A Survey of Context-Aware Access Control Mechanisms for Cloud and Fog Networks: Taxonomy and Open Research Issues
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Background
1.2. The Contributions
- We discuss the research challenges with a literature review whose main purpose is to identify the relevant contextual conditions for context-sensitive access to data resources in the cloud and fog networks.
- These dynamically changing conditions are further analyzed to propose a new generation of Fog-Based Context-Aware Access Control (FB-CAAC) model, combining the benefits of the cloud, IoT and context-aware computing along with traditional data integration solutions. Towards this end, we demonstrate different taxonomies and an empirical analysis of existing context-aware access control mechanisms.
- We highlight possible directions for future work that have not been well covered in current state-of-the-art context-aware access control research.
1.3. The Motivation and Scope of the Survey
1.4. The Outline
2. The Traditional Access Control
2.1. Discretionary Access Control
- Access Control List: An access control list contains entries for the subjects, which describe the operations that the subjects can execute on the given objects. For example, a file has an access control list that contains (Mary, read), which gives Mary permission to read the file.
- DAC Policy: In the DAC-based policy, the object owners specify who can access what objects through access control policies.
2.2. Mandatory Access Control
- Security Label: The security label can be seen as an access control mechanism that usually controls access to the objects and the users cannot alter the access permissions.
- MAC Policy: The MAC policy is the type of non-discretionary or mandatory security policy, where the individual owners do not have any choice to specify who can access what objects through access control policies.
2.3. Role-Based Access Control
- User: In the RBAC model, subjects are typically represented by users, who are the human beings.
- Role: Users are assigned to roles based on their credentials or job functions in the organizations along with different sessions.
- Permission: Permissions (i.e., resource access permissions) are assigned to roles based on the authorities and responsibilities conferred on the users assigned to these roles.
- User-Role Assignment Policy: The user and role-specific attributes are used to specify user-role assignment policies. Users can create active sessions to activate roles and users’ assignment in roles can be revoked after the associated sessions.
- Role-Permission Assignment Policy: The role and permission-specific attributes are used to specify role-permission assignment policies. Users acquire resource access permissions by being members of roles.
2.4. Attribute-Based Access Control
- Subject-Specific Attribute: Subject-specific attributes describe the users who attempt to access, such as the age, role, and job title.
- Object-Specific Attribute: Object-specific attributes describe the data or resources being access by the users, such as the granularity or type (the daily medical records, the medical history), the sensitivity (the critical or emergency medical record, the private medical records), the location.
- Action: Action-specific attributes describe the action (on resources) being attempted, such as read, write, update, delete.
- Attribute-Based Policy: In ABAC, the access control policies are used to limiting access to certain resources, based on the attributes, e.g., “user.age = 30”.
2.5. Discussion
3. The Context-Aware Access Control
3.1. Context Information in Pervasive Computing Domain
3.2. Context Information in Access Control Domain
3.3. Context-Aware Access Control
- User-Centric Context: User-centric contexts are the information about representing users. A user can be the resource requester, the resource owner or any other environmental person.
- Resource-Centric Contex: Resource-centric contexts are the information about representing data or information resources.
- Environment-Centric Context: Environment-centric contexts are the information about representing the surrounding environment between user and resource, such as the location from where the access request has been originated.
- User: Users are human-beings interacting with a computing system, whose access requests are being controlled.
- Role: Roles reflect users’ job functions within the organizations (e.g., in the healthcare domain).
- Permission: Permissions are the approvals to perform certain operations on resources, by the users who initiate access requests. The resources are the objects protected by access control that represent the data/information container (e.g., the patients’ medical records). The operations are the actions that can be executed on the resources, for instance, read operation of the patients’ medical records.
- Context: Contexts characterize the situation of entities, such as the users, resources or their environments, e.g., the physical location and the interpersonal relationship between user and resource owner. The expressions are used to express the dynamic contextual conditions (using relevant context and situation information) in order to specify the user-role and role-permission assignment policies.
- Context-aware user-role assignment policy: Context-aware user-role assignment policies are the many-to-many mapping between a set of users and roles, when a set of dynamic contextual conditions are satisfied.
- Context-aware role-permission assignment policy: Context-aware role-permission assignment policies are the many-to-many mapping between a set of roles and permissions when a set of dynamic contextual conditions are sanitised.
3.4. Discussion
4. The Context-Aware Access Control Approaches and Frameworks for Centralized Networks
4.1. The RBAC Approaches with Spatial and Temporal Contexts
4.2. The RBAC Approaches with User, Resource, and Environment-Centric Contexts
4.3. The RBAC Approaches with Relationship Contexts
4.4. The RBAC Approaches with Situational Contexts
4.5. The RBAC Approaches with Fuzzy Contexts
4.6. Discussion on Access Control Mechanisms for Centralized Networks
- John, who is a paramedic, can provide emergency treatments to save a patient’s life from a critical accident situation, by accessing the patient’s medical records, previous historical data and private health records. However, he needs to satisfy the associated contextual conditions (e.g., ‘co-located’ with the patient at the scene of an accident when the patient’s health situation is ‘critical’).
