The Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of 2-Hydroxypyridine/2-Pyridone Tautomerization: A Theoretical and Computational Revisit
:1. Introduction
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Geometry
2.2. Activation Energies
2.3. Therodynamic Analysis
2.4. Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) Analysis
2.5. Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Properties
3. Computational Details
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | 2-HPY | T.S. | 2-PY |
C2O11 | 1.351 | 1.289 | 1.225 |
C2N10 | 1.323 | 1.355 | 1.399 |
C2C3 | 1.399 | 1.407 | 1.450 |
C1N10 | 1.339 | 1.336 | 1.363 |
O11H5 | 0.968 | 1.366 | - |
N11H5 | - | 1.290 | 1.013 |
O11C2C3 | 118.5 | 134.3 | 126.6 |
N10C2C3 | 124.1 | 120.5 | 113.5 |
C2C3C4 | 117.4 | 116.4 | 121.4 |
Functional | Basis Set | 2-HPY | T.S. | 2-PY |
B3LYP | 6-311++G** | −323.5205 | −323.4665 | −323.5218 |
Activ. Energy | 135.544 | 138.080 | ||
aug-cc-pvdz | 323.4725 | −323.4195 | −323.4727 | |
Activ. Energy | 133.032 | 133.536 | ||
CAM-B3LYP | 6-311++G** | −323.3592 | −323.3034 | −323.3595 |
Activ. Energy | 140.06 | 140.812 | ||
aug-cc-pvdz | −323.3102 | −323.2555 | −323.3094 | |
Activ. Energy | 137.3 | 135.292 | ||
ωB97XD | 6-311++G** | −323.4021 | −323.3469 | −323.4031 |
Activ. Energy | 138.556 | 141.064 | ||
aug-cc-pvdz | −323.3591 | −323.3049 | −323.3590 | |
Activ. Energy | 136.044 | 135.792 | ||
M062X | 6-311++G** | −323.3834 | −323.3258 | −323.3810 |
Activ. Energy | 144.58 | 138.556 | ||
aug-cc-pvdz | −323.3480 | −323.2916 | −323.3446 | |
Activ. Energy | 141.568 | 133.032 |
Functional | Basis Set | 2-HPY–2-PY | T.S. | Activ. Energy |
B3LYP | 6-311++G** | −647.2530 | −647.2398 | 33.532 |
aug-cc-pvdz | −647.1573 | −647.1452 | 30.372 | |
CAM-B3LYP | 6-311++G** | −646.9344 | −646.9214 | 32.632 |
aug-cc-pvdz | −646.8367 | −646.8249 | 29.62 | |
ωB97XD | 6-311++G** | −647.0232 | −647.0091 | 35.392 |
aug-cc-pvdz | −646.9371 | −646.9239 | 33.532 | |
M062X | 6-311++G** | −646.9798 | −646.9688 | 27.612 |
aug-cc-pvdz | −646.9088 | −646.8989 | 24.848 |
Level of Theory | ΔE | ΔH° | ΔG° | ΔS° | K |
B3LYP/6-311++G** | 52.72 | 50.32 | 58.56 | −27.632 | 3.648 |
B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz | 10.416 | 8.576 | 15.632 | −23.664 | 10.784 |
CAM-B3LYP/6-311++G** | 12.096 | 9.536 | 18.192 | −29.04 | 10.112 |
CAM-B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz | −31.808 | −33.648 | −26.464 | −24.096 | 31.168 |
M062X/6-311++G** | −102.496 | −105.312 | −95.952 | −31.392 | 179.76 |
M062X/aug-cc-pvdz | −143.92 | −145.936 | −138.368 | −25.376 | 524.048 |
ωB97XD/6-311++G** | 42.928 | 40.288 | 49.152 | −29.728 | 4.64 |
ωB97XD/aug-cc-pvdz | −4.16 | −6.224 | 1.344 | −25.376 | 15.472 |
CCSD/6-311++G** | −77.296 | −92.288 | −50.16 | −141.296 | 56.688 |
CCSD/aug-cc-pvdz | −81.2 | −83.808 | −74.352 | −31.712 | 104.336 |
Parameter | 2-HPY | T.S. | 2-PY |
πC1–C5→π*C2–N10 | 20.42 | 0.974 | 1.45 |
πC1–C5→π*C3–C4 | 36.25 | 18.04 | 26.07 |
πC2–N10→π*C1–C5 | 38.71 | 0.504 | 0.50 |
πC2–N10→π*C3–C4 | 15.33 | 0.894 | 5.07 |
πC3–C4→π*C1–C5 | 21.85 | 9.10 | 16.61 |
πC3–C4→π*C2–N10 | 40.94 | 0.50 | 32.18 |
σ*C1–N10→σ*C2–O11 | 4.99 | 0.56 | 2.24 |
σ*O11–H12→σ*C2–C3 | 6.33 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
n1N10→σ*C1–C5 | 9.98 | 36.17 | (55.80) # |
