Diversity of Rotifera (Subclass: Monogononta) from Inland Water Bodies in Greece: An Updated Checklist
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Species | Where |
Anuraeopsis fissa (Gosse, 1851) | CCh, Doi, Ism, Kas, Kne, Kor, LAU, MgP, MkP, Pam, Pet, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vis, Vol, Vou, Yli |
Ascomorpha ecaudis Perty, 1850 | Ali, CCh, Kas, Lad, MkP, Pam, Pet, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Ascomorpha ovalis (Bergendal, 1892) | Kre, Par, Thi, Tri |
Ascomorpha saltans Bartsch, 1870 | Doi, Kas, Kou, Kre, MkP, Par, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Asplanchna brightwellii Gosse, 1850 | Doi, Kor, Kou |
Asplanchna girodi Guerne, 1888 | Chi, Doi, Kas, Pet Veg, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Asplanchna priodonta Gosse, 1850 | Ali, Amv, CCh, Chi, Ism, Kas, Ker, Kre, Kor, Kou, Lad, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Pin, Smo, Str, Sty, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Yli, Zaz |
Asplanchna sieboldii (Leydig, 1854) | Ism, Kar, Kas, Lys, Veg, Vou |
Brachionus angularis Gosse, 1851 | Ali, Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Ism, Kar, Kas, KNe, Kor, LAU, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Smo, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vis, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Brachionus asplanchnoidis Charin, 1947 | Kor |
Brachionus bidentatus Anderson, 1889 | Kas |
Brachionus budapestinensis Daday, 1885 | Ism, LAU, Vol, Vou |
Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, 1766 | CCh, Kor, Vol, KNe |
Brachionus calyciflorus group * | Amv, MgP, Pam, Str, Tav, Tri, Veg, Vis, Yli, Zaz |
Brachionus cf. caudatus Barrois & Daday, 1894 | Lad |
Brachionus dorcas Gosse, 1851 | Lys, Oze |
Brachionus dimidiatus Bryce, 1931 | Doi, Kas, Kor, Vol |
Brachionus diversicornis Daday, 1883 | Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Ism, Kas, Ker, Kor, Kre, LAU, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Pet, Tav, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Brachionus elevatus Michaloudi, Papakostas, Stamou et al., 2018 | Chi, Doi, Kar, Kas, Ker, Kor, Lys, Pet, Vou |
Brachionus falcatus Zacharias, 1898 | Ism, Lys, Tri, Vou |
Brachionus fernandoi Michaloudi, Papakostas, Stamou et al., 2018 | Ism, LAU, Pet |
Brachionus forficula Wierzejski, 1891 | Chi, Ism, Kar, Kas, LAU, MkP, Pam, Pet, Thi, Vou, Zaz |
Brachionus ibericus Ciros-Pérez, Gómez, Serra, 2001 | Ism, Kor, Pik, Vou |
Brachionus plicatilis Müller, 1786 | Kar, Kor, Pik |
Brachionus plicatilis group * | Kar, Kor, Mpo, Pik, Smo, Thi |
Brachionus quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 | Ali, CCh, Ism, Kas, Kor, LAU, MgP, Pik, Sty, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Brachionus rubens Ehrenberg, 1838 | Chi, Kor |
Brachionus sessilis Varga, 1951 | Doi, Par |
Brachionus urceolaris Müller, 1773 | Ali, CCh, Chi, Ism, Kar, Kas, Kor, LAU, MkP, Zaz |
Brachionus variabilis Hempel, 1896 | Kar, Kor, Oze, Par, Veg |
Cephalodella catellina (Muller, 1786) | Ali, Kor, Pik |
Cephalodella exigua (Gosse, 1886) | Kou |
Cephalodella forficula (Ehrenberg, 1838) | Vol |
Cephalodella gibba (Ehrenberg, 1830) | Ali, CCh, Kar, Kas, Kor, Kou, LAU, Lad, MgP, MkP, Vou |
Cephalodella hiulca Myers, 1924 | Kor |
