1. Introduction
Sulfur hexafluoride, SF
6, has been the most common compressed gas used in high-voltage (HV) power transmission line and substation applications since the 1960s. About 80% of the SF
6 gas produced worldwide is used in HV circuit breakers (GCB) and in gas insulated switchgear (GIS) because of its excellent properties such as its dielectric strength, which is 2.5 times that of air, good heat transfer capacity, and interruption of electric arcs. Unfortunately, the excessive size, radiative effect, and atmospheric lifetime (several centuries due to the resistance to chemical and photochemical degradation) of the SF
6 molecule makes this gas an aggravating agent for the greenhouse effect. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of SF
6 is one of the highest.
Table 1 gives a comparison of GWP and lifetimes of SF
6 with carbon dioxide (CO
2) [
Whilst SF
6 is chemically stable (non-toxic, inert gas, non-flammable), it can be asphyxiating when its concentration in the air exceeds 12 mg/m
3 [
2]. When subjected to an electric arc and when the temperature of the gas exceeds 600 °C, it decomposes and recomposes extremely rapidly when the temperature drops again, allowing the gas to recover its dielectric strength. This recovery property makes it particularly suitable for HV AC circuit breakers. However, at 140 °C, after operating for more than 25 years, it decomposes by approximately 5%. Some breakdown byproducts are known to be of greater toxicity, particularly those that occur during discharges in the presence of oxygen and hydrogen atoms (water).
Table 2 reports some decomposition products of SF
6 as well as their toxicity depending on their tolerated quantity [
2]. Among these byproducts, S
10 and HF are very toxic in addition to being very corrosive.
To reduce the amounts of SF
6 in HV apparatus, one solution consists of diluting it in N
2 or CO
2. Many investigations have been conducted on this topic. A well-documented synthesis on SF
2 mixtures has been published by L. G. Christophoru and R. J. Van Brunt [
3]. These authors reported that such mixtures may help to reduce SF
6 rate of release into atmosphere from power-system applications and serve as an intermediate step in the environmental control of this gas. However this solution requires high pressure and does not eliminate the potential contribution of SF
6 to global warming.
Thus the various negative characteristics of SF
6, indicated above, have led the international community to designate it as a greenhouse gas (the 1997 Kyoto Protocol-COP3) and to regulate its use, encouraging at the same time research into new more environmentally friendly alternatives gases and the reduction of SF
6 emissions in the atmosphere [
1]. Note that, despite a high GWP, it should be emphasized that SF
6 gas contribution to the global greenhouse effect is less than 0.3% because of its low concentration relative to CO
2 and this number is steadily decreasing.
Naturally, the initial investigations were focused on natural gases (N
2, CO
2 [
4], and dry air [
5]) and the halogenated products that have reduced GWP such as trifluoroiodomethane (CF
3I) [
6], perfluorinated ketones [
7], hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) [
8] and fluoronitriles [
9]. The goal of such investigations was to identify new eco-friendly candidates with equivalent dielectric strength to SF
6. Unfortunately, polyfluorinated gases have a high boiling point, which is a drawback for their use in low-temperature electrical apparatus applications. To overcome this shortfall, these halogenated gases are mixed with ordinary carrier gases such as dry air, N
2, or CO
2. Note that the substitute gas or gas mixture must be non-corrosive and must not interact with materials (insulating materials and metals) of the gas-insulated systems in which it is used.
The aim of this paper is to carry out a review of the main characteristics of the candidate gases and gas mixtures with a low environmental impact that have a potential to replace SF6. This will allow better understanding of their performance under the conditions of electrical (especially the dielectric strength) and thermal stresses with the complex geometries encountered in GIS equipment.
2. Properties Required for Gas/Gas Mixture Substitutes
The properties required for the use of a gaseous dielectric in HV equipment vary according to the nature of the application and the operating conditions. The intrinsic properties are those inherent to the molecular structure and atomic physics of the gaseous molecule. These properties are independent of the application and environment where the gas is placed. The dielectric strength of the gas/mixture depends mainly on its capability to reduce the density of electrons that are generated when it is subjected to an electric field. For this purpose, the gas must be electronegative to reduce the number of electrons by attachment. This attachment capability is efficient up to an energy level of the electrons and is dependent on the temperature of the gas. Also, the gas must be able to slow down electrons to capture them efficiently at lower energies and thus avoid the generation of other electrons by impact ionization.
