1. Introduction
Energy demand increase and its negative impact on the environment is a major issue with economic and social dimensions. The building sector represents 30% of global final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector emissions [
2]. In this context, the architecture of buildings is being revised to promote performance enhancement, energy loss reduction, and even contribution to energy production [
Regarding the retrofitting of a building for status improvement, the most common practices are conventional retrofitting, implementation of Building Automation Systems (BASs), and use of advanced Adaptive Dynamic Building Envelopes (ADBEs) [
5]. Conventional retrofitting is the simplest approach towards the improvement of the building and suggests the enhancement or replacement of the existing construction with more efficient, passive components and materials [
4]. This may result in energy consumption reduction at the expense of high installation costs. In addition, conventional retrofitting is a passive way to improve the building envelope and does not provide the possibility for self-consumption through Renewable Energy Sources (RES). On the other hand, BASs include technologies, such as sensors and communication systems, which are capable of harvesting energy from RES with demand response and demand shaping attributes provided that a form of RES is already installed in the building [
5]. Nevertheless, this solution is less effective at reducing energy consumption compared to conventional retrofitting. Finally, the concept of ADBEs suggests the combination of active and passive modules on the building envelope and contributes towards loss reduction, and improvement of thermal quality, RES generation, and self-consumption [
6]. In this way, ADBE systems result in significant energy consumption reduction and RES harvesting, which renders them the most effective option.
Technologies that have emerged as possible components for ADBE systems include solar power modules, Phase Change Materials (PCMs), insulation, algae bioreactor façade systems, etc. [
8]. Out of all these options, solar power modules have gained much attention over the past few years, due to certain unique advantages over their alternatives. This category includes renewable energy production through photovoltaic (PV) systems, mostly Building Integrated PVs (BIPVs) [
9], which enhance the self-consumption capability and the environmentally friendly behavior of the buildings [
10]. Furthermore, BIPVs are capable of incorporating additional components, such as Solar Air Heaters (SAHs) and Photovoltaic–Thermal (PVT) collectors, to recover solar radiation either directly or through the heated air behind the panels. In both cases, mechanical ventilation systems are already installed or can be incorporated to drive the heated air into the interior for heating and ventilation [
Due to the significance of the above technologies in the context of the ongoing energy transition of buildings, several researchers have approached this field of development over the past few years. For example, Calise et al. [
12] used TRNSYS [
13] to study the potential energy and financial benefits from the combination of roof-mounted BIPVs, small-scale Wind Turbines (WTs), and heat pumps for the multigeneration of heating, cooling, electricity, and domestic hot water (DHW) in a hotel. According to the results, renewable electricity generation could cover 61% of the hotel’s annual electricity demand and the heat pump adoption could lead to a reduction of the primary energy demand by 27% for heating, cooling, and DHW purposes. Moreover, Kant et al. [
14] studied the behavior of a façade combining a PCM unit attached at the back surface of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) panels, and a ventilated air gap between the components and the existing wall. More specifically, the study simulated the BIPV/PCM temperature spatial distribution using COMSOL Multiphysics [
15]. Moreover, in the framework of a design optimization procedure, the effect of various parameters, such as the PCM material type and thickness, the BIPV height, and the air channel thickness, on the PV electricity generation and the energy extracted by the air ventilation system has been examined. The selection of the proper characteristics is able to increase the total energy extraction by approximately 650%, proving the significance of such components to the energy efficiency improvement of the buildings. Yet, the analysis focused on the integrated façade itself, neglecting interactions with building thermal zones. In Ref. [
16], the cooling potential of a desiccant cooling machine in the Mataró library building (Spain) was studied, when the latter was supplied by ventilated PV/SAH units mounted on façades. According to the results of the simulations conducted in TRNSYS, on average, 93% of the cooling demand during the summer could be covered by the solar-powered system. Furthermore, Yang et al. [
17] assessed the energy performance of various topologies of Double-Skin Façades (DSFs) in three Australian climate zones. In this context, numerical simulations in TRNSYS evaluated the energy consumption of a 5.6 m
2 single-zone building, when the façade was equipped with non-ventilated BIPV, naturally ventilated BIPV/T or mechanically ventilated BIPV/T systems. According to the results, a total annual energy savings of 34.1%, 86%, and 106% could be attained with the optimal configuration in Darwin, Sydney, and Canberra, respectively. Additionally, Alhammadi et al. [
18] presented the testing and validation of façades with naturally ventilated BIPVs in desert climates. According to the results, the annual energy yield of the south modules was higher than the east and west modules, making it an optimal orientation for BIPV façades. Yet, the east and west façades could produce up to 40.9% more energy than the south from April to August, which are months with high energy demand in countries with hot climates. In a slightly different and more modern approach, Nguyen et al. [
19] developed an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to exclusively predict the annual output energy of a BIPV system, using one-month datasets of spectral and environmental databases of Gifu, Japan. Based on the results, the annual efficiency of the system could range from 7% to 23%, depending on its orientation.
