1. Introduction
The necessity of using solar energy to address one of the key issues that humankind currently faces, i.e., the transition of the global energy supply system towards renewable sources, is indisputable. The two main technologies that are used to convert solar radiation into useful energy are photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal (ST) systems. Both systems are currently available on a high level of maturity, and both are making a noticeable contribution to provide emission-free power and heat [
1]. Furthermore, the combination of PV and ST in one component (PVT) has been in the focus of research for more than 40 years. Although it is still in an early stage of market penetration, it has major growth potential [
2]. In recent years, PVT systems were able to achieve significant global growth rates of up to 13% in terms of installed capacity, and supplied a total thermal power of 751 MW
th and a total electrical power of 254 MW
el by the end of 2021. However, 99.7% of these systems utilise non-concentrating PVT collectors, providing emission-free heat at temperature levels for domestic hot water generation and space heating support [
3]. If applications in the industrial sector with temperature requirements above 100 °C are to be supplied with solar heat and solar electricity, concentrating PVT (CPVT) has to be considered. The present market share of CPVT is marginal, because such hybrid collectors face the fundamental challenge that both parts of the receiver, the thermal part and the electrical one, require opposing temperature levels to provide both forms of energy effectively and efficiently. While the thermal receiver generates temperatures of 150 °C and more, the temperature of the PV cells in the electrical part of the receiver must not exceed the limit of 85 °C, which is normally set by the specification of the encapsulation plastic [
One possible way to address this challenge is by using the “Spectral Splitting” approach. The central idea of this concept is to split the concentrated incidental irradiance into several spectral domains and to supply each part of the receiver with the most suitable bandwidth. The electrical receiver part is only impinged with a wavelength range where the spectral response of the PV cells reaches maximum values, and hence, where the energy conversion in the cells is the most efficient. All other spectral bands are less suitable for the generation of electricity in the PV cells, either because incidental photons carry too much energy, which causes thermalisation losses within the semiconductor, or because the photon energy is too low to overcome the bandgap. These non-suitable spectral ranges would cause additional heating of the PV cells, and therefore, they are absorbed by an optical filter and directly converted into heat within the thermal receiver part, where the generated heat becomes accessible. Furthermore, the receiver parts are thermally decoupled from each other in order to reduce undesired heat transfer.
The application of spectral splitting in CPVT receivers has been investigated for some decades with a large number of different constructions and various solutions for realising the optical filtering [
10]. Recent research work in this field has revealed promising results in terms of raising the energy conversion efficiency of such solar hybrid systems. Han et al. [
11] modelled a receiver construction with tubular optical filters and reported a potential efficiency increase from 12.73% in the PV-only operation mode to 46.77% in the combined electrical–thermal operation of the concentrating system. A different constructional approach was chosen by Huang et al. [
12], who proposed the use of an evacuated layer between the thermal and the electrical receiver parts for minimising heat losses. Their modelling efforts resulted in a CPVT system with a maximum outlet temperature of 412 °C. Besides the technical performance modelling, Wang et al. [
13] also investigated the economic parameters for a possible implementation of concentrating hybrid collectors for supporting the energy demand of a dairy farm. The experimental results of the performance measurements using spectral splitting CPVT collectors were reported by Stanley et al. [
14], who achieved a thermal efficiency of 31% at an outlet temperature of 120 °C, and an electrical efficiency of 3.8%.
The authors of this paper are presently working on the development and experimental implementation of a compact CPVT receiver for a linear Fresnel concentrator, including spectral splitting via absorptive filtering. A detailed description of the completed receiver design process can be found in [
15]. One of the novelties of their construction is the utilisation of bendable CIGS PV modules representing the electrical receiver part [
16]. Secondly, triethylene glycol was successfully tested for its implementation in the CPVT receiver, both as a heat transfer fluid and as the liquid part of the required optical filter [
17]. During the receiver design process and for the subsequent stage of experimental realisation, detailed knowledge about the optical performance of the considered Fresnel mirror field was required. On the one hand, the expected width and position of the focus image in the receiver input plane influenced the design of the CPVT receiver, and on the other hand, the magnitude of the resulting concentrated irradiance at different sun positions is the main parameter for simulating electrical and thermal power, energy yields and efficiencies. Therefore, the investigation of the given Fresnel mirror field via optical modelling was essential.