n1N10→σ*C2–C3 | 12.49 | 0.45 | 0.5 |
n1N10→π*C2–O11 | 0.5 | 8.42 | 66.97 |
n1N10→σ*C2–O11 | 8.36 | 0.5 | 2.50 |
n1O11→σ*C2–N10 | 7.52 | 5.61 | 1.57 |
n2O11→π*C2–N10 | 43.08 | 0.50 | 35.24 |
n2O11→σ*C2–C3 | 0.5 | 4.51 | 20.57 |
n2O11→n*H12 | - | 70.11 | - |
n2N10→n*H12 | - | 100.36 | - |
Parameter | 2-PY | 2-HPY | ΔE a |
Total SCF Energy (Full) | −323.402843 | −323.403258 | −1.090 |
Energy of Deletion (L) | −322.535752 | −322.566444 | −80.582 |
Hyperconjugative Energy (NL) | −0.867091 | −0.836814 | +79.492 |
Level of Theory | Parameter | 2-HPY | 2-PY | p-NA a |
B3LYP/6-311++G** | Μ | 1.464 | 4.506 | 7.17 |
HOMO | −6.817 | −6.349 | ||
LUMO | −1.135 | −1.598 | ||
E.G. | 5.682 | 4.751 | 4.290 | |
βtot | 209.27 | 177.85 | 1327 | |
B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz | Μ | 1.360 | 4.428 | |
HOMO | −6.771 | −6.312 | ||
LUMO | −1.133 | −1.608 | ||
E.G. | 5.638 | 4.704 | ||
βtot | 203.55 | 195.01 | ||
CAM-B3LYP/6-311++G** | Μ | 1.523 | 4.556 | 7.23 |
HOMO | −8.254 | −7.756 | - | |
LUMO | 0.172 | −0.275 | - | |
E.G. | 8.426 | 7.481 | 6.78 | |
βtot | 197.44 | 149.25 | 1350 | |
CAM-B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz | Μ | 1.415 | 4.427 | |
HOMO | −8.198 | −7.742 | ||
LUMO | 0.173 | −0.253 | ||
E.G. | 8.371 | 7.489 | ||
βtot | 192.10 | 162.10 | ||
M062X/6-311++G** | Μ | 1.480 | 4.456 | |
HOMO | −8.155 | −7.626 | ||
LUMO | −0.101 | −0.541 | ||
E.G. | 8.054 | 7.085 | ||
βtot | 194.19 | 158.64 | ||
M062X/aug-cc-pvdz | Μ | 1.357 | 4.365 | |
HOMO | −8.069 | −7.645 | ||
LUMO | −0.111 | −0.528 | ||
E.G. | 7.958 | 7.117 | ||
βtot | 204.14 | 181.59 | ||
ωB97XD/6-311++G** | Μ | 1.460 | 4.516 | 7.160 |
HOMO | −8.773 | −8.278 | - | |
LUMO | 0.838 | 0.389 | - | |
E.G. | 9.611 | 8.667 | 7.96 | |
βtot | 200.14 | 150.31 | 1350 | |
ωB97XD/aug-cc-pvdz | Μ | 1.371 | 4.444 | |
HOMO | −8.724 | −8.241 | ||
LUMO | 0.839 | 0.383 | ||
E.G. | 9.563 | 8.624 | ||
βtot | 198.65 | 167.58 | ||
Expermintal b | μ | 1.39 | 4.26 | |
Experimental c | βП(−2ω;ω;ω) | - | - | 1072 ± 44 |
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Hejazi, S.A.; Osman, O.I.; Alyoubi, A.O.; Aziz, S.G.; Hilal, R.H. The Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of 2-Hydroxypyridine/2-Pyridone Tautomerization: A Theoretical and Computational Revisit. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 1893.
Hejazi SA, Osman OI, Alyoubi AO, Aziz SG, Hilal RH. The Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of 2-Hydroxypyridine/2-Pyridone Tautomerization: A Theoretical and Computational Revisit. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016; 17(11):1893.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHejazi, Safiyah A., Osman I. Osman, Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi, Saadullah G. Aziz, and Rifaat H. Hilal. 2016. "The Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of 2-Hydroxypyridine/2-Pyridone Tautomerization: A Theoretical and Computational Revisit" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17, no. 11: 1893.
APA StyleHejazi, S. A., Osman, O. I., Alyoubi, A. O., Aziz, S. G., & Hilal, R. H. (2016). The Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of 2-Hydroxypyridine/2-Pyridone Tautomerization: A Theoretical and Computational Revisit. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(11), 1893.