Cephalodella licina Wulfert, 1961 | KNe, LAU |
Cephalodella misgurnus Wulfert, 1937 | Pik |
Cephalodella stenroosi Wulfert, 1937 | KNe |
Cephalodella xenica Myers, 1924 | Vou |
Collotheca libera (Zacharias, 1894) | Vol |
Collotheca mutabilis (Hudson, 1885) | Vol |
Colurella adriatica Ehrenberg, 1831 | Ali, Kor, Kou, Vol, Zaz |
Colurella anodonta Carlin, 1939 | LAU |
Colurella colurus (Ehrenberg, 1830) | Ali |
Colurella obtusa (Gosse, 1886) | Kou, Sty, Vol |
Colurella salina Althaus, 1957 | Vou |
Colurella uncinata (Müller, 1773) | Ali, Kas, KNe, Kou, LAU, Zaz |
Conochilus dossuarius Hudson, 1885 | Kas, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Conochilus hippocrepis (Schrank, 1803) | CCh, MkP |
Conochilus unicornis Rousselet, 1892 | Amv, Chi, Lys, Oze, Str, Tri, Zaz |
Dicranophorus hercules Wiszniewski, 1932 | Lad |
Dicranophorus forcipatus (Müller, 1786) | Sty |
Dicranophorus grandis (Ehrenberg, 1832) | Kas, LAU |
Dicranophorus luetkeni (Bergendal, 1892) | Ali |
Encentrum putorius Wulfert, 1936 | Ali |
Encentrum uncinatum (Milne, 1886) | Ali |
Eosphora anthadis Harring & Myers, 1922 | CCh |
Eosphora ehrenbergi Weber, 1918 | Kas, Kor, Pik |
Eothinia elongata (Ehrenberg, 1832) | Kou, Vou |
Epiphanes brachionus (Ehrenberg, 1837) | MgP |
Epiphanes macroura (Barrois & Daday, 1894) | Chi, Kor, Lys, Vou, Zaz |
Epiphanes senta (Müller, 1773) | Tav |
Euchlanis deflexa Gosse, 1851 | Ali |
Euchlanis dilatata Ehrenberg, 1830 | Ali, Chi, Ism, Kas, Kor, Lad, MkP, Pam, Par, Pet, Tav, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Euchlanis lyra Hudson, 1886 | Ali |
Euchlanis parva Rousselet, 1892 | Kou |
Filinia cornuta (Weisse, 1848) | Ism |
Filinia longiseta (Ehrenberg, 1834) | Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Kar, Kas, Ker, Kor, Lad, LAU, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Pin, Smo, Str, Tav, Tri, Veg, Vis, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Filinia opoliensis (Zacharias, 1898) | Lys, Oze, Tri |
Filinia terminalis (Plate, 1886) | Amv, Ism, Lys, Pam, Smo, Tri, Veg, Vou |
Gastropus hyptopus (Ehrenberg, 1838) | MkP, Thi |
Gastropus stylifer Imhof, 1891 | DFe, Kas, Kre, Lad, MgP, MkP, Pin, Str, Sty, Thi, Tri, Vol |
Hexarthra bulgarica (Wiszniewski, 1933) | Kas, Kor |
Hexarthra intermedia (Wiszniewski, 1929) | Oze, Tri |
Hexarthra mira (Hudson, 1871) | Amv, Chi, Doi, Kas, Kor, Lys, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Str, Tri, Veg, Vis, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Hexarthra oxyure (Zernov, 1903) | Kou, Vou |
Hexarthra polyodonta (Hauer, 1957) | Kor |
Kellicottia longispina (Kellicott, 1879) | Ali, Amv, Kas, Ker, LAU, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Smo, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Keratella cochlearis (Gosse, 1851) | Ali, Amv, CCh, Chi, DFe, Doi, Ism, Kar, Kas, Ker, KNe, Kor, Kre, Lad, LAU, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Pik, Smo, Str, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Keratella quadrata (Müller, 1786) | Ali, Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Ism, Kar, Kas, Ker, KNe, Kor, Kou, LAU, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Pik, Smo, Sty, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vis, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Keratella tecta (Gosse, 1851) | Ali, Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Ism, Kar, Kas, Ker, KNe, Kor, Lad, LAU, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Smo, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Keratella tropica (Apstein, 1907) | Amv, Doi, Kar, Kas, Kor, Kre, Lys, Oze, Pam, Par, Tri, Veg, Vis, Vou, Yli |