Before considering the use of a given insulation gas in industrial applications, it is necessary to understand the secondary process that covers the emission of electrons by impact of ions and photons on the surface of the cathode, with the photonic processes being a factor controlling the development of a discharge in a non-uniform electric field, ion–molecule reactions, dissociation under the action of collision decomposition, reactions with surfaces, and traces of impurities. Furthermore, the gaseous dielectric must also have a high saturation vapor pressure for low temperatures, high thermal conductivity to provide a cooling function, high specific heat, thermal stability at a temperature above 400 K over long periods of time, chemical stability and insensitivity to conductive or insulating materials, non-flammability, non-explosivity, and toxicity acceptable for industrial exposure including epidemiological effects (eco-toxicity, mutagenic or carcinogenic effects on health). If used as a mixture, the candidate gas must have thermodynamic properties suitable for uniformity of composition and separation of the mixtures.
As far as the extrinsic properties are concerned, the gas must not undergo extensive decomposition or polymerization, and no formation of carbon or other types of deposition. Independently, the gas must be ecologically compatible with the environment, not contribute to global warming or stratospheric depletion of ozone, and must not persist in the environment for long periods of time.
3. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
It is accepted that fluorinated compounds have the best insulation performance. This is helped by the presence of fluorine, a very electronegative element. In research efforts, particular attention was paid to some families of fluorinated molecules including perfluorocarbons (PFCs), which are gaseous halogen compounds of the fluorocarbon family (FC). These fluorinated electronegative gases are composed exclusively of carbon and fluorine atoms. The main PFCs proposed as gaseous dielectric are CF
4, C
6 C
8, and C
8. These have high dielectric strength (breakdown voltage);
Figure 1 gives the variation of the breakdown voltage versus the pressure—electrode gap product (P.d), i.e., Paschen curves of these gases [
Table 3 gives the main properties of these gases. Note that among these gases, C
8 appears to be the most interesting from the point of view of the dielectric strength, which is 1.25 to 1.31 times higher than that of SF
6 [
11]. However, its high liquefaction temperature makes its use very difficult. Nevertheless, it remains a promising gas component for mixtures intended for gaseous insulation [
Most of these compounds generate corrosive and toxic decomposition products. To add to these undesirable properties, the GWP of PFCs and HFCs are in the high ranges from 5700 to 11,900 and from 9700 to 12,000, respectively [
15], which makes most of these molecules not suitable as candidates as an insulation gas alternatives.
To circumvent the problem associated with the high liquefaction temperature and to reduce the GWP, these fluorinated components can be mixed with buffer gases as CO
2 and N
Table 4 gives the boiling temperature and other characteristic parameters of the selected gases. Thus, many investigations have been conducted on the dielectric strength of the above gases when mixed with N
2 and CO
2 in different electrodes geometry under AC, DC, and lightning impulse voltages [
17]. So, it was reported that to obtain 20% C
8–80% N
2, equivalent to 20% SF
6–80% N
2 in terms of dielectric strength, a pressure of 1.25 times greater is required; the GWP of this mixture is 0.37 times that of 20% SF
6–80% N
2 [
17]. Note that the breakdown voltage of C
8 alone is comparable to that of SF
6. Under the same pressure, a proportion of 50% C
8–50% N
2 is required for a GWP of 0.73 times that of the 20% SF
6–80% N
2 mixture. When it is desired to obtain 20% C
8–80% N
2 comparable to 100% SF
6, always in terms of dielectric strength, the pressure must be increased by 1.59 times for a GWP of 0.009 times. It is a mixture that makes it possible to obtain a weak GWP. It is also a good candidate to replace SF
6 within reasonable pressure ranges.
