Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Symmetry reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: machine learning; artificial intelligence; biomechanics; body sensor networks; computational biology of cancer; mathematical and computational oncology
Interests: fractal geometry; graph theory; intelligent systems; hybrid machine learning and topography of materials after hardening
Interests: high entropy alloy; formability; design; phase transformation; hydrogen embrittlement; FEM simulation alloy
Interests: topology; topological algebra; topological measure and analysis; discrete mathematics
Interests: enzymatic hydrolysis; biofuel; heterogeneous catalysis; water treatment; air emissionss
Interests: block co-polymers; mechanical properties; fracture mechanisms; tensile properties; electrical properties; epoxy; nanocomposites; rubber
Interests: human-computer interaction; interface design and usability; web design; knowledge engineering; universal accessibility
Interests: cosmology; early universe
Interests: electrochemical sensors; material science; artificial intelligence; neural networks; air pollution; analytical chemistry
Interests: gender differences; kinematics; table tennis; sports technique; statistical parametric mapping; movement pattern
Interests: mathematical fluid dynamics; mathematical modeling; differential equations; non-newtonian fluids; nonlinear boundary value problems; nonlinear functional analysis; control and optimization of systems; topological degree theory
Interests: machine learning; biomedical sciences; medical anthropology
Interests: quantum nanophotonics; quantum optics
Interests: computer vision; artificial intelligence; telematics
Interests: coal combustion; coal geochemistry; coal ash; heavy metals; toxic elements; arsenic; rare-earth elements; emissions; unburned carbon; X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Interests: electric power system; evolutionary optimization; computational intelligence
Interests: organic synthesis
Interests: light-matter interactions; polaritons; microcavity semiconductors; strongly interacting quantum systems; quantum chaos; quantum phase transitions
Interests: transport engineering; management; dangerous goods; logistics; information systems
Interests: bioinformatics; computational biology; drug discovery; artificial intelligence; machine learning; molecular docking; molecular dynamic simulations
Interests: electrochemistry; impedance spectroscopy; redox flow battery,; microwave imaging; electrical impedance tomography; bioimpedance; dielectric measurements
Interests: image processing; pattern recognition; computer vision; point clouds; deep learning
Interests: strategic management
Interests: bioinformatics and computation biology; genome annotation; transcriptomics; pacbio iso-seq; biological networks; epigenetic
Interests: ferroptosis; brain iron metabolism; Alzheimer's disease
Interests: CFD; automation control system; DEM; fluidized bed
Interests: x-ray diffraction; structure solving; fedorov space groups, inorganic crystal chemistry (borates, silicates, germanates, phosphates, iodates); pseudosymmetry; order-disorder symmetry approach in structural families; structure predictions on the base of symmetry; phase transitions and symmetry
Interests: differential geometry of manifolds; manifolds of planes; connections; fiberings; grassmann manifold; space of centered planes; Cartan–Laptev method; geodesics; almost geodesics
Interests: energies; wind power; control; machines; fuzzy logic; neural networks; genetic algorithm
Interests: metals machining; composites machining; finite-element methods; corrosion; molecular dynamics; first-principles; metal/metal interactions; wetting science; hemodynamics; in-vitro reasearch; computer vision