Graph Representation Learning and Its Applications: A Survey
:1. Introduction
- This paper presents a taxonomy of graph embedding models based on various algorithms and strategies.
- We provide readers with an in-depth analysis of an overview of graph embedding models with different types of graphs ranging from static to dynamic and from homogeneous to heterogeneous graphs.
- This paper presents graph transformer models, which have achieved remarkable results in a deeper understanding of graph structures in recent years.
- We cover applications of graph representation learning in various areas, from constructing graphs to applying models in specific tasks.
- We discuss the challenges and future directions of existing graph embedding models in detail.
2. Problem Description
- Directed graph: When for any , then the graph G is called an undirected graph, and G is directed graph otherwise.
- Weighted graph: is a graph in which each edge is assigned a specific weight value. Therefore, the adjacency matrix could be presented as: , where is the weight of the edge .
- Signed graph: When , the graph G is called signature/signed graph. The graph G could have all positive signed edges when for any , and G could have all negative signed edges otherwise.
- Attributed graph: A graph is an attributed graph where V, E is the set of nodes and edges, respectively, and X is the matrix of node attributes with size . Furthermore, we could also have the matrix X as the matrix of edge input attribute with size where m is the number of edges for any .
- Hyper graph: A hyper graph G could be represented as , where V denotes the set of nodes and E denotes a set of hyperedge. Each hyperedge can connect multiple nodes and is assigned a weight . The hypergraph G could be represented by an incidence matrix H size with entries if , and otherwise.
- Heterogeneous graph: A heterogeneous graph is defined as where V, and E are the set of nodes and edges, respectively, is the mapping function: , and the mapping function with , describe the set of node types and edge types, respectively, and + is the sum of the number of node types and edge types.
- Temporal dynamic graph embedding: A temporal dynamic embedding is a projection function , where and describes the collection of graph during time interval .
- Topological dynamic graph embedding: A topological dynamic graph embedding for graph for nodes is a mapping function , where .
3. Graph Representation Learning Models
3.1. Graph Kernels
- Kernels for graphs: Kernels for graphs aim to measure the similarity between graphs. The similarity between the two graphs (isomorphism) could be explained as follows: Given two undirected graphs and , and are isomorphic if they exist a bimodal mapping function such that , a and b are contiguous on if and are contiguous on .
- Kernels on graphs: To embed nodes in graphs, kernel methods refer to finding a function that maps pairs of nodes to latent space using particular similarity measures. Formally, graph kernels could be defined as: Given a graph , a function is a kernel on G if there is a mapping function such that for any node pairs .
- Coverage: The graph kernels are one of the most useful functions to measure the similarity between graph entities by performing several strategies to find a kernel in graphs. This could be seen as a generalization of the traditional statistical methods [116].
- Efficiency: Several kernel tricks have been proposed to reduce the computational cost of kernel methods on graphs [117]. Kernel tricks could reduce the number of spatial dimensions and computational complexity on substructures while still providing efficient kernels.
- Missing entities: Most kernel models could not learn node embeddings for new nodes. In the real world, graphs are dynamic, and their entities could evolve. Therefore, the graph kernels must re-learn graphs every time a new node is added, which is time-consuming and difficult to apply in practice.
- Dealing with weights: Most graph kernel models do not consider the weighted edges, which could lead to structural information loss. This could reduce the possibility of graph representation in the hidden space.
- Computational complexity: Graph kernels are an NP-hard class [109]. Although several kernel-based models aim to reduce the computational time by considering the distribution of substructures, this may increase the complexity and reduce the ability to capture the global structure.
