Best PhD Thesis Award

Thank you for your continuous support. We regret to inform you that the deadline for announcing the winner of the Healthcare 2023 PhD Thesis Award has been postponed to 15 September 2024.

The Editorial Office would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Launched in 2021, the Healthcare Best PhD Thesis Award is presented annually to recognize young scholars who are judged to have completed the most outstanding PhD thesis in the field of healthcare systems, industry, technology, policy, and regulation, and to encourage the continuation of their outstanding work and further contribution to their field. 

Healthcare 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– The candidate must be a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis  with great academic potential;
– The PhD thesis must be their original work;
– The PhD thesis must be defended in 2023.

List of Documents for Application

– An executive summary of the PhD thesis in English of around 3000 words;
– A letter from the PhD supervisor recommending the candidate for consideration for this award;
– The candidate’s CV, including a list of publications connected with the thesis;
– An electronic copy of the PhD thesis;
– A scanned copy of the PhD diploma (or certificate of studying at a school or research institute as a PhD student going to graduate or participate in graduation thesis defenses).
Past Winners


Shireen Mentor
University of Cape Town

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Norbert Hosten Chairman
Dr. Tingshao Zhu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. João Paulo Brito
Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior | Polytechnic Institute of Santarém | Life Quality Research Centre (CIEQV)
Dr. Vincenzo D'Antò
University of Naples Federico II
Dr. Yoshiharu Motoo
Department of Internal Medicine, Fukui Saiseikai Hospital
Dr. Klara Komici
university of molise


Anda Mihaela Naciu
Unit of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy

Award Committee

Dr. Jose M. Moran Chairman
Universidad de Extremadura
Prof. Dr. Mohamed E. Abdel-Latif
Australian National University
Dr. Alyx Taylor
AECC University College
Prof. Dr. Daniele Giansanti
Prof. Mariano Cingolani
University of Macerata
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