Lecane arcula Harring, 1914 | Kas, KNe, LAU |
Lecane bifurca (Bryce, 1892) | LAU |
Lecane bulla (Gosse, 1851) | Ali, Amv, CCh, Kas, KNe, Kor, Kre, LAU, MgP, MkP, Oze, Par, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Lecane cf. nana (Murray, 1913) | LAU |
Lecane closterocerca (Schmarda, 1859) | Ali, Chi, Ism, Kar, Kas, KNe, Kor, LAU, Veg, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Lecane curvicornis (Murray, 1913) | Kas |
Lecane elsa Hauer, 1931 | CCh, KNe, Lys, MgP, MkP, Vol |
Lecane flexilis (Gosse, 1886) | Kas, LAU, Pet |
Lecane furcata (Murray, 1913) | CCh, Kas, KNe, Kor, MkP, Vou |
Lecane hamata (Stokes, 1896) | Kas, KNe, Kor, LAU, Vou |
Lecane inopinata Harring & Myers, 1926 | Vou |
Lecane lamellata (Daday, 1893) | Kor |
Lecane ludwigii (Eckstein, 1883) | Kas |
Lecane luna (Müller, 1776) | Ali, Amv, CCh, Kas, KNe, Kor, Kou, LAU, Lys, MkP, Oze, Sty, Veg, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Lecane lunaris (Ehrenberg, 1832) | Ali, CCh, Chi, Kas, KNe, Kor, MgP, MkP, Sty, Veg, Zaz |
Lecane mira (Murray, 1913) | MkP |
Lecane niothis Harring & Myers, 1926 | LAU |
Lecane quadridentata (Ehrenberg, 1830) | Ali, CCh, Ism, Kas, KNe, Kor, MgP, Str, Tri |
Lecane spinulifera Edmondson, 1935 | MkP |
Lecane stenroosi (Meissner, 1908) | LAU |
Lecane stichaea group | KNe, LAU |
Lecane subtilis Harring & Myers, 1926 | Kar, LAU |
Lecane subulata (Harring & Myers, 1926) | Kou |
Lecane ungulata (Gosse, 1887) | Oze |
Lepadella acuminata (Ehrenberg, 1834) | Kas, KNe, Kre, LAU, Sty |
Lepadella ehrenbergii (Perty, 1850) | CCh, MkP, Vou |
Lepadella glossa Wulfert, 1960 | CCh |
Lepadella ovalis (Müller, 1786) | Ali, KNe, MkP |
Lepadella patella (Müller, 1773) | CCh, Kar, Kas, KNe, Kor, Kou, LAU, MgP, MkP, Pik |
Lindia torulosa Dujardin, 1841 | Ali |
Lophocharis salpina (Ehrenberg, 1834) | Kor, LAU |
Macrochaetus altamirai (Arévalo, 1918) | CCh |
Macrochaetus collinsii (Gosse, 1867) | Kou |
Monommata actices Myers, 1930 | CCh, MkP |
Mytilina bisulcata (Lucks, 1912) | Ali, KNe, LAU |
Mytilina mucronata (Müller, 1773) | Ali, Zaz |
Mytilina ventralis (Ehrenberg, 1830) | Kas, Kor, Thi |
Notholca acuminata (Ehrenberg, 1832) | Ali, Chi, Doi |
Notholca foliacea (Ehrenberg, 1838) | Ali |
Notholca salina Focke, 1961 | Kor, Kou, Pik |
Notholca squamula (Müller, 1786) | Ali, Kas, Lad, MgP, MkP, Par, Pet, Veg, Vol |
Notholca striata (Müller, 1786) | Doi, Ism, Kar |
Notommata pseudocerberus Beauchamp, 1908 | Ali |
Plationus patulus (Müller, 1786) | Amv, Kas, Vou |
Platyias quadricornis (Ehrenberg, 1832) | Ali, Kas, MkP, Oze, Pam, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Pleurotrocha petromyzon Ehrenberg, 1830 | Ali |
Ploesoma hudsoni (Imhof, 1891) | Ali, Kre, Oze, Str |
Ploesoma truncatum (Levander, 1894) | Amv, Kas, Kre, Lys, MgP, Oze, Pet, Str, Tri |
Polyarthra dolichoptera Idelson, 1925 | Ali, Chi, Doi, Kar, LAU, Lys, Oze, Pam, Tav, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Polyarthra euryptera Wierzejski, 1891 | Doi, Kas, Kor, Par, Pet, Veg, Vol |