Based on this literature review, it is evident that research objectives are needed to be enriched and further key indices to be included in order to further expand the knowledge in this field. A main research gap that stems from the relevant literature is the limited number of works studying building thermal zones, passive construction elements, HVAC systems, and ADBEs as an undivided system of interacting components. An additional task that previous investigations have not fully resolved is to keep the component modeling as detailed and accurate as possible, by avoiding simplifying assumptions. Moreover, the combination of façade components, such as BIPVs, SAHs, and mechanical ventilation units, was not part of the investigation in previous works. Finally, previous studies did not evaluated the overall system performance; instead, the main objective was the estimation of the thermal performance and efficiency of individual components. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to simulate and evaluate the annual performance improvement of two building spaces retrofitted with ADBEs in terms of energy consumption reduction, RES harvesting increase, and indoor thermal quality enhancement. The first building is located in Cardiff, Wales, and its ADBE is equipped with BIPVs, thermal insulation, and an SAH. The second building is located in Grevena, Greece, and its ADBE is equipped with BIPVs, thermal insulation, and a mechanical ventilation system. ADBE designs are graphically presented in
Figure 1. It should be noted that these buildings are actual demonstrator sites of the Plug-n-Harvest Horizon 2020 project, the purpose of which is to propose and evaluate sustainable, optimally designed ADBEs for building renovation, given their climate zone, residential structure, and energy requirements. Therefore, the results of this study offer valuable conclusions for the buildings under study and the engaged communities. The simulations are performed using the equation-based, object-oriented Modelica language [
20] within the Dymola software environment [
21], enabling accurate monitoring of the dynamic evolution of system components’ physical quantities and proper capturing of all mutual interactions.
The main contributions of this research are:
Mathematical modeling of ADBEs as part of broader building systems, involving novel technologies, such as BIPVs, SAHs, and mechanical ventilation units.
Evaluation of the effect of the installed façades on the sites under study, namely a 60% and a 22% RES share in heating and electricity load coverage for the Cardiff space, respectively, and a 43% share in electricity load coverage for the Grevena space.
2. Materials and Methods
Dynamic building-level simulations have been conducted for the former and latter states of both building spaces under investigation, i.e., before and after the installation of the new façades. To model building thermal zones, construction elements, and heat transfer mechanisms at all system points, the open-source Modelica AixLib library [
22] has been used. This library focuses on the dynamic modeling of buildings in a bottom-up approach, namely from internal elements, such as wall material layers, to building interaction with the environment. More specifically, the construction element model (i.e., wall, slab, roof, window, etc.) consists of a number of sequential models of heat conductors and capacitors equal to the number of material layers. Each pair of heat elements retrieves the thermal and geometric properties of the corresponding material layer it represents. The heat transfer mechanisms of each construction element include conduction, convection, and radiation. It should be highlighted that the high-order AixLib model has been selected over the reduced-order to ensure that accuracy is not compromised. The thermal zone model also consists of an air volume model exchanging heat and mass flows with its adjacent construction elements and the environment, being able to operate as a heat source/sink for the building, depending on the weather/indoor conditions, the heat gains from available solar radiation, and internal activity.
