Online Trajectory Estimation Based on a Network-Wide Cellular Fingerprint Map
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- Distinct from current fingerprinting technologies that are hardware-dependent, NF-Track is supported by a data-driven fingerprint map, which not only improves the efficiency of signal collection but also benefits online cellular location sequence map-matching.
- (2)
- On the basis of such fingerprint map, the proposed trajectory estimation algorithm is independent of either hardware-relevant information in conventional fingerprinting approaches or heuristic hypotheses that are widely leveraged by unsupervised methods. Therefore, NF-Track is suitable for being deployed over cloud computing backends where only cellular localization is available.
- (3)
- We conduct our experiments on a real-world urban dataset. The results demonstrated the significant advantages of our real-time trajectory estimation approach contrasted with the current state-of-the-art online map-matching algorithm, especially for the estimation of irregular trajectories that are more twisted than the regular trajectories that prefer the shortest and straightest paths.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Location Fingerprinting-Based Positioning
2.2. Online Trajectory Estimation
2.3. Cellular Signaling Sequence Map-Matching
3. Preliminary
3.1. Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
3.2. Notation
3.3. Problem Formulation
4. Methodology
4.1. Offline Stage
4.1.1. Fingerprint Feature Extraction
4.1.2. Network-Wide Fingerprint Map Construction and Its Properties
4.2. Online Stage
4.2.1. Step 1: Anchor Clustering
Algorithm 1. Anchor point location capture and its timestamp inference. |
Implement DBSCAN algorithm: ; Group the clusters as a set , and the noise points as a set ; Initiate a null set for ; FOR each IN : Take the number of base stations in ; , which is the average longitude of base stations in ; ; likewise, ; Take ; ; FOR each IN : , which is the longitude of the unique base station corresponding to ; |
4.2.2. Step 2: Anchor Map Matching
Algorithm 2. The construction of . |
Input: |
FOR each IN : IF is in : Take the index of in ; Take the index of in ; ; ELSE: . ; . |
4.2.3. Step 3: Trajectory Reconstruction
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Fingerprint Map Robustness Evaluation
5.1.1. Part1: SBSS Evaluation
5.1.2. Part2: SBSs’ Impacting Weights Evaluation
5.2. Model Performance
5.2.1. Metrics
5.2.2. Parametric Studies
- (1)
- The -value of segment fingerprinting
- (2)
- The -value of anchor clustering
- (3)
- The searching radius of anchor map matching
5.2.3. Overall System Performance
5.3. Algorithm Evaluation
5.4. Further Investigation
5.4.1. External Influences
5.4.2. Computing Latency
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Device ID | Timestamp | Base Station ID | GPS Longitude | GPS Latitude |
199**19 | 2020-10-10 09:06:48 | 688**3 | 22.620568 | 114.055819 |
199**19 | 2020-10-10 09:06:49 | 688**3 | 22.620752 | 114.055815 |
199**19 | 2020-10-10 09:06:50 | 181**8 | 22.620910 | 114.055811 |
Cellular signaling sequence | True timestamp of | ||
Basic road segment for fingerprinting | Inferred timestamp of | ||
Base station | The former one of two successive anchor points | ||
Stable impacting base station | The latter one of two successive anchor points | ||
Stable impacting base station set | Inferred timestamp of | ||
SBSS of | True timestamp of | ||
Cumulative moving distance | Inferred timestamp of | ||
Average CMD obtained from several cellular sequences | True timestamp of | ||
Impacting intensity of an SBS | Cellular signaling fragment between | ||
Fingerprint of | Cellular signaling fragment between | ||
Path that consists of a segment series | Base station set of | ||
Integrated SBSS of | Estimated CMD proportion of | ||
Integrated fingerprint of | Base station set of | ||
Anchor point | Estimated CMD proportion of |
Influencing Factors | Recall | Precision | |
Time period | Rush | 92.26% | 88.38% |
Non-Rush | 91.43% | 91.20% | |
Weather condition | Sunny | 92.29% | 90.59% |
Cloudy | 91.19% | 90.15% | |
Rainy | 91.99% | 90.48% |
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Chen, L.; Lu, Y.; He, Z.; Chen, Y. Online Trajectory Estimation Based on a Network-Wide Cellular Fingerprint Map. Sensors 2022, 22, 1605.
Chen L, Lu Y, He Z, Chen Y. Online Trajectory Estimation Based on a Network-Wide Cellular Fingerprint Map. Sensors. 2022; 22(4):1605.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Langqiao, Yuhuan Lu, Zhaocheng He, and Yixian Chen. 2022. "Online Trajectory Estimation Based on a Network-Wide Cellular Fingerprint Map" Sensors 22, no. 4: 1605.
APA StyleChen, L., Lu, Y., He, Z., & Chen, Y. (2022). Online Trajectory Estimation Based on a Network-Wide Cellular Fingerprint Map. Sensors, 22(4), 1605.