1. Introduction
Referring to
as a topological dynamical system (TDS for short) means that
X is a compact metric space and
T is a continuous self-map. Entropy is an important topological conjugate invariant in dynamical systems. For a factor map
, it is obvious that the entropy of
is larger than the entropy of
. In general, the converse is false. For example,
is a single point system, and
have positive topological entropy, then
. A natural question arises whether there exists the converse inequality. In 1971, Bowen [
1] considered a factor map
and showed that
denotes the entropy of a compact subset
K of
In 1973, Ruelle [
2] firstly introduced the notion of topological pressure from statistical mechanics to dynamical systems, which is a generalization of entropy. After that, topological pressure becomes one of basic components in thermodynamics and plays an important role in ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
In 1973, Bowen [
3] introduced the notion of topological entropy
for arbitrary subset
K in a TDS
in a way resembling Hausdorff dimension. Later, Pesin and Pitskel [
4] extended it to topological pressure of any subset.
In 2012, Fang, Huang, Yi and Zhang [
5] proved the following entropy formula for a factor map
for any
. Oprocha and Zhang [
6] also proved the above formula using open covers. Li , Chen and Zhou [
7] extended it to topological pressure.
In dimension theory, packing dimension is considered as important as Hausdorff dimension. The set whose Hausdorff dimension is equal to its packing dimension is called Taylor fractal. It is interesting to consider a set is Taylor fractal or not. Recently, Baek, Olsen, Snigireva [
8] and Olsen [
9] showed that for many sets of divergence points, the packing dimension and the Hausdorff dimension do not coincide.
Inspired by the approach of defining of the topological entropy of non-compact subset, Feng and Huang [
10] introduced the notion of packing entropy in dynamical systems, which resembles packing dimension. An understanding of both the topological entropy and the packing entropy of a set provides the basis for substantially better understanding of the underlying dynamical behavior of the set. Similarly, we call the set “dynamical” Taylor fractal if its topological entropy is equal to its packing entropy. In [
11], Zhou, Chen and Cheng showed that there are many sets of divergence points which are not “dynamical” Taylor fractals.
Pesin [
12] introduced the upper capacity pressure of a set and defined the Caratheodory dimension of a set. The connection between topological pressure and Hausdorff dimension was given by Bowen, who showed that for certain compact sets (quasi-circles)
which arise as invariant sets of fractional linear transformations
f of the Riemann sphere, the Hausdorff dimension
is the unique root of the equation
is the topological pressure of the map
, and
is the geometric potential
. Barreira and Schmeling [
13] have showed that BS dimension is the unique root of topological pressure function.
Inspired by Pesin [
12] and Feng and Huang [
10], Wang and Chen [
14] generalized it to packing topological pressure. In [
14], Wang and Chen also introduced packing version of BS dimension and called it BSP dimension. They also showed BSP dimension is the unique root of packing topological pressure function. Recently, Shi [
15] obtained Bowen’s equation which establishes the relationship of the packing dimension and packing pressure in dynamical systems with some conditions. This illustrates that packing pressure provides a new technique for the study of dimension theory.
In this paper, we will firstly give a formula of the upper capacity pressure for a factor map. Then we show there is a similar relation of packing topological pressure for a factor map. As an application, we obtain that for a factor map with being finite to one or countable to one, the packing dimension is preservable under the factor map.
2. Preliminaries and Main Result
be a TDS, and
be the set of all continuous functions on
X. For any
we set
From [
16], we can define the following Bowen metric on
. A subset
E is said to be an
-separated set of
K, if
implies that
. A subset
F is said to be an
-spanning set of
K, if for any
, there exists
such that
Now, we give a kind of definition of topological pressure resembling Box dimension which is called upper capacity topological pressure.
Definition 1. Reference [
For any , and any subset The upper capacity topological pressure of K is given by We can also define the upper capacity topological pressure by separated set. The two definitions are equivalent by a standard proof. Now we state the definition as follows without the proof of the equivalence.
Definition 2. Reference [
For any , and any subset ,The upper capacity topological pressure of K is defined by Remark that if , it is called the upper capacity topological entropy of K and written as . In the following, we give the definition of packing dimension before the definition of packing topological pressure.