Also, to obtain a 20% C
8–80% CO
2 mixture comparable to 20% SF
6–80% N
2 in terms of dielectric strength, a pressure of 1.35 times greater is required for a GWP of 0.40 times that of SF
2 [
17]. At the same pressure, a proportion of 60% C
8–40% CO
2 mixture is required with a GWP of 0.87 times. Finally, to obtain a 20% C
8–80% CO
2 mixture comparable to pure SF
6, a pressure of 1.69 times greater is necessary, which lowers the GWP by 0.10 times. The C
6 alone has a breakdown voltage of 76% that of SF
6. To obtain 20% C
6–80% N
2 comparable to 20% SF
6–80% N
2 in terms of dielectric strength, the pressure must be 1.35 times greater for a GWP of 0.52 times that of SF
2. To obtain the same gas mixture equivalent to pure SF
6, the pressure must be 1.69 times greater, for a GWP of 0.13 times that of SF
2 [
17]. All this shows that C
2 is better than SF
6 from the GWP point of view, but seems slightly less realistic than C
2 in terms of gas pressure. To obtain a 20% C
6–80% CO
2 mixture comparable to 20% SF
6–80% N
2 in terms of dielectric strength, the pressure must be increased by 1.49 times for a GWP of 0.58 times that of SF
2. And to obtain the same proportions of the previous mixture comparable to 100% SF
6, the pressure must be 1.89 times greater, which lowers the GWP by 0.15 times.
The breakdown voltage of C2F6 is lower than that of C3F8 and SF6. Among these gases, the 20% C3F8–80% N2 mixture has attracted a lot of attention because it not only reduces GWP below 1/10 compared to SF6–N2 but also gives good dielectric properties without the addition of SF6. For this mixture, the required gas pressure is 0.79 MPa (realistic value) and the obtained GWP is 9.3%.
It has also been reported that the 2-C
2 mixtures constitute promising substitutes for SF
6 [
18]. Such mixtures have extremely low GWP in comparison to SF
6. However, for outdoor application down to low temperatures, 2-C
8 mixtures might not be possible due to the liquefaction.
Although this paper is mainly focused on gases/mixtures without SF
6, the SF
2 mixture has to be underlined. Indeed, this mixture has been successfully applied in outdoor circuit breakers designed in Manitoba (Canada) [
19]. An equally proportioned SF
4 mixture (50–50%) makes it possible to obtain excellent arc extinguishing properties and reduce the liquefaction temperature. Berg [
20] showed that AC and impulse breakdown voltages in a quasi-uniform field (sphere-sphere electrodes) increases when SF
6 content is increased. These results have been confirmed by the experimental studies carried out by Kuffel and Toufani [
21] at 60 Hz alternating voltage (AC), DC (for both polarities), and impulses in a highly non-uniform field, with SF
4 mixtures and percentages of SF
6 varying from 0 to 100% at a pressure of 0.3 MPa. The breakdown voltage of the SF
4 mixture (SF
6 content ranging from 0 to 100%) in a highly inhomogeneous field increases under DC (+) and AC voltages when a few percent of SF
6 is added. This effect is more pronounced for large inter-electrode distances when the divergence of the field increases and stabilization of the corona effect can occur, leading to high breakdown values. Under impulse voltage without stabilization of the corona effect, the breakdown voltage increases almost linearly with the percentage of SF
6. Note that theoretical analyses have been conducted on the synergism in the dielectric strength for SF
4 mixtures [
22] and assessment of electron swarm parameters and limiting electric Fields in SF
6 + CF
4 + Ar gas mixtures [
However, it is important to note that the use of the SF6–CF4 mixture in practice requires special attention because the combination of these two compounds could increase the rate of decomposition. Moreover, in countries where the moisture content is very high, it is possible that the formation of the HF compound could lead to high corrosion. Although the decomposition rate of CF4 is unlikely to be greater than that of SF6, it could lead to carbon deposition. As for the formation of the HF compound, due to a very high humidity level, the presence of water in SF6 or in equipment insulated with SF6–CF4 mixtures should be avoided at all costs.
Although molecules without the fluorine atom do not have the same dielectric characteristics, several gases such as N2, CO2, air, H2, and CH4 allow good stabilization and extinguishing of the electric arc. H2 and CH4 are unusable because of the danger of explosion in case of electrical discharge. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a 35% insulation capability compared to that of SF6. CO2 has some advantages compared to N2 or air due to its better current interruption capabilities. Its reduced dielectric strength can be compensated for either by increasing the operating pressure or by enlarging the dimensions of the high-voltage equipment.