Polyarthra luminosa Kutikova,1962 | Amv, Kas, Kre, Par, Tri, Veg |
Polyarthra major Burckhardt, 1900 | Ali, Amv, Kas, Ker, Kor, Kou, Pet, Pin, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Polyarthra minor Voigt, 1904 | Doi, Kas, MkP, Vol, Vou |
Polyarthra remata Skorikov, 1896 | Amv, Kor, LAU, Smo, Sty, Tri, Vol, Vou |
Polyarthra vulgaris Carlin, 1943 | Ali, Amv, CCh, Doi, Kas, Kre, Kor, Kou, Lad, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Str, Tav, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Pompholyx complanata Gosse, 1851 | Amv, Kas, Kor, Par, Pet, Smo, Veg, Vol |
Pompholyx sulcata Hudson, 1885 | Doi, CCh, Kar, Kas, Kor, LAU, MgP, MkP, Par, Pet, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Yli, Zaz |
Proales theodora (Gosse, 1887) | Ali |
Proalides subtilis Rodewald, 1940 | Ism, Kar, LAU, Vou, Zaz |
Proalides tentaculatus Beauchamp, 1907 | Kor |
Resticula melandoca (Gosse, 1887) | Vou |
Scaridium longicauda (Müller, 1786) | Ali, CCh, Kas, Lad, MkP |
Squatinella lamellaris (Müller, 1786) | CCh, Kas, Kne, LAU, MgP, MkP |
Squatinella rostrum (Schmarda, 1846) | Zaz |
Synchaeta kitina Rousselet, 1902 | Vou |
Synchaeta littoralis Rousselet, 1902 | Ali |
Synchaeta monopus Plate, 1889 | LAU |
Synchaeta oblonga Ehrenberg, 1832 | Ali, LAU, Vol, Vou |
Synchaeta pectinata Ehrenberg, 1832 | Ali, Amv, Doi, Kas, MkP, Pet, Pin, Tav, Vol, Yli |
Synchaeta stylata Wierzejski, 1893 | CCh, Kas, Lad, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Thi, Tri, Veg |
Synchaeta tremula (Muller,1786) | LAU |
Testudinella aspis Carlin, 1939 | Kas |
Testudinella patina (Hermann, 1783) | Ali, Kas, Kor, Oze |
Testudinella truncata (Gosse, 1886) | Kou, Lad, Sty |
Trichocerca bicristata (Gosse, 1887) | LAU, Sty |
Trichocerca capucina (Wierzejski & Zacharias, 1893) | Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Kas, Ker, Kor, Kre, LAU, MgP, MkP, Pam, Par, Pet, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Yli, Zaz |
Trichocerca cylindrica (Imhof, 1891) | CCh, Chi, Kas, Ker, Kor, LAU, MgP, MkP, Pam, Pet, Smo, Thi, Zaz |
Trichocerca dixonnuttalli (Jennings, 1903) | Pam, Vou |
Trichocerca elongata (Gosse, 1886) | Ali, Kas, KNe, MkP |
Trichocerca longiseta (Schrank, 1802) | Ali |
Trichocerca porcellus (Gosse, 1851) | Kou, Thi |
Trichocerca pusilla (Jennings, 1903) | Ali, CCh, Chi, Doi, Kas, KNe, Kor, LAU, MgP, MkP, Par, Pet, Veg, Vol, Vou |
Trichocerca rattus (Müller, 1776) | Ali, Kas, Lad, MkP, Tri, Veg |
Trichocerca ruttneri Donner, 1953 | Lys, Oze |
Trichocerca similis (Wierzejski, 1893) | Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Kar, Kas, Kor, Kre, Lys, MgP, MkP, Oze, Pam, Smo, Str, Tav, Thi, Tri, Veg, Vol, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Trichocerca stylata (Gosse, 1851) | Kas, Kor, MgP, MkP, Pam, Par, Pet, Vol, Vou |
Trichocerca tenuior (Gosse, 1886) | Lad |
Trichocerca tigris (Müller, 1786) | Kas, Lad |
Trichocerca weberi (Jennings, 1903) | Kas, MkP, Pet, Veg |
Trichotria pocillum (Müller, 1776) | CCh, Kas, Lad, Sty, Vou |
Trichotria tetractis (Ehrenberg, 1830) | Ali, KNe, Lad, LAU, Vou |
Tripleuchlanis plicata (Levander, 1894) | Kor |
Superorder | Order | Family | Genus | No Species |