Definition 3. If , and , letwhere denotes the diameter of A. Since decreases when δ decreases, exists. The α-packing measure is defined byThe packing dimension of Z is defined by Now, we give the packing topological pressure on arbitrary set, which is similar to packing dimension.
Definition 4. For a set and , and , letwhere denotes the finite or countable disjoint set family with Clearly, is monotone increasing function about letMoreover, letThen Finally, we define the packing topological pressure The packing entropy of Z is written as as .
Let and be two TDSs with and be compact metric spaces, respectively. A continuous surjective map satisfying means that is a factor of . Now, we state our main result as follows.
Theorem 1. Let be a factor map and . Then for any set
- (1)
- (2)
3. Proof of Theorem 1
In this section, we are going to prove the main result of this paper. In the following, for any
, we set
To prove the main result, we need the following lemma. The original idea follows from Bowen [
1], which compared the entropy of two topological semi-conjugacy systems. Later, Fang, Huang, Yi and Zhang [
5] and Oprocha and Zhang [
6] extended it to comparing the Bowen entropy of the subset under a factor map. And Li, Chen and Zhou [
7] generalized it to Pesin topological pressure. The lemma here is devoted to the study of the upper capacity pressure. Since the proof is standard and similar to the above references, we only present the sketch of the proof.
Lemma 1. Let be a factor map and . Then for any set
- (1)
- (2)
Proof. (1) Clearly, we have
We only need prove the second inequality. Assume that
, since
, the proof is clear. Fix
For any
large enough such that there exists an
-spanning set
Following from the proof of Theorem 2.1(ii) in [
7], and choosing
small enough, for any
, we can choose
depending on
y recursively such that
. For any
we consider the following set
Then we have
For any
and sufficiently small
we let
be an
spanning set of
is an
-spanning set of
E. Since
, we have
Combing with Equation (
1), we have
, we finish the proof.
(2) We can assume that
, since if
, the proof is finished. Fix
. Use the same techniques as the proof in [
5] (Theorem 3.3) or [
7] (Theorem 2.1 (i)) there exists
such that
for any
For any
and sufficiently small
be an
spanning set of
For each
, we have
for any
This means that
is an
-spanning set of
E. Then we have
Following from Equation (
2), we have
, we finish the proof. ☐
We introduce the following lemma, which is similar to the packing dimension.
Lemma 2. For any subset , we have Proof. Fix any
There exists some
such that
, so
We can choose
such that
So for each
N large enough, we have
Next, we will prove for any
For any
separated set
, we can choose disjoint set family
, we finish the proof.
Now we show the converse inequality. Fix any
and any
, we only need to prove that there exists some
such that
, we can choose
such that
, moreover, there exists
and some
such that
Furthermore, we can choose
and a family of disjoint set family
such that
There exists
such that
since otherwise
is an
separated set of
, one obtain
Then we have
Proof. Proof of Theorem 1
Consider the set
, one obtain
hence, we have
It follows from Lemma 1 that
Then we have
(2) Following from Lemma 1, and the above Equation (
3), we have
So we finish the proof. ☐
4. Applications
Let be a map of smooth manifold, and J an f-invariant compact subset of M. We say that f is expanding on J and J is repeller of f, if there are constants and such that for any , and . If in addition the derivative of f is a scalar multiple of an isometry at any point of J we call J a conformal repeller.
In the case of the symbolic dynamical system
we can consider a coding map
for the repeller, which is Hölder continuous, onto, and satisfies
(see, for example, Reference [
17] for details). Therefore, we apply Theorem 1 to obtain the below result.
Proposition 1. Let be conformal expanding on J, a coding map and be a continuous function. Then for each set , we have Following from the definition of the BS packing dimension introduced by Wang and Chen [
14] and the Proposition 1, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 1. Let be conformal expanding on J, a coding map. Then for each set , we have Example: (Sierpiński triangle) Consider a special IFS (see
Figure 1) as:
E be the Sierpiński gasket generated by
We define
Then for any
, we can define
is conformal expanding on
a coding map. Then
satisfies the condition of Proposition 1. Hence, we have for any