4. Natural Gases: N2, CO2, and O2
These are freely available in the atmosphere and are abundant poly-atomic gases;
Table 5 gives a typical composition of atmospheric air. They are commonly used at high pressure as insulating materials and as a medium for extinguishing the electric arc in HV switches. It should be noted that CO
2 and N
2 are the most environmentally suitable candidates given their low ozone depletion potential (ODP).
Table 6 gives the dielectric strength of these gases [
In practice, the dry air insulation and mixtures of N
2 (80% N
2–20% O
2, 60% N
2–40% O
2 and 40% N
2–60% O
2) under lightning impulse voltages exhibit better performance (dielectric strength) than those of N
2 or CO
2 on their own [
25]; and the dielectric strength under positive lightning impulse voltages for dry air, CO
2, N
2, and their mixtures are higher than the negative ones. Also, the dielectric strength of N
2 and N
2 mixtures increases quasi-linearly with pressure up to 1.6 MPa under lightning impulse voltage (LI) [
4]. This quasi-linearity has been also observed for N
2 and CO
2 in AC, DC, and lightning impulse voltages by Beroual and Coulibaly [
On the other hand, the dielectric strength of CO
2 is higher than that of N
2 under impulse voltage [
27]. Unlike for CO
2, the dielectric breakdown in N
2 occurs on the tail of the lightning impulse. This phenomenon can be explained by the electropositive nature of N
2. Indeed, CO
2 is a low electronegative gas, attaching when the electrons have an energy in the range of 7–9 eV or 20–50 eV. The mechanisms of generation of the first avalanche are different for carrier gases, which are weakly attaching or non-attaching (CO
2 and N
2). Under negative impulse voltage and for non-uniform fields, electrons generated at the cathode surface immediately enter the intense electric field (cathode). However, most of the free electrons generated in the low electric field zone have lower energy and velocity so that their attachment to CO
2 molecules is easier. Therefore, additional energy is required to cause the growth of the electronic avalanche in such cases. In addition, it was found that CO
2 breakdown values are stable and reproducible, and represent less dispersion than those of N
2 [
4]. In contrast to SF
6, the total attachment of electrons in dry air is extremely low, especially at low energy (0–1 eV). This is due to the effective cross-section of O
2 being small and N
2, which is the main component of the air (see
Table 5), being an un-attaching gas for electrons. On the other hand, an 85% CO
2/15% O
2 mixture shows a marked improvement of more than 15% compared with CO
2 in a divergent field under positive polarity [
Extensive experimental testing has demonstrated that CO
2 exhibits better repeatability of dielectric performance compared with N
2 [
25]. This is an influencing parameter that should be taken into account during the design process.
It appears from the above that pure CO2 gas and/or its mixtures are suitable candidates for insulation in HV equipment. The dielectric strength can be improved by increasing the gas pressure to obtain a gas/gas mixture having the same static breakdown voltage as that of pure SF6; CO2 pressure needs to be three times than that of SF6 to achieve the same level of insulation performance. It should be emphasized that, with the increase of the working pressure in GIS, a new dimensioning of the mechanical structure would be required to withstand the higher pressure. Thus, the economic impact of such a solution needs to be taken into account.
5. Trifluoroiodomethane (CF3I) and Mixtures CF3I/CO2
Trifluoroiodomethane (CF
3I) has excellent dielectric properties equivalent to SF
6. Its GWP is of the same order as CO
2, and its ozone depletion potential is less than 0.08 [
28]. In addition, it has a very short life time in the atmosphere (less than one day), and hence is considerably more environmentally friendly. It is a colorless, non-flammable electronegative gas. Its molecular geometry is given in
Figure 2. It has a molecular weight of 195.91 g/mol. However, CF
3I has a boiling point of about −22.5 °C, which is not suitable for use in cold regions.
Table 7 lists the main properties of this chemical element.
3I is a moderately toxic gas [
31]; it is classified as a mutagen type 3 [
Table 8 gives the toxicity indicators and their values for CF
3I. However, these properties are being investigated again to examine the evidence presented before. Indeed, the C–I bond of the molecule is easily dissociable even at a low intensity of radiation in the UV or visible region. Consequently, CF
3I produces di-iodine I
2 (acute toxicity) by decomposition, following the appearance of a partial discharge or an electric discharge [
33]. If not adequately taken care of, the production of di-iodine can cause pollution of the HV apparatus and considerably affect the interruption (extinguishing) capacity and the dielectric strength of the gas.