Certain component models, which play an important role in energy consumption/savings and system efficiency, needed development from scratch or certain customizations. In this respect, their mathematical models, used for simulations, are described in detail below.
2.1. Solar Air Heater
The Solar Air Heater (SAH) is an active component that can be mounted on a building façade and transfers collected heat, provided by solar radiation, into the room. Except for the provision of heat, the SAH can also ensure room ventilation, since it is an open-loop component that uses ambient air as its working medium. As an active component, the air circulation is caused by an attached fan, which, depending on the commercial SAH model, can be powered by a low-power photovoltaic cell or directly by the grid. SAHs are available in many different types and sizes, depending on the manufacturer and model.
The operation of the SAH considered in this study is as follows. An ambient airflow enters the SAH. Solar radiation penetrates the cover and is absorbed by the absorber. The airflow temperature increases mainly by the heat received from the absorber through convection. Finally, the heated airflow is injected into the building interior.
The main technical characteristics of the SAH, as provided by the manufacturer, are given in
Table 1.
According to assumptions, the technical characteristics of the SAH, used for the simulations can be seen in
Table 2.
The absorber volume is calculated as:
, and
are the absorber’s length, width, and depth, respectively (in m).
The absorber heat capacity,
(in J/K), is given by:
is the density (in kg/m
is the specific heat capacity (in J/kg/K), and
is the volume (m
3) of the absorber.
Finally, based on the manufacturer datasheet, with 1000 W/m
2 radiation, the air volume flow rate can reach up to its maximum value of 125 m
3/h to provide the peak thermal power output (1.4 kW
p). The model developed for the SAH is presented in
Figure 2 (Dymola environment). To model the air passages of the flow entering and leaving the collector, two pipes have been considered, while the heat transfer mechanisms between the flow and the absorber have also been taken into consideration. Furthermore, operation control actions are implemented in order for the space temperature setpoint to be respected and the inlet stream temperature always to exceed room temperature, or equivalently, allow the component to operate solely as a heat source.
2.2. Gap Ventilation
Due to the installation of a new façade in front of the already existing walls, there is a narrow air gap between the two types of surfaces. This gap is important from two main aspects: (a) the low air gap flow acts as an additional insulation layer, especially for the cold periods of the year and (b) the cooling effect of the gap’s air flow on the PV panel improves its efficiency. In this study, the focus is given to the first aspect to capture the effects of the air gap on the building’s thermal behavior. However, according to [
17], the technology implemented for PV ventilation (natural, mechanical, and no ventilation) may lead to a maximum variability of 0.7% in its electricity generation, even in hot tropical climate conditions. Therefore, the accuracy of the PV production estimation is slightly affected by this assumption. In this regard, the mathematical model of the air gap consists of an air volume that is connected with the infiltration ports of ambient air and the existing wall mass transfer ports. In this way, the infiltration mechanism of the room is modelled by the air gap model by directly linking the environment with the wall’s ports. Therefore, the infiltration air flow through the air gap is assumed to be unaffected by the thermal interaction with the adjacent surfaces (façade, existing wall). However, the component of air volume is assumed to be full of motionless air that increases its temperature through the exchanged heat, thus acting as an additional insulation layer to the building, especially for the cold periods of the year.
2.3. Mechanical Ventilation Unit
The model developed within the Dymola environment to describe the operation of the mechanical ventilation unit is presented in
Figure 3. The main operation of this component is to provide the room with fresh, ambient air to enhance the interior conditions for the occupants. Furthermore, the recuperator brings the inlet stream temperature closer to the interior one. More specifically, the unit sucks air from the outside atmosphere and passes it through a recuperator in order for its temperature to be brought closer to the building’s interior temperature. In this framework, when the ventilation unit is turned on by the users, the mathematical model considers a fan unit sucking air from outside and a second fan unit sucking air from the room through two respective port connections, while the heat exchange between the two streams is implemented through a suitable counter-flow heat exchanger model with 90% effectiveness.
