An Assessment of Energy Flexibility Solutions from the Perspective of Low-Tech
:1. Introduction
- Frugal Innovation: It is defined as a solution designed and implemented under given resource constraints, where the outcome is significantly cheaper than existing solutions and satisfies the basic needs of customers who would otherwise remain underserved or unserved [10,11]. In summary, it is an attempt to maximize the ratio of the value obtained from the solution to the resources used by the solution [12]. Proponents of this innovation approach argue that it is instrumental in meeting the needs of the human population sustainably [10]. A lot of emphasis is placed on developing economies by looking to strip non-essential elements from solutions. Whilst frugal innovation has emerged as a response to the needs of low-income markets, some frugal solutions have found their way into higher-income markets, mostly through reverse innovation [11] (innovations first developed in emerging economies and subsequently adopted by developed economies [13]). Thus, whilst the concept might stem from and have been directed towards low-income markets, it is not a far-fetched idea for all markets (irrespective of income levels) to adopt the frugal innovation approach.
- Appropriate Technology: Kaplinsky [9] defines appropriate technology by aligning it with the economics of a community (and, by extension, a country). Appropriate technologies are thus technological solutions that are simple in terms of design and operation, that can be produced on a small scale, are suited to low-income economies, and have a minimal harmful impact on the environment. In other words, it mirrors the neoclassical economic theories that suggest that developed economies would opt for capital-intensive technology, whereas developing economies would rather choose labor-intensive techniques [14]. It has been observed that the reception of appropriate technology by developing countries is not adequate, as it faces hostility from scientists and elites in these countries. These classes of society deem appropriate technology a means of projecting their country as poor and having low productivity [9]. In this context, the appropriate technology movement was considered a deliberate attempt by developed countries to keep developing countries in a perpetual state of underdevelopment [15,16].
- Low-Tech: Arthur Keller, a notable proponent of this concept, defines Low-Tech as a category of products, services, processes, or other systems allowing, via a technical, organizational, and cultural transformation, the development of new models of society that integrate, in their fundamental principles, the requirements of strong sustainability and collective resilience [17]. Figure 2 illustrates the fundamental principles governing low-tech as expressed by Arthur Keller. More recently, Tanguy et al. [18] also defined seven key principles of low-tech systems that cut across social, organizational, and technological domains.
- To what extent can an existing energy flexibility solution be considered low-tech?
- Which criteria are relevant to evaluating such solutions?
2. The Low-Tech Concept
2.1. Characteristics of Low-Tech
- Usefulness: The solution must satisfy the core need of the consumer and contribute to the moderate use of resources;
- Accessibility: The solution and knowledge related to it should be available, i.e., the barriers to entry have to be minimal or nonexistent, and the knowledge and skills required to support the technology throughout its life cycle should be easy to access and use;
- Sustainability: The solution must reduce the negative impact on the environment in terms of emissions, material and energy use, and overall adherence to the earth’s physical boundaries. This is also highlighted by usage with an extended life, which reduces the need for replacement;
- Localness: The solution should be adapted to the context of local communities;
- Autonomy: The solution should contribute to the ability of the community to address its own needs, and it should only explore external resources in cases of actual local deficits.
- The solution must address the basic need of the consumer or the problem that it seeks to address;
- It should be designed and produced in a truly sustainable way;
- It should be such that it can direct the attained knowledge toward the conservation of resources;
- It must seek a balance between performance and conviviality;
- It should be transferable without losing the right effects of scale;
- It should provide a de-mechanizing service;
- It should know how to stay modest.
- It is useful as it satisfies the core need: the energy supply of the household;
- It is made using recycled and repurposed waste materials;
- The knowledge is accessible as it was locally attained through a library book;
- The product (i.e., electricity) is sustainable and renewable;
- The solution is local as it is fabricated with local components;
- Since it is the prototype, it can be considered autonomous as it nudges toward its large-scale deployment in the local community.
