Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Symmetry reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Audi Konfuzius-Institut Ingolstadt Lab, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, D-85049 Ingolstadt, Germany
Interests: machine learning; artificial intelligence; biomechanics; body sensor networks; computational biology of cancer; mathematical and computational oncology
Faculty of Information Studies, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Interests: fractal geometry; graph theory; intelligent systems; hybrid machine learning and topography of materials after hardening
Department of Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Interests: high entropy alloy; formability; design; phase transformation; hydrogen embrittlement; FEM simulation alloy
Department of Aerospace and Software Engineering (Informatics), Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660701, Republic of Korea
Interests: topology; topological algebra; topological measure and analysis; discrete mathematics

University of Wah, Pakistan Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Interests: enzymatic hydrolysis; biofuel; heterogeneous catalysis; water treatment; air emissionss
School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, UK
Interests: block co-polymers; mechanical properties; fracture mechanisms; tensile properties; electrical properties; epoxy; nanocomposites; rubber
Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 630073 Novosibirsk, Russia
Interests: human-computer interaction; interface design and usability; web design; knowledge engineering; universal accessibility

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Via Gobetti, 93/2, I-40129 Bologna, Italy
Interests: cosmology; early universe
National Taipei University of Technology, No. 1, Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei 106, Taiwan
Interests: electrochemical sensors; material science; artificial intelligence; neural networks; air pollution; analytical chemistry

Department of Biomechanics, University School of Physical, Education in Wrocław, 51-612 Wrocław, Poland
Interests: gender differences; kinematics; table tennis; sports technique; statistical parametric mapping; movement pattern

Voronezh State University, Russia
Interests: mathematical fluid dynamics; mathematical modeling; differential equations; non-newtonian fluids; nonlinear boundary value problems; nonlinear functional analysis; control and optimization of systems; topological degree theory
Universita' degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy
Interests: machine learning; biomedical sciences; medical anthropology

Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Interests: quantum nanophotonics; quantum optics

Cátedras CONACyT - TecNM en Celaya, Celaya, Mexico
Interests: computer vision; artificial intelligence; telematics

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 70833 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Interests: coal combustion; coal geochemistry; coal ash; heavy metals; toxic elements; arsenic; rare-earth elements; emissions; unburned carbon; X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University Osijek, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia
Interests: electric power system; evolutionary optimization; computational intelligence

Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 2, 30-387 Krakow, Poland
Interests: organic synthesis

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Interests: light-matter interactions; polaritons; microcavity semiconductors; strongly interacting quantum systems; quantum chaos; quantum phase transitions

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | VGTU · Department of Transport Management
Interests: transport engineering; management; dangerous goods; logistics; information systems
Molecular Science and Technology Research Center, Ajou University, Suwon 16660, Korea
Interests: bioinformatics; computational biology; drug discovery; artificial intelligence; machine learning; molecular docking; molecular dynamic simulations

Furtwangen University
Interests: electrochemistry; impedance spectroscopy; redox flow battery,; microwave imaging; electrical impedance tomography; bioimpedance; dielectric measurements
Computer Science Department, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TH, UK
Interests: image processing; pattern recognition; computer vision; point clouds; deep learning

Malaga University 29071 -Malaga- SPAIN
Interests: strategic management
Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50010, USA
Interests: bioinformatics and computation biology; genome annotation; transcriptomics; pacbio iso-seq; biological networks; epigenetic

The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia
Interests: ferroptosis; brain iron metabolism; Alzheimer's disease
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Interests: CFD; automation control system; DEM; fluidized bed

Department Crystallograpy, Geological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Interests: x-ray diffraction; structure solving; fedorov space groups, inorganic crystal chemistry (borates, silicates, germanates, phosphates, iodates); pseudosymmetry; order-disorder symmetry approach in structural families; structure predictions on the base of symmetry; phase transitions and symmetry
Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and IT, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad 236016, Russia
Interests: differential geometry of manifolds; manifolds of planes; connections; fiberings; grassmann manifold; space of centered planes; Cartan–Laptev method; geodesics; almost geodesics

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Nisantasi University, Istanbul 34481742, Turkey
Interests: energies; wind power; control; machines; fuzzy logic; neural networks; genetic algorithm

Faculty of engineering, Fluids-Machines and Machine Design and Production Engineering Lab, University of Mons (UMONS), 7000 Mons, Belgium
Interests: metals machining; composites machining; finite-element methods; corrosion; molecular dynamics; first-principles; metal/metal interactions; wetting science; hemodynamics; in-vitro reasearch; computer vision
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