3.2. Matrix Factorization-Based Models
- The Laplacian eigenmaps: To learn representations of a graph , these approaches first represent G as a Laplacian matrix L where and D is the degree matrix [41]. In the matrix L, the positive values depict the degree of nodes, and negative values are the weights of the edges. The matrix L could be decomposed to find the smallest number from eigenvalues which are considered node embeddings. The optimal node embedding , therefore, could be computed using an objective function:
- Node proximity matrix factorization: The objective of these models is to decompose node proximity matrix into small-sized matrices directly. In other words, the proximity of nodes in graphs will be preserved in the latent space. Formally, given a proximity matrix M, the models try to optimize the distance between two pair nodes and , which could be defined as:
Models | Graph Types | Tasks | Loss Function |
SLE [39] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[120] | Attributed graphs | Node classification | |
[7] | Attributed graphs | Community detection | |
LPP [42] | Attributed graphs | Node classification | |
[121] | Attributed graphs | Graph reconstruction | |
[40] | Static graphs | Node clustering | |
GLEE [122] | Attributed graphs | Graph reconstruction, Link prediction | |
LPP [42] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
Grarep [15] | Static graphs | Node classification, Node clustering | |
NECS [123] | Static graphs | Graph reconstruction, Link prediction, Node classification | |
HOPE [5] | Static graphs | Graph reconstruction Link prediction, Node classification | |
[124] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
AROPE [86] | Static graphs | Graph reconstruction, Link prediction, Node classification | |
ProNE [43] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
ATP [6] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
[125] | Static graphs | Graph partition | |
NRL-MF [126] | Static graphs | Node classification |
Models | Graph Types | Tasks | Loss Function |
DBMM [134] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification, Node clustering | |
[135] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction | |
[136] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction | |
LIST [137] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction | |
TADW [131] | Attributed graphs | Node classification | |
PME [138] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
EOE [139] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification | |
[130] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
ASPEM [140] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification, Link prediction | |
MELL [141] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
PLE [142] | Attributed graphs | Node classification |
- Training data requirement: The matrix factorization-based models do not need much data to learn embeddings. Compared to other methods, such as neural network-based models, these models bring advantages in case there is little training data.
- Coverage: Since the graphs are presented as Laplacian matrix L, or transition matrix M, then the models could capture all the proximity of the nodes in the graphs. The connection of all the pairs of nodes is observed at least once time under the matrix that makes the models could be able to handle sparsity graphs.
- Computational complexity: The matrix factorization suffers from time complexity and memory complexity for large graphs with millions of nodes. The main reason is the time it takes to decompose the matrix into a product of small-sized matrices [15].
- Missing values: Models based on matrix factorization cannot handle incomplete graphs with unseen and missing values [143,144]. When the graph data are insufficient, the matrix factorization-based models could not learn generalized vector embeddings. Therefore, we need neural network models that can generalize graphs and better predict entities in graphs.
3.3. Shallow Models
- Structure preservation: The primary concept of these approaches is to define sampling strategies that could capture the graph structure within fixed-length samples. Several sampling techniques could capture both local and global graph structures, such as random-walk sampling, role-based sampling, and edge reconstruction. The model then applies shallow neural network algorithms to learn vector embeddings in the latent space in an unsupervised learning manner. Figure 6a shows an example of a random-walk-based sampling technique in a graph from a source node to a target node .
- Proximity reconstruction: It refers to preserving a k-hop relationship between nodes in graphs. The relation between neighboring nodes in the k-hop distance should be preserved in the latent space. For instance, Figure 6b presents a 3-hop proximity from the source node .
- Unseen nodes: When there is a new node in graphs, the shallow models cannot learn embeddings for new nodes. To obtain embedding for new nodes, the models must update new patterns, for example, re-execute random-walk sampling to generate new paths for new nodes, and then the models must be re-trained to learn embeddings. The re-sampling and re-training procedures make it impractical to apply them in practice.
- Node features: Shallow models such as DeepWalk and Node2Vec mainly work suitably on homogeneous graphs and ignore information about the attributes/labels of nodes. However, in the real world, many graphs have attributes and labels that could be informative for graph representation learning. Only a few studies have investigated the attributes and labels of nodes, and edges. However, the limitations of domain knowledge when working with heterogeneous and dynamic graphs have made the model inefficient and increased the computational complexity.
- Parameter sharing: One of the problems of shallow models is that these models cannot share the parameters during the training process. From the statistical perspective, parameter sharing could reduce the computational time and the number of weight updates during the training process.
3.3.1. Structure-Preservation Models
Models | Graph Types | Tasks | Loss Function |
DeepWalk [14] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
Node2Vec [4] | Static graphs | Node classification, Link prediction | |
WalkLets [147] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
Div2Vec [149] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
Static graphs | Node classification | ||
Node2Vec+ [148] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
Struct2Vec [21] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
DiaRW [150] | Static graphs | Node classification, Link prediction | |
Role2Vec [151] | Attributed graphs | Link prediction | |
NERD [152] | Directed graphs | Link Prediction, Graph Reconstruction, Node classification | |
Sub2Vec [153] | Static graphs | Community detection, graph classification | |
Subgraph2Vec [145] | Static graphs | Graph classification, Clustering | |
RUM [89] | Static graphs | Node classification, Graph reconstruction | |
Gat2Vec [154] | Attributed graphs | Node classification, Link prediction | |
ANRLBRW [155] | Attributed graphs | Node classification | |
Gl2Vec [88] | Static graphs | Node classification |
- Generating nodes in graph : Each new node v in graph is a tuple in the original graph G. Therefore, they can map the triangle patterns of the original graph to the new graph for structure preservation.
