Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Instruments reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: laser-matter interaction; ultrashort laser optics; laser-driven particle acceleration; laser-driven X/gamma-ray sources; applications of laser-driven particle/photon sources
Interests: calorimetry; jet physics; experimental high energy physics; jet reconstruction and correction; total and elastic pp cross section measurements
Interests: particle detectors at future collider experiments: in particular calorimeters and timing detectors and technologies such as scintillators (organic, crystals) and silicon photodetectors
Interests: accelerator physics; accelerator technology; particle beam dynamics
2. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
3. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow 119991, Russia
Interests: calorimeters; scintillation detectors (solid, gas and liquid scintillators)
Interests: neutrino physics; direct dark matter detection; noble gas detectors
Interests: DAQ; MPGD; experimental physics; digital systems; FPGA; computer science; software; real-time system; radiation detection; X-ray; XRF
Interests: nuclear physics; hadrontherapy; particle detectors; experimental physics
Interests: particle physics experiment; muon physics; particle detector; radiation detector; beam monitor
Interests: astroparticle physics; particles detectors for space, trigger and DAQ electronics for particle detectors in space
Interests: photodetectors; experimental particle physics; noble liquid detectors; detectors of highly ionizing radiation
Interests: high brightness electron beam; photo injector; free electron laser; electron beam diagnostic; beam dynamics
Interests: particle detectors (for accelerators, neutrino and DM experiments); gas detectors; micro-pattern gaseous detectors; TPC; silicon photomultipliers
Interests: neutron detectors and equipment; neutron scattering instrumentation; neutron sources; application of neutrons in science and technology
Interests: spectroscopy; nonlinear optics; Raman; SERS; plasmonics; excited states; nanothermometers
Interests: laser plasma experiments and instrumentation; EUV and X-ray optics and spectroscopy; particle and photon detectors
Interests: high brightness electron beam dynamics; advanced radiation sources; advanced acceleration methods; plasma based acceleration
2. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Interests: radiation detectors; particle accelerators; particle beam transport
Interests: neutrino oscillations; neutrino detector; scintillator detectors; particle physics
Interests: space physics; space science instrumentation; electromagnetics
Interests: particle physics; silicon detectors; pixel detectors; radiation effects in electronics
Interests: molecular dynamics; crystallography; X-ray absorption spectroscopy; coherent imaging; free electron laser science
Interests: beam diagnostics; instrumentation for high-energy accelerators
Interests: silicon pixel detectors for X-rays; silicon pixel detectors for high energy physics; silicon pixel detectors for transmission electron microscopes
Interests: neutrino experiments, particularly reactor neutrino experiments, supernova neutrino detection, and accelerator neutrino experiments; simulation and event reconstruction in neutrino detectors; data analysis in particle physics
Interests: CP violation; charm physics; charged lepton flavour violation; LHCb; Mu2e; silicon detectors; tracking; precision timing
Interests: radiation detector; liquid argon tpc; liquid Xenon TPC; neutrino oscillation; dark matter detection
Interests: beam dynamics; accelerator science and technology; plasma wakefield accelerators; dielectric structure based accelerators