- A patient’s current health condition is derived as “98% critical”, i.e., criticality level is “very high”, from the low-level contextual facts such as heartbeat and body temperature. Due to the dynamic nature of computing technologies, there is still a growing need to exploit further contextual conditions derived from information provided through IoTs and relevant environments, in order to control context-sensitive access to data and information resources at different granularity levels.
- A hospital doctor is allowed to activate an “emergency doctor” role at the emergency department of the hospital when the patient’s health condition is “highly critical”.
5. The Access Control Approaches and Frameworks for Decentralized Cloud and Fog Networks
5.1. The CAAC Approaches for Accessing Data from Edge, IoT and Cloud Networks
5.2. The Privacy-Preserving Protocols and Mechanisms for Distributed Cloud Databases
5.3. The Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Cloud Service Providers
5.4. The Policy-Aware Deployment and Management of Cloud Applications
5.5. Discussion on Access Control Mechanisms for Decentralized Networks
6. Towards a New Generation of CAAC Framework: Gains and Open Issues
6.1. Future Research Directions and Real-World Case Studies
- Access management against identity thefts.
- Safeguarding health records against data breaches.
- Protecting banking customers against data breaches.
- Security and privacy of the internet of things.
6.1.1. Access Management against Identity Theft
- Users who did not understand the consequences of such risks.
- Users who knew exactly as well as the consequences.
6.1.2. Safeguarding Health Records against Data Breaches
6.1.3. Protecting Banking Customers against Data Breaches
- Attack attribution.
- Attack forensics.
- Banking malware and fraud detection.
- False positive reduction for incident response.
- Threat intelligence and credential recovery in the dark web.
- Insider threat detection and behavioural analysis.
6.1.4. Security and Privacy of the Internet of Things
- Deducing the daily living activities of elderly people.
- Health data access from IoTs and treatment progress monitoring.
6.2. An Emerging CAAC Mechanism
6.2.1. IoT Device Layer
6.2.2. Fog Layer
6.2.3. Cloud Layer
6.2.4. Cloud-Fog Interplay
6.2.5. An Access Request Using FB-CAAC in the IoT Scenario
6.2.6. Discussion and General Requirements
7. Conclusions
- Different taxonomies of contextual conditions and authorization models.
- An empirical analysis of the existing access control mechanisms.
- Opportunities, challenges and new directions of future research for cloud and fog networks.
- A future trend of emerging fog-based context-aware access control model.
Conflicts of Interest
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Scope | Description |
S1 | We first cover the background of the traditional access control and context-aware access control literature. |
S2 | We then present different taxonomies of contextual conditions and authorization models according to the access control-specific contextual entities. |
S3 | We cover the existing context-sensitive access control approaches, including the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) mechanisms and Context-Aware Access Control (CAAC) approaches for IoT sensor networks, privacy-preserving techniques and applications for distributed cloud databases and the policy-aware deployment and management of cloud applications. |
S4 | We divide the context-aware access control literature into main two categories: the access control mechanisms for centralized networks and the access control mechanisms for decentralized cloud and fog networks. |
S5 | We provide a comparative analysis of the existing context-aware access control mechanisms. We highlight the limitations and shortcomings of these mechanisms that motivate us to develop a new CAAC framework for cloud and fog networks. |
S6 | We discuss the directions of future research along with practical case studies, including access management against identify thefts, safeguarding health data against data breaches, protecting banking customers against data breaches, and security and privacy of the internet of things. We also include the research challenges and opportunities in these directions. |
S7 | In addition, we propose a new generation of fog-based CAAC model for today’s cloud and fog networks, including a layer-based framework. |
S8 | From our analysis of the state-of-the-art access control literature and open research issues, finally we identify the general requirements of an emerging fog-based CAAC mechanism. |
Research | Context Definition | Entity |
Dey et al. [60] | The context information can be seen as any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity (an entity is a person, a place or an object). | Person, Place and Object |
Kayes et al. [62] | The context information can be seen as any information that can be used to characterize the state of the relevant access control-specific entities and the state of the relevant relationships between different entities (an access control-specific entity is a user, a resource or an environment). | User, Resource and Environment |
Research | Context Definition |
Dey et al. [60] | General Context Definition in Pervasive Domain: Focusing the pervasive computing domain, the general context information can be categorized into three types: person, place and object-specific. |
Kayes et al. [62] | General Context Definition in CAAC Domain: Focusing the access control domain, the context information can be categorized into three types: user, resource and environment-specific. Based on the access control literature, the context information also can be categorized into two types: basic context and derived context. |
