The Potential of RES in the Reduction of Air Pollution: The SWOT Analysis of Smart Energy Management Solutions for Krakow Functional Area (KrOF)
:1. Introduction
1.1. National and Regional Policy Goals
- −7% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in non-ETS sectors compared to 2005 levels,
- the share of coal in electricity production to be reduced to 56%–60%,
- 21%–23% share of renewable energy sources in final gross energy consumption.
- Increasing the use of technologies based on RES to produce heat, cold, and electricity;
- Improving the energy efficiency of the public sector and housing through thermal modernisation of buildings as an element of economical energy management;
- Development of energy-saving building;
- Promotion and education in the field of lifestyle change towards energy saving and reducing its consumption.
1.2. The Concept of Smart Metropolis
1.3. Smart Metropolis Concept for KrOF: The Role of Krakow Metropolis Association
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Inventories
2.2. Good Practices
- Providing advice to residents on the replacement of heating and hot water sources (selection and optimisation of the type and power of the source) and on the entire thermal modernisation of the building (including thermal imaging),
- Providing education for residents, and organising workshops on energy-saving and ecological and health benefits from the replacement of heat sources,
- Cooperation with local media, action groups, parishes, NGOs, Volunteer Fire Brigade, Police, medical doctors, energy companies, road engineers, chambers of commerce/agriculture, etc.
2.3. Organisation of Data, Generation of Arguments, and SWOT Analysis
2.4. Ranking
- Branch category of RES: Heating, power generation, mixed heating and power, electromobility, and general RES;
- RES domain: Policy, finance, natural and technical conditions, education and promotion, knowledge and information, and good practice;
- Action range: State or general (national or international scale), regional (the region of Małopolska), and local (KrOF).
2.5. Classification
2.6. Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
- dust emissions have decreased by 72%;
- gaseous pollutants (excluding CO2) have been reduced by 53%;
- CO2 emissions have decreased by 29%.
- The regional government participates in the planning of energy and fuel supply and examines the compliance of energy plans with the national energy policy.
- Poviats are responsible for system security, public services, and citizens’ security. This obligation is extremely important in dispersed generation systems.
- Regional and local authorities are responsible for providing conditions for the development of clean and efficient heating systems. They are obliged to cooperate with the minister responsible for energy matters and the voivode in the planning and implementation of fuel and energy supply systems.
- Municipalities are responsible for planning and organising the supply of heat and electricity in the commune; the rationalisation of energy consumption; the promotion of consumption reducing solutions; and the assessment of the potential of local electricity generation.
- Municipalities and bottom-up local initiatives play a crucial role in building awareness and ecological needs, thus the combined sales, as well as various forms of financial support from public funds are to be used as incentives for using RES.
4.1. Monitoring and Evaluation
- the power of devices using energy from RES, as part of projects implemented in KrOF;
- electricity consumption per capita in KrOF;
- a number of new installations using RES in municipal facilities, as part of projects implemented in KrOF.
4.2. Planning Conditions
- PVEffective localisation of photovoltaic farms requires non-shadow places and a dust-free area. It is also necessary to find a sufficiently large, flat area. The levels of urbanisation and air pollution in KrOF make them less profitable.
- Wind farmsThe location of a wind farm must have a stable wind regime. Distances from the households, transport infrastructure, electricity networks, agricultural areas, nature protection areas, and environmental conditions—areas of nesting and migration routes of birds and bats—make the metropolitan area of Krakow unfavourable for building of large wind turbines.
- HydroelectricityHydroelectric power plants have been built mainly in the areas with great land slopes or in places where the water was dammed up. There is no potential in KrOF to develop that kind of plants.