2.4. BIPV Module
For the simulation of the building-integrated PVs (BIPVs) on top of the installed façades, the model developed by the AixLib library has been utilized. The following widely accepted equation set is used, as proposed by [
is the PV cell temperature (in °C),
is the ambient temperature (in °C),
is the measured solar radiation intensity (in W/m
is the nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) (in °C),
is the solar radiation intensity at which the NOCT is defined (in °C),
is the ambient temperature at which the NOCT is defined (in °C),
is the cell output power (in W),
is the cell output power in Standard Test Conditions (STC) (in W),
is the solar radiation intensity at STC (in W/m
is the cell output power temperature coefficient (in °C
−1), and
is the standard measurement temperature (in °C).
In the cases studied in this work, three different types of PVs were examined. Their specifications, as provided by the manufacturers, are listed in
Table 3.
2.5. Load Scheduling, Internal Heat Gains, and Weather Data
The equipment and the users of a room are both considered to contribute to its heating. For this purpose, internal heat gains are also considered. In particular, the machinery heat gains are modeled with the use of DIN V 18599, depending on the zone type, and their emissivity is considered to be equal to 0.90. Furthermore, the lighting heat gains are also modeled according to DIN V 18599, where the illuminance is calculated based on the type of zone, and their emissivity is considered to be equal to 0.98. In addition, the heat output of the occupants inside the room, whenever they are present, is modeled according to VDI 2078. Finally, typical meteorological year (TMY) weather datasets of the time interval 1983–1995 have been used for the simulations. For the estimation of the available solar irradiance, the transposition model of Perez [
25] has been used. Transposition is the calculation of the incident irradiance on a tilted plane using the horizontal irradiance data.
3. Use Cases
3.1. Demonstrator Site in Cardiff, Wales
The Welsh demonstrator site is located in Cardiff and is represented by a room on the ground floor of an office building, which is currently being used as a storage space. Based on the Köppen classification, Cardiff belongs to the Cfb climate group, namely temperate oceanic climate or subtropical highland climate with no dry season and warm summer. Maximum and minimum monthly temperatures average 21.8 °C (July) and 2.47 °C (February). After proper radiation transformations, the maximum monthly available solar irradiance on the vertical surface varies from 483 W/m2 (December) to 805 W/m2 (March). The selection of this location is based on the need to prove the applicability of the proposed system in an area with mainly mild weather, often cloudy, wet, and windy. Subsequently, the climate conditions render this pilot site ideal for examining the system performance in a region with low average daily sun hours. The façade is installed on the southeast wall of the room.
In the current version of the building, the appliances used in the examined room include a lighting system of three fluorescent tubes of a nominal power of 70 W each. The lighting system is expected to remain the same after the renovation of the building. Furthermore, in order to cover the space heating requirements during the winter period, the room is heated through the central heating system, powered by a natural gas boiler. At both states, i.e., before and after the façade implementation, the heating system was modeled through a radiator of 1 kW nominal capacity and 90% efficiency. The operation of the terminal units is expected to be controlled by a thermostat in respect of the ideal room temperature range, i.e., between 21 °C and 23 °C during winter.
The proposed façade for the Welsh pilot will be installed on top of the existing southeast wall at a distance of 85 mm (the width of the air gap) and consists of specially designed aluminum frames for the support of the integrated PV panels and the SAH. Installation of the PV system aims to provide electricity to the room and incorporates two types of panels: (a) one opaque panel, and (b) two semi-transparent panels (PV windows) on top of the existing windows (for their technical characteristics see
Table 3). The SAH installation is necessary to provide auxiliary heating through renewable sources and not conventional fuels. In this study, SAH was considered to be installed on the right side of the façade covering an area of approximately 2 m
2 with a maximum thermal power output of 1.4 kW
th. The construction of the whole façade and its subcomponents can be seen in
Figure 4. In addition, the inner walls and ceiling of the room were all considered adiabatic surfaces since they are adjacent to heated thermal zones. Due to the lack of information about soil thermal properties, an adiabatic boundary condition between the slab surface and the ground has been considered. According to [
26], the error caused by this simplification in indoor temperature calculation is acceptable. Their construction materials are also presented in
Figure 4, while the respective physical properties, not provided by the manufacturers, are defined by [
27]. Regarding the windows, the thermal transmittance and the coefficient of the solar energy transmission were considered to be equal to 2.665 W/(m
2·K) and 0.703, respectively. Additionally, based on the manufacturer, the respective parameters for the semi-transparent PV windows of amorphous silicon in front of the existing building’s windows were defined as equal to 1 W/(m
2·K) and 0.15, respectively.
