Hydrogen or Electric Drive—Inconvenient (Omitted) Aspects
:1. Introduction
Drive Efficiency
- unlike engines operating on the basis of the Carnot cycle, the maximum efficiency of energy conversion in fuel cells is at non-zero power;
- pure water is the product of conversion of chemical energy of hydrogen into electricity;
- electricity generation in applications with power ranging from milliwatts [mW] to megawatts [MW] is continuous, as long as substrates for electrochemical reactions are supplied.
2. The Principle of Fuel Cell Operation
3. Application of Hydrogen Fuel
4. The Question, the Answer to Which Is the Foundation of Further Analysis: How Is Hydrogen Obtained?
4.1. Fundamentals of Hydrogen Technologies
- steam reforming (SR);
- partial oxidation (POX);
- auto thermal reforming (ATR).
4.2. Direct Solar Water Splitting Processes
4.3. Biological Processes
4.4. Is Blue Hydrogen a Threat to the Climate? No One Listens to Scientists!
5. The Concept of a Modern Hydrogen Drive
6. Lithium Production
- engine noise;
- rolling noise;
- aerodynamic noise.
7. Economical Aspects
- the shape of the Earth’s orbit, especially its eccentricity, because the Earth’s orbit around the Sun does not follow a perfect circle;
- angle of inclination of the Earth’s axis relative to the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the sun;
- the change in the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation in which the Earth’s axis is pointing is known as precession.
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- companies provide incorrect information about the features relating to its environmental impact [69]—lithium-ion batteries (acquisition of lithium related to environmental degradation—open-cast mining);
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- companies distort the actual impact of the product on the environment [70]—the ecological aspect is emphasised (electric cars do not emit exhaust fumes), but they do not mention that 80% of electricity in the EU is generated from burning fossil fuels, and no one can answer what will be done with used batteries in a few years;
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- companies omit certain information, the disclosure of which could undermine the “ecological” nature of the product (nonecological aspects of the production of lithium-ion batteries, excessive wear of car tyres and releases into the natural environment).
8. Conclusions
- Huge water consumption for the extraction of lithium from the ore, estimated at about 1890 litres per metric ton.
- Danger of toxic chemicals entering post-mining excavations and groundwater (lithium mining and extraction).
- Lithium mining (open-pit mining) can impact the environment, including fish that are human food up to 150 miles downstream.
- Possible contamination of crops in the lithium mining area.
- If hydrogen-based transportation should be applied globally, then it should be in the form of hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles or using fuel cells. Pure hydrogen does not contain carbon; there are no carbon-based pollutants, such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbons (HC), in the exhaust, as well as no problems with batteries.
9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Trains
9.1. Benefits
- No emission of substances other than water vapour;
- Hydrogen is plentiful and can be produced from renewable energy;
- Short refuelling times;
- Their potential as a two-mode train, which means that they can run on both electrified and conventional lines;
- Better fuel consumption, more efficient? It is probably about engine efficiency;
- No engine noise or visual pollution;
- There are no disturbances in the entire network due to the lack of infrastructure for electricity transmission.
9.2. Disadvantages
- The technology is currently expensive (investments required);
- Most of the energy used in the hydrogen extraction process currently comes from non-renewable sources;
- It requires storage of hydrogen under very high pressure on board (danger?);
- There are few places for refuelling, the need to expand the network;
- The hydrogen installation, which is currently located, for example, in the EMU, limits the number of people who can board the car;
- Currently, hydrogen trains are still dependent on virgin hydrogen and infrastructure.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Konieczny, J.; Labisz, K.; Surma, S.; Młyńczak, J.; Łukasik, J.; Boris, R.; Grzybowski, M. Hydrogen or Electric Drive—Inconvenient (Omitted) Aspects. Energies 2023, 16, 4400. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114400
Konieczny J, Labisz K, Surma S, Młyńczak J, Łukasik J, Boris R, Grzybowski M. Hydrogen or Electric Drive—Inconvenient (Omitted) Aspects. Energies. 2023; 16(11):4400. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114400
Chicago/Turabian StyleKonieczny, Jarosław, Krzysztof Labisz, Szymon Surma, Jakub Młyńczak, Jerzy Łukasik, Renata Boris, and Michał Grzybowski. 2023. "Hydrogen or Electric Drive—Inconvenient (Omitted) Aspects" Energies 16, no. 11: 4400. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114400
APA StyleKonieczny, J., Labisz, K., Surma, S., Młyńczak, J., Łukasik, J., Boris, R., & Grzybowski, M. (2023). Hydrogen or Electric Drive—Inconvenient (Omitted) Aspects. Energies, 16(11), 4400. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114400