Optical models for concentrating solar systems have been developed in the past via various research activities. Boito and Grena [
18] worked on maximising the optical efficiency of a Fresnel collector by optimising certain geometrical parameters, e.g., the mirror positions. The provided MATLAB model uses fixed values for the number of mirrors, the receiver height above the mirrors and the receiver width. Widyolar et al. [
19] showed the utilisation of the ray-tracing software LightTools for optimising the design of a spectrum splitting hybrid receiver to be mounted on a parabolic trough concentrator. Wang et al. [
13] also investigated a parabolic trough collector and modelled the optical efficiency of the system by using MATLAB and Microsoft Excel. The shadowing effects, tracking and geometry errors were considered via empirical parameters and correction terms. The optical model created by Han et al. [
11] for a Fresnel mirror field with a CPVT receiver was developed via ray-tracing methods using LightTools. Although these outcomes appear to be quite useful in terms of identifying the flux intensity on the receiver input plane, the incident angle was assumed to be constantly zero. Therefore, only vertical rays are considered, and hence, the shading losses within the Fresnel mirror field are mostly neglected. By contrast, Boito and Grena [
20] developed an optical model for Fresnel systems that also calculates the impact of the shadowing mechanisms that are typical for such concentrators. However, the target application in this case was not CPVT, but concentrating PV, and the simulation outputs focussed on the daily and annual electrical energy production. Montenon et al. [
21] used the ray-tracing software Tonatiuh++ to compare two receiver designs for a thermal linear Fresnel collector. This work confirms that ray tracing can be very useful for evaluating concentrating solar systems, although the research focus was on the optical modelling of the receiver and not on the Fresnel mirror field itself. Besides the mentioned modelling approaches, Fernández-Reche et al. [
22] explored a method for measuring the concentrated solar radiation flux on a novel type of Fresnel mirror field. The developed measurement device consists of a CMOS camera and a water-cooled Gardon radiometer and can be used to confirm the results of ray-tracing simulations. According to Fernández-Reche et al., other systems for the direct measurement of concentrated solar flux are scarcely available [
22]. Another novel type of Fresnel collector was investigated by Wang et al. [
23], who calculated the optical efficiency using the ray-tracing software Soltrace. The cross section of this multi-mirror concentrator is similar to a parabolic trough, and therefore, the internal shading mechanisms are immaterial within this investigation.
Although many valuable results of modelling the optical behaviour of concentrating solar systems can be found in the literature, a distinct optical model had to be developed for the use described herein, due to several requirements that could not be satisfied by the available solutions. On the one hand, the required optical model should be created in MATLAB™ to be able to merge it with the electrical and thermal models of the developed CPVT receiver in a subsequent step. On the other hand, maximum flexibility in terms of the concentrator geometry should be provided by the optical model, because the mounting height and the width of the receiver were not determined at that stage of development. Even the number of mirrors should be set as a variable, which would allow for the application of the model not only in the given Fresnel mirror field, but in any other field as well. Some of the mentioned publications do not consider internal shading mechanisms, although other research has proven the substantial impact of the typical shadowing effects in Fresnel concentrators on the optical performance [
24]. Therefore, the development of a unique MATLAB™ model should also include internal shading losses. One limitation was that the detailed optical modelling of the inner structure of the CPVT receiver was not required at this stage; however, this can be seen as a potential extension in the future.
The present paper describes the development of a generic optical model for linear Fresnel concentrators with a high flexibility in terms of geometrical arrangement. The number of mirrors and all of the constructional parameters of the mirror field are set as input variables, providing us with the possibility to optimise the optical performance of the concentrator. Four types of internal shading effects are considered by the calculation. Depending on the location, date, time and the incident direct normal irradiance (DNI) taken from measurements or climate data sets, the MATLAB™ model yields relevant data like the concentration factor, optical efficiency, local and mean irradiance on the receiver input plane, among others.
