Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Remote Sensing reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: imaging radar; SAR polarimetry; SAR interferometry; vegetation mapping; boreal forest; land cover change; machine learning
Interests: process engineering; visualization and image analysis; machine construction and operation; renewable energy sources; unmanned aircraft
Interests: remote sensing; GIS; BIM; terrestrial laser scanning; structure from motion; construction entities; non-invasive detection; thermal surveying; hyperspectral airborne surveying; multispectral airborne surveying; historical cartography; landscape; drawing from nature; sketching from nature
Interests: artificial intelligence; agriculture; digital images
Interests: MISR; multiangular remote sensing; optical remote sensing; environmental sciences; land surface modelling; geographic information systems (GIS); dynamic modelling of environmental processes; land cover change; vegetation index; lidar; time series analysis; classification; vegetation dynamics
Interests: remote sensing; monitoring of land and structures; Natural Hazards; geodesy; geomatics; cultural heritage
Interests: smart city; NDVI; beetle; forest; MODIS; land cover change; landslides; change detection; deep learning; kernel function; accuracy assessment; fuzzy cognitive mapping; image processing; intelligent modelling
Interests: photogrammetry; unmanned aerial vehicles; precision agriculture; structure from motion; remote sensing
Interests: disturbance; ecosystem ecology; TLS; LiDAR; UAV; sensors; ecohydrology
Interests: sar imagery; remote sensing; oceanography polar regions remote sensing gliders sea ice
Interests: optical imaging; optical coherence tomography; ultrasound; photoacoustic imaging; photoacoustic microscopy; photoacoustic tomography; confocal microscopy; brain imaging
Interests: instrumentation, numerical methods, diagnosis, predictions, machine learning
Interests: remote sensing; forest; SAR; REDD; SDGs
Interests: SAR; multispectral; night-time data; crop mapping; hazard mapping; flood mapping; deep learning; machine learning; earth observation
Interests: wind waves; swell; remote sensing of sea state; satellite altimetry
Interests: laser scanning; photogrammetry; 3D point clouds; registration; 3D uncertainty and deformation analysis; machine learning
Interests: signal and image processing and analysis; Image Registration; sparse representation; computer vision; 3D reconstruction; deep learning
Interests: GPS; GNSS; gis; geodesy; Cartography; SfM
Interests: LiDAR; point cloud; laser scanner; computational geometry; machine learning; classification; deep learning; physical accessibility
Interests: Visual Data Analytics; computer vision; 3D reconstruction; computational photography; photogrammetry; object detection and classification
Interests: forest inventory; photogrammetry (aerial, UAS); LiDAR (ALS, ULS, TLS, PLS)
Interests: LiDAR; computer vision; urbanism; transport planning; naturalistic driving; laser scanning; remote sensing; urban metrics; mapping; geographic information systems
Interests: parameter retrieval; optimization; land surface modelling; soil moisture; forest die-back
Interests: rainfall products; remote sensing; SM2RAIN
Interests: GNSS; neural networks; meteorology; nowcasting; machine learning; data analysis; water vapour; environmental engineering
Interests: archaeology; geophysics; GPR; remote sensing; geoscience; forensics; crime scene
Interests: remote sensing
Interests: Digital photogrammetry; geoinformatical analyses; digital image processing; artificial intelligence; vehicle navigation
Interests: Satellite Geodesy; gravimetry; physical geodesy; state survey
Interests: remote sensing for forestry sector; watershed management; soil sciences