3. Energy Flexibility
- Building scale: At this scale, energy flexibility is mostly demand-side and presents some significance to both the buildings’ users and the electric grid. To illustrate, the electricity grid equilibrium can be improved by modifying the demand profile of a building (especially with advanced building technologies) [30]. The adoption of rooftop solar systems presents an opportunity to self-consume and consequently reduce the energy cost (financial and environmental) of a building [31,32]. Local production would also imply reduced Net Energy Exchange with the Grid (NEEG) [33] and would allow for aggregated storage solutions (including vehicle to grid), which would consequently benefit stakeholders at higher levels within the grid [34];
- Community/distribution scale: With the emergence of local energy communities and the widespread adoption of renewable energy resources (RERs), it is possible to further mitigate the effects of a high RER penetration within the larger grid using methods such as collective self-consumption [35] and peer-to-peer energy trading [36]. Additionally, the presence of storage (both community scale and aggregated) coupled with RERs could imply higher resilience of the network at this scale (islanding in the event of grid fault events);
- Transmission/Utility scale: At this scale, energy flexibility is vital for ensuring that the network delivers electricity that meets regulatory standards. Energy flexibility is also key in determining and regulating the cost of electricity generation (peak shaving, valley filling, etc.) [37]. Considering the high penetration of RERs and the evolution of the existing grid towards grid 2.0, energy flexibility is a key instrument for congestion management and grid reliability improvement [38,39]. In some instances, energy flexibility reduces the need for infrastructure upgrades, implying reduced or delayed costs of infrastructure development.
Low-Tech Need for Energy Flexibility
4. Methodology of Research Work
- Usefulness: Ability to meet the core requirement of the grid, which is to provide quality electric power that meets regulatory standards (i.e., frequency, voltage, etc.). To meet this need, flexibilities with different response times, ramp powers, and ramp rates are required, depending on the application and level within the grid where the flexibility service is being applied;
- Accessibility: As with the original definition, accessibility involves cost, knowledge, and scaling. For energy flexibility solutions, we consider the levelized cost of flexibility activation, if a solution is open-access or proprietary, the ease of marginal installation, the geographical availability of the primary flexibility resource, wide-scale access to the tools used to harness the flexibility, and the precision with which flexibility can be localized;
- Sustainability: To ascertain the environmental sustainability of solutions, there is a myriad of indicators to consider. However, for this analysis, we can consider the following indicators: global warming potential per kWh (kgCO2-eq/kWh), abiotic material depletion (kgSb-eq/kWh), human toxicity (CTU/kWh), and the average lifetime of the technology.
5. Energy Flexibility Solutions through the Lens of Low-Tech
5.1. Supply-Side Energy Flexibility
5.1.1. Hydropower Stations
- Usefulness: Hydropower is one of the best energy sources to meet grid flexibility [57]. Due to the typical large installations of reservoir-based systems, they can usually vary their production over a large range. In addition, PHS plants have the ability to not only provide variable energy to the grid but also consume energy from the grid. Hydro plants have also been used for grid balancing over varying timescales, from primary reserves to even seasonal storage. Therefore, hydropower can be considered to have a high rating of usefulness for energy balancing on the grid;
- Accessibility: Large-scale hydro plants have been found to be one of the more cost-effective solutions for energy generation [61]. They are, however, constrained by their size and geographical requirements and consequently deemed less accessible. Another drawback is the long lead time to construct these structures. Although smaller pumped hydro plants have been tested and put into practice in some locations, these are often found in locations without access to the energy grid, limiting the potential for aggregation for grid balancing. Finally, although the construction of turbines and dams is based on easily accessible materials, the designs themselves are not particularly open-source. Therefore, although hydropower plants boast a rather low levelized cost of energy (LCOE), the nature of the technology and the management of the design of tools leave much to be desired from a low-tech perspective, causing them to be considered low-medium in terms of accessibility;
- Sustainability: Designated as a green energy source, hydropower plants are considered one of the most renewable classic energy generation sources [61]. With a range from 6.1 to 11 g CO2 eq./kWh generated for an average 360 MW plant, hydro plants are low contributors to the global warming potential. Hydropower plants are also low contributors to abiotic material depletion and have a long lifespan [62]. Despite their positives, these plants have been noted to cause changes to the nutrient cycle and biotic life in the areas where they operate [63,64]. Additionally, studies indicated that hydropower plants contribute significantly to adverse changes in the surrounding waterbodies and landscapes [65]. As such, hydropower plants can be considered to have a rating of medium-high in terms of environmental sustainability.