2. Materials and Methods
The Fresnel mirror field displayed in
Figure 1 is the basis for the primary objective of developing a novel CPVT receiver using spectral splitting. It was manufactured by the company FRESNEX from Austria, the technology of which was acquired from the company ECOTHERM, also located in Austria. The mirror field has gross dimensions of 5.8 m × 2.3 m. It contains 28 plane mirror stripes with a width of 70 mm and a length of 5.72 m, mechanically connected and moved via a DC servo motor and a central control bar. Further mechanical details of the mirror field are described in [
The development of an optical model for this Fresnel concentrator was essential for obtaining the following information, which is required for developing and implementing a proper CPVT receiver:
Appropriate receiver mounting height above mirror field;
Resulting width of focus image in receiver input plane for defining minimum receiver width;
Resulting irradiance and radiant flux on receiver input plane, depending on location, date and time, for measured or simulated DNI.
Furthermore, the model should be designed in a general way to be applicable for different types and sizes of Fresnel mirror fields, not only for the specific one under investigation. Therefore, the following approach was chosen to develop the model in MATLAB™:
Calculation of the sun’s position, depending on location, date and time;
Geometrical calculation of mirror angles depending on transversal solar zenith angle ;
Modelling of shading mechanisms, depending on ;
Consideration of cosine losses;
Calculation of resulting optical performance parameters.
The flowchart in
Figure 2 illustrates the applied sequence of the single calculation steps within the developed optical model.
Due to its large extent, the entire MATLAB code is not included in this paper, although it can be provided by the corresponding authors if required. However, the following sub-sections describe the most relevant calculation steps of the model.
2.1. Calculation of Sun Position
The approach for calculating the sun´s position depending on location, date and time, implemented in the developed mirror field model, is based on the standard DIN 5034 [
26]. It is also partly described in [
28], but was slightly modified in terms of variable names for this use case.
This algorithm reckons the exact solar declination
depending on the earth´s position
on solar orbit on the considered day of the year as follows:
The time deviation
is calculated using the following equation:
Based on the local time
, the time zone
and the longitude
of the considered solar collector site, the average local time
is obtained as follows:
The real local time
is calculated using Equation (5),
and transformed into the hour angle
as follows:
Combined with the latitude
of the collector site, the sun’s elevation angle
and the azimuth angle
are computed in the following way:
The azimuth angle
is zero when
reaches its maximum. Therefore,
is negative according to Equation (8) for
, and positive for
. The solar zenith angle
is the complement angle to the sun´s elevation angle as follows [
Two characteristic geometrical planes are defined for the Fresnel mirror concentrators. The longitudinal plane is spanned between the receiver axis and the vertical axis, whereas the transversal plane is aligned perpendicularly to the longitudinal plane [
24]. The solar zenith angle
projected into the transversal plane results in
and is reckoned as follows [
Hence, the solar elevation angle projected into the transversal plane
is the complement angle to
as follows:
Both angles projected into the transversal plane, and , are the basis for calculating the position of the separate mirror stripes, as described in the following sub-section.
2.2. Geometric Calculation of Mirror Angles
The mirror angles to the horizontal plane were obtained by applying the method of backward ray tracing [
24], reduced to only one beam per mirror.
Figure 3 shows the cross section of an exemplary Fresnel collector with 10 mirrors (in blue) at a transversal solar zenith angle
of 45°. The receiver is simplified to a square cross section (in black). In backward ray tracing, one traced ray per mirror starts from the focal point of the receiver (dashed lines in red) and hits the centre of the corresponding mirror, where it is reflected (solid lines in orange) according to the law of reflection [
Figure 3 also provides the enlargement of two adjacent mirrors for describing the chosen angle definitions and geometric parameters.
The following input parameters are required for calculating the mirror angles:
Width of mirror field frame ;
Number of mirror stripes ;
Width of each mirror stripe ;
Horizontal gap between two adjacent mirrors ;
Mounting height of the receiver above mirror plane .
With this information, the mirror fulcrum positions
relative to the centre of the mirror field are determined. Subsequently, the angle
of the reflected beams (dashed red lines in
Figure 3) to the horizontal plane is calculated as follows:
is the index of the particular mirror under calculation, running from 1 to
. The angle
between the normal of each mirror and the horizontal plane is the half angle between the incident beam in the transversal plane
and the reflected beam
The mirror angles to the horizontal plane
are calculated using the following equation:
As mentioned in the introduction to this section, the mounting height of the receiver above the mirror plane should be a result of the optical model, although it is required as an input variable for calculating the mirror angles, according to Equation (12). Therefore, it was necessary to solve this implicit problem by varying iteratively between 600 mm and 2400 mm, which appeared to be a meaningful range for the considered Fresnel mirror field.