- Geothermal sourcesThe main qualifying factors for geothermal heat or electricity production are specification of geothermal waters (e.g., temperature, mineralisation), geological conditions (e.g., aquifer depth and its extension), and the heat customer structure and spatial distribution. A dispersed type of urbanisation which dominates in KrOF towns and villages can cause unfavourable economic and technical conditions for big-scale heat production from geothermy, even if the geothermal water parameters and other natural conditions are met.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Zone | Class of Pollutions—Human Health Protection Criteria | |||||||||||
Krakow Urban Agglomeration | SO2 | NO2 | CO | C6H6 | O3 | PM10 | PM2,5 | Pb | As | Cd | Ni | B(a)P |
A 1 | C 2 | A | A | A | C | C | A | A | A | A | C |
Source of Energy | Number of Units | Installed Capacity [MWe] | Share |
Total | 16 | 922.701 | 100% |
Non-renewable | 5 | 442.053 | 47.9% |
Renewable | 11 | 480.648 | 52.1% |
Biogas | 3 | 3.498 | 0.4% |
Biomass (co-incineration) | 3 | 466.900 | 50.6% |
PV | 1 | 0.060 | 0.0% |
Wind | 0 | 0.000 | 0.0% |
Hydro | 4 | 10.190 | 1.1% |
Geothermy | 0 | 0.000 | 0.0% |
Licensed Entity | Location | Type of Production | Fuel | Installed Thermal Power [MW] |
CEZ Skawina SA | Skawina | Multi-fuel combustion installation, steam boilers, cogeneration | Coal, Heavy oil, Biomass from products, waste and residues of industry processing agricultural products | 946.600 |
Krakowski Holding Komunalny SA | Kraków | Thermal waste treatment installation, steam boilers, cogeneration | Non-hazardous waste containing biodegradable fractions, Fuel oil | 69.000 |
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej SA, Krakow | Kraków | Boiler rooms—49 units | Natural gas, Fuel oil | 27.710 |
TAMEH Polska Sp. z o.o., Dąbrowa Górnicza | Kraków | Steam boilers, cogeneration | Blast furnace gas, Coal, Coke gas, Natural gas | 538.000 |
PGE Energia Ciepła SA, Warszawa | Kraków | Water boilers, steam boilers | Hard coal, Light heating oil, Biomass from products, waste and residues from agricultural production and industry processing agricultural products | 1644.000 |
No | Name of Criterion | Abbreviation in SWOT Matrix | Points |
Branch Category of RES | |||
Heating and power generation have the greatest impact on the air quality in KrOF and these categories have been valued at 3 points. Mobility is next important but not only KrOF residents are responsible for vehicle exhausts. Krakow is visited daily by thousands of stakeholders (employees, tourists, students, suppliers, entrepreneurs) commuting by their own cars. This fact has determined that to this category 2 points have been assigned. Actions related to RES generally have been valued for 1 point because due to the lack of a specific reference to heating, power or electromobility category, they make a smaller impact on layman decisions and households’ transition towards RES. | |||
1 | Heating | HTG | 3 p. |
2 | Power | PW | 3 p. |
3 | Mixed: Heating & Power | MHP | 3 p. |
4 | Electromobility | EM | 2 p. |
5 | General RES | GR | 1 p. |
RES Domain | |||
In the RES domain category, 2 points have been assigned for subcategories of policy, finance, natural and technical conditions, while 1 point for arguments from the subcategories of education and promotion, knowledge and information, and good practice. All legal regulations, including the possibility of receiving financial support as well as natural conditions and technical possibilities, significantly determine decisions and affect the motivation of laypeople to install systems based on RES. Education, availability of information and/or good examples of RES implementation cause that the attitude towards possible changes is more positive. However, such an attitude does not directly affect the decisions of households to make the transition to RES. In Krakow, the majority of households have not made the decisions until the forthcoming total prohibition of solid fuels became inevitable. | |||
1 | Policy | POL | 2 p. |
2 | Finance | FIN | 2 p. |
3 | Natural &Technical Conditions | NTC | 2 p. |
4 | Education & Promotion | E&P | 1 p. |
5 | Knowledge & Information | K&I | 1 p. |
6 | Good Practice | GP | 1 p. |
Action Range | |||
In the Action range category, 3 points have been awarded to actions or arguments directly concerning KrOF in politics, finance or natural conditions categories. Actions addressed directly to residents are more effective than actions taken at the regional level (2 points), national level (1 point) or international/EU level (1 point). | |||
1 | Local | LCL | 3 p. |
2 | Regional | RGL | 2 p. |
3 | National | NTL | 1 p. |
Action Impact | |||
2 points have been awarded to arguments or actions which could have a direct impact on decisions taken by laypeople towards RES. Indirect impact arguments have been awarded 1 point. | |||
1 | Direct | DIR | 2 p. |
2 | Indirect | IND | 1 p. |
Very Weak | Weak | Strong | Very Strong | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 12 | 16 | 18 | 24 | 36 |
An action or argument scored 1, 2 or 3 points | An action or argument scored 4, 6 or 8 points | An action or argument scored 9, 12 or 16 points | An action or argument scored 18, 24 or 36 points |
Strengths | ||||||||||
No | Action | RES Branch | Points | RES Domain | Points | Range | Points | Impact | Points | Score |
1 | Due to the problem of air pollution in KrOF, the Program of Reduction of Surface Emission has been introduced in the City of Krakow. Under this program, since September 2019, the total prohibition on burning solid fuels, including biomass, has been introduced in the City. | HTG | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 36 |
2 | Under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, the Krakow Municipality co-finances investments related to replacement of old heating boilers for installations that meet the current pollution emission standards. | HTG | 3 | FIN | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 36 |