Finally, the room’s ventilation was based on passive means, such as natural ventilation through the window and infiltration through the walls. Since there is no information or experimental data, a series of assumptions have been made. More specifically, the total air change rate can be set either to 0.6 cycles per hour (h
−1) due to infiltration or to 3 h
−1 due to opening of the window, when the room temperature exceeds 25 °C [
29] during both working and non-working hours. As the work schedule, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. has been considered.
3.2. Demonstrator Site in Grevena, Greece
The Greek demonstrator site is located in Grevena, a northwestern city of Greece in the Region of Western Macedonia (RWM). It is a public building that hosts municipal authorities. Based on the Köppen classification, Grevena belongs to the Csb climate group, namely the warm-summer Mediterranean climate. Maximum and minimum monthly temperatures average 29.6 °C (July) and −1.2 °C (January). After proper radiation transformations, the maximum monthly available solar irradiance on the vertical surface varies from 435 W/m2 (June) to 896 W/m2 (February). Consequently, this large difference in temperatures exhibited between winter and summer renders this demonstrator ideal for examining the system’s performance in a wide range of temperature conditions. In this case, the ADBE is installed on the southeast corner of the building, including two rooms (one room per floor); however, in this study, only one floor and, therefore, one room was considered.
The proposed façade for the Greek pilot site will be installed on top of the existing wall at a distance of 300 mm (the width of the air gap) and consists of assemblable aluminum frames for the support of the utilized PV panels and the mechanical ventilation unit. Their construction materials are presented in
Figure 5, while their physical properties are defined by the constructor. The frames in front of the walls will also be equipped with a 30 mm insulation layer (0.036 W/(m·K) thermal conductivity) in order to minimize the thermal losses to the ambient air. The installed PV panels are of two types: (a) opaque fixed panels, which are expected to be installed in front of the building’s walls, and (b) semi-transparent PV windows of amorphous silicon in front of the existing building’s windows. The nominal power per unit surface of the selected opaque fixed panels and semi-transparent PV windows are 57.6 W
2 and 34 W
2, respectively. Using a weighted arithmetic mean based on the ratio of the PV surfaces, the efficiency is supposed to be equal to 5.3%, regardless of the type of the installed PV. The thermal transmittance and the coefficient of the solar energy transmission of the existing windows of the room are estimated to be equal to 2.6 W/(m
2·K) and 0.60, respectively. In addition, based on the manufacturer, the respective parameters for the semi-transparent PV windows of amorphous silicon in front of the existing building’s windows are defined as equal to 5.7 W/(m
2·K) and 0.34, correspondingly.
The mechanical ventilation unit’s operation is approximated by assuming two operation modes: the first, when occupants are absent, is defined by an inlet volume flow rate of 33 m
3/h (0.011 kg/s), and the second, when occupants are present, by an inlet volume flow rate of 51 m
3/h (0.017 kg/s). These values correspond to 0.30 h
−1 and 0.46 h
−1 air exchange rates for the low and high operation modes, respectively. It should be noted that in the former state of the building under investigation, there was no mechanical system for providing the necessary air exchange, so this process is based on mainly wind-driven ventilation through open windows and infiltration with a total air change rate equal to four cycles per hour throughout the year, both for working and non-working hours [
In order to further set up the mathematical model, it is necessary to define the heat gains by the presence of humans and the operation of appliances and systems for both states of the investigated building, i.e., before and after the retrofitting actions. The profile of the human activity inside the room remains unchanged between the cases and foresees 2–3 occupants in the time interval between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and no occupants during the weekend since the investigated rooms are offices of the public sector.