CF3I has better insulation properties than SF6, both in uniform and non-uniform electric fields. The critical field of CF3I is about 1.2 times higher than that of SF6.
Because of its high liquefaction temperature, this gas cannot be used on its own in HV equipment. Indeed, its boiling point is 25°C at 0.5 MPa which is the SF6 filling pressure in GIS. That is why it is used with a gas buffer such as CO
2. Such a mixture (CF
2) has very good insulation performance. Its breakdown voltage increases linearly with the molar fraction of CF
3I. A 60% mixture of CF
3I with CO
2 has similar insulating characteristics to pure SF
6 (
Figure 3a,b) [
34]. The dielectric strength of the CF
2 mixture (30%/70%) is 0.75 to 0.80 times of that of pure SF
6. With this gas mixture, good insulating properties have been demonstrated. Further investigation of its interruption capability needs to be undertaken.
Figure 4 shows the effective ionization coefficients of CF
3I and its mixtures compared with SF
6 and air. It clearly shows the suitability of the dielectric insulating properties of CF
3I mixtures.
6. Fluoroketones (FKs) and Fluoroketone Mixtures
The fluoroketones (FKs) or perfluorinated ketones have a crude formula of the form C
2nO, in which n is an integer ranging from 3 to 8 (
Figure 5).
Table 9 summarizes the important characteristics of two perfluorinated ketone candidates.
The vaporization of perfluoroketone is obtained above 24 °C. Because of this high boiling point, the gaseous state of this chemical element is maintained at a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure. Fluoroketones can only be used as an additive at a pressure below the saturated vapor pressure (
Figure 6 and
Figure 7). Indeed, by adding fluorine (halogen element) in the chemical formulation, the dielectric strength of the complex molecule is improved. In contrast, the boiling point increases considerably. Therefore, this gaseous compound cannot be used alone for insulation applications where the operating temperature of the GIS may drop to −30 °C or below.
A mixture with a low concentration of a fluoroketone and a buffer gas results in an improvement of the dielectric strength. The analysis of the effective ionization coefficients in C
2 and C
2 mixtures shows a strong dependence of the effective ionization coefficient on the complex gas density [
39]. For high values of gas density, the improvement of the attachment properties of complex molecules can be explained by the three-body electron attachment mechanism [
40]. The critical reduced electric field varies linearly as a function of the C
8O content for low concentrations. It is also important to take into account the slope of the straight line in the ionization zone in the vicinity of the critical value which corresponds to a zero effective ionization coefficient [
40]. The slope plays a role in determining the limit value of the sensitivity of the gas mixture to the surface condition (state) of the electrodes (roughness, particles, etc.). The sensitivity value (pressure × defect height) is inversely proportional to the slope of ionization line (straight). Also, the increase of the attachment rate in the vicinity of the critical field is important for evaluating and comparing the potential of the gas mixture.
The fluoroketones do not exhibit, after ionization in plasma state, a capability to recompose analogous to that present in SF
6, and therefore the quantity of fluoroketone, which is initially present in the gaseous state in an extinguishing apparatus of an electric current, decreases as the number of extinctions achieved by this apparatus increases. Fluoroketones C
10O and C
12O are substantially non-toxic in the pure state (
Table 10) and present high insulation capabilities, in particular a high dielectric strength (or breakdown field strength), and at the same time an extremely low global warming potential (GWP) can be obtained [
In a systematic dielectric test performed on all FKs in different mixtures, Hyrenbach et al. [
43] showed that, thanks to a 20 °C lower boiling point, the C5 FK gas mixture’s dielectric performance is superior compared to the C6 FK mixture. C4 FK mixtures have shown even better results; however, those mixtures have to be excluded due to their toxicity profile. The dielectric performance of the C5 FK gas mixture is not as good as 100% SF
6. Only 12% of the gas mixture is C5 FK.
7. Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs)
The general formula of HFO gases is C
2n. These are synthesized molecules of the hydrofluoroolefin family such as HFO-1234ze and HFO-1234yf, or HFO-1336mzz-Z. They have good dielectric strength properties, and their GWP is less than 9; the insulation properties of HFO-1234ze are closed to SF
6, with a dielectric strength in the range comprised of 0.8–0.95 that of SF
Table 11 summarizes the physicochemical properties of the hydrofluoroolefins candidates.
