Closed-Form Capacity Reliability Analysis of Multiuser MIMO System in the Presence of Generalized Multipath Fading
:1. Introduction
- The closed-form expressions were derived for: (a) the single-stream and sum-rate capacity’s moment-generating functions; (b) the zero-forcing multiuser MIMO ergodic capacity; (c) the capacity reliability and the amount of dispersion; (d) the general-order capacity statistics.
- A thorough joint analysis of the system capacity and its reliability from all possible channel parameters for different fading scenarios—heavy fading and light fading—was made.
- A pronounced extremum of the capacity reliability for small-sized MIMO systems with respect to the fading Nakagami-m parameter was discovered, and the opposing behavior (depending on the system size) for hyper-Rayleigh and lighter-than-Rayleigh fading conditions was demonstrated.
- The asymptotic parameters’ regions where either the ergodic capacity or capacity reliability are almost insensible to the parameters’ change were identified.
2. General System Description
2.1. System Model
2.2. Channel Model
- The mean power of the received signal , i.e., ;
- The Nakagami fading parameter m, which is the inverse of the amount of fading .
2.3. Signal Processing Model
2.4. Capacity’s Higher-Order Statistics
3. Derived Analytical Results
3.1. Preliminary Results
3.2. Capacity’s Higher-Order Statistics Derivation
3.2.1. Moment-Generating Function Derivation
3.2.2. Ergodic Capacity Derivation
3.2.3. Second-Order Capacity Statistics: The Amount of Dispersion, Capacity Reliability
3.2.4. Further Generalization: nth Order Capacity Statistics
4. Simulation and Results
- The one-step correlation coefficient was chosen in such a way (i.e., not exceeding ) as to comply with the existing results for the bordered correlation matrices (see [55]), where the maximum possible (that yielded physically meaningful results, i.e., positive-definite system correlation matrices) was (see [75]).
- The was chosen in such a way as to cover the case when all the users are active (maximum number of active eigenstreams).
- The mean power of the received signal in the communication channel () was set to unity, since it could be efficiently recalculated into the average signal-to-noise ratio, which was swept by the range of .
- The fading parameter m was upper-bounded by since numerous research works have demonstrated that this value can be assumed as “almost asymptotic”, which leads to the fact that its increase does not induce significant changes in the result.
- The parameter m was set in such a way as to account for hyper-Rayleigh fading (i.e., ), Rayleigh () and lighter-than-Rayleigh fading ().
4.1. Simulation Results for the Ergodic Capacity
4.2. Simulation Results for the Capacity Reliability
- As expected, increased monotonically over the entire interval of .
- The increase of the correlation coefficient decreased .
- The extremum of the capacity reliability was attained at around 20 dB. The specific value of for depended on .
- For dB, monotonically decreased, which negatively affected .
- The overall dependence of from for dB and dB was strictly the opposite. This meant that in the lower-SNR range, the increase of the antenna correlation actually improved the reliability; for the higher SNR, the increase of impaired .
- For a small-dimensional system (e.g., ), for any correlation coefficient, there was a noticeable extremum (maximum) of the capacity reliability. For a high-dimensional MIMO system (e.g., ), was a monotonically increasing function of m.
- The impact of the system correlation on was negligible for .
- For the system size of and the correlation coefficient , the ergodic capacity bits/s/Hz at , and bits/s/Hz at . That is, bits/s/Hz or a loss (due to fading) of the maximum possible capacity. For the system size of and the same correlation coefficient (i.e., ), the ergodic capacity bits/s/Hz at , and bit/s/Hz at , which meany that the loss equaled bits/s/Hz or .
- When considering the system, the maximum ergodic capacity was attained at . The decrease of the one-step correlation coefficient from (maximally correlated system) to 0 (completely uncorrelated) increased the ergodic capacity from bit/s/Hz to bit/s/Hz, which equaled bits/s/Hz or of the maximum capacity. For the MIMO system, functioning under the same conditions, a complete decorrelation increased from bits/s/Hz to bits/s/Hz (i.e., bits/s/Hz or of the maximum capacity).
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Parameter Value |
System size (, ) | |
Decoding algorithm of the received signal | Zero-Forcing |
Number of active users (i.e., active substreams, ) | 2… 8 |
One–step correlation coefficient () | |
Fading parameter (m) | |
Average input signal-to-noise ratio for k substreams (, dB) |
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Gvozdarev, A.S.; Alishchuk, A.M.; Kazakova, M.A. Closed-Form Capacity Reliability Analysis of Multiuser MIMO System in the Presence of Generalized Multipath Fading. Sensors 2023, 23, 2289.
Gvozdarev AS, Alishchuk AM, Kazakova MA. Closed-Form Capacity Reliability Analysis of Multiuser MIMO System in the Presence of Generalized Multipath Fading. Sensors. 2023; 23(4):2289.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGvozdarev, Aleksey S., Aleksandra M. Alishchuk, and Marina A. Kazakova. 2023. "Closed-Form Capacity Reliability Analysis of Multiuser MIMO System in the Presence of Generalized Multipath Fading" Sensors 23, no. 4: 2289.
APA StyleGvozdarev, A. S., Alishchuk, A. M., & Kazakova, M. A. (2023). Closed-Form Capacity Reliability Analysis of Multiuser MIMO System in the Presence of Generalized Multipath Fading. Sensors, 23(4), 2289.