5.1.2. Solar PV and Wind Turbines
- Usefulness: The utility of wind turbines and solar PV for grid balancing is somewhat limited. This is in part due to the inherent intermittency and uncertainty of their energy production. The application of these technologies is limited to shorter time horizons: operational reserves and primary reserves (typically milliseconds to seconds) for wind turbines, and only primary reserves for solar PV curtailment. However, as this flexibility is due to the action of power converters and controllers, when they are available for activation, they will typically be very controllable. Owing to the limitations of these technologies for grid balancing, they can be considered low-medium with regard to their usefulness for grid balancing;
- Accessibility: With a global weighted-average levelized cost of energy of $46/MWh for solar PV and $33/MWh for onshore wind turbines in 2021, these are some of the lowest-cost sources of energy generation available [71]. As the de-loading technique for frequency control requires these to operate in conditions outside their optimum, it has yet to be determined if the compensation from providing ancillary services can compensate for this loss [72]. Solar PV plants are one of the most geographically accessible energy solutions, as they can theoretically be deployed almost anywhere in the world and in varying sizes. On the other hand, wind turbines are not as easily installed marginally, with typical installation sizes of 4 MW [73] in 2021. The materials used to create these solutions are mostly produced in certain parts of the world due to the complex industrial processes required in their fabrication. As such, they can be considered to have a medium-high accessibility rating.
- Sustainability: As these are renewable energy sources, they both contribute little to global warming, which occurs mostly in their manufacturing and transport. The manufacturing and disposal of materials for these technologies both contribute somewhat significantly to human toxicity and the depletion of rare earth materials [74]. Therefore, they can be considered to have a medium-high environmental rating.
5.1.3. Flexible Nuclear Plants
- Usefulness: Nuclear plants have been demonstrated to be not only able to operate in load-following mode but also to provide some level of primary and secondary reserves [76]. However, the limitation in the number of times the plants can be ramped per day means that if there are uncharacteristic requirements, these plants might be unable to meet the need, resulting in a low-medium usefulness rating;
- Accessibility: With average LCOEs of $42/MWh and $71/MWh for Generation III nuclear plants in Russia and France, respectively, these serve as one of the financially cheaper means of supply-side energy flexibility [77]. However, this is not the case in general, as higher costs are reported in many other countries. Furthermore, LCOE analysis from Lazard has shown that the LCOE of new nuclear plants has been increasing over the past 7 years [78]. In addition, these plants are characterized by very high capital costs, lead times on the scale of decades, and typically very huge installations [79]. The high cooling requirements of the plants often necessitate siting them on river banks, which further serve as geographic constraints on their installation. Finally, the research on nuclear plants and their operations is sensitive and, in some cases, closed for security reasons, further reducing the accessibility of nuclear as a solution for energy flexibility to a low score.
- Sustainability: Nuclear plants are a low contributor to raw material depletion, contribute very little to GHG emissions, and have a relatively long lifetime [80,81]. However, the management of the spent fuels and their radioactivity is notable (especially the risk of exposing humans to ionizing radiation), with occupational exposure being about 10 times the potential exposure to the general public [82]. Furthermore, the risks posed by nuclear plants to human health significantly increase in times of war, as can be observed in the current Ukraine-Russia conflict [79] or in times of natural disasters, as was the case in Japan (the Fukushima nuclear plant [83]). Considering all these, nuclear plants are considered to have a low-medium environmental sustainability score.