The performance of a hydrofluoroolefin is dictated by its large molecule, i.e., it has a large number of carbon and fluorine atoms, and the molecule is branched. However, the larger the hydrofluoroolefin is, the higher its liquefaction temperature will be, i.e., its saturated vapor pressure (SVP) at a given temperature is low; the gas liquefies already at around 0.42 MPa at room temperature. One of the downsides of HFO 1234 yf is its extremely flammable nature and, for HFO-1336mzz-Z, the high boiling point and the very limited SVP are crucial. For this reason, HFO-1234ze is chosen because it is nonflammable. HFO-1234ze can probably be used in its pure state for replacing SF
6 in medium-voltage applications (MV); the operating temperature is limited to −15 °C. On the other hand, mixtures of HFO-1234ze with other dilution gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or dry air are required for high- and medium-voltage applications at lower operating temperatures. However, HFO-1234ze is characterized by a high dielectric strength, (E/N)
critic, which is highly dependent on the pressure [
47]. The attachment performance of the HFO-1234ze increases gradually with the increasing pressure of the pure gas [
48]. The critical stationary value (E/N) = 305 Td (recall that 1 Td = 10
−21 V.m
2), which corresponds to 85% of that of SF
6, is obtained for pressures greater than 0.165 MPa.
Moreover, these molecules decompose in atmosphere to form trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), which is an extremely persistent substance that accumulates in nature without decomposing. On the other hand, a ternary mixture (HFO-1234ze, C5F10O, buffer gas) in gaseous form, which is suitable for low-temperature applications, improves the dielectric strength. However, because the molecules of fluoroketones and hydrofluoroolefins are very similar in composition, the generation of a liquid phase at a temperature above the liquefaction temperature of the gases in contact is noted and explained by Raoult’s law. In addition, following a flashover in HFO1234ze, a carbon deposit appears on the solid insulation; this conductive layer can short-circuit the insulator support in GIS equipment.
8. Fluoronitriles and Fluoronitriles Mixtures
Heptafluoro-iso-butyronitrile or fluoronitrile gas belongs to the family of the fluorinated nitriles of the general formula C
2n+1CN. The fluoronitrile dielectric fluid was synthetized, patented, and commercialized by 3M
TM Company (Saint Paul, MN, USA) under the name of NOVEC
TM 4710 according to the molecular model (CF
2CFCN shown in
Figure 8 [
49]. Unfortunately, fluoronitrile has a high liquefaction temperature. Given the minimum temperature at which the MV or HV equipment has to operate, for example −30 °C for temperate zones, the maximum absolute pressure without liquefaction of fluoronitriles (measured at 20 °C) is limited to 0.31 bar abs. Therefore, due to their high boiling point, fluoronitriles should be mixed with other buffer gases such as CO
2, dry air, or N
2. Fluoronitrile gas mixtures could form an ideal compromise between dielectric performance and minimum operating temperature of the apparatus while providing a considerable reduction of the environment impact.
The mixing of fluoronitriles with CO
2 is an effective technique that enables us to obtain optimized insulating properties combining the advantageous features of each component: the high dielectric strength of NOVEC
TM and the low boiling point of CO
2. Therefore, to obtain a given gas mixture for a minimum operating temperature, the partial pressure of the fluoronitriles compound is adjusted to avoid liquefaction. Furthermore, the desired dielectric strength is obtained by adding a sufficient proportion of carbon dioxide.
Figure 9 illustrates the variation of the saturating vapor pressure of the studied fluids versus the temperature.
Fluoronitrile gas compound is a polar gas that has a specific mass of 8.11 kg/
; its purity is greater than 98.54%. It is odorless, highly electronegative, colorless, and chemically stable up to a temperature of about 700 °C (the appearance temperature of carbon monoxide) [
Table 12 and
Table 13 summarize the basic chemical and physical properties of fluoronitriles.