3 | Bank Ochrony Środowiska (The Bank for Environmental Protection) offers loans with subsidies for the purchase and installation of solar collectors for households and small enterprises in the Małopolska Region. | HTG | 3 | FIN | 2 | RGL | 2 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
4 | Under the “Clean Air” program, the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management supports households, NGOs, local government units, and business entities by co-financing investments, including heat pumps and/or solar installations. | MHP | 3 | FIN | 2 | RGL | 2 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
5 | In 2019, the first Clean Transport Zone in Poland was introduced in the Krakow district of Kazimierz. In the future, a similar limitation is expected for cars with diesel engines not meeting the Euro 5 or Euro 6 standards. | EM | 2 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
6 | In Krakow, electric cars are exempt from parking fees. The monthly subscription for a hybrid car is 2,5 times lower than for other internal combustion vehicles. | EM | 2 | FIN | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
7 | The largest power plants in KrOF use cogeneration (e.g., the heat and power plant in Skawina, the eco-incineration plant in Krakow and the heat and power plant producing energy utilities for ArcelorMittal facilities). | MHP | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
8 | Among the projects provided in the ZIT formula, the installations of RES in municipal facilities and installation of a solar farm in the Wieliczka Commune are planned to be built. | MHP | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
9 | Krakow is the first city in Poland where bus lines operated only by electric buses have been launched. Charging stations are built and it is also planned to purchase electric cars for the fleet of the Municipality. | EM | 2 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 12 |
10 | In Podhale, the southern sub-region of Małopolska, the geothermal energy network is implemented. This region is a model example of the substantial environmental, economic and social benefits from RES. | HTG | 3 | GP | 1 | RGL | 2 | IND | 1 | 6 |
11 | There are a lot of branch web-portals in Poland, which collect data and publish reports and information on RES development. | GR | 1 | K&I | 1 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 1 |
Weaknesses | ||||||||||
No | Action | RES Branch | Points | RES Domain | Points | Range | Points | Impact | Points | Score |
1 | The Program of Reduction of Surface Emission in Krakow does not directly promote the use of RES (as it allows the use of gas and light oil boilers) nor the thermal modernisation of houses. | HTG | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 36 |
2 | Paradoxically, the prohibition on solid fuels combustion can contribute to downturn in the transition towards RES, and particularly biomass, in household installations. However, such a ban had to be introduced because wood, pellets, and briquettes burned in installations without filters largely contribute to the PM emission. | HTG | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 36 |
3 | Cars fuelled with fossil fuels will remain the basic mobility option for a long time. It is because of the high costs of purchasing an electric car. The use of cars will remain the basic mobility option in less urbanised areas of KrOF where housing dispersion unbales public transport to cover the mobility needs. | EM | 2 | FIN | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
4 | Krakow is one of the most traffic-jammed cities in Poland. The main reason is the dysfunctional city development model based on the development of single-use zones and the chaotic development of dispersed households on the suburbs. These factors increase the dependence on individual transport. | EM | 2 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
5 | Bicycles and electric motorcycles could become an alternative to cars in areas outside the cities but the climatic conditions in Poland (changing temperatures and rains) are barriers for popularisation of two-wheelers. | EM | 2 | NTC | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 2 | 24 |
6 | Solar farms and wind farms need large areas for industrial electricity production. This could cause difficulties in implementing this type of RES in KrOF because of the dispersion of housing, a large percentage of forests and nature protection areas, as well as the growing demand for recreational areas in Krakow and surrounding municipalities. | PW | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
7 | Some of the RES investments cause protests in local communities. The main sources of information in conflict situations are local media and branch media – often representing the two opposed poles of public opinion. There is an inadequacy of education, communication instruments, and experience in integrated urban management involving a participatory approach for prevention and mitigation of conflicts. | PW | 3 | E&P | 1 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 9 |
8 | In Poland, a significant part of RES generation installed capacity is based on unstable energy sources (wind, sun, some of hydro) and makes it necessary to maintain reserve capacity and a high flexibility of the national energy system based on conventional fuels. | PW | 3 | POL | 2 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 6 |
9 | Scientific research and some activities focusing on RES development not keep up with the dynamics of changes in the branch. Together with the inadequacy of a RES monitoring system, it causes that many studies present the outdated state of affairs. | GR | 1 | K&I | 1 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 1 |