5.2. Demand-Side Energy Flexibility
5.2.1. Incentive-Based Energy Flexibility
- Usefulness: The grid operator/aggregator is required to commit the resources that will participate in the flexibility action ahead of time. Usually, this type of DSEF can be activated in a time scale of a few seconds. Additionally, it gives a high degree of remote load control to the grid operator/aggregator. Thus, it is evident that this type of energy flexibility is highly useful for the grid but has limited usefulness (usually financial) for the end-user; thus, this solution is assigned a medium score for the usefulness sub-criterion;
- Accessibility: The switches and circuit breakers used in this energy flexibility approach could be manufactured at a local site; however, it might not be possible to manufacture them using only the primary resources within the geographical vicinity of the application. The availability of information is not limited; therefore, the grid operator can outsource the work of installation to an SME (small and medium enterprise). In terms of information regarding a prospective intervention, the grid operator (or aggregator) informs the energy consumer ahead of the intervention. The ease of marginal installation depends on the complexity of the switching scheme. Besides, it also depends upon the acceptance of this solution by the energy consumer, since the energy consumers show certain concerns about the privacy and balanced use of direct load control [92]. Therefore, this solution can be considered to have a medium score in terms of accessibility;
- Sustainability: Usually, high-voltage circuit breakers use SF6 gas for arc quenching, which has a global warming potential 23,500 times that of CO2 [93]. On medium-voltage circuit breakers, it is preferable to replace the SF6 gas with a low-toxic gas [94]. However, on the low-voltage side, mechanical and power electronics circuits preferably operate the circuit breakers. The circuit breakers on the low-voltage side offer a higher degree of reparability and are less toxic as compared to high-voltage circuit breakers. Besides, abiotic material depletion is also a concern, especially when one considers the lifecycle (production, use, and disposal/recycling) of the various components (particularly circuit breakers) used for this solution. Considering the aforementioned pros and cons, the solution gets a low-medium score for sustainability.
5.2.2. Price-Based Energy Flexibility
- Time of Use (TOU): It fixes the energy tariff for a certain period of the day, which is higher than the rest of the day [95];
- Real-Time Pricing (RTP): It tends to inform the consumer regarding the evolving real-time price of energy provision in accordance with grid conditions and peak consumption. “For RTP, the price of electricity is defined for shorter periods, usually 1 h [98], reflecting the changes in the wholesale price of electricity. Customers usually have the information about prices on a day-ahead or hour-ahead basis” [99];
- Peak Time Rebates (PTR): The “peak time rebate (PTR) relies on rewarding the customers during the peak time based on their load reduction” [100].
- Usefulness: The price-based energy signal is dispatched ahead of the hour of energy flexibility intervention. These signals are publicly accessible to all stakeholders in the energy supply chain. However, the solution is not directly controllable by the grid operator. It is executed by the energy consumer and is subject to their level of motivation. The predictability of the solution can be viewed in two regards: as the prediction of network congestion that serves as the basis of the price signal and as the prediction of potentially achieved energy flexibility in response to the price signal. For the former, we can say that the solution is useful, whereas the latter depends upon the level of motivation of the energy consumer, which needs to be predicted through carefully performed social experiments. Besides, literature indicates that consumers may have cognitive limitations while acting upon the price signal [51,101,102]. Therefore, price-based energy flexibility can be considered useful at a medium level;
- Accessibility: The dispatch and reception of price signals make use of local resources, i.e., communication media like mobile phones, the internet, etc. A price-based signal is generated by a grid-level computer and is received by the energy consumer via mobile phone, etc. As the price-based signal is diffused to the public, the information can be considered open. Additionally, this type of energy flexibility is very scalable, i.e., anybody who subscribes to this service receives the price-based signal. Therefore, we can say that the price-based energy flexibility solution is accessible at a high level;
- Sustainability: The solution has an extremely low (almost negligible) impact in terms of global warming potential. Similarly, it is easier to do maintenance on the server; therefore, it is easily repairable. The electronics used for this solution (meters, network devices, etc.) generate e-waste at the end of their life cycles. “Many case studies from e-waste recycling plants confirmed that toxic chemicals such as heavy metals and POPs (persistent organic pollutants) have and continue to contaminate the surrounding environment. This results in the considerable accumulation of hazardous substances in the ecosystem, which can adversely impact human health” [103]. Thus, the solution is considered sustainable at a medium level.