Figure 10 gives the main degradation products and thermal stability of the dielectric fluid (CF
2CFCN analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) [
51]. Carbon monoxide is the main decomposition product; its dielectric strength is about 40% of that of SF
6 [
The global warming potential (GWP) of fluoronitrile gas, computed according to Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006, is less than 2400 [
1] and its ozone depletion potential (ODP) is zero. For example, the 4% fluoronitriles/96% CO
2 mixture has a GWP that is 98.4% lower than that SF
The mixtures of fluoronitriles with CO
2 are classified in the lowest risk category according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on the classification, labeling, and packaging of substances and mixtures [
53]. Indeed, the calculated lethal CO
2 concentration is above 300,000 ppmv, and it is 12,000 ppmv for fluoronitriles [
53]. The recent tests and analysis performed on the NOVEC 4710 conclude that this gas is not CMR (Carcinogens Mutagenic Reprotoxic) and the TLV TWA (Threshold Limit Values Time Weighted Average) is equal to 65 ppm [
Table 14 summarizes the toxicity of degradation products of Fluoronitriles and
Table 15 summarizes the main characteristics of fluoronitrile gas compared with SF
6 and CO
Recent studies have shown that fluoronitriles mixed with a buffer gas such as N
2 or CO
2 could be a potential alternative to SF
6 [
54]. Such mixtures represent an ideal compromise between the operating temperature, the global warming potential, and a dielectric strength that is comparable to that of SF
6. The fluoronitrile/CO
2 mixture was presented for the first time at CIGRE 2014 by Alstom Grid (Villeurbanne, France), now GE Grid Solutions (Villeurbanne, France), and at CIRED 2015 as a candidate gas to replace SF
6 for HV switchgear insulation [
The fluoronitrile has a dielectric strength 2.7 times greater than that of SF
6 in uniform field [
58] for both AC and DC voltages. The ratio V
SF6 decreases for divergent fields, in particular for the positive impulse voltage.
Figure 11 depicts examples of the breakdown voltage characteristics for sphere-to-sphere and rod-to-plane electrodes configurations.
Experiments conducted on gas mixtures consisting of CO
2 and fluoronitrile Novec
TM 4710 in concentrations ranging 3.7 to 20% with different electrode geometries (namely plane-to-plane, sphere-to-sphere, sphere-to-plane, and rod-to-plane; and different field utilization factors), under AC and lightning impulse (LI) voltages show that in a quasi-homogeneous electric field, the equivalent dielectric strength with 0.1 MPa SF
6, at identical total pressure, is reached by a mixture containing 20% fluoronitriles [
58]. The 3.7% fluoronitriles/96.3% CO
2 mixture constitutes a good compromise and an appropriate gas mixture for high-voltage apparatus insulation in view of the pressure and low ambient temperature applications (−30 °C). This compromise takes into account different criteria including the working pressure and temperature as well as the environmental impact (global warming potential). This mixture, in a uniform electric field, reaches 72% of the dielectric breakdown of pure SF
6 at 5.5 bar absolute. In homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous fields, equivalences to 0.55 and 0.65 MPa SF
6 are obtained with 3.7% Fluoronitriles/96.3% CO
2 mixtures at 0.88 and 1.04 MPa total pressure, respectively, and lead minimum operating temperatures of −30 and −25 °C, respectively.
Figure 12 depicts the variation of AC breakdown voltage of SF
6 and two fluoronitriles/CO
2 mixtures as a function of electrode gap distance at 0.1 MPa abs (absolute pressure) in a sphere-to-sphere electrode arrangement referred to the equivalent breakdown (BD) in uniform configuration using the field utilization factor.
Figure 13 gives the negative LI breakdown voltages of 3.7% fluoronitriles/96.7% CO
2 mixture and pure SF
6 at different pressures as a function of the sphere-to-plane electrodes gap.
Thus, the addition of a small amount of fluoronitriles (a few percent by volume) to carbon dioxide (CO
2) results in an appreciable improvement of the breakdown voltage compared to CO
2 (3 times lower than SF
6) [
60]. At atmospheric pressure, a mixture at a percentage of 20% reaches the same dielectric performance as pure SF
6. This mixture offers the possibility to be used below −30 °C without liquefaction and, as such, constitutes an interesting possibility for replacing SF
6 as a dielectric medium in MV switchgear.