- Generating edges of graph : Each edge of the new graph is formed from two nodes that have two edges in common in the original graph. For example, the edge denotes that we the edge in the original graph G.
- Computational complexity: Unlike kernel models and matrix factorization-based models, which require considerable computational costs, structure preservation models could learn embeddings with an efficient time. This effectiveness comes from search-based sampling strategies and the model generalizability from the training process.
- Classification tasks: Since the models aim to find structural neighbor relationships from a target node, these show power in problems involving node classification. In almost all graphs, nodes that have the same label tend to be connected at a small, fixed-length distance. This is a strength of models based on preserving structure in problems related to classification tasks.
- Transductive learning: Most models cannot learn node embeddings that have not been seen in the training data. To learn new node embeddings, the model should re-sample the graph structure and learn the new samples again which could be time-consuming.
- Missing connection problem: Many graphs have sparse connections and missing connections between nodes in the real world. However, most structure-preservation models cannot handle missing connections between nodes since the sampling strategies could not be able to capture these connections. In the case of a random-walk-based sampling strategy, for example, these models only capture graph structure when nodes are linked together.
- Parameter sharing: These models could only learn node embeddings for individual nodes and do not share parameters. The absence of sharing parameters could reduce the effectiveness of learning representation.
3.3.2. Proximity Reconstruction Models
Models | Graph Types | Objective | Loss Function |
LINE [16] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
APP [76] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
PALE [77] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
CVLP [182] | Attributed graphs | Link prediction | |
[183] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
HARP [178] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
PTE [179] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
Hin2Vec [180] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification, link prediction | |
[78] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification | |
[184] | Signed graphs | Link prediction | |
[185] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification, Node clustering | |
[186] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
[187] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[188] | Heterogeneous graph | Graph reconstruction, link prediction, node classification | |
ProbWalk [189] | Static graphs | Node classification, link prediction | |
[190] | Static graphs | Node classification, link prediction | |
NEWEE [191] | Static graphs | Node classification, link prediction | |
DANE [192] | Attributed graphs | Node classification, Link prediction | |
CENE [193] | Attributed graphs | Node classification | |
HSCA [194] | Attributed graphs | Node classification |
- Inter-graph proximity: Proximity-based models not only explore proximity between nodes in a single graph but can also are applied for proximity reconstruction across different graphs with common nodes [183]. These methods can preserve the structural similarity of nodes in other graphs which are entirely different from other models. In the case of models based on structure-preservation strategies, these must re-learn node embeddings in other graphs.
- Proximity of nodes belonging to different clusters: In the context of clusters with different densities and sizes, proximity reconstruction-based models could capture nodes that are close to each other but in different clusters. This feature shows an advantage over structure reconstruction-based models, which tend to favor searching for neighboring nodes in the same cluster.
- Link prediction and node classification problem: Since structural identity is based on proximity between nodes, two nodes with similar neighborhoods should be close in the vector space. For instance, the LINE model considered preserving the 1st-order and 2nd-order proximity between two nodes. As a result, proximity reconstruction provides remarkable results for link prediction and node classification tasks [16,76,77].
- Weighted edges problems: Most proximity-based models do not consider the weighted edges between nodes. These models consider proximity based only on the number of connections shared without weights which could lead to structural loss.
- Capturing the whole graph structure: Proximity-based models mostly focus on 1st-order and 2nd-order proximity which cannot specify the global structure of graphs. A few models try to capture the higher-order proximity of nodes in graphs, but there is a problem with the computational complexity.
3.4. Deep Neural Network-Based Models
3.4.1. Graph Autoencoders
3.4.2. Recurrent Graph Neural Networks
- Diffusion pattern and multiple relations: RGNNs show superior learning ability when dealing with diffuse information, and they can handle multi-relational graphs where a single node has many relations. This feature is achieved due to the ability to update the states of each node in each hidden layer.
- Parameter sharing: RGNNs could share parameters across different locations, which could be able to capture the sequence node inputs. This advantage could reduce computational complexity during the training process with fewer parameters and increase the performance of the models.
