and waveguides; reservoir computing; optical machine learning
Interests: landscape ecology; geography; geomorphology; spatial planning
Interests: applied mathematics; applied informatics; molecular modeling; molecular topology; chemistry; AMP; symmetry
Interests: Manufacturing Engineering; maintenance technologies; maintenance management; multi-criteria decision making methods
Interests: numerical methods and modeling; computational mechanics; mathematical modeling and numerical simulations; constitutive modeling(crystal plasticity, creep); computational fracture mechanics (XFEM, phase field); computational materials sciences (phase field); mechanical engineering; Civil Engineering; nuclear engineering
Interests: machine condition monitoring; structural health monitoring; vibration; acoustics; structural dynamics
Interests: Geotechnical Engineering; soil mechanics; rock mechanics; tunelling
Interests: reinforced concrete structions particularly under torsion structural mechanics; structural dynamics; seismicity; human induced vibrations
Interests: sustainable processing; sensors; deep learning; smart materials
Interests: electronic circuits; mathematical modelling; intelligent sensors; near-surface remote sensing; signal processing; embedded systems
Interests: dam engineering; measurements; monitoring; surveillance; concrete ageing; numerical modelling
Interests: petroleum engineering; process modelling and simulation; Applied catalysis
Interests: COP; force plate; AMTI; Kistler; Wii; centre of pressure; postural control; balance; Optical Tracking; inertial tracking; sensor fusion; Virtual Reality; low cost; data science; powerplant; renewable; energy; transmission network; power to X; AI; image pro
Interests: structural health monitoring; computer vision; remote sensing; sensors; image proceesing; Virtual Reality