Opportunities | ||||||||||
No | Action | RES Branch | Points | RES Domain | Points | Range | Points | Impact | Points | Score |
1 | In KrOF, there are good conditions for the further development of biogas plants using fermentation processes from organic waste at landfills (including the Barycz landfill in Krakow), animal waste on farms, and sewage sludge in sewage treatment plants. | MHP | 3 | NTC | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
2 | RES technologies dominating in KrOF are based on multi-fuel combustion (with biomass) and thermal waste treatment. On one hand, this allows covering the increasing demand for heat and electricity production. On the other hand, this helps to manage the increasing amount of waste in Krakow and the neighbouring communes. | MHP | 3 | NTC | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
3 | Major KrOF urban areas produce large amounts of sewage and waste and that ensures supplies for biogas production. Access to this stock is also important for the operation of the thermal waste treatment plant in Krakow. | PW | 3 | NTC | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
4 | One of the priorities of Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) in KrOF, is the transition to a low-carbon economy, implemented through energy modernisation of public and private facilities, smart energy management, and implementation of RES. | MHP | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
5 | In the KrOF area, the air pollution is the major problem. In the ITI Strategy for KrOF it is noted that the low quality of air is the factor that should mobilise Metropolia Krakowska Association towards supporting investments in RES application. | GR | 3 | POL | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
6 | In the Development Strategy of the Region, it is postulated to treat the energy transformation for air quality improvement as a priority. The key would be the increase of RES use and the improvement of energy management in Małopolska. | PW | 3 | POL | 2 | RGL | 2 | IND | 1 | 12 |
7 | Some of the Polish heating companies possess large undeveloped areas which could be used for building solar farms. | PW | 3 | NTC | 2 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 6 |
8 | There is a number of strong arguments that can encourage society to accept investments in RES (health protection, reduction of electricity prices, environmental cleanliness, reduction of air pollution, technological progress, new jobs, energy security, income for the municipality and residents). Open discourse and education are necessary to transfer these arguments to society; however, they need to be considered together with other measures. The attitude does not directly affect the decisions of households to make the transition to RES. | GR | 1 | E&P | 1 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 1 |
Threats | ||||||||||
No | Action | RES Branch | Points | RES Domain | Points | Range | Points | Impact | Points | Score |
1 | Social factors in RES investments include tensions related to the distribution of benefits from these investments. When external investments are regarded, a small group of investors and chosen landowners would increase their income substantially, while their neighbours may feel only to bear the costs associated with changes in the landscape. | PW | 3 | FIN | 2 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 3 | 24 |
2 | In smaller towns, there would be more opportunities for modernisation of the heating grid due to shorter sections of the grid and a lower number of facilities that need to be thermally modernised. However, in such towns heat is provided by communal units that often do not have resources to finance this type of projects. The external sources of financing such big projects may be needed. | HTG | 3 | NTC | 2 | LCL | 3 | IND | 1 | 18 |
3 | The low level of ecological awareness and lack of knowledge about the energy sources and systems may cause protests against plans or projects related to energy system transition. Communities tend to protest when a specific plan of the location of a new installation in their neighbourhood appears without the participation of the society. | GR | 1 | K&I | 1 | LCL | 3 | DIR | 3 | 9 |
4 | As a result of the development of prosumer energy installations, problems can appear in the management of the existing energy grid. In Poland, energy distribution grids are not sufficiently adapted to two-way operation on a large scale. Grid adaption for new conditions will be very expensive. | PW | 3 | NTC | 2 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 6 |
5 | Opinion polls indicate a lack of public awareness about types of RES installations, prosumer investment mechanisms, and the expected payback time. | MHP | 3 | K&I | 1 | NTL | 1 | IND | 1 | 3 |
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Jeleński, T.; Dendys, M.; Tomaszewska, B.; Pająk, L. The Potential of RES in the Reduction of Air Pollution: The SWOT Analysis of Smart Energy Management Solutions for Krakow Functional Area (KrOF). Energies 2020, 13, 1754.
Jeleński T, Dendys M, Tomaszewska B, Pająk L. The Potential of RES in the Reduction of Air Pollution: The SWOT Analysis of Smart Energy Management Solutions for Krakow Functional Area (KrOF). Energies. 2020; 13(7):1754.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJeleński, Tomasz, Marta Dendys, Barbara Tomaszewska, and Leszek Pająk. 2020. "The Potential of RES in the Reduction of Air Pollution: The SWOT Analysis of Smart Energy Management Solutions for Krakow Functional Area (KrOF)" Energies 13, no. 7: 1754.
APA StyleJeleński, T., Dendys, M., Tomaszewska, B., & Pająk, L. (2020). The Potential of RES in the Reduction of Air Pollution: The SWOT Analysis of Smart Energy Management Solutions for Krakow Functional Area (KrOF). Energies, 13(7), 1754.