3.4.3. Convolutional Graph Neural Networks
- Computational complexity: The spectral decomposition of the Laplacian matrix into matrices containing eigenvectors is time-consuming. During the training process, the dot product of the U, , and matrices also increase the training time.
- Difficulties for handling large-scale graphs: Since the number of parameters for the kernels also corresponds to the number of nodes in graphs. Therefore, spectral models could not be suitable for large-scale graphs.
- Difficulties for considering graph dynamicity: To apply convolution filters to graphs and train the model, the graph data must be transformed to the spectral domain in the form of a Laplacian matrix. Therefore, when the graph data changes, in the case of dynamic graphs, the model is not applicable to capture changes in dynamic graphs.
Algorithm 1: GraphSAGE algorithm. The model first takes the node features as inputs. For each layer, the model aggregates the information from neighbors and then updates the hidden state of each node . |
Input: : The graph G with set of nodes V and set of edges E. : The input features of node L: The depth of hidden layers, : Differentiable aggregator functions : The set of neighbors of node . Output: : Vector representations for . |
- A corruption function : This function aims to generate negative examples from an original graph with several changes in structure and properties.
- An encoder . The goal of function is to encode nodes into vector space so that presents vector embeddings of all nodes in graphs.
- Readout function . This function maps all embedding nodes into a single vector (supernode).
- A discriminator compares vector embeddings against the global vector of the graph by calculating a score between 0 and 1 for each vector embedding.
- Attention score: At layer l, the model takes a set of features of a node as inputs and the output . An attention score measures the importance of neighbor nodes to the target node could be computed as:
- Normalization: The score then is normalized comparable across all neighbors of node using the SoftMax function:
- Aggregation: After normalization, the embeddings of node could be computed by aggregating states of neighbor nodes which could be computed as:
- Parameter sharing: Deep neural network models share weights during the training phase to reduce training time and training parameters while increasing the performance of the models. In addition, the parameter-sharing mechanism allows the model to learn multi-tasks.
- Inductive learning: The outstanding advantage of deep models over shallow models is that deep models can support inductive learning. This makes deep-learning models capable of generalizing to unseen nodes and having practical applicability.
- Over-smoothing problem: When capturing the graph structure and entity relationships, CGNNs rely on an aggregation mechanism that captures information from neighboring nodes for target nodes. This results in stacking multiple graph convolutional layers to capture higher-order graph structure. However, increasing the depth of convolution layers could lead to over-smoothing problems [252]. To overcome this drawback, models based on transformer architecture have shown several improvements compared to CGNNs using self-attention.
- The ability on disassortative graphs: Disassortative graphs are graphs where nodes with different labels tend to be linked together. However, the aggregation mechanism in GNN samples all the features of the neighboring nodes even though they have different labels. Therefore, the aggregation mechanism is the limitation and challenge of GNNs for disassortative graphs in classification tasks.
3.4.4. Graph Transformer Models
- Structural encoding-based graph transformer: These models focus on various positional encoding schemes to capture absolute and relative information about entity relationships and graph structure. Structural encoding strategies are mainly suitable for tree-like graphs since the models should capture the hierarchical relations between the target nodes and their parents as well as the interaction with other nodes of the same level.
- GNNs as an auxiliary module: GNNs bring a powerful mechanism in terms of aggregating local structural information. Therefore, several studies try integrating message-passing and GNN modules with a graph transformer encoder as an auxiliary.
- Edge channel-based attention: The graph structure could be viewed as the combination of the node and edge features and the ordered/unordered connection between them. From this perspective, we do not need GNNs as an auxiliary module. Recently, several models have been proposed to capture graph structure in depth as well as apply graph transformer architecture based on the self-attention mechanism.
3.5. Non-Euclidean Models
3.5.1. Hyperbolic Embedding Models
3.5.2. Spherical Embedding Models
3.5.3. Gaussian Embedding Models
4. Applications
4.1. Computer Vision
4.2. Natural Language Processing
4.3. Computer Security
4.4. Bioinformatics
4.5. Social Media Analysis
4.6. Recommendation Systems
4.7. Smart Cities
4.8. Computational Social Science
4.9. Digital Humanity
4.10. Semiconductor Manufacturing
4.11. Weather Forecasting
5. Evaluation Methods
5.1. Benchmark Datasets
5.2. Downstream Tasks and Evaluation Metrics
5.3. Libraries for Graph Representation Learning
6. Challenges and Future Research Directions
- Graph representation in a suitable geometric space: Euclidean space may not capture the graph structure sufficiently and lead to structural information loss.
