1. Introduction
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of disability worldwide [
1]. However, its exact pathophysiological mechanism remains unclear. Symptoms of depressive episode include sadness, anhedonia, insomnia, restlessness, and suicidal thoughts [
2]. Moreover, this condition is characterized by impairments in cognitive and emotional processing [
3]. There is evidence suggesting that cognitive dysfunction could be seen not only in the acute phase but in remission as well, and it could even worsen the condition’s outcome [
Brain networks can be defined as a set of regions that exhibit correlated activity in resting-state condition or during task performance [
7]. In recent studies, researchers concentrated on building brain functional networks, as well as searching for abnormal communication between them in order to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of MDD [
8]. Different methods are used for constructing brain networks such as region of interest (ROI) analysis, seed-based analysis or independent component analysis (ICA) with the first two being preferred in hypothesis driven research; while the latter is an example of data driven approach [
9]. However, for each of these methods there are strengths and weaknesses. In the ROI-based method the definition of the regions could affect functional connectivity patterns [
10]. Moreover, seed-based analysis results depend much on the positioning of the seed voxel, which could lead to inconsistent results [
11]. As a data-driven approach, ICA extracts the signal and creates a number of components (limited by the researcher), which could affect the number of spatially distinct networks and is dependent on the knowledge and critical thinking of the investigator for the interpretation.
Generally, the brain networks which are thought to be involved in depression are the default mode network (DMN), salience network (SN), and executive control network (ECN) [
14]. The rostral medial prefrontal cortex (rmPFC) is a key node in the DMN and has been reported to support socio-cognitive and socio-affective processes which are impaired in patients with major depressive disorder [
15]. Moreover, decreased thalamic connectivity within the SN has been reported in patients with major depressive disorder [
12]. However, other brain regions are affected by the major depressive disorder as well. Patients with MDD had increased connectivity between the right anterior hippocampus (rAHipp) and lingual gyrus (LinG) [
16]. In addition, there was also a decreased connectivity between the right posterior hippocampus (rPHipp) and right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) [
16]. On the other hand, decreased connections between the frontoparietal network and subcortical network and increased connections between the frontoparietal network and salience network were reported, which shows the dysregulated neuronal activity in patients with MDD [
Understanding brain network dysfunctions in depression is a promising key in the process of elucidating the pathophysiological mechanisms involved. Previous studies have used amplitudes of low-frequency fluctuations and resting-state fMRI data in order to observe the connections between DMN and CEN [
18]. A large study by Liang et al. managed to divide two subgroups of MDD according to their hyper and hypo DMN connectivity [
19]. They proposed that the hypo-DMN function relates to the age-related severity of depressive symptoms. Bhaskar Sen et al. proposed a different methodology for predicting the chance of suffering from depression by examining connectivity values of different brain regions during resting-state fMRI [
20]. In addition, a multivariate approach was implemented to differentiate between MDD and healthy controls, where not only cross-network connections were found but also the supramarginal gyrus appeared to be the most discriminative one [
In contrast to the abundance of classical functional connectivity research, there are very few studies which investigate the pathology of psychiatric conditions from the point of graph-theory analysis and its characteristics such as node strength, centrality, etc. According to Jacob et al. MDD patients showed decreased node strength of the right hippocampus and decreased clustering coefficient of the right dentate gyrus in contrast to the HC group [
22]. In another study using this method MDD patients exhibited reduced centrality in parietal lobule, lingual gyrus and thalamus and there was node disruption in brain connectivity of the patients which correlated with their depressive symptoms and cognitive performance [
Moreover, a meta-analysis from 2017 shows the role of ACC, as part of SN, in differentiating drug-naive and medicated patients with MDD [
24]. On the other hand, meta-analysis reveals an aberrant intrinsic brain activity predominantly in the insula, medial prefrontal cortex and cerebellum [
25]. In addition, according to a meta-analysis research study it reported that the resting-state fMRI could be used for the classification of MDD and HC with 85% sensitivity, 83% specificity according to the methodology [
Our approach is an explorative, data-driven, semi-unsupervised study aiming to investigate newer approaches to characterize brain networks measures in terms of clustering coefficient, node centrality, and node strength. The purpose of this approach is to address network generative principles, order dependencies and the community structure of networks, which could potentially contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in depression and in certain perspectives differentiate patients with depression from healthy individuals, aiding the diagnostic process.