Gnesiotrocha | Collothecacea | Collothecidae | Collotheca | 2 |
Flosculariacea | Conochilidae | Conochilus | 3 | |
Hexarthridae | Hexarthra | 5 | ||
Testudinellidae | Pompholyx | 2 | ||
Testudinella | 3 | |||
Trochosphaeridae | Filinia | 4 | ||
Pseudotrocha | Ploima | Asplanchnidae | Asplanchna | 4 |
Brachionidae | Anuraeopsis | 1 | ||
Brachionus | 20 | |||
Kellicottia | 1 | |||
Keratella | 4 | |||
Notholca | 5 | |||
Plationus | 1 | |||
Platyias | 1 | |||
Dicranophoridae | Dicranophorus | 4 | ||
Encentrum | 2 | |||
Epiphanidae | Epiphanes | 3 | ||
Euchlanidae | Euchlanis | 4 | ||
Tripleuchlanis | 1 | |||
Gastropodidae | Ascomorpha | 3 | ||
Gastropus | 2 | |||
Lecanidae | Lecane | 24 | ||
Lepadellidae | Squatinella | 2 | ||
Colurella | 6 | |||
Lepadella | 5 | |||
Lindidae | Lindia | 1 | ||
Mytilinidae | Lophocharis | 1 | ||
Mytilina | 3 | |||
Notommatidae | Cephalodella | 9 | ||
Eosphora | 2 | |||
Eothinia | 1 | |||
Monommata | 1 | |||
Notommata | 1 | |||
Pleurotrocha | 1 | |||
Resticula | 1 | |||
Proalidae | Proales | 1 | ||
Proalides | 2 | |||
Scaridiidae | Scaridium | 1 | ||
Synchaetidae | Ploesoma | 2 | ||
Polyarthra | 7 | |||
Synchaeta | 7 | |||
Trichocercidae | Trichocerca | 15 | ||
Trichotriidae | Macrochaetus | 2 | ||
Trichotria | 2 |
Taxa | Where |
Cephalodella spp. | Ali, Kas, KNe, LAU, Zaz |
Collotheca spp. | Amv, CCh, Chi, Doi, Kas, Kre, Kor, Kou, Lad, LAU, MgP, MkP, Pam, Par, Pin, Smo, Thi, Tri, Vol, Vou, Zaz |
Colurella sp. | Mpo |
Conochilus sp. | DFe, Lad, Lys, Oze, Smo, Thi, Veg |
Epiphanes sp. | Ali, Mpo |
Euchlanis sp. | CCh, MgP, MkP, Oze, Sty, Veg, Zaz |
Hexarthra sp. | Ism, Mpo, Smo |
Lecane sp. | Kas, MkP, LAU |
Lepadella sp. | Chi, Ism, Kas, KNe, MkP, Pet, Veg |
Lindia sp. | LAU, Mpo |
Monommata sp. | LAU, Smo, Tri |
Notholca sp. | Chi, Kar, Pam |
Pleurotrocha sp. | Ali |
Polyarthra spp. | Chi, Doi, Ism, Kas, MgP, MkP, Par, Pet, Smo, Tav, Thi, Veg, Yli, Zaz |
Proalides sp. | Chi, Kne |
Ptygura sp. | Ali, Kas, KNe, LAU, Pik |
Sinantherina sp. | Ali |
Synchaeta spp. | Chi, Ism, Kas, Kor, Lad, MgP, Oze, Pam, Par, Pet, Pin, Smo, Str, Tav, Thi, Vou, Yli, Zaz |
Testudinella sp. | Mpo |
Trichocerca spp. | Ism, Pet, Pin, Smo, Vol, Vou |
Trichotria sp. | MkP, Yli |
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Stamou, G.; Savva, A.; Demertzioglou, M.; Michaloudi, E. Diversity of Rotifera (Subclass: Monogononta) from Inland Water Bodies in Greece: An Updated Checklist. Diversity 2022, 14, 451. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14060451
Stamou G, Savva A, Demertzioglou M, Michaloudi E. Diversity of Rotifera (Subclass: Monogononta) from Inland Water Bodies in Greece: An Updated Checklist. Diversity. 2022; 14(6):451. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14060451
Chicago/Turabian StyleStamou, Georgia, Agni Savva, Maria Demertzioglou, and Evangelia Michaloudi. 2022. "Diversity of Rotifera (Subclass: Monogononta) from Inland Water Bodies in Greece: An Updated Checklist" Diversity 14, no. 6: 451. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14060451
APA StyleStamou, G., Savva, A., Demertzioglou, M., & Michaloudi, E. (2022). Diversity of Rotifera (Subclass: Monogononta) from Inland Water Bodies in Greece: An Updated Checklist. Diversity, 14(6), 451. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14060451