Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Ectomycorrhiza Diversity
:1. Introduction
2. Ectomycorrhizae in Secondary Succession
2.1. Ecological Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Secondary Succession
2.2. Ectomycorrhiza in Metal-Rich Environments
3. Succesion and Diversity in Ectomycorrhizal Communities
3.1. Early- and Late-Stage Species Approach
3.2. Criticism of the Early Versus Late-Stage Species Approach
3.3. Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Fungal Succession
3.4. Improved Framework for the Ecosystem Approach
3.5. Implementation of TDMs
3.6. Model for ECM Community Structure Analyses
4. Implementing the Improved Framework
- the number of ECM species per tree
- the Berger-Parker index (maximum number of morphotypes on one tree species per total number of morphotypes)
- the coefficient of variation (CV) of species relative abundances (on standardized root length) around trees, and its average for all species present at a tree (AvCVSp)
- the average number of ECM species per tree and the derived coefficient of variation (CV = SD / average). The coefficient of variation applied at tree level is an indicator of the heterogeneity of distribution of ECMs in space around trees (in a given soil layer, upper or lower). At equal sampling effort around trees (e.g. four directions around a tree), a small CV indicates homogenous distribution of ECMs, and large ones heterogeneous distributions. The patterns of this CV are frequently correlated to disturbances of the ecosystem to which the trees belong.
- the average of the Berger Parker index and its CV
- coefficient of variation (CVa_t) around trees would reflect differences of trees with respect to the heterogeneity of ECM average of AvCVSp.
- the CV of ECM abundances between trees, for each species.
- coefficient of variation between trees to reflect differences of species distribution between trees (where a larger index shows higher species diversity between trees).
5. Conclusions
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Species/Characteristic | Reproduction | Genetic diversity | Requirement of C, N, P | Exploration types |
Early | primarily by spores | higher | small | mainly medium and long distance |
Late | primarily by clonal expansion | lower | greater | mainly contact and short distance |
Source | Sarah et al. [50] | Our hypotheses |
Share and Cite
Iordache, V.; Gherghel, F.; Kothe, E. Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Ectomycorrhiza Diversity. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2009, 6, 414-432.
Iordache V, Gherghel F, Kothe E. Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Ectomycorrhiza Diversity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2009; 6(2):414-432.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIordache, Virgil, Felicia Gherghel, and Erika Kothe. 2009. "Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Ectomycorrhiza Diversity" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 6, no. 2: 414-432.
APA StyleIordache, V., Gherghel, F., & Kothe, E. (2009). Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Ectomycorrhiza Diversity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(2), 414-432.