2.3. Modelling of Shading Mechanisms
In contrast to parabolic trough concentrators, the optical performance of Fresnel mirror fields is significantly influenced by internal shading mechanisms, namely, the mirror self-shading, the mirror backwards shading, the receiver shading and the frame shading [
Figure 4 illustrates these shading effects for a generic Fresnel mirror field with 10 mirrors.
Mirror self-shading occurs when the incident beams cannot illuminate the full width of a mirror because it is partly covered by the adjacent mirror (see
Figure 4a). Self-shading can be observed at large transversal solar zenith angles
and, therefore, correspondingly large mirror angles
. The developed MATLAB™ model considers this effect by calculating the shading line starting from the upper edge of a mirror and running in parallel to the incident beams down to the surface of the shadowed mirror.
Mirror backwards shading describes the phenomenon of when a part of the reflected beams hits the backside of an adjacent mirror and does not reach the receiver (see
Figure 4b). The calculation of this shading mechanism within the optical model is performed in a similar way like the self-shading, although the angle of the shading line is not the angle of the incident beam, but the angle of the reflected beam to the horizontal plane.
Receiver shading is another relevant effect that influences the illumination of the mirror field and is illustrated by
Figure 4c. Depending on the dimensions and geometries, the shade of the receiver starts to enter the mirror field with decreasing transversal solar zenith angles
. The MATLAB™ model calculates both shading boundary lines of the receiver and detects the intersections with the affected mirrors.
Frame shading is caused by the mechanical structure of the Fresnel mirror field, as visualised in
Figure 4d. The model calculates the resulting shading line, starting at the upper edge of the collector frame, defined by the input parameter
, and going downwards, with the angle of the incident beams. Depending on
, one or more mirrors can be shaded partly or totally by the frame, leading to a reduction in the illuminated mirror surface and, therefore, to a decreased optical performance of the mirror field.
The developed optical model computes separately for each mirror, which kind of shading effect reduces the illuminated surface by which amount. The overlapping of two or more shading mechanisms may occur, e.g., when the receiver shadow superimposes self-shading of two mirrors, which is also detected by the model. The output information of this calculation part is the remaining illuminated width for each mirror stripe.
2.4. Consideration of Cosine Losses
As concentrating solar systems only convert into useful energy, the developed optical model requires this essential input parameter for calculating the resulting irradiance and radiant flux in the receiver input plane. The information of can either be taken from measurements or from climate data sets but needs to be corrected by the angle of incidence , as only the portion of the incident radiation that is perpendicular to the horizontal input plane is of interest for calculating the performance parameters of the CPVT receiver, such as the thermal and electrical efficiency.
The calculation of
is based on the angle definition illustrated in
Figure 5, assuming a north–south alignment of the mirrors. The incident sun beam impinges on the mirror field at an azimuth angle
and a solar zenith angle
. The reflected beam represented by the vector
leaves the mirror at a transversal angle
and a longitudinal angle
, and enters the receiver input plane at an angle
related to the perpendicular vector
is the longitudinal fraction of
and is calculated in the following way [
The longitudinal angle of the reflected beam results in the following:
can be described by its magnitude
and its unit vector
, given by the corresponding x, y and z components, as follows:
The unit vector
is oriented in the z-direction and can be divided into its components as follows:
The incident angle
is obtained from the scalar product of
as follows [
The perpendicular fraction of
, corresponding to the relevant magnitude of
entering the receiver, can be directly calculated via an orthogonal projection onto the vector
31], as expressed by Equation (20). Moreover, reflexion losses of the mirrors are considered by a factor
as follows:
As the angle of reflected beam is different for each mirror stripe, the optical model calculates separately for each mirror. Therefore, the index is used again to distinguish the different values of incident irradiance, .
2.5. Optical Performance Parameters
As mentioned in the introduction of this section, the development of an optical model for Fresnel concentrators had the aim of optimising the receiver mounting height and the dimensions of the receiver´s cross section, as well as predicting the resulting irradiance in the receiver input plane. Therefore, the following optical performance parameters are calculated using the model.