In the former state of the building, the appliances used in the examined room included: (a) three personal computers and monitors with a nominal power of 300 W each, (b) two printers/scanners with a nominal power of 150 W each, and (c) two fridges with a nominal power of 90 W each. The utilized appliances were not subject to changes after the renovation of the building. On the contrary, the lighting system was upgraded to a new lighting system for better visual comfort, i.e., an environment with the required quantity and quality of light.
The room is heated through the central heating system, powered by an oil boiler. In order to match the numerical results with the reference value in terms of the thermal energy provided, a radiator with a 2.5 kW nominal capacity was selected. Even though the room was not equipped with a thermostat and the operation of the system is continuous, when the occupants are present the heater is supposed to be controlled by a thermostat. The reference temperature was set to 19.5 °C, thus component actions are performed to maintain the room’s temperature near the desired setpoint.
5. Conclusions
This research work evaluated the retrofitting option of ADBE façade installations from an energetic point of view using suitable mathematical models. For this purpose, two pilot sites were examined; Cardiff, Wales, and Grevena, Greece. The actual demonstration in two locations with different climates can provide conclusions about the system’s operability and efficiency in a vast range of operating conditions. Furthermore, the inclusion of promising ADBE components, such as BIPVs, SAHs, and mechanical ventilation units, provides the possibility for valuable quantitative evaluation of the contribution of these technologies on the improvement of building performance.
Based on the results for the Cardiff pilot site, the proposed solution was capable of providing an almost 60% share in annual electrical load through PV generation. Regards the interior conditions, the ratio of hours with discomfort for the occupants to the total hours of user presence was been limited from 37% to 17%. Moreover, the SAH unit was estimated to contribute to the annual space heating load by 22%, leading to a 12% decrease in fuel consumption. However, the SAH’s share in heating load coverage reduced below 10% during months with extremely low available radiation and temperature levels, namely from November to February. Another finding is that PV and SAH components on the installed façade acted as shading devices leading to a 13% increase in thermal needs.
Regarding the Grevena pilot site, simulation results indicate that the BIPV panels are able to provide an almost 43% share of the annual electrical load. In addition, the ratio of hours with discomfort for the occupants to the total hours of user presence was slightly reduced from 48% to 46%. Finally, the shading effect of the installed components led to a 10% increase in thermal needs, almost the same as in the Cardiff case.
In conclusion, the developed mathematical model focuses on the accurate representation of the ADBE components as interconnected physical entities and the conduction of detailed, dynamic analysis of the whole system in terms of energy consumption, RES harvesting, and indoor conditions. This approach is substantially different from previous studies and methodologies, where the performance and behavior of the ADBE components were studied independently. As a consequence, this work lays the foundations for further investigation of such ADBE solutions, considering them as structures of undivided, continuously interacting components. Due to this specific approach, it is possible to parametrically investigate additional scenarios, considering a different combination of technical components and elements, in order to attain sufficient improvement of the proposed solution. Until now, the research has been focused on the optimization of an individual entity or component that is possible to constitute a part of the whole ADBE construction. On the contrary, this specific investigation is capable of providing designers, possible stakeholders, and other entities with sufficient data for further evaluation of the efficiency, profitability, and sustainability of such retrofitting options as an integrated system.
However, this study also possesses methodological limitations and assumptions that could be addressed by future research work. These simplifications include the consideration of adiabatic interior surfaces, the ideal conditions in terms of human presence and interaction with the building components, the neglect of shading from adjacent buildings, and the limited area of retrofitting. The inclusion of all these aspects in future works is expected to further deepen the understanding of the system’s behavior in real operating conditions and provide even more accurate input for the further techno-economic analysis of the retrofit option. This would enable the possibility to enrich the extracted conclusions on how solar-powered ADBE technologies can enhance building energy performance, both during heating and cooling periods.