- The trade-off between the graph structure and node features: Most graph embedding models suffer from noise from non-useful neighbor node features. This could lead to a trade-off between structure preservation and node feature representation, which can be the future research direction.
- Dynamic graphs: Many real-world graphs show dynamic behaviors representing entities’ dynamic structure and properties, bringing a potential research direction.
- Over-smoothing problem: Most GNN models suffer from this problem. The graph transformer model could only handle the over-smoothing problem in several cases.
- Disassortative graphs: Most graph representation learning models suffer from this problem. Several solutions have been proposed but have yet to fully solve to the whole extent.
- Pre-trained models: Pre-trained models could be beneficial to handle the little availability of node labels. However, a few graph embedding models have been pre-trained on specific tasks and small domains.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Open-Source Implementations
Model | Category | URL |
[70] | Hyperbolic space | |
[293] | Hyperbolic space | |
[294] | Hyperbolic space | |
Graph2Gauss [23] | Gaussian embedding | |
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Notations | Descriptions |
V | The set of nodes in the graph G |
E | The set of edges in graph G |
N | The number of nodes in graph G |
The set of edges with type t in heterogeneous graphs | |
The node in the graph G | |
The edge in the graph G | |
A | The adjacency matrix of the graph G |
X | The feature matrix of nodes in graph G |
D | The degree matrix of nodes in graph G |
Projection function | |
The embedding vector of node | |
M | The transition matrix |
The set of neighbors of node | |
k | The k-hop distance from a target node to other nodes |
d | The dimension of vector in latent space |
The label of node |
Models | Graph Types | Tasks | Loss Function |
[83] | Static graphs | Graph comparison | |
[106] | Static graphs | Graph comparison | |
[33] | Static graphs | Graph classification | |
[34] | Static graphs | Graph classification | |
[84] | Static graphs | Graph classification | |
[35] | Static graphs | Graph classification | |
[85] | Static graphs | Graph comparison | |
[107] | Attributed graphs | Graph classification | |
[37] | Attributed graphs | Graph classification | |
[108] | Attributed graphs | Graph classification | |
[36] | Attributed graphs | Graph classification | |
[109] | Attributed graphs | Graph classification | |
[110] | Attributed graphs | Graph classification | |
GraTFEL [111] | Dynamic graphs | Graph reconstruction Link prediction | |
[112] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction | |
[113] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction |
Models | Graph Types | Tasks | Loss Function |
MBRep [90] | Hypergraphs | Link prediction | |
Motif2Vec [87] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification link prediction | |
JUST [159] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification Node clustering | |
[160] | Multiplex graphs | Link prediction | |
BHIN2Vec [161] | Heterogeneous graph | Node classification | |
[162] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
[163] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
[164] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
[165] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
[166] | Heterogeneous graphs | Entities prediction | |
MrMine [167] | Multiplex graphs | Graph classification | |
[168] | Heterogeneous graph | Link prediction | |
[169] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification | |
[170] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification | |
[171] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction | |
STWalk [172] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification | |
[173] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification, Link prediction | |
[174] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction, Node classification | |
Dyn2Vec [10] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification | |
[92] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction | |
T-EDGE [175] | Dynamic graphs | Node classification | |
LBSN2Vec [157] | Hyper graphs | Link prediction | |
[158] | Hyper graphs | Link prediction |
Models | Graph Types | Objective | Loss Function |
SDNE [50] | Static graphs | 1st-order proximity, 2nd-order proximity | . |
DHNE [51] | Hyper graphs | 1st-order proximity, 2nd-order proximity | . |