5.2.3. Social Signals-Based Energy Flexibility
- Comparative Norm: To give a social push to an energy consumer, their energy consumption over a defined period is compared using either:
- ○
- a social comparison, in which the comparison is done with the energy consumption of a similar household during the same defined period; or;
- ○
- Injunctive Norm: This is part of the indirect feedback given to the consumer after a period of energy consumption. For this type of feedback, the energy consumption for the defined period is given in the form of an “efficiency standing”. e.g., [108];
- Pro-Environmental Nudges: Unlike price signals, social comparisons, and self-comparison, pro-environmental nudges are social signals that take into account the environmental impact of energy production. It might be the environmental hazards of fossil fuel power plants or the environmental benefits of clean energy from renewable energy production. These nudges can also be framed by only giving information about forecasted peak production and forecasted network congestion [109]. It is found that these types of social signals are effective with a set of pre-defined commitments made by the consumer to attain energy flexibility at the requested time interval [51]. However, the impact of indirect feedback is not quantified yet in the case of pro-environmental nudges.
- Usefulness: The usefulness of a social signal-based energy flexibility solution equates to that of price-based energy flexibility. The only difference is that where price-based signals cause extrinsic motivation, the use of social and injunctive norms can be motivating as well as demotivating. This is a result of some energy users’ dislike for comparison, whether socially or historically. Therefore, this solution attains a medium usefulness classification.
- Accessibility: Like the price-based energy flexibility signals, the dispatch and reception of these signals satisfy the criterion of using local resources. These signals are typically generated from computers at the grid operator or aggregator and subsequently transmitted via SMS or the internet. Also, like price-based signals, these signals are open and available to the public. For example, the diffusion of ecoWatt signals in France is for the public, and it does not require a subscription to a special tariff. Based on a signal from RTE (the French distribution system operator), the Ecowatt smartphone application encourages the end consumer to adopt a citizen-friendly behavior by reducing their power demand [110]. As such, social signal-based energy flexibility has a high accessibility score.
- Sustainability: With regard to social signals, the only infrastructure that is needed would be computer algorithms to forecast load curves and send out alerts. Rather than implementing new infrastructure for these signals, the algorithm can be self-executed on the existing hardware infrastructure of the grid or aggregator. On the consumer side, it relies on the traditional means of communication (sms, email, app notifications, etc.) with the human in the loop (i.e., the consumer). Therefore, in essence, this energy flexibility solution is capitalizing on existing hardware structures with no (or low) environmental cost. Therefore, this solution has a high sustainability score.
5.3. Energy Storage Systems
5.3.1. Battery Energy Storage
- Usefulness: As the core need is to provide flexibility services, BESs would typically score higher on this scale since they have a very fast reaction time (typically in the order of milliseconds) and are able to deal with variations quite well. Additionally, they can be used at all levels of the grid (residential, commercial, and utility scales) to provide different services (power quality, peak shaving, etc.). Thus, from a low-tech perspective, BESs can be considered to have a high usefulness rating;
- Accessibility: BESs, especially those using lithium-ion cells, are rather expensive (approximately $345/kWh in 2020 [136]). However, considering second-life applications (especially in the DIY space), cells that have been deemed waste from their primary use are relatively cheaper (estimated at 116 $/kWh [137]) when compared to new cells. In terms of reparability, BESs require a certain level of technical expertise and can be complex to repair, depending on their underlying chemistry. Although information about lead-acid battery technology is readily available (as its technology is very mature and relatively simple), this is not the case for lithium-based cells, as they require a battery management system (BMS) and other mechanisms to ensure their safe operation. These additional features are usually proprietary and not typically available to the public. Finally, BES solutions are modular, and as such, their capacities can be increased or decreased to meet demand as and when needed. As such, BESs have a medium-high accessibility ranking;
- Sustainability: Lithium-based BESs, according to Gutsch et al. [138], have a GWP of 9–135 g CO2 eq./kWh. There are also issues of resource depletion as well as high human and environmental toxicity largely associated with cobalt, copper, nickel, thallium, and silver [139]. These issues are further compounded by the relatively short life of BES (up to 15 years owing to both cyclic and calendar fade); however, the second-life use of BES has the potential of extending their life span to approximately 30 years depending on their use [140]. Extending the life of these cells through second-life applications, therefore, ensures optimal use of these cells before they are dispatched for recycling (and, unfortunately, in some cases, landfills). BESs are thus considered to have a low-medium sustainability score (influenced by the extra use associated with second-life applications).