4. Discussion
Our current study resulted in the following major findings: (1) patients with depression demonstrated decreased functional connectivity within as well as between different brain regions such as precuneus (PreCu), cuneus (Cu), superior occipital gyrus (SOG), lingual gyrus (LG), fusiform gyrus (FG), cerebellum, along with limbic structures including the hippocampus (Hipp) and cingulate gyrus; (2) two positive clusters (with higher measures in HC as compared to MDE patients) were common for all three network measures including node eigenvector centrality, node strength and clustering coefficient (the first cluster included mainly occipital brain regions—Cu, LG, middle and SOG while the second encompassed parts of the vermis); (3) another two positive clusters were common for both centrality and strength measures (the first one—middle cingulum bilaterally and left posterior cingulum, the second one—right anteroventral and bilateral lateroposterior thalamus); (4) one negative cluster (higher in MDE group) encompassing mainly orbitofrontal regions was common for all network characteristics while another one (with thalamic nodes) was featured solely by eigenvector centrality; (5) the LDA demonstrated that the full-connectivity matrices had the highest precision in differentiating between depression and health whilst the clustering coefficient was the least suitable measure. The significance of these findings will be discussed in the following lines.
The most significantly different connection was the one between the left and right PreCu. The function of the precuneus at rest is traditionally linked to the default mode network (DMN), which is responsible for internally oriented attention and self-reference [
41]. In this context, the current findings of changed connectivity within the PreCu is not surprising and is seen in many resting-state studies of depression where the DMN, as well as its subregions, is found to be hyperactivated and hyperconnected [
43]. This is usually linked to the clinical features of depression as a state of increased internalization (including ruminations) [
44]. Notably, the direction of the change in our sample is opposite (hypoconnectivity between left and right PreCu) which is in line with the most recent meta-analytic studies finding reduced DMN connectivity especially in recurrent depression as is the case of our patient group [
We found no significant difference in the global (network-wide averaged) eigenvector centrality, node strength, and clustering coefficient measures between the control and MDE groups. Thus, in terms of global network topology, the characteristic functional networks do not differ between the groups under consideration. The main differences are observed at the local level, as indicated by the significant clusters in the network measure distributions (see
Table 3,
Table 4 and
Table 5).
The first two positive clusters (Control > MDE) in the network measure distributions, in which eigenvector centrality, node strength, and clustering coefficient are higher in the control group, include bilateral lingual, superior, and middle occipital gyri and cerebellar regions (vermis). In terms of the network measures, a higher local clustering coefficient means that short-range (local) connections prevail over long-range (global) ones in these brain areas in the control group, and network clusters are formed there. A higher eigenvector centrality and node strength in the same nodes in the control group corresponds to a stronger integration of emerging clusters in the network and stronger connections of these nodes (hubs) with other large hubs. The remaining three positive clusters (the cingulate, thalamic nodes and the inferior frontal gyrus) are characterized by increased eigenvector centrality and node strength (only for the 3rd and 4th clusters) in the control group. This indicates that these nodes form larger and more strong integrative network hubs compared with the MDE group. These conclusions are also supported qualitatively in
Figure 2.