DNE-SBP [197] | Signed graphs | 1st-order proximity | . |
DynGEM [198] | Dynamic graphs | 1st-order proximity, 2nd-order proximity | . |
NetWalk [199] | Dynamic graphs | Random walk | . |
DNGR [196] | Static graphs | PPMI matrix | . |
Model | Graph Type | Sampling Strategy | Loss Function |
[44] | Hypergraphs | Local transition function | |
[45] | Homogeneous graphs | Local transition function | |
[57] | Weighted graphs | Node-weight sequences | , p(vi, vj) = SoftMax (Zj) |
[202] | Dynamic graphs | Random walk, Shortest paths, BFS | |
LSTM-Node2Vec [203] | Dynamic graphs | Temporal random walk | |
E-LSTM-D [204] | Dynamic graphs | 1st-order proximity | |
Dyngraph2Vec-AERNN [201] | Dynamic graphs | Adjacency matrix | |
Topo-LSTM [49] | Directed graphs | Diffusion structure | |
SHNE [48] | Heterogeneous graphs | Random walk Meta-path | |
[17] | Directed graphs | Transition matrix | |
GraphRNA [93] | Attributed graph | Random walk | |
[205] | Labeled graphs | Random walks, shortest paths, and breadth-first search. | |
[206] | Dynamic graphs | Graph reconstruction | |
Camel [207] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
TaPEm [208] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction | |
[209] | Heterogeneous graphs | Link prediction |
Model | Graph Type | Tasks | Loss Function |
[56] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[96] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[210] | Static graphs | Multi-task prediction Node classification | |
[211] | Static graphs | Label classification | |
GCN [18] | Knowledge graphs | Node classification | |
EGCN [55] | Static graphs | Multi-task classification, Link prediction | |
LNPP [212] | Static graphs | Graph Reconstruction | |
[213] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[214] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[215] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification |
Model | Graph Type | Tasks | Loss Function |
HCNP [217] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
CDMG [218] | Static graphs | Community detection | |
[219] | Static graphs | Passenger Prediction | |
ST-GDN [220] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
[221] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
MPNNs [222] | Static graphs | Node prediction | |
GraphSAGE [22] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
FastGCN [52] | Static graphs | Node classification, link prediction | |
SACNNs [223] | Static graphs | Node classification Regression tasks | |
Cluster-GCN [95] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[18] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[224] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
GraphSAINT [53] | Static graphs | Node classification Community prediction | |
VGAE [72] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
PinSAGE [225] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
Hi-GCN [54] | Static graphs | Classification tasks | |
[226] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
[28] | Static graph | Node classification | |
[26] | Static graph | Node classification | |
[227] | Static graphs | Classification tasks | |
[228] | Static graph | Node Classification Link prediction | |
[229] | Static graphs | Node classification Link prediction | |
DCRNN [230] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
PinSAGE [225] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
E-GraphSAGE [231] | Static graph | Edge classification | |
GraphNorm [232] | Static graphs | Graph classification | |
GIN [24] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification, Graph classification | |
DeeperGCN [98] | Static graphs | Node property prediction, Graph property prediction | |
PHC-GNNs [233] | Static graphs | Graph classification | |
HGNN [27] | Hypergraphs | Node classification, Recognition tasks. | |
HyperGCN [234] | Hypergraphs | Node classification |
Model | Graph Type | Tasks | Loss Function |
SHARE [235] | Dynamic graphs | Availability prediction | |
Dyn-GRCNN [236] | Dynamic graphs | Traffic flow forecasting | |
STAN [237] | Dynamic graphs | Fraud detection | |
SeqGNN [238] | Dynamic graphs | Traffic speed prediction | |
DMVST-Net [239] | Dynamic graphs | Taxi demand prediction | |
ST-ResNet [240] | Dynamic graphs | Flow prediction | |
R-GCNs [241] | Knowledge graphs | Entity classification | |
HDMI [242] | Multiplex graphs | Node clustering, Node classification | |
DMGI [243] | Multiplex graphs | Link Prediction, Clustering, Node classification | |
