Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Applications: A Survey
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. MDP and Q-Learning
2.2. Multi-Agent Q-Learning
2.3. (Multi-Agent) Deep Q-Learning
2.3.1. Q-Networks
2.3.2. Policy Optimization Techniques
2.3.3. Extensions to Multi-Agent
3. Multi-Robot System Applications of Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
3.1. Coverage and Exploration
3.2. Path Planning and Navigation
3.3. Swarm Behavior Modeling
3.4. Pursuit-Evasion
3.5. Information Collection
3.6. Task Allocation
3.7. Object Transportation
3.8. Collective Construction
4. Challenges and Discussion
- VMAS: Vectorized Multi-Agent Simulator for Collective Robot Learning (VMAS) is an open-source software for multi-robot application benchmarking [258]. Some applications that are part of the software include swarm behaviors, such as flocking and dispersion, as well as object transportation and multi-robot football. Note that it is a 2D physics simulator powered by PyTorch [259].
- MultiRoboLearn: Similar to VMAS, this is an open-source framework for multi-robot deep reinforcement learning applications [260]. The authors aim to unify the simulation and the real-world experiments with multiple robots via this presented software tool, which is accomplished by integrating ROS into the simulator. Mostly multi-robot navigation scenarios were tested. It would be interesting to extend this software to other multi-robot applications, especially where the robots might be static.
- MARLlib: Although not strictly built for robots, Multi-Agent RLlib (MARLlib) [261] is a multi-agent DRL software framework that is built upon Ray [262] and its toolkit RLlib [263]. This is a rich open-source software that follows Open AI Gym standards and provides frameworks for not only cooperative tasks, but for competitive multi-robot applications as well. Currently, ten environments are supported by MARLlib among which the grid world environment might be the most relevant one to the multi-robot researchers. Many baseline algorithms including the ones that are highly popular among roboticists, e.g., DDPG, PPO, and TRPO are available as baselines. The authors also show that this software is much more versatile than some of the existing ones including [264,265].
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Q-Networks | Policy Gradients | ||
DDPG | PPO | Other | |
[23,24,39,40,59,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92] (QMIX), [38] (DDQN), [93] (DDQN), [94] (DDQN), [95] (DQN), [96] (DQN) | [46,47,48,49,50,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106], | [22,52,53,54,55,56,57,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128] | [86,88,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140] (TRPO), [141] (TRPO), [81] (TRPO), [142] (TD3), [143] (SAC), [144] (SAC) |
Refs. | State | Action | Reward |
[59] | Map of the environment and robots’ locations with 4 channels | Discreet | Based on the locations of the robots |
[67] | Robot locations and budgets | Discreet | Based on collected sensor data |
[68] | Position of the leader UAVs, the coverage map, and the connection network | Discreet | Based on the overall coverage and connectivity of the Leader UAVs. |
[69] | Map with obstacles and the coverage area | Discreet | Based on the robot reaching a coverage region within its task area. |
[24] | Map with covered area | Discreet | Based on robot coverage. |
[71] | Map of the environment | Discreet | Based on the robot movements and reaching the target without collisions. |
[70] | Map with robots’ positions | Discreet | Based on the herding pattern. |
[72] | Map with robots’ positions and target locations | Discreet | Distance from the goal and collision status. |
[39] | Map with robots’ positions and target locations | Discreet | Distance from the goal and collision status. |
[40] | Pursuer and evader positions | Discreet | Collision status and time to capture the predator. |
[73] | The map, locations, and orientations of the robots, and the objects the robots are connected to | Discreet | Based on the position of the object and the robots hitting the boundaries. |
[74] | The map, and the locations of the robots | Discreet | Based on distance from the target and collisions. |
[76] | The regions of the robots, positions of the defender and the attacker UAVs and the intruder | Discreet | Based on distance. |
[77] | The distance from the MRS center to the goal, the difference in orientation of the direction of MRS to the goal, and the distance between the robots | Discreet | Based on the distance to the goal, orientation to the goal, proximity of obstacles, and the distance between the robots. |
[78] | Sensor input information that includes distance to other robots and the target landmarks | Discreet | Based on becoming closer to the target landmark. |
[79] | Spatial information on the robots, the object, and the goal | Discreet | Based on the object reaching the goal while avoiding collisions. |
[80] | Robot position and velocity | Discreet | Based on the robots being within sensing range of one another. |
[38] | The positions and speed of the first responders and UAVs | Discreet | Based on the Cramér–Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the whole system. |
[93] | The agents’ positions, types, and remaining jobs | Discreet | Based on minimizing the makespan. |
[83] | The position and direction of the leader and the followers | Discreet | Based on the distance from followers to leaders and collision status. |