5.3.2. Compressed-Air Energy Storage
- Usefulness: CAESs are capable of ramping up at a rate of 10% every 3 s [150,151], thus making them suitable for providing flexibility services within a timeframe of a few seconds. These plants are, in addition, very controllable and capable of providing both upward and downward flexibility. Barring unforeseen technical issues, CAESs have a high degree of predictability, and their operations are usually scheduled. Therefore, CAES systems are considered to have a medium-high usefulness score;
- Accessibility: Considering the traditional concept of CAESs, accessibility would be considered low. This is because these CAES require specific geographical and topographical features to be technically feasible. Additionally, the capital cost related to such plants is high: 650–1500 $/kW [152,153]. Considering newer technologies, however, the geographical constraints are reduced, as demonstrated by [146,147]. Since these newer approaches for implementing CAES also improve efficiency while reducing the cost associated with storage, it can be inferred that the levelized cost of storage would be lower than that of a traditional CAES plant. Although the underlying concept of CAES is itself quite old and can be considered open, new modifications of the concept are not exactly openly available, as in the case of the REMORA solution [147]. Accessibility is thus considered to be low-medium;
- Sustainability: CAESs, like most mechanical storage solutions, are designed to last a long time (typically 40 years or more). Literature shows that the GWP of large-scale (traditional) CAES could range from 117 to 293 g CO2 eq./kWh [154,155] depending on the energy mix of the input power source. Further, Alshafi et al. [155] show that CAES has a low human toxicity potential (approx. 0.00161 kg DCB eq./kWh). Lastly, CAES has a high reparability index and can be retrofitted with modern, more efficient parts to improve their efficiency. As such, the sustainability of CAES systems is considered to be medium-high (especially if the long lifespan is taken into account).
5.4. Summary of Energy Flexibility Evaluations and Discussion
- -
- Low-tech enthusiasts;
- -
- Energy researchers;
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- Innovators as a new criterion to take into account;
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- Policy experts as they look to select climate change mitigation strategies.
6. Conclusions
6.1. Limitations
6.2. Future Directions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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SN | Energy Flexibility Solution | Assessment through the Lens of Low-Tech | ||
Usefulness | Accessibility | Sustainability | ||
Supply-Side Energy Flexibility | ||||
1 | Hydropower Stations | High | Low-Medium | Medium-High |
2 | Solar PV and Wind Turbines | Low-Medium | Medium-High | Medium-High |
3 | Flexible Nuclear Plants | Low-Medium | Low | Low-Medium |
Demand Side Energy Flexibility | ||||
4 | Incentive-Based Energy Flexibility | Medium | Medium | Low-Medium |
5 | Price-Based Energy Flexibility | Medium | High | Medium |
6 | Social Signals-Based Energy Flexibility | Medium | High | High |
Energy Storage Systems | ||||
7 | Battery Energy Storage | High | Medium-High | Low-Medium |
8 | Compressed-Air Energy Storage | Medium-High | Low-Medium | Medium-High |
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Shahid, M.S.; Osonuga, S.; Twum-Duah, N.K.; Hodencq, S.; Delinchant, B.; Wurtz, F. An Assessment of Energy Flexibility Solutions from the Perspective of Low-Tech. Energies 2023, 16, 3298.
Shahid MS, Osonuga S, Twum-Duah NK, Hodencq S, Delinchant B, Wurtz F. An Assessment of Energy Flexibility Solutions from the Perspective of Low-Tech. Energies. 2023; 16(7):3298.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShahid, Muhammad Salman, Seun Osonuga, Nana Kofi Twum-Duah, Sacha Hodencq, Benoit Delinchant, and Frédéric Wurtz. 2023. "An Assessment of Energy Flexibility Solutions from the Perspective of Low-Tech" Energies 16, no. 7: 3298.
APA StyleShahid, M. S., Osonuga, S., Twum-Duah, N. K., Hodencq, S., Delinchant, B., & Wurtz, F. (2023). An Assessment of Energy Flexibility Solutions from the Perspective of Low-Tech. Energies, 16(7), 3298.