LDANE [244] | Dynamic graphs | Graph reconstruction, Link prediction, Node classification | |
EvolveGCN [245] | Dynamic graphs | Link prediction, Node, edge classification |
Model | Graph Type | Tasks | Loss Function |
GAT [19] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
GATv2 [58] | Static graphs | Link prediction, Graph prediction, Node classification | |
Gaan [255] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
GraphStar [256] | Static graphs | Node classification, Graph classification, Link prediction | |
HAN [25] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification, Node clustering | |
[257] | Static graphs | Label-agreement prediction, Link prediction | |
SuperGAT [258] | Static graphs | Label-agreement Link prediction | where |
CGAT [259] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[260] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
[261] | Static graphs | Node classification, Object recognition | |
[25] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification, Node clustering | |
[262] | Knowledge graphs | Relation prediction | |
[224] | Static graphs | Node classification | |
R-GCN [241] | Knowledge graphs | Entity classification, Link prediction | |
DMGI [243] | Attributed multiplex graphs | Node clustering, Node classification | where |
SHetGCN [263] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification | |
DualHGCN [264] | Multiplex bipartite graphs | Node classification Link prediction | |
HANE [265] | Heterogeneous graphs | Node classification | |
MHGCN [266] | Multiplex heterogeneous Graph | Link prediction Node classification |
Algorithms | Graph Types | Tasks | Loss Function |
GAE [72] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
VGAE [72] | Static graphs | Link prediction | |
[271] | Static graphs | Graph generation | |
[272] | Static graphs | Graph generation | |
MGAE [270] | Static graphs | Graph clustering | |
[273] | Static graphs | Graph reconstruction | |
LDANE [244] | Dynamic graphs | Graph reconstruction, Link prediction, Node classification |
Model | Graph Type | Transformer Type | Sampling Strategy | Self-Supervised Learning |
[64] | Tree-like graphs | Structural encoding | Dependency path BFS, DFS | Structure reconstruction |
[65] | Tree-like graphs | Structural encoding | Dependency path | Structure reconstruction |
[282] | Tree-like graphs | Structural encoding | SPD | Structure reconstruction |
Graph-Bert [63] | Static graphs | Structural encoding Attention + GNN | WL and K-hop | Attribute reconstruction Structure reconstruction |
[283] | Static graphs | Structural encoding | WL, K-hop | Structure reconstruction |
[29] | Heterogeneous graphs | Structural encoding Edge channels | Laplacian matrix | Structure reconstruction |
SAN [284] | Heterogeneous graphs | Structural encoding Edge channels | Laplacian matrix | Structure reconstruction |
Grover [100] | Heterogeneous graphs | MP + Attention | k-hop | Feature prediction Motif prediction |
Mesh Graphormer [99] | Static graphs | Attention + CGNNs | k-order proximity | Graph reconstruction |
HGT [285] | Heterogeneous graphs | Attention+ MP | Meta-paths | Graph reconstruction |
UGformer [61] | Heterogeneous graphs | Attention +GNN | 1st-order proximity | Graph reconstruction |
StA-PLAN [286] | Heterogeneous graphs | Attention matrix | 1st-order proximity | Structure reconstruction |
NI-CTR [287] | Heterogeneous graphs | Attention matrix | Subgraph sampling | Structure reconstruction |
[101] | Heterogeneous graphs | MP + Attention | 1-hop neighbors | Structure reconstruction |
[66] | Heterogeneous graphs | Attention + MP | Subgraph | Masked label prediction |
Gophormer [46] | Heterogeneous graphs | Attention matrix | Ego-graph k-order proximity | Node classification |
Graformer [47] | Knowledge graphs | Edge channels | SPD | Structure reconstruction |
Graphormer [67] | Homogeneous graphs | Edge channels | SPD | Structure reconstruction |
EGT [30] | Homogeneous graphs | Edge channels | SPD | Structure reconstruction |
Models | Graph Types | Hyperbolic Models | Model Types |
[70] | Homogeneous graphs | Poincaré disk | Shallow models |
[102] | Homogeneous graphs | Lorentz model | Shallow models |
[71] | Heterogeneous graphs | Poincaré disk | Shallow models |
[293] | Homogeneous graphs | Poincaré disk | Convolutional GNNs |
[294] | Homogeneous graphs | Poincaré disk, Lorentz model | GNNs |
LGCN [69] | Homogeneous graphs | Lorentzian model | GNNs |
[68] | Homogeneous graphs | Gyrovector model | GAT |
Model | Graph Type | Model | Structure Preservation |