[84] | Information on the target, other agents, maps, and collisions | Discreet | Based on finding targets and avoiding obstacles. |
[85] | The robot’s position, position relative to other robots, and angle and direction of the robots | Discreet | Based on covering a location on fire. |
[23] | The positions, velocities, and distances between UAVs | Discreet | Determined by the distance from the target and the evader being reached by the pursuer. |
[87] | Consists of static obstacle locations and the locations of other agents | Discreet | Based on the robots’ movements toward the goal while avoiding collisions. |
[94] | Contains the sensor data for the location of the target relative to the robot and the last action done by the robot | Discreet | Determined by the robot reaching the goal, reducing the number of direction changes, and avoiding collisions. |
[95] | A map that includes the agent’s locations, empty cells, obstacle cells, and the location of the tasks | Discreet | Determined by laying pieces of flooring in the installation area. |
[110] | Map of the environment represented with waypoints, locations of the UAVs, and points of interest | Discreet | Based on the coverage of the team of robots. |
[114] | The positions and tasks of the robots, the state of the robot | Discreet | Based on minimizing the number of timesteps in an episode. |
[96] | Map of the area to be sterilized and the positions of the agents, the cleaning priority, size, and area of the cleaning zone | Discreet | Based on the agents cleaning priority areas for sanitation. |
[86] | Temperature and “fieryness” of a building, location of the robots, water in the tanks, and busy or idle status | Discreet | Based on keeping the fires to a minimum “fieryness” level. |
[53] | Sensory information on obstacles | Discreet | Based on the UAV’s coverage of the area. |
[52] | Robots’ positions and velocities and the machine status | Discreet | Determined by robots completing machine jobs to meet the throughput goal, and their motions while avoiding collisions. |
[107] | Includes the laser readings of the robots, the goal position, and the robot’s velocity | Continuous | Based on the smooth movements of the robots while avoiding collisions. |
[22] | Includes the laser readings of the robots, the goal position, and the robot’s velocity | Continuous | Based on the time to reach the target while avoiding collisions. |
[108] | An environment that includes the coordinates of the manipulator arm gripper | Continuous | Based on reaching the target object. |
[109] | Laser measurements of the robots and their velocities | Continuous | Based on the centroid of the robot team reaching the goal. |
[117] | The state of the robot, other robots, obstacles, and the target position | Continuous | Based on the robots’ relative distance from the target location. |
[97] | Sensed LiDAR data | Continuous | Based on the robot approaching and arriving at the target, avoiding collisions and the formation of the robots. |
[132] | Consists of the goal positions, the robots’ positions, past observations | Continuous | Based on the robot moving towards the goal in the shortest amount of time. |
[133] | Contains laser data, speeds and positions of the robots, and the target position | Continuous | Based on arriving at the target, avoiding collisions, and relative position to other robots. |
[113] | The position information of other robots (three consecutive frames) | Continuous | Based on time for formation, collisions, and the formation progress. |
[115] | The most recent three frames of the map, local goals that include positions and directions | Continuous | Based on minimizing the arrival time of each robot while avoiding collisions. |
[116] | Map of the environment, robot positions and velocities, and laser scans | Continuous | Based on the arrival time of the robot to the destination, avoiding collisions, and smoothness of travel. |
[104] | The coverage score and coverage state for each point of interest and the energy consumption of each UAV | Continuous | Defined by coverage score, connectivity fairness, and energy consumption. |
[134] | Robot’s relative position to the goal and its velocity | Continuous | Based on the robots having collisions. |
[88] | Robot motion parameters, relative distance and orientation to the goal, and their laser scanner data | Discreet/Continuous | Determined by reaching the goal without timing out and avoiding collisions. |
Aerial Robots | Ground Robots | Manipulators |
[23,24,38,46,53,56,57,68,76,83,85,91,104,106,110,120,123,134,135,138,139,141,142,161,167,171,172,186,205,207,218,219,220,230,240,269] | [22,39,49,52,54,55,59,70,71,73,74,75,77,78,79,82,87,90,92,97,107,109,111,112,115,117,120,124,128,130,132,133,137,155,162,183,189,190,194,202,212,251] | [50,93,108,131,143,144] |
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Orr, J.; Dutta, A. Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Applications: A Survey. Sensors 2023, 23, 3625.
Orr J, Dutta A. Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Applications: A Survey. Sensors. 2023; 23(7):3625.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOrr, James, and Ayan Dutta. 2023. "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Applications: A Survey" Sensors 23, no. 7: 3625.
APA StyleOrr, J., & Dutta, A. (2023). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Applications: A Survey. Sensors, 23(7), 3625.