Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all IJERPH reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: hypertension; multiple pregnancy; preeclampsia; pregnancy; preterm birth
Interests: stroke; neuroinflammation; lipids; atherosclerosis; adult neurology
Interests: clinical psychology; Cognitive Neuropsychology; relaxation interventions; Experimental Psychology; Virtual Reality; software; engineering; robotics; Artificial intelligence; Internet of Things; rehabilitation; cyber-psychology; brain computer interaction; statistics; 3d interaction; Virtual Environments
Interests: statistical methods in public health; quantitative data analysis; epidemiological methods; environmental epidemiology; health-related data databases; ICT (information and communication technologies) in public health
Interests: drugs and aging
Interests: morbid obesity; obesity; bariatric; children; dietetic; nutrition; lifestyle; public health; pediatric dietitian; psychodietetic; eating disorders
Interests: OSAS; risk factors of osas; morning headaches; BMI; Obstructive Sleep Apnea; neuroscience
Interests: ME/CFS; older people; physiology; neuroscience; chronic fatigue syndrome
Interests: public health; health services research; evidence-based practice; mixed methods research; systematic review; physiotherapy; allied health; quality and safety
Interests: diabetes; prorenin receptor; insulin and insulin receptor; mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor; gut microbiome and nutrients; renin angiotensin and aldosterone (RAAS) system
Interests: anaplastic large cell lymphoma; breast neoplasm; digital mammograms; microcalcifications
Interests: psycho-education; psycho-intervention; emerging infectious disease; emergency care
Interests: violence; aggression; psychiatric nursing; mental health; implementation science; Nursing Science; coercive measure
Interests: behavioural science; dissemination and implementation research; health promotion; knowledge translation; mhealth and ehealth; mixed-method research; organizational readiness; physical activity; population health; program planning and evaluation
Interests: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; immunology; cancer; cell biology
Interests: schizophreni; addiction; pathological internet use; emotion; stress
Interests: urban planning and regional science; neighborhood dynamics; household residential choice; real estate markets; urban policy analysis
Interests: positive youth development; mental health; emotion; organizational behavior; leadership; organizational theory; sport
Interests: physical activity; exercise physiology; cancer survivorship; exercise testing and prescription
2. Department of Psychiatry, Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Center, West Haven, CT 06516, USA
Interests: anxiety; biomarkers; depression; gene expression; psychiatric genetics; suicide
Interests: abortion; pregnancy; adolescent; birth control; sexual and reproductive health; behavioral theory
Interests: health communication
Interests: chronic kidney disease; primary care; population health; large administrative databases; clinical trials; statistical analysis
Interests: smart community; renewable energy building; indoor environment health
Interests: human factor; accident analysis; construction safety; safety climate; safety behaviors
Interests: air pollution; climate change; environmental epidemiology; particulate matter air pollution; time series study
Interests: metabolism; adipose tissue; prostate cancer
Interests: sports science; sports medicine; exercise science; health promotion; physical education; bioreactors
Interests: exposure assessment; chemical exposure; industrial hygiene; occupational health; community engaged research; air pollution; biomonitoring
Interests: soil; heavy metals; lake sediment; environmental change