VGAE [72] | Homogeneous graphs | Autoencoder-based GCNs | Random-walk sampling |
DVNE [298] | Homogeneous graphs | Autoencoder | 1-order, 2-order proximity |
[104] | Heterogeneous graphs | MLP | Meta-path |
[23] | Homogeneous graphs | Autoencoder | k-order proximity |
KG2E [299] | Knowledge graphs | Triplet score | 1-order proximity |
Dataset | Graph Type | Category | # Nodes | # Edges |
Cora [406] | Homogeneous graph | Citation network | 2808 | 5429 |
Citeseer [407] | Homogeneous graph | Citation network | 3312 | 4732 |
Reddit [22] | Homogeneous graph | Social network | 232,965 | 114,615,892 |
PubMed [406] | Homogeneous graph | Citation network | 19,717 | 44,338 |
Wikipedia [406] | Homogeneous graph | Webpage | 2405 | 17,981 |
DBLP [408] | Homogeneous graph | Citation network | 781,109 | 4,191,677 |
BlogCatalog [408] | Homogeneous graph | Social network | 10,312 | 333,983 |
Flickr [1] | Homogeneous graph | Social network | 80,513 | 5,899,882 |
Facebook [409] | Homogeneous graph | Social network | 4039 | 88,234 |
PPI [22] | Homogeneous graph | Biochemical network | 56,944 | 818,716 |
MUTAG [410] | Homogeneous graph | Biochemical network | 27,163 | 148,100 |
PROTEIN [411] | Homogeneous graph | Biochemical network | 43,500 | 162,100 |
Wiki | Homogeneous graph | Webpage | 4,780 | 184,81 K |
YouTube | Homogeneous graph | Video streaming | 1,130,000 | 2,99 M |
DBLP [412] | Heterogeneous graph | Citation network | Author (A): 4057 Paper (P): 14,328 Term (T): 7723 Venue (V): 20 | A-P: 19,645 P-T: 85,810 P-V: 14,328 |
ACM [412] | Heterogeneous graph | Citation network | Paper (P): 4019 Author (A): 7167 Subject (S): 60 | P-P: 9615 P-A: 13,407 P-S: 4019 |
IMDB [412] | Heterogeneous graph | Movie reviews | Movie (M): 4278 Director (D): 2081 Actor (A): 5257 | M-D: 4278 M-A: 12,828 |
DBIS [413] | Heterogeneous graph | Citation network | Venues (V): 464 Authors (A): 5000 Publication (P): 72,902 | - |
BlogCatalog3 [414] | Heterogeneous graph | Social network | User: 10,312 Group: 39 | 348,459 |
Yelp [415] | Heterogeneous graph | Social media | User: 630,639 Business: 86,810 City: 10 Category: 807 | - |
U.S. Patents [180] | Heterogeneous graph | Patent, Trademark Office | Patent: 295,145 Inventor: 293,848 Assignee: 31,805 Class: 14 | - |
UCI [416] | Dynamic graph | Social network | 1899 | 59,835 |
DNC [416] | Dynamic graph | Social network | 2029 | 39,264 |
Epinions [417] | Dynamic graph | Social media | 6224 | 19496 |
Hep-th [418] | Dynamic graph | Citation network | 34,000 | 421,000 |
Auto Systems [419] | Dynamic graph | BGP logs | 6000 | 13,000 |
Enron | Dynamic graph | Email network | 87,000 | 1,100,000 |
StackOverflow [420] | Dynamic graph | Question&Answer | 14,000 | 195,000 |
dblp [408] | Dynamic graph | Citation network | 90,000 | 749,000 |
Darpa [421] | Dynamic graph | Computer network | 12,000 | 22,000 |
Library | URL | Platform | Model |
PyTorch Geometric (PyG) [426] | | PyTorch | Various GNN models and basic graph deep-learning operations |
Deep Graph Library (DGL) [427] | | TensorFlow, PyTorch | Various GNN models and basic graph deep-learning operations |
OpenNE | | TensorFlow, PyTorch | Shallow models: DeepWalk, Node2Vec, GAE, VGAE, LINE, TADW, SDNE, HOPE, GraRep, GCN |
CogDL [428] | | TensorFlow, PyTorch | Various GNN models |
Dive into Graphs (DIG) [429] | | PyTorch | Various GNN models and research-oriented studies (Graph generation, Self-supervised learning (SSL), explainability, 3D graphs, and graph out-of-distribution). |
Graphvite [430] | | Python | DeepWalk, LINE, Node2Vec, TransE, RotatE, and LargeVis. |
GraphLearn [431] | | Python | Various GNN models, the framework can support the sampling batch graphs or offline training process. |
Connector | | Pytorch | Various shallow models and GNN models. |
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Hoang, V.T.; Jeon, H.-J.; You, E.-S.; Yoon, Y.; Jung, S.; Lee, O.-J. Graph Representation Learning and Its Applications: A Survey. Sensors 2023, 23, 4168.
Hoang VT, Jeon H-J, You E-S, Yoon Y, Jung S, Lee O-J. Graph Representation Learning and Its Applications: A Survey. Sensors. 2023; 23(8):4168.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoang, Van Thuy, Hyeon-Ju Jeon, Eun-Soon You, Yoewon Yoon, Sungyeop Jung, and O-Joun Lee. 2023. "Graph Representation Learning and Its Applications: A Survey" Sensors 23, no. 8: 4168.
APA StyleHoang, V. T., Jeon, H.-J., You, E.-S., Yoon, Y., Jung, S., & Lee, O.-J. (2023). Graph Representation Learning and Its Applications: A Survey. Sensors, 23(8), 4168.