Fate of Duplicated Neural Structures
:1. Introduction
2. A Showcase of Duplicated Neural Structures
2.1. The Two Hemispheres
2.2. The Perisylvan Network for Human Language
2.3. Internalizing the Control of Movement
2.4. Place and Grid Cells—A Twofold Representation of Space?
2.5. Somatosensory and Motor Cortices
2.6. Reactive versus Predictive Brains
- Is there a threshold of cognitive complexity beyond which predictive brains always pay off? Protozoa reacting to gradients for chemotaxis hardly need a model of possible distributions of chemicals. The ability to dream in complex brains reveals the existence of generative models. When did they become favored?
- What environments are more likely to select for predictive brains? Picture a scene that varies wildly over time, often showing new inputs that a brain could hardly imagine based on previous experience. The cost of correcting hypotheses from generative models might be unbearable. Building representations anew from each incoming input (just as in deep neural networks) might be cheaper. Similarly, a pressure to anticipate the environment (e.g., to react to looming dangers) must be important—otherwise, reactive brains would do just as well and are cheaper.
- How did the duplicated circuitry needed for predictive brains emerge? Was a same system duplicated and reversed? Did, instead, a structure dedicated to error propagation grow over a previously existing scaffold, reversing the flow of information as it expanded? Is there a site in a cognitive hierarchy in which the predictive stance is more easily adopted and, hence, the needed circuitry expands from there? Or did both flow directions of predictive brains evolve simultaneously since early? This later possibility demands that even simple brains allow the predictive way of working, which might be possible [161,162,163,164]. Note that complex brains might also work in a reactive manner if needed—as reflexes do in advanced nervous systems [108].
2.7. The Cortical Column
3. Simple Models for a Complex Research Line
3.1. A Naive Cost-Efficiency Model of Duplicated Circuitry for Complex Tasks
- A neural structure garners a fitness advantage by successfully implementing some computation. This results in a cognitive phenotype that makes the organism more apt at navigating its environment, mating, obtaining food, etc; thus, securing more energy to sustain its metabolism and, eventually, increasing progeny. A duplicated neural structure can result in computational robustness (i.e., more reliable cognition), even with faulty components [173,174].
- Computation is costly. A circuit’s physical structure (neurons, synapses, etc.) has a material and metabolic stress. Signaling between neurons has a high energetic toll [175], thus a circuit’s cost grows with its wiring complexity, or if connections become too long [139]. Duplicated structures would pay twice these costs, resulting in a pressure against redundancy [176,177].
- Coordinating duplicates is also costly. It often requires additional structures (with its associated costs) to integrate the many outputs. If missing, failure to coordinate can become pathological [178]. If the duplicated structures are far apart (e.g., at bilaterally-symmetric, distant positions in each hemisphere), output integration would pay the cost of lengthy connections as well. This results in further pressures against duplicated circuits [177,179,180].
- In the first (uncooperative) scenario, each subcircuit implements a task different and independent from the tasks of other submodules. The implementation of each task results in a fitness benefit, independently of whether the other subcircuits function correctly.
- In the second (cooperative) scenario, the neural structure has been presented a chance to evolve a more complex cognitive phenotype. Its successful implementation reports a large fitness benefit—but only if all tasks are correctly implemented. Thus, while each subcircuit still performs different computations, they are no longer independent.
3.2. The Garden of Forking Neural Structures
- Is one of them lost, thus reverting to the original configuration? Subsequently, duplicating this structure was never favorable in the first place. Do they help each other instead, achieving a more robust computation?
- Do they become respectively specialized in pre-processing the input and producing elaborated outputs (Figure 3b)? This reminds us of the specialization of somatosensory and motor cortices, or of Wernicke’s and Broca’s area—rather processing input and producing output syntax, respectively.
- As the neuron is duplicated, the fitness landscape of computational possibilities changes. For example, it might become feasible to implement the original function in a hierarchical fashion, as we have seen in motor control. Might the neurons arrange themselves in a ‘controller-controlled’ architecture (Figure 3c)? Might them, instead, take care of different subsets of the function—becoming effectively uncoupled? Or might they unlock previously unavailable phenotypes, thus expanding the computational landscape (Figure 3d)?
4. Discussion
- Two phases exist for uncooperative preconditions: one with a single structure and another with a duplicated structure. Large coordination costs (e.g., because the structures are far apart) result in a single structure. This supports that functions must lateralize due to enlarged brains [139].
- An additional third phase appears in cooperating preconditions. In it, the complex phenotype cannot emerge. Furthermore, the diagram is distorted, so each phase happens for different parameters than before.
- Superposing both diagrams shows evolutionary paths for the emerging phenotype, including:
- ₋
- A reliable path that results in the duplication of single neural structures. This has been proposed as a frequent mechanism for unfolding cognitive complexity [188].
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- The absence of a direct route from duplicated to single structures. This suggests that the emergence of novel function cannot prompt lateralization (e.g., as in language) with the elements in our cost–benefit study alone.
Conflicts of Interest
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Seoane, L.F. Fate of Duplicated Neural Structures. Entropy 2020, 22, 928. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22090928
Seoane LF. Fate of Duplicated Neural Structures. Entropy. 2020; 22(9):928. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22090928
Chicago/Turabian StyleSeoane, Luís F. 2020. "Fate of Duplicated Neural Structures" Entropy 22, no. 9: 928. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22090928
APA StyleSeoane, L. F. (2020). Fate of Duplicated Neural Structures. Entropy, 22(9), 928. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22090928