Of note, all considered measures pointed to the role of the left LG as a major hub in the occipital cluster, with a number of connections demonstrating a significant difference in the depressed as compared to healthy individuals. In accordance with these results, depression has been linked to impaired static and dynamic FC of the LG. The role of the left LG in depression has been reported in a most recent functional connectivity study assessing the effect of childhood trauma [
46]. The authors report that the FC changes of the left LG were not affected by the presence or absence of traumatic events, which may reflect a general vulnerability to depression. In support of this notion is a recent study by Wang et al. on electroconvulsive treatment of depression. The authors found changes in functional connectivity of the lingual gyrus to be persistent before as well as after the procedures [
47]. The other common hub for all three network measures in our study was the vermis. Apart from the well-known motor functions, there is growing evidence for the involvement of different parts of the vermis in higher order functions including cognitive and emotional processing [
48]. Although long neglected, the role of the cerebellum in emotion has been now reestablished also in a recent consensus paper [
The links with psychiatric disorders are not surprising. Cerebellar gray matter reductions as well as decreased activity and connectivity of this region have been reported in depression [
50]. Some authors proposed that impaired cerebellar function contributes to abnormalities in predictive coding and homeostatic dysregulation in depressive disorder [
The third cluster which demonstrated significantly different distribution of node strength and node centrality encompassed the mid-cingulate cortex(MCC) which is divided into the posterior MCC involved in multisensory orientation of the head and body in space while the anterior MCC is involved in action-reinforcement associations and selection based on the amount of reward or aversive properties of a potential movement. MCC contributes to cognitive control and decision making [
52]. The anterior subregion also has high dopaminergic afferents and high dopamine-1 receptor binding and is engaged in reward processes [
53]. Emotional n-back tasks elicited differential activation of the posterior MCC in unipolar compared to bipolar depression [
54]. In addition, MDD patients as compared to healthy individuals failed to activate MCC when an emotional stimulus was paired by a neutral one [
The fourth positive cluster yielded by the comparison HC vs. MDE patients included different areas of the thalamus with bilateral lateroposterior and mostly right- sided anteroventral engagement. The anteroventral/anteromedial together with the mediodorsal nuclei play important roles in connecting subcortical limbic structures (amygdala) to the limbic cortex (anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex) [
56]. In addition, the cerebello–thalamo–cortical loops are implicated in emotion regulation and subjective sense of control [
57]; and aberrant intrinsic FC of the thalamocortical pathway was associated with depression [
The first negative cluster (MDE > Control), which is the same for all considered measures, includes the following brain areas: superior frontal gyrus (medial orbital), rectus gyrus, and medial and anterior orbital gyri. Thus, in the MDE group, more developed network clusters are formed near these nodes, while they are also more strongly integrated into the whole network, being large hubs (see also
Figure 3). The second negative cluster is unique for the eigenvector centrality measure and includes thalamic nodes. Note that a significantly large number of positive clusters in comparing the control vs. MDE groups is a characteristic feature of the functional network.
The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) plays a key role in emotion, by representing the reward value of the goals for action [
59]. Its involvement in depression has been supported by a number of structural and functional imaging studies [
60]. The ENIGMA consortium found that MDD patients had thinner gray matter in OFC [
61]. Moreover, one of the most recent hypotheses about the development of depression, namely the non-reward attractor theory of depression, assigns a major role of the lateral OFC in the pathophysiology of the disorder [
62]. According to the author the lateral orbitofrontal cortex non-reward system triggers negative cognitive states, which in turn have positive feedback top-down effects on the orbitofrontal cortex non-reward system. Our results of increased network measures of the anterior OFC (corresponding to the functional division of lateral OFC] hub in depressed patients is in line with this recent theory.
On the other hand, we know that the medial OFC is activated by rewarding and subjectively pleasant stimuli and MDD has been found to be characterized by reduced functional connectivity of the mOFC with the parahippocampal gyrus, which is in line with the clinical manifestations of anhedonia (reduced anticipatory and consummatory pleasure [
63]. Our results support previous findings of depression being characterized by disturbances of both lateral and medial part of the OFC.
The most important to the clinical reality findings of the current study was derived from the linear discriminant analysis. It demonstrated that the clustering coefficient was the most ineffective measure, while full-connectivity matrices, as well as those with only the significant connections identified in advance, were the most precise in differentiating between depression in patients and healthy individuals. These measures reached precision levels of 97% and 94%, respectively. Thus, the connectivity matrices outperformed the network-specific features of node strength and node centrality. We can speculate that in order to demonstrate a meaningful diagnostic value, the resting-state connectivity feature of depression should be considered as a whole and not reduced to separate network measures.
Earlier connectivity-based classification studies focused on specific regions or networks, some of them reaching very good accuracy levels of around 90% [
64]. Later, whole-brain connectivity analysis was favored, and the prediction levels reached 94% [
65]. Some of the most recent studies adopted a fusion strategy using different connectivity features (intrinsic, dynamic FC, effective connectivity) that could distinguish between MDD and controls with an accuracy of 90.91% and an AUC of 0.895 [
66]. In this regard, our study yielded one of the highest performances of the classifier based on whole-brain functional connectivity analysis.