Kayes et al. [19] | Basic Context Definition in CAAC Domain: The basic context can be captured or sensed directly from the raw contextual facts, such as the location context can be captured from the raw location coordinates. |
Kayes et al. [6] | Derived Context Definition in CAAC domain: The derived context can be inferred from the basic context information, such as derived or inferred contexts can be relationship-based, situational and fuzzy context. |
Kayes et al. [20] | Relationship Context Definition in CAAC domain: The relationship context can be categorized as social or interpersonal relationship and location-specific or co-located relationship. The interpersonal relationship context can be inferred from the users’ profile context and the colocated relationship context can be derived from the users’ location context. |
Kayes et al. [10] | Situational Context Definition in CAAC domain: A situational context is defined as the states of the access control-specific entities and the states of the relationships between such entities at a particular time that are relevant to a certain goal or purpose of a resource access request. The situation value can be obtained based on the access request (i.e., from the sensed contexts, and/or inferred contexts). |
Kayes et al. [63] | Fuzzy Context Definition in CAAC domain: The fuzzy context information cannot be obtained directly from the raw contextual facts, which are the crisp sets, where the value can be ranged either 0 or 1. Such information can be obtained based on the degree of membership function, where the value can be ranged from 0 to 1, or based on another type of measure like low, medium or high. A patient’s health status is “70% critical with a critically level of 0.7 or high”, which is a fuzzy context. |
Research | Contribution Areas |
[15,16,17,67,68,69] | The RBAC Approaches with Spatial and Temporal Contexts |
[6,19,25,62,71,72,73] | The RBAC Approaches with User, Resource, and Environment-Centric Contexts |
[20,74,75] | The RBAC Approaches with Relationship Contexts |
[8,10,21,64,76,77,78,79,80,81] | The RBAC Approaches with Situational Contexts |
[7,63,82,83,84,85,86] | The RBAC Approaches with Fuzzy Contexts |
Research | Contribution Areas |
[22,23,91,95,96,97,98] | The CAAC Approaches for Accessing Data from Edge, IoT and Cloud Networks |
[99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109] | The Privacy-Preserving Protocols and Mechanisms for Distributed Cloud Databases |
[110,111,112,113,114,115] | The Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Cloud Service Providers |
[116,117,118,119,121,122,123] | The Policy-Aware Deployment and Management of Cloud Applications |
Requirement | Description |
R1 | How to capture and derive the relevant contextual conditions from the IoT, fog and cloud environments? Thus, there is a need for a generic context model to capture and represent relevant contextual conditions using information provided through IoT devices and the associated fog and cloud environments. |
R2 | How to effectively specify the context-aware access control policies to manage and control data from distributed cloud sources by means of reducing computational overheads? Towards this goal, we can model a single set of access control policies instead of multiple sets of policies for different data sources. |
R3 | In order to reduce the overheads, how to build a global data model to map the identical attributes (e.g., the contextual conditions) from the relevant data sources and apply the same set of policy in the intermediary fog layer for accessing data from multiple sources? |
R4 | Focusing on the privacy requirements of the multiple stakeholders, how the end-users can prevent unauthorized entities and can ensure the privileges to access only certain information except sensitive and personally identifiable information? |
R5 | In order to limit the permissions to data from multiple cloud centres and achieve trust among all peers (e.g., users and other stakeholders), how to build an appropriate data sharing mechanism for all the entities involved, like IoT devices, fog servers and cloud data centres. |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Kayes, A.S.M.; Kalaria, R.; Sarker, I.H.; Islam, M.S.; Watters, P.A.; Ng, A.; Hammoudeh, M.; Badsha, S.; Kumara, I. A Survey of Context-Aware Access Control Mechanisms for Cloud and Fog Networks: Taxonomy and Open Research Issues. Sensors 2020, 20, 2464. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20092464
Kayes ASM, Kalaria R, Sarker IH, Islam MS, Watters PA, Ng A, Hammoudeh M, Badsha S, Kumara I. A Survey of Context-Aware Access Control Mechanisms for Cloud and Fog Networks: Taxonomy and Open Research Issues. Sensors. 2020; 20(9):2464. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20092464
Chicago/Turabian StyleKayes, A. S. M., Rudri Kalaria, Iqbal H. Sarker, Md. Saiful Islam, Paul A. Watters, Alex Ng, Mohammad Hammoudeh, Shahriar Badsha, and Indika Kumara. 2020. "A Survey of Context-Aware Access Control Mechanisms for Cloud and Fog Networks: Taxonomy and Open Research Issues" Sensors 20, no. 9: 2464. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20092464
APA StyleKayes, A. S. M., Kalaria, R., Sarker, I. H., Islam, M. S., Watters, P. A., Ng, A., Hammoudeh, M., Badsha, S., & Kumara, I. (2020). A Survey of Context-Aware Access Control Mechanisms for Cloud and Fog Networks: Taxonomy and Open Research Issues. Sensors, 20(9), 2464. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20092464