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J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res., Volume 12, Issue 3 (September 2017) – 6 articles

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The Roles of Electronic Word of Mouth and Information Searching in the Promotion of a New E-Commerce Strategy: A Case of Online Group Buying in Indonesia
by Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Mutia Ovirza, Pinkie Anggia, Nur Fitriah Ayuning Budi and Kongkiti Phusavat
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2017, 12(3), 69-85; - 1 Sep 2017
Cited by 32 | Viewed by 2102
The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of customers’ intention to engage in online group buying, which involves electronic word of mouth, information searching, trust in the vendor, trust in the product, monetary value, hedonic value, and utilitarian value. The [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of customers’ intention to engage in online group buying, which involves electronic word of mouth, information searching, trust in the vendor, trust in the product, monetary value, hedonic value, and utilitarian value. The research model was analyzed using partial least squares of 196 respondents who had previously completed an online group buying transaction. The data were processed using SmartPLS 2.0 M3 software. The study found that electronic word of mouth significantly influenced information searching and trust (in both the vendor and the product). Further, information searching only significantly influenced trust in the product, although it had a strong correlation with all the types of perceived value (monetary value, hedonic value, and utilitarian value). In conclusion, we believe that trust in the vendor, monetary value, and hedonic value have a significant impact on customers’ intention to engage in online group buying in Indonesia. Full article
735 KiB  
Social Commerce Design: A Framework and Application
by Hui Han and Silvana Trimi
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2017, 12(3), 50-68; - 1 Sep 2017
Cited by 23 | Viewed by 1938
Social commerce is a new business model of e-commerce, which utilizes of Web 2.0 technologies and social media to support social-related exchange activities. While its popularity, being a subset of e-commerce, has been increasing tremendously since its introduction in 2005, there exists a [...] Read more.
Social commerce is a new business model of e-commerce, which utilizes of Web 2.0 technologies and social media to support social-related exchange activities. While its popularity, being a subset of e-commerce, has been increasing tremendously since its introduction in 2005, there exists a general paucity of research on its framework and its applications’ effectiveness, especially in areas beyond the common social commerce practices. This study develops a comprehensive social commerce framework that has four key components: customer, merchant, platform and context. Then the study applies the cross-case synthesis technique to analyze the usability and generalizability of the framework by applying it to social commerce of two (one small and the other global) successful companies. We use the negative case analysis approach to assess the importance of the new component context by comparing a social commerce failure case with the two successful companies. Finally, we introduce a set of metrics for social commerce design. The proposed framework and its metrics are used to guide the design and evaluation of social commerce. This study makes a contribution to the social commerce literature in proposing a new design framework and to practice in providing insights for effective strategies of the online social business. Full article
2057 KiB  
Fattening The Long Tail Items in E-Commerce
by Bipul Kumar and Pradip Kumar Bala
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2017, 12(3), 27-49; - 1 Sep 2017
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 817
Channelizing product sales with the aid of Recommender Systems is ubiquitous in e-commerce firms. Recommender systems help consumers by reducing their search cost by directing them to interesting and useful products. It also helps e commerce firms by pushing the range of products [...] Read more.
Channelizing product sales with the aid of Recommender Systems is ubiquitous in e-commerce firms. Recommender systems help consumers by reducing their search cost by directing them to interesting and useful products. It also helps e commerce firms by pushing the range of products a user may purchase on their e-commerce platform. The emergence of marketplace model provides platform for large fragmented buyers and sellers, where shelf space is not a constraint. Owing to unlimited shelf space, it is in the interest of e-commerce platforms to push niche products to idiosyncratic users. However, the current recommender systems, in general, recommends popular and obvious products leading to a few Long-Tail items. In this paper, our focus is on matching the niche products to idiosyncratic users such that the needs of users are satiated. We propose an innovative and robust model of matrix factorization that engenders recommendations based on a user’s optimal liking of the long-tail items. We also propose an adaptive model that pursues to promote the long tail items in the recommendation list. Comprehensive empirical evaluations consistently show the gains of the proposed techniques for handling the long tail on real world data sets like Amazon dataset over different algorithms. Full article
366 KiB  
A Strategic Approach Using Governance, Risk and Compliance Model to Deal with Online Counterfeit Market
by Ramakrishnan Raman and Dhanya Pramod
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2017, 12(3), 13-26; - 1 Sep 2017
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 1162
One major aspect that attracts Indian online retail customer is buying products at ease & convenience at competitive prices. The India e-commerce growth story has so far been remarkable. The starts ups are being immensely funded by angel investor and venture capitalists and [...] Read more.
One major aspect that attracts Indian online retail customer is buying products at ease & convenience at competitive prices. The India e-commerce growth story has so far been remarkable. The starts ups are being immensely funded by angel investor and venture capitalists and the valuation game is keeping them lucrative. Although the growth of many e-commerce in the past five to six years have been impressive, sale of counterfeit products and the online counterfeit market is a chronic problem for many industries, brands and also to the government. In this paper the authors have analyzed the factors that influence online counterfeit market to flourish, the present policies, framework and strategies available to deal with this threat. This paper also attempts to understand using a survey, if youngsters in the age group of 20 to 30 years, who shop online are aware of the online counterfeit market and the existing solution to deal with it. An attempt has been made to propose strategies to deal with the online counterfeit market. The authors have given a terminology for online counterfeit market and also have created a Governance Risk Compliance model at al level to deal with online counterfeiting. Full article
624 KiB  
The Age of Prosumerism: Some Micro-Economic Analysis
by María Verónica Alderete
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2017, 12(3), 1-12; - 1 Sep 2017
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 1122
Many users or consumers now operate the two sides of the market as consumers and producers. They are known as prosumers. Their presence is changing the economic dynamic. This paper develops two models, the prosumerism model that determines the prosumer equilibrium; the amount [...] Read more.
Many users or consumers now operate the two sides of the market as consumers and producers. They are known as prosumers. Their presence is changing the economic dynamic. This paper develops two models, the prosumerism model that determines the prosumer equilibrium; the amount of the private good and prosumer good. The second one is the customization model based on the principal agent framework, where the principal is the manufacturer innovator and the agent the user. Results obtained predict abundance of the prosumer good in the prosumerism model and that the most innovative users will have a higher level of participation in the value creation process than the less innovative ones in the customization model. Hence, policy should encourage users’ participation in the value creation and innovation processes to achieve a higher social welfare. Full article
107 KiB  
Editorial: Impact Factor
by Narciso Cerpa
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2017, 12(3), I; - 1 Sep 2017
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 768
In the previous editorial we informed you of the inclusion of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) in the Social Science Citation Index from February 2016[…] Full article
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