The geometric efficiency
yields the ratio between the illuminated (active) mirror surface and the total mirror surface, based on the modelling of the shading mechanisms described above. As the internal shading is only a matter of transversal irradiance,
is not affected by the longitudinal dimension of the mirror stripes, and therefore, the calculation of
is reduced to the ratio between illuminated width
and total mirror width
instead of mirror surface.
depends on the elevation angle in transversal plane
and the resulting shading effects and is calculated separately for each mirror. Subsequently,
is computed as follows:
is an instantaneous value, as
changes constantly. By contrast, calculating the arithmetic average of
over the day, corresponding to the full range of
from 5° to 90°, yields a more general performance parameter for the comparison of different concentrator geometries. Therefore, the mean geometric efficiency
is introduced as follows:
The chosen resolution of is 1°. The starting value of is set to 5°, as lower values would not be meaningful due to the mechanical limitation of the mirror tracking.
Another important performance parameter is the resulting local irradiance in the receiver input plane . As an assumption, the distribution of the local irradiance in the longitudinal direction of the receiver is considered as even, and therefore, the calculation of is restricted to the transversal dimension (x-direction) of the receiver cross section. For the calculation of , the full width of the receiver is sampled by an iterative loop within the model, applying a resolution of 0.1 mm. Each step of this loop checks if the corresponding x-position on the receiver is illuminated or if it is affected by any shading. In case of illumination, the separate values calculated for all mirrors are overlapped to a resulting irradiance value , given in kW/m2. Moreover, the total width of the focus image is obtained by summing up the illuminated x-positions.
can vary significantly within the illuminated width in the receiver input plane, it appeared to be meaningful to calculate an average value of the resulting irradiance,
. This mean value is related to the focus image width
for the considered moment, and therefore, it is also an instantaneous value, as the sun´s position is steadily changing. The calculation of
is performed in the following way:
The factor in Equation (23) expresses the number of sample points per mm for detecting the illuminated receiver width, which is 10 mm−1 in the present case. is given in mm.
The real concentration factor
is another value that steadily changes with the sun´s position and is calculated using Equation (24) as follows:
can be taken from measurements or from climate data sets for the considered collector site and needs to be given in kW/m2.
The total radiant flux
impinging the receiver input plane in the perpendicular direction is computed as follows:
The parameter describes the length of the receiver, given in m. For the current research project, concerning the development of a CPVT collector, was chosen with a value of 1.5 m, as this will be a reasonable size for the subsequent prototyping phase.
2.6. Simplifications in the Model
The developed MATLAB™ model contains the following simplifications:
The reflectivity of the mirror stripes is assumed to be constantly 90%. It does not consider any dependency on the angle of incidence and does not distinguish between different wavelengths.
Possible tracking errors are neglected.
The applied ray tracing simplifies the direction of solar radiation to parallel beams only.
The receiver input plane is supposed to be planar for the current version of the optical model. However, as the currently available design concepts of the authors include a circular cross section of the CPVT receiver [
16], this simplification needs to be revised in an ensuing version, in case the proposed receiver designs are implemented into a prototype.
Row end losses are not considered by the model, as it is currently designed to simulate a single Fresnel mirror concentrator instead of an entire plant. The related CPVT receiver with an assumed length of 1.5 m is much shorter than the mirror field, which has a length of 5.8 m, and therefore, the mounting position in the longitudinal direction can be chosen in a way that no row end losses occur.
2.7. Overview of Model Input Parameters
Table 1 provides an overview of the chosen values for the required input parameters of the optical model. For some parts, the simulation was performed in an iterative way, and therefore, ranges for some parameters were defined. Moreover,
Table 1 contains the real values of some design parameters of the present Fresnel concentrator as displayed in
Figure 1.
4. Discussion
The outcomes of the developed optical model for a Fresnel mirror concentrator can be evaluated as being very useful, on the one hand, for continuing the development of a CPVT receiver for the mirror field under study. On the other hand, the model can also be applied when optimising the geometrical arrangement of any other Fresnel mirror concentrator.
The calculation of
, depending on the transversal solar elevation angle, clearly visualises one of the disadvantages of linear Fresnel mirror systems, that the available mirror surface is only partly illuminated most of the day, which is caused by internal shading effects. The developed model addresses these shading losses by computing
, and therefore, the influence of geometrical modifications can be quantified. For the present Fresnel mirror field with the given number of mirrors and defined mirror gaps, the effect of the receiver mounting height
on the optical performance is the most relevant for further work. Based on
Figure 6, the future CPVT receiver prototype will be mounted at a height of 1500 mm above the mirror plane, where
reaches a maximum of 0.944 at a transversal elevation angle
of 51°. This chosen
is a compromise between the geometric efficiency and practical accessibility of the receiver prototype during the future experimental phase.
The results of
, as displayed in
Figure 7, meet the expectation that the optical performance will improve with higher receiver mounting heights
and with smaller receiver cross sections. However, as mentioned above, the optical model provides the possibility to quantify the impact of these two factors. For an exemplary
of 1200 mm, a comparison of the receiver side edge lengths 50 mm and 250 mm results in a reduction in the active mirror surface by 6 percentage points, which is directly linked to a loss in the output power and energy of a future CPVT collector system. The investigated dependency of
on the mirror width
and mirror gap
, as depicted in
Figure 8, is relevant for the design of future mirror fields in order to maximise the optical performance. For the Fresnel concentrator under study with a mirror width of 70 mm and a mirror gap of 10 mm, the model results show that
is close to the maximum of 0.742 in this geometrical arrangement.
The model outcomes in terms of the local and mean irradiance in the receiver input plane, presented in
Figure 9, also have high relevance for further work with such concentrator systems. Firstly, the width of the focus image is important for defining the required width of the receiver, which is also strongly linked to the coherence of
and receiver dimensions, as already discussed. Secondly, the resulting irradiance is the fundamental information needed for assessing the possible thermal and electrical output parameters of a future CPVT receiver. The simulation of
and the resulting concentration factor
over a full day requires the information of the
, either from measurements or from climate data sets. The results for the given Fresnel mirror field at the location of Wels, Austria on 18 June 2021, show a maximum
of 15.42 kW/m
2 and a maximum
of 18.77. Interestingly, as illustrated in
Figure 10, the impact of the receiver shading can be observed clearly, leading to a decrease in
, while the
is still rising. Generally speaking, the path of these curves clearly show that it is hardly possible to specify a single characteristic value for the concentration factor of such a Fresnel mirror field, as it is steadily changing with the sun´s position. Based on the results of
, the total radiant flux impinging the defined area of a future receiver can be calculated. As the planned prototype of a CPVT receiver for the Fresnel collector in Wels, Austria, will have a length of 1.5 m, the maximum radiant flux resulted in 1.88 kW at 12:00 on 18 June 2021 (see
Figure 11). This outcome is the most relevant input information for subsequent modelling and experimental work.
As the measurement of the concentrated irradiance is challenging and complex, according to the investigations performed by the authors of [
22], the validation of the developed optical model had to be limited to an assessment of the mirror angle calculation results. Unexpectedly, the comparison between the calculated and measured mirror angles reveals that the modelled results are more reasonable than the experimental ones, because the detected mismatches can only be explained by the insufficient mechanical alignment of the single mirror stripes. Nevertheless, the validation of the model can be appraised as positive, as 71.4% of the mirrors showed a very good correlation between the calculation and measurement.
5. Conclusions
The developed optical model yields important results for the further research work with the Fresnel mirror field that is currently under study at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Wels, Austria. The receiver mounting height of 1500 mm appeared to provide an appropriate balance between the geometrical efficiency and experimental operability during the subsequent prototype validation. The maximum width of the focus image was detected to be 82.9 mm on 21 July at 10:45 CET, which is essential information for defining the dimensions of the receiver´s cross section. Finally, the developed model yields the resulting irradiance and the total radiant flux in the receiver input plane, depending on the date, time, DNI and length of the receiver. Together with the DNI measurement data, these outcomes will be used for the characterisation of the future CPVT receiver prototype.
The structure of the model provides high flexibility, as all relevant parameters of a Fresnel mirror concentrator are defined as input variables, such as the number of mirrors, geometrical dimensions of the mirror field and the receiver size and position, among others. Therefore, the application of the model is not restricted to the specific Fresnel mirror field that is currently in use at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, but it can be used to optimise the optical performance of any variant. In this way, the model can contribute to increase the yield of renewable and